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December 26, 1941 • Page Image 1

…Axed= lewisls Periodical Gaiter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOL. 43. NO. 52 Dr. Weizmann Sees Need for J ewish State and The Legal Chronicle_ l'HE UP-TO-THE-MINUTE MAN One German-Controlled Daily Demands the Abolition of Riga Ghetto; Anti-Jewish Drive Is Launched by the Japs NEW YORK (JPS) — The establishment ,of a Jewish state in Palestine as "a decisive step towards normality and true emancipation" ...…

December 19, 1941 • Page Image 1

…mci t / Awish Periodical Carter CLIFTON ATENU2 - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detioit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle, 10t Single Copy; $3.00 Per Yeat DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1941 VOL. 43, NO. The Light of Courage Jewish Groups Fish Advocates Symbolic Presentation of the Maccabean Spirit of Yesterday and Today Give Unlimited Leasetend Aid Service To U. Su For lion Army By y ALLEN SIMON Copyright, 1941, by Independent ...…

December 12, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A sterism Periodkal Carter CLINTON AVENIA - CINCINNATI 20, OtUO Detioit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43. NO. 111 Japanese War To Affect Far Eastern Jews h, h. Many Refugees Arrest- ed; Suspects in U. S. Rounded Up nt th LONDON (JPS) — The out- break of hostilities between the United States and Japan has al- ready tragically affected Jews in the Far East. Immediately after the occupation of the Interna- tional Zone in Shanghai, J...…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica Awisk Peru{iailCotte 9 41 CLIFTON AMUR - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle a tment tal di- )Y Dr. Univer. School, Wil- Oscar y Slate Science and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE DETROIT, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1941 VOL. 43, NO. 46 THIS PAPER PRINTED IN TWO SECTIONS • 10c Single Copy; $3.00 Per Year Out of Besieged Roosevelt Is Troops Led Tobruk by y Jewish Soldiers D stance Program Announced by Mich. Jr. Ch...…

November 28, 1941 • Page Image 1

…Axericao ffewish Periodical eater 1 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detioit Jewish.Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. AIR and The Legal Chronicle, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1941 THIS PAPER PRINTED JN TWO SECTIONS 10c Single Copy; 53.00 Per Yeai Colorful Inter-American Conference D uti h tt'Lent:e Important Decision by Judge Nazi sperformances DeWitt Merriam Affecting Sets Historic Precedent for Unity Claims of Stoc...…

November 21, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A lliferiegN t fewisk Periodiad Carter CLIPTON ATINUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 46 'Jews Will Not Be Forgotten on the Day of Victory' Is Assurance Given in London by Win- ston Churchill LONDON. — (JPS-Palcor) — Breaking a silence on the plight of the Jews since the beginning of the war, Prime Minister Win- ston Churchill assured the Jews of England and of the world that "on the day of victory...…

November 14, 1941 • Page Image 1

…Almeria:it fcwisk Periodical eater CLIFTON VINCI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1941 'pity Detroit Jewish, Chronicle Eva was. Rose '., on and The Legal Chronicle. SECTION ONE VOL. 43. NO. 'd to for to be Jan, ration harry 41 Charges Loyal Jews Penalized By the British Dr. Weizmann Reveals Demand for Jewish Army Rejected LONDON. — (JPS-Palcor) — In the most scorching attack made on Great Britain by any Jewish leader since the beginning of t...…

November 07, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A mericair ffcw ' sk Periodical CeNter CLIFTON AVINUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. "Illr British•Jewish Amity Safe, Halifax Says Makes Statement on Palestine at Press Meeting Here and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1941 "His Majesty's Government has made no alteration in the policy affecting Palestine," he stated. "We are trying to do our best to secure a just sol...…

October 31, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica ,fewisk Periodical eater CLIFTON ATINUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. * '43 Dept. of State Gives Consent To Conference Jewish Congress Ex- plains Inter-Ameri- can Parley A common understanding lead- ing to effective cooperation among Jews of countries in the Western Hemisphere with rela- tion to activities affecting Jewish life here and abroad, is the prin- cipal purpose of the Inter-Am...…

October 24, 1941 • Page Image 1

…Detroit Jewish chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 42, and The Legal Chronicle THIS PAPER PRINTED IN TWO SECTIONS DETROIT. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1941 10c Single Copy; $3.00 Per Yea, I. Hinman Elected 'President National Palestine Swiss Supreme James Of Detroit Jewish Community Connell Parley Jan. 17, 18 Seven Jewish Court Rejects Causes Share Bigot's Appeal In fund Drive Simon Shetzer, Retiring President, to Be Honored at NEW YO...…

October 17, 1941 • Page Image 1

…Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 4i Butler Defends Jews and Hits Anti-Semitism Lindbergh's Jew-Bait- ing Splits Midwest Says Stassen - and The Legal Chronicle THIS PAPER PRINTED IN TWO SECTIONS DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1941 Hear Blum May get Life Imprisonment NEW YORK (JPS)—Leon Blum, former Premier of France, will not be tried for being "guilty of the defeat" but will be sentenced to life imprisonment,...…

October 10, 1941 • Page Image 1

….1 Detroit Jewis h Chle ronic SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. if Bombing of 6 Synagogues in Paris Rebuked and The Legal Chronicle THIS PAPER PRINTED, IN TWO SECTIONS DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1941 10c .Single Copy; S3.00 Per Year Israel Mourns Their Death Similar Acts in South- ern France Traced to Doriot GENEVA. (JPS) — A system- atic attempt to destroy seven Paris synagogues last Friday, re- sulting in the dynamiting of six,...…

October 03, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A mcricaH 'apish Period cal &ter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE and The Legal .Chronicle VOL. 43, NO. 39 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1941 Migration and Army the Issues, Says Ben Gurion Honor Patria Refugees Who Join the Eng- lish Forces THIS PAPER PRINTED IN TWO SECTIONS We Shall Not Surrender Our Rights A Statement on Where American Jewry Stands By DR. ABBA HILLEL SILVER The fi...…

September 26, 1941 • Page Image 1

…Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 38 THIS PAPER PRINTED IN TWO SECTIONS DETROIT, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 10c Single Copy; $3.00 Per Year British Warned Jews oIfn BFOlricied Labor Furor Over Lindbergh Speech Refuses to Die Not to Ignore Down as Defenders of "American Way" i Go on Palestine Jews Record Against Anti-Semitic Demonstration Notor ous Nazi A lei-S inemite Named toi Runt Wh...…

September 19, 1941 • Page Image 1

…1 Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 37 and The Legal Chronicle MIS PAPER PRINTED IN SEVEN SECTIONS DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1941 10c Single Copy; $3.00 Per Year De new Year 5702 Stnds forth to All mankind a message of Courage and (liclorY happiness and prosperity SOMETHING #fie HAS BEEN ADDE it "THE CALL TO VICTORY" DRAWING BY ALLEN SIMON may Israel and All mankind Be 6ranted Peace with freedom Du...…

September 12, 1941 • Page Image 1

…America Awish Periodcal Cotter. CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1941 lay ;ging ason •;day 'man Fear, of , aid, , nta- Ian, ..0 a of 0 ion's for I to tem- are sion man ttee, of list. bees ew- pen- oral m. oom tool, tys iced ues- Lbor end lout ode [ore lout ited ling 11111 de- an(' re- ttly. in es •le- her ea- [Rs, na- VI's nd Ie- or- m; nd ng A. II )/1, !:11 ; el )S- 'X- ng its rs. he lie at er UI P- ti- st tn t. 1....…

September 05, 1941 • Page Image 1

…Detioit Jewish chroticle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 35 and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1941 Presentation Executions of Plane In Detroit Sunday Jews in Paris Is Called Off A distinct honor will be ac- corded Harry Schumer, honor- ary president of the Michigan Linen Supply Board of Trade, when a plane is presented this Sunday noon, at Hartung. Field, Gratiot and Reveal Nazis Were to Aviation 10% -Mile Road, in...…

August 29, 1941 • Page Image 1

…1941 nth Aside to Jew- Cs Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 34 will iglwut f rum Irwish enroll- 1:; to by eld of ration, New eriran luea- -presi- ..1 for sident ksso- Israel the Jewish h ector unit- se rve Jewish L. If the Edu- Cleve- cation, irman. U. S., European Anti-Semites Hit Roosevelt Dr. Weizmann Is Also Subject of Nazi Vituperation and The Legal Chronicle This Paper Printed in Two Section, DETROIT, MICH...…

August 22, 1941 • Page Image 1

…1 941 en- nse the ved )10- Iter der led an- If to Kai :ew • Detioit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL 43 NO sa.3 1 Jews Used by Nazis to Test Their Horrors Untold Misery Report- ed from Nazi-Ruled Countries M. M. 0 N GENEVA. (JPS) — The Mos- cow Radio heard here reports that German scientists in Berlin, in the course of experiments for the cure of cholera, have been using Jewish youths from Am- sterdam as "subjects". Each of t...…

August 15, 1941 • Page Image 1

…8, 19-11 Attend cinnat i —With )istricts it the d their of over .ed for annual Organ- ch will sion he- Ainuing Hotel Cement , presi- vill be roblems atus of ommon- ;ids for linating country situa- nization 'ecorded .11 fields ams also ;creased ?. forth- be the entative n Zion- ;tanding ;peakers will in- ; from Libel A Lent of grant- H. M. bel suit Times had un- rite be- -Semite. hat he all his at one without f Com- he trial secret in En...…

August 08, 1941 • Page Image 1

…1941 Detroit Jewish Chronicle Offi- and The Legal Chronicle_ SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 32 Hit Churchill's Evasive Answer On White Paper mur- ) 11110y, Leon (house 'd to 'y by its of It Blum miner- s col- d him is to t the :0 ed on )er of 11 by 1. for It I "A I as a Dor- plac- round andel, .epre• Cal- List Purports To Show Jewish Wealth in U.S. Network Bans Swing Version of "Eli, Eli" NEW YORK. — Swing may have captured all the...…

August 01, 1941 • Page Image 1

…' America "(wish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO 941 he My, ions He- khi. he ;old- man on- one :ont- Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE and The Legal Chronicle VOL. 43, NO. 31 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST I. 1941 Teat ;ivies the the hem- ;reat Jews Forced To Dismantle Soviet Forts ET Nazi Revenge Schemes Affect Jewish Communities you store sting the •ods, nson, it he New don't tar- n be- ).R. (JP...…

July 25, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica "elvish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1 41 ny ng [n- ice id- ed M- ;11- Detroit Jewish Chronicle in VOL. 43, NO. 30 ial Editorial of `America First' Hits Refugees ild At- by "he the lox 100 es- ity en- 4u- est and The Legal Chronicle_ 25, SECTION ONE 1941 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. JULY Disease•Ridden Ghettos Breed Dread Typhus FDLNisnelfeesn s l " o- -"p 1 ;1 6; c i ,171 Pa . This Pape...…

July 18, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A lgeriallf lavish periodical Carter t- is ly 'c- n- ot 0- 4- 1 a. a rk rn is ed he is .el Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 29 Anti-Semites Resume Street Brawls in N. Y. Gov. Lehman Assails Discrimination in Defense NEW YORK (JPS) — The Hitler attempt to win American public opinion by emphasis on the "Christian crusade against Bol- shevism" has proved abortive, to judge by a series of news events during the past ...…

July 11, 1941 • Page Image 1

…is :o. America ,fewish Periodical eater CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronic16 SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 28 and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1941 tram Named Spiritual National Unity Rabbi Leader of New Reform Temple Stressed for Service Camps ResignattainoenoofyymwiTtr FpolremoBtelotho oEfl NAenwnoitcfcoerdm Simul- • Jewish Temple of Detroit Israel to Direct UAHC Activities CINCINN...…

July 04, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A mericait ffewisk Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle n, be er y, td s. n. er IS , it. d. itn re or .2 ial It. 111. )r. or la. and The Legal Chronicle_ SECTION ONE D$ Mr. 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yeas DETROIT. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1941 VOL. 43. NO. 27 Hear litvinov Back in Favor As War Result Cities Rich in Jewish Tradition in New Battle Zone (JPS)—Maxim Lit- vinov, ...…

June 27, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica yewisk Periodiod eater CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE Charge Prejudice by Industries in De- fense Work n e (I DS Declaring that the essence of democracy requires that all citi- zens regardless of race, color, or creed, be afforded full and equal opportunity to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", speak- ers at the Park Central Hotel, New York, urged A...…

June 20, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica ewish Periotilcal Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 25 Organ of Polish Anti-Semites in Exile Re•Appears and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1941 Re-Elected Zionist Council President Hears Bigotry Affects High U. S. Quarters This Paper Printed in Two Sections 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yeas Back F.D.R. to End Job Discrimination Jews Re...…

June 13, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica (wish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle_ SECTION ONE Wide Acclaim Greets Drive Against Syria Pillage of European Jewry Consolidated by Nazis JERUSALEM. — (WNS) — The offensive against Syria by the British and Free French troops was greeted with great enthusiasm by Palestine's Jewish and Arab populations. Jews and Arabs joined in voicing a hope that the Allied...…

June 06, 1941 • Page Image 1

…a4 meric alt elvish Pedalled Cotter. CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 23 Needy Jews in Holland Aided By Clergymen Nazi Repression Also Cements Friendship of Serbs, Jews STOCKHOLM (WNS)— Cler- gymen in the Nazi-occupied Ne- therlands have been appealing to their congregations to contribute foodstuffs and money to aid Jews made penniless by the Nazi-im- posed anti-Jewish laws, it was ...…

May 30, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merican 'apish Per Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 22 t. Hitler Plans Blow to lion, Turkey Hears and The Legal Chronicle_ 30, 1941 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY •.1 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yeas Continue Debate Allied Jewish Campaign Closes; Nazi Bund Is On Budgeting Total of S 1135,000 Contributed More Than 27,000 Donors Solicited in the Drive; Expect The Com...…

May 23, 1941 • Page Image 1

…• 0 A merica lavish periodical Vona. . CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle andiThe Legal Chronicle_ SECTION ONE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1941 VOL. 43, NO. 21 Gedye Declares U. S. Must Arm Palestine Jews This Paper Printed in Two Sections 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yea' Fund-Raising Record Being In Palestine Set by Allied Jewish Drive; Axis Allegation on Bal- four Declaration $700,992 Alread...…

May 16, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica 'apish Periodical Center CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, CHID 941 600; 6400 ' 7 Club the :s; mood, Jew. , lie. airy, rein, Da. ;250., 6400. iewly ribu- or- So- •ssive Aid Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 20 it and The Legal Chronicle This Paper Printed in Two Section!! DETROIT. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1941 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Year Ad Troop Arrival Discriminating Corrected by Store 60 PER C...…

May 09, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica Aut isk Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle_ SECTION ONE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY MAY 9, 1941 This Paper Printed in Two Section( 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yew VOL. 43. NO. 19 Allied Jewish Campaign to Open at Dinner • on Sunday ; Quota of '940,000 for 5 5 Causes Jewry Mobilizes All DR. ABBA HILLEI. SILVER GUEST Palestine Report French U n married Men B...…

May 02, 1941 • Page Image 1

…4averica lavish Periodical etwter 0 DetiOit Jewish Chronicle aa. IncU r of Po- d of ions. ways I be EFTS will in take 37th in of lions ntion n of and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. MAY 2, 1941 This Paper Printed in Two Sections 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 perYeat VOL. 43, NO. 18 Na.miesD.abFbria ;kin"enr itus Chief Rabbi Herzog of Palestine Will Speak U. A. H. C. Ur Urges Sunday in Behalf of Allied Jewi...…

April 25, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica Apish Periodical Carter Detroit Jewish Chronicle ds ilf si- lis Lie en I! 1760 CLIPTON MINCE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 17 and'The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 25. 1941 This Paper Printed in Three Sections 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yen Scores of Jews Additional Allied Jewish Palestine Jewish Students Killed in Nazi Bald on London Demand Expansion of Armed Jewish Deputy Called a...…

April 18, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica Amish PerioNcal Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE DETROIT, MICHGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1941 VOL. 43, NO. 16 Chief Rabbi of Yugoslavia Is Among 100 Dead Interrupt Seder To Bomb Germany Story of Jewish Valor in England; Men in Service Celebrate Passover This Paper Printed in Two Sections 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Year Dr. Chaim Weizmann to Address P...…

April 11, 1941 • Page Image 1

…visterkait "apish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 15 Nazi Threats Made Against Yugoslav Jews DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1941 THE PEOPLE WHICH THOU HAST REDEEMED" By Harry Bressler Italians Imitate The Italian press and radio goose-stepped right behind the Nazis with similar tales of "Jew- ish brutality." The Rome radio reported...…

April 04, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A Meriallf Arish periodical eater CLIPTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO. 14 Ili 41* "e r Loyalty Pledge By Chief Rabbi Of Yugoslavia and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1941 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yen Former U. S. Senator William IL King to Address Annual Federation Meeting on Sunday Evening Preparations for 1941 Allied Jewish Campaign Get Under Way; ...…

March 28, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica Yewish Periodical &ter CUPTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 21, 1941 Detroit Jewish Chronicle lead when mission in nt. SECTION ONE • VOL. 43. NO. 13 and The Legal Chronicle This Paper Printed in Two Sections DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 28. 1941 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Year Annual Federation Are Selected For Wheeler Denies Committees 37th Council of the U. A. H. C. Meeting on April 6 Mobilize All Anti-Semitism;...…

March 21, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica lavish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1 941 Detroit Jewish Chronicle I) ewish pro- es at will Efros He- is a able everal attend free. 11 be eeting nklar alevi's deal- o the eder", de- 3 Pales- nius :cat- rsary being will 5 of an of I the etroit, mem- local corned presi- zation nn at 11 hall :onday Rob- ormer rgani- tg lestine lestine shown umber Zion- in a Adler, its D. rt : I your utmost ear of re u...…

March 14, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica 'mesh Periodical Carter. 1941 n day re coil- their know Dance," v Motors 2hesti VXYZ•: ne anent. re also iney, I receivLII quell mfilice pplau ant :11y. winner Ind or her ic, r publi- will he Book ing Judaism Council rs. Jay iker on It 8:30 ss Pearl re, Mrs. tit book Hudson own for :iws. She . vel. roup of iors will Wednes- Nursery School. children ents and school. friends school with its C ARD 7 152 of ing with 55 to par...…

March 07, 1941 • Page Image 1

…er ieaK fewisk Periorileal Carter Iffl , Detroit Jewish Chronicle 41 :or ny or- old its ta- me and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY. MARCH 7. 1941 VOL. 43, NO. 10 Jews Arrested As Nazis Pour Into Bulgaria ish or- on- arll or- in 196. iers see. all ans. his lied Hel- and as olm, and the of it a ony. tcted war from tents He 'Man ment sent r. Itt GENEVA. — (WNS) — Hun- dreds of Bulgarian Jews, includ- ing...…

February 28, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica iewisk Perakcal Cotter CLIPTON AVENUE, - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 94: Chronicle Detroit Jewish ring [rim eve- Da- mis- Oahe pro- ging cho- cing and Start Hearings On Budgets for Allied Campaign pera th(, Whi' style. by a Anna rtai n ; an- ! Ma. harge 16th Laskin ON" RST deco- IN , as :ostly 3ERS S Aarrcsl-s) 10 s tsA de zZ l idontio F MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1941 onists' Isolationists Rally Invaded By Jew-Baiters ...…

February 21, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A llleriallf Amish periodical &der CUPTON AVENIJI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle Meeting in New York Sets Year's Quota at $11,250,000 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 pe Yea' DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1941 VOL. 43, NO. 8 J.D.C. Launches Its 1941 Drive; Hope For Unity This Paper Printed in Two S.-stions and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE Rabbi Ashinsky Here on Sunday Rabbi A. M. Ashinsky of Pittsburgh, Pa.,...…

February 14, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica ffewisk Periodical eater CLIPTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 14, 1941 VOL. 43, NO. 7 Britain Picks New Secretary For Colonies History Repeats Itself Millions of Jewish Wanderers Today Recognize the Over 700 Bnai Brith bowlers Truth Which Caused Theodo7R Herzl from 35 cities are expected to Propagate a Jewish State to participa...…

February 07, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A tierkaii lavisk Periodical eater CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO t Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE This Paper Printed in Two Section, and The Legal Chronicle 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yea' DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1941 VOL. 43, NO. 6 • Yeshiva Opens $35,000 Building Drive on Feb. 9 6. Lot for New Structure Secured; Campaign to End March 9 l- e e 1, le r, Over the signature of Isa- dore Cohen, ...…

January 31, 1941 • Page Image 1

…A merica ,feur isk Palatial Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle SECTION ONE 4s, 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Year DETROIT, MICHIGAN, ;FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1941 VOL. 43. NO. 5 U. P. A. Conclave Favors Maximum Aid to Britain This Paper Printed in Two Section, Herzog Arrives In U. S.; Praises Recital Feb. 11 Britain's Cause Chief Rabbi of Pales- : t estine to Aid Refugee fr ,,,...…

January 24, 1941 • Page Image 1

…viliteram lam" periodical Carter CLIFTON MINUS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Chronicle Jewish Detroit _ SECTION ONE and The Legal Chronicle JANUARY 24, 1941 10 Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Year DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, VOL. 43, NO. 4 Conclave Sets $4,342,150 Goal • For Refugees This Paper Printed in Two Sections Plai;:tor)itU4.nH.eCiion 29 Jews Cited DrZeigornsTur:ciay Three Kitchens Contributed as For Bravery Aid to Britain British Repo...…

January 17, 1941 • Page Image 1

…a . America ,favisk Periodical Cotter CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE VOL. 43, NO 3 U.P. A. Rejects Welfare Fund's Budget Plans States Delay in Com- mitments Would Par- alyze Campaign and The Legal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1941 DRIVE FOR 2,250 NEW MEMBERS OPENED BY DETROIT ZIONISTS Special Section in This Issue of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Devoted to Efforts for Palestine's Reconst...…

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