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August 22, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1941-08-22

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Detioit Jewish Chronicle



sa.3 1

Jews Used by
Nazis to Test
Their Horrors

Untold Misery Report-
ed from Nazi-Ruled





GENEVA. (JPS) — The Mos-
cow Radio heard here reports
that German scientists in Berlin,
in the course of experiments for
the cure of cholera, have been
using Jewish youths from Am-
sterdam as "subjects".
Each of the young men, aged
from 18 to 25, was inoculated
with the bacilli of cholera in
order to test the efficacy of the
remedy. One out of five of the
victims of the "tests" died, the
report says.

Jewish Prisoners Abused

In complete violation of inter-
national law, the German mili-
tary machine is marking Jewish
prisoners on the Eastern front
for particularly harsh treatment,
the International Red Cross has
been informed.
The Red Cross has informed
the Soviet government of the
policy of the Nazis respecting
Jewish soldiers. It is expected
that the Russian authorities will
take appropriate action.
According to the reports which
continue to come in, Russian and
Jewish prisoners are confined in
separate camps. The Jews are
forced to work harder than the
non-Jews, and are fed the most
meager rations. In addition, they
are denied the privilege, granted
prisoners under international
law, of writing to their relatives.

Insulting Armlets

The yellow badge for Jews
has ceased to be an adequate
distinguishing mark of degrada-
tion, Nazi authorities in the town
of Novy-Sad in Serbia have de-
"I wear the yellow badge be-
cause I am a member of a lower
race," reads the new armlet de-
vised for Jews of the town.
Hundreds of the Jews in the
community refused to wear the
German inscription, whereupon
they were arrested as "commu-
Jews of Lemberg Fined
The German Military Com-
mand in Lemberg has fined the
Jewish community of the city
20,000,000 rubles, with the threat
that if the levy is not paid im-
mediately, 500 of the most int-

See NAZISM—Page 13

Defends Nock's
Stand on Jews

Editor of Atlantic
Monthly Makes an

NEW YORK. — (JPS) — In a
statement to the Independent
Jewish Press Service, Edward
Weeks, editor of the Atlantic
Monthly, declares that the ar-
ticles by Albert Jay Nock on
"The Jewish Problem in Amer-
ica", contained "no slur, no ani-
mosity calculated to injure the
Jew." The series, which evoked
wide discussion and a reply by
James Marshall, head of the New
York Board of Education, had
been revealed by Rabbi Saul E.
White on San Francisco as only
one of many anti-Jewish out-
pourings of Nock dating back to
"I cannot believe," Mr. Weeks
said, "that any helpful purpose
will be served by our combing
the collected works of Albert Jay
Nock to find statements which
will offset those quotations which
you have featured. Mr. Nock has
been a contributor to the Atlan-
tic for over 25 years and in
that time we have published 30

See NOCK—Page 16

and The Legal Chronicle


J. N. F. Purchases
29,770 More Dunams

—The speeding up of the Jewish
National Fund land-buying cam-
paign in order to extend culti-
vated area of Jewish-owned tracts
was especially notable in July,
an announcement from headquar-
ters of the fund here made clear.
During the month, title to 8,500
dunams was taken, bringing to
29,770 dunams the sites obtained
since the beginning of October,
Among the territories brought
into Jewish ownership for pos-
session of the entire Jewish peo-
ple are 5,500 dunams in the East-
ern Emek, between the settlements
of Ain Harod and Kfar Tabor.
The new territory borders upon
a settlement founded by the Bnai
Brith of the United States.
Other purchases were made in
the Beisan Valley for new settle-
ments and for the extension of
the present colony of Hulda.
Of especial interest to Ameri-
can Jews, among whom a cam-
paign was conducted for a Nach-
lath Herzog in honor of the Pal-
estine Chief Rabbi, was the pur-
chase of a site in the Jerusalem
district, where a settlement is


A Slashing Analysis of
"Grade B" Citizenship


Editor's Note: Columnist
Pegler recently proposed the
establishment of second-
class citizenship for foreign-
born Americans. His plea
for preferred rating of na-
tive Americans has aroused
a storm of protest and in-
dignation. In this hard-hit-
ting reply Mr. Samuel, the
noted author of "The Great
Hatred," takes Mr. Pegler
down a peg or two on his
unwarranted attack upon
"foreign Americans."

Plan to Provide
Aid for Polish
Jews in Russia

Two Important Steps
Taken by Congress,
Labor Group

NEW YORK. — (JPS) — Two
important steps were taken this
week to alleviate the plight of
Polish Jews now confined in So-
viet territory. The Jewish Labor
Committee undertook to send old
clothing, linen and medicaments
after it received official word
from the Polish Government-in-
Exile in London that the Soviet
Government had granted permis-
sion for this type of aid to be
transmitted to stricken Polish
Jews within its borders. At the
same time the American Jewish
Congress announced progress in
its negotiations with the Soviet
Embassy in Washington seeking
the freedom of Jewish refugees
from Poland now interned in the
Soviet Union. The transport of
old clothes to Jews in Russia will
be supervised by the Polish Red
Cross, which, according to the
Jewish Labor Committee, together
with a special committee appoint-
ed by the Polish Government will
also be in charge of the distribu-
tion of clothing and medical sup-
plies. Assurances have been re-
ceived by the Jewish Labor Com-
mittee that these articles will be
distributed to Polish prisoners
and interned refugees on a basis
of full equality.
The World Jewish Congress
acting together with the Ameri-
can body urged the Soviet Gov-
ernment to release the following
outstanding Jewish leaders: Prof.
Moses Schorr, the former Jewish
deputy, Sommerstein, S o 1 om o n
Raisin, the noted philologist, and
Joseph Tschernichov, former head
of the Vilna Jewish community.
The congress also applied to the
Soviet Government Government
for permission to conduct relief
activities among Jews from Po-
land and other lands who are
now in Russia.

This Paper Printed in Two Section


"Race Defilement"
Charge Nets Victim

GENEVA .—(JPS)--All the
girls in Nazi Germany have not
yet learned that loving a Jew
is equivalent to the kiss of death.
One young woman in Breslau
made the mistake of falling in
love with a Jew named Benjamin
Zadik, who at the age of 29 had
also failed to note the lessons of
eight years of Hitlerism.
Zadik has been sentenced to
death under the executioner's axe
for "Rassenschande", or "race de-

Regret Let-Down
In Zionist Morale

Conference Is Called to
Discuss Convention

NEW YORK.—Delegates to the
forthcoming annual convention of
the Zionist Organization of Amer-
ica coming from the Eastern
States will meet in a pre-conven-
tion conference to be held in New
York City on Wednesday, Aug.
27, at the Hotel Astor, in order
to discuss current Zionist prob-
lems and to formulate a program
of action to be proposed at the
sessions of the national conven-
tion in Cincinnati.
The call to the conference has
been issued by the heads of the
following Zionist Regions in the
Marcus Abramson, president,
Bronx and Upper Manhattan
Zionist Region; Dr. Ilie Berger,
president,' Rhode Island Zionist
Region; Rabbi Abraham Hasel-
korn, president, Empire State
Zionist Region; Max Kabatznick,
president, New England Zionist
Region; Seymour Levine, presi-
dent, Westchester Zionist Region;
Harry J. Moskowitz, president,
Long Island Zionist Region;
Harry A. Rachlin, president,
Western New York Zionist Re-
gion; Judge Hyman J. Reit, pres-
ident, Manhattan Zionist Region
In-Formation; Henry Rosenbaum,
chairman, New Jersey Zionist Re-
gion; Albert D. Schanzer, presi-
dent, Brooklyn Zionist Region ;
Judge Jacob Schwolsky, president,
Connecticut Zionist Region; Rabbi
Simon Greenberg, president, Phil-
adelphia Region.
The meeting Is expected to be
a most important Zionist event
prior to the forthcoming Zionist
convention which will be held in

I am a little late in getting
around to Mr. Westbrook Peg-
ler's recent utterances on Amer-
icanism, foreign-born citizens,
and Class B citizenship. But the
delay has been helpful to re-
flection. It has served also to
create a certain distance and
restore a sense of proportion to
the subject. And to Mr. Pegler.
The immediate reaction, as I
See ZIONISTS—Page 13
noted it, was one of indignation
and alarm. The tendency was to
take Mr. Pegler to task for
launching a minor crusade Excuse Jewish Students at U. of M.
against foreign-born citizens of
From Attending Orientation Period
this republic on the ground (un-
proved) that as an element they
During Two Days of Rosh Hashonah
are less devoted to the welfare
of this country than native-born Important Statement Made to The Detroit Jewish
citizens. The assumption was that
Chronicle by Prof. Philip E. Bursley; Freshmen
Mt.. Pegler is a man of influence
Will Need Letters from Rabbis
whose word carries weight.
Symbol vs. Force
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle always been very glad to meet
We should be clear as to the was informed by Prof. Philip E. anyone half way in the mat-
difference between Mr. Pegler as Bursley, director of the Fresh- ter of attendance. Any Jewish
It symbol and Mr. Pegler as a man Orientation Period at the student who desires to be ab-
force. As the latter he is negli- University of Michigan, that sent on Monda y and Tuesday,
gible. He is read by a great Jewish freshmen will be excused September 22 and 23, for re.
many people for the genuinely from attendance during the first ligious purposes may do so.
diverting quality of his prose, two days of the 1941 Orienta- only ask that lie bring from
which is as representative of tion Period, which occur on Rosh the Rabbi of his Synagogue
certain levels of the population Hashonah — Monday and Tues- a written statement that he
as are the prize ring and the day, Sept. 22 and 23—provided has reall y taken part in the
spittoon. It is extremely doubt- they bring written statements religious services and not use
ful whether anyone goes to Mr. from the rabbis of their syna- this as an excuse for two days
Pegler to obtain clarification on gogues indicating that they had more vacation. When the stu-
a public problem. Nor—what- attended religious services on dent does arrive he is put
ever his illusions on the subject those two days.
into the group in which he
—is there any relationship be-
The Chronicle made inquiries would have been placed had
tween his verbal ingenuity and regarding the position to be he come on Monday, Septem-
the capacity to think, any more taken by the University of ber 22. The responsibility for
than there is between the amus- Michigan on the question of at- making up any activities which
ing abusiveness of a fishwife and tendance on Rosh Hashonah he may have missed due to his
her ability to resolve an ethical when concern over it was ex- late arrival rests entirel y on
difficulty or make intelligent use pressed to the editor by several the student's shoulders. He is,
of the ballot.
prospective freshmen. The presi- however, accepted, as a regu.
As a matter of fact, there is dent of the University, Dr. Al- lar member of the Orientation
an element of the piquant in the exander Ruthven, referred the Period activitie s from the mo.
very contrast between this ele- inquiry to Dr. Bursley who in ment of his reporting
to the
mental gift of gab and the turn replied to the editor as group.
primitive level of the general follows:
"1 hope this answers any
intelligence, so that we are in-
"Your letter to Doctor Alex-
questions you may have. If
clined to over-rate the former. ander Ruthven regarding the
not, please do not hesitate to
Mr. Pegler's gift, like the color- attendance of Jewish fresh-
make further inquiries."
ing on the baboon, is remark- men at the Orientation Period
able less for its intrinsic quality has been referred to me.
( Leading editorial in this issue
"In the years I have been comments on action of Univer-
See PEGLER—Page 12
director of this activity I have
sity of Michigan.)

Cents Single Copy; $3.00 per Yeaa

Urge Probe of
In State Dept.

Rep. Rankin Again
Resorts to Race

gressional investigation of the
"Nazis, appeasers and anti-Sem-
ites in the State Department" is
urged by the New Republic, the
liberal weekly, in an editorial
condemning discrimination
against refugees seeking to enter
the United States. The Visa Divi-
sion of the State Department
and its head, Avra Warren, are
called upon by the New Repub-
lic "to make up their minds
whether they are fighting on the
side of democracy or on the side
of Hitler." Recently charges of
anti-Semitism in this branch of
the State Department have been
voiced in various quarters.
The New Republic maintains
that the regulation excluding
any refugees from German-oc-
cupied territory who leaves be-
hind members of his family orig-
inated with "anti-Semitic and
pro-Nazi forces in the State De-
partment which have been guilty
of many previous activities of
the same sort." Any attempt to
justify this rule on the ground
that Nazi spies may slip into the
country is characterized as non-
sensical by the magazine which
says that Hitler has many more
loyal agents in this country than
"victims motivated by fear".

Representative Rankin Is


at It

resentative John Rankin, Missis-
sippi Democrat who engaged in
an anti-Semitic tirade in the
House last June which resulted
in the death of M. Michael Edel-
stein of New York, is now using
race prejudice as a device for
repressive measures against Ne-
groes in this city.
He told the House, in arguing
for "300 additional police and
a company of marines, if neces-
sary, to make the city's streets
safe for women," that "the
bloodiest race riot the country
has ever seen" would occur here
unless increased police protec-
tion is provided.
As usual, there is a link be-
tween attacks on the Negroes
and on the Jews. This time it is


Acclaims Ilium

Report Anti-Nazi and
Pro-Nazi Scene in

GENEVA. (JPS) — Reports
reaching this city cite details of
remarkable anti-Nazi and pro-
Jewish demonstrations held in
both occupied and unoccupied
France upon the announcement
by Marshal Petain that Admiral
Darlan would carry out a policy
of "collaboration" with the
In Lyon, Marseilles and other
large French cities, it is revealed.
demonstrations spontaneously or-
ganized shouted pro-Jewish slo-
gans and protests against the
anti-Jewish laws of the German
occupation authorities and the
Vichy regime.
In Marseilles a group of work-
ers turned a street rally into a
demonstration for Leon Blum.
For hours, shouts of "Free our
leader, Leon Blum" resounded
through the city.
The anti - Jewish meetings
which received publicity were
hurriedly organized by Vichy to
counteract the effect of the pop-
ular movement, it is learned.

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