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January 27, 1928 • Page Image 1


January 27, 1928 • Page Image 2

…EDLTROCKPVISil PAGE TWO — 1 3Fratrrual sal C.,litli Notrii ttONICL£ RUMANIA PROHIBITS "Back To Herzl STUDENT MEETINGS; 2 ARE SENTENCED Movement Begun party was decided upon, to be held italic good ,vrt• rolled " soon, with Olga Sapolsky us chair- discuss what could be man of the affair. • ticourage grad will and A design was selected for soror- eLy. Among those who ity pins. o re at the meeting were Tracy (Continued from First Page.) Next...…

January 27, 1928 • Page Image 3

…A mami/ favish Perio&eal eater CLIFTON 6.6116111 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE HE LTIWITILIVLUI RONICLE FOLDING To the Family of the Late Mr. Hearn CHAIRS The Detroit Jewish Chronicle staffs extend their heartfelt condolences to the surviving members of the family of the late Murray Hearn. Mr. Hearn, who for seven years served as linotype man of The Chronicle, left a host of dear friends on this paper, and every one who has worked with him...…

January 27, 1928 • Page Image 4

…PErRoIT aim at RON ILI.E ...11•11••• ■ 11•• ■ MINIMI • Sjat PIEVETRORAWIMI ARON ICLE Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publiehing Co,, Inc. President -Secretary and Treasurer Managing Editor JOSEPH J. CUMMINS JACOB H. SCHAKNF PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Entered its Second-slaw matter Mardi 3. IONS, at the Natant., M Detroit. Mich • .rnier the Art of March 3. 109. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Cable Address...…

January 27, 1928 • Page Image 5

…A merica ffewisk Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVLNUZ - CINCINNATI 10, OHIO itonlEmsn thumb fait Is the Fight Against "King of Kings" Ended:7 BABY GRADUATE OF LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL Mem* Nall Et Notes PAGE FIVE the Jewish Center, has been se- cured from Warsaw, Poland, as some of the works of Tchaikowsky, Strauss, Verdi, and miler compos• ers are nut available in Anwriva. Y. W. H. A. NOTES Dry Clean Children's Clothes Frequently to Keep Them ...…

January 27, 1928 • Page Image 6

…EWiSit ARON IGLE PAGE. SIX 'PERSONAL 0 CAN:LAU COMBINED COMMITTEE OF LOCAL HADASSAHS PREPARE FOR DANCE ` ■ No effort is tieing spared to make the annual ball of Ilailassah which will be held Feb. 111 at the Steller Don't Risk Your Diamond! . ez:,* if the prongs of your muntings are bent or be sure to have it re- turn, 'tired or the stone re-set I re you wear your ring again. Platinum Mot. nt, Jeweled with B.guelle LEani...…

January 27, 1928 • Page Image 7

…A merica Prick Perio&cal Ceister CLIFTON AV/NU1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVEN VIBVEIROCIJEWISfletRONICLE • - ^ ASSISTS ON SHAAREY ZEDEK COMMITTEE FOR THEATRE PERFORMANCE ha Csp•oland is assisting fur the with the arrangt 111lITIl The new hats include the ever-favorite felts in high shades, Bakou, a new straw, liallibuntal, satin and straw' combinations or ribbon belting —and the styles are smart' and varied as RussekS collections a...…

January 27, 1928 • Page Image 8

…itcYATKom PAGE EIGHT a GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS TO BENT Pianos Tuned, Repaired and Rebuilt LARGEST MICHIGAN JEWISH GATHERING NEW THEATRE HAS TO BE REPRESENTED AT CONSTRUCTIVE INTIMATE CHARM RELIEF CONFERENCE HERE ON SUNDAY t 1921. During the catastrophic famine in that year, when the distributes monies raised by other American Relief Administration _ leisni'sli', ge principally the United came into the field, the J. D. C. rep- s Caropaig...…

January 27, 1928 • Page Image 9

…America apish PenaSal Caller CLIFTON AVINUI - CINCINNATI 10, OHIO PAGE NINE PIEDgmonjmosnalizoNICLE CAFE RECTOR BOOK REVIEWS. "The Hebrew Physician" (Ha- 'latch Holvre the only medical journal published outside of Pal- estine which is written in He- brew, has just made its initial ap- pearance. This journal is under the edi- torship of Dr. Moses Einhorn and Dr. A. Goldstein. It contains articles on general medical sub- jects and has a sp...…

January 27, 1928 • Page Image 10

…JANUARY 27, 1928 Til6P1711VNIOMISR MRONICLE MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Long Distance Rates are Surprisingly Low . . . For Instance • fir C LIIB) N Sigma Omega Upsilon. The last meeting of the Sigma Omega Upsilon Sorority was held at the home of Miss Minnie Novitz, 5(17 East Palmer. Plans were com- pleted for the dance to be given at the 'Until B'rith Community Cen- ter, March 3. The Phalanx mem- bers were guests at the first bridge- te...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 1

…A mericakwiskPeriodicaleatter CLIFTON AYLNUZ - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO TELEPHONE II-EbETROIT All Jewish Views All Jewish News WITHOUT BIAS CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 O OLDEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAL JE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRID VOL. XXXIII. NO. 8. RIOTS ARE NOT TO RECUR, RUMANIA'S MINISTER ASSURES ' Annual Federation Meeting Jan. 29 ly - IoW's _=. Detroit Jewish Chronicle Takes Over Herald; Philip Slomovitz New Editor of Detroit Welfare Federati...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 3


January 20, 1928 • Page Image 4

…1109LTBOIT EWIS1101 1:0741CLE MRS. BLUMA SRERE STRAUS CELEBRATES DIES AT AGE OF 69 EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY Former Detroiter Was Active in (Continued from First Page.) Communal Life Here en Well tunate brethren, his greatness was a. in Los Angel.. displayed through his "Heart of Hearts." Mrs. Blume Srere, wife of Moses From 1892 to 1920 Mr. Straus Srere of Los Angeles, former De- originated and maintained at his troit resident, (lied at the age of...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 5

…A merican Yarish Periodical Carter CLIFTON MINUS • CINCINNATI 10, 01110 ow, PAGE pEVentorrIEwisti (it ROMICIL THREE --■ of the latter's brother, Eli Levy, with interesting papers delivered Henry Rosenblum and II. Goldberg, I TO GIVE BRIDGE TEA by Mrs. Philip Slomovitz and Mrs. on Jan. 22. respectively; and from Grand Rap- Joshua Sarasohn. FOR TEL AVIV POOR ids: Louis ('. Braudy, A. hollen- The next meeting takes place ou The Hadassah he...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 6

…PIE ,ATKOIT it,WISBOR011 wsmar ■■ ••• ■ linv ■ wwwwwwl• ■■ •• i ."4" RON IC LE TREVETROIT Publtahod Wmkly by Th. Josiah C ► rmtkla Publishing Co., Inc. President Secretary and Treasurer JOSEPH J. CUMMINS JACOB H. SCHAKNE 'Interest as Second-class matter Marsh I, ISM at the hts.tollice at Detroit, Mich., under the Art of March 3, 1 In. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue TI Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Ad...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 7

…A INCtiallt 5CWISh Periodical Cemter CLIFTON AnNUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO TIEDerRorelEwisilentmat Finding A Buried City CENTERS ASS'N HADASSAH DANCE gemple 43 rill El Notes SET FOR FEB. 19 CALENDAR (Continued from preceding page.) Jan. 15—Sunday. Second of the would be flooded, forcing the owner House Council dances for members to tear down and build again on Sunday Services: and their friends, 8:30 p. rii. 25c the street level. for member...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 8

…ME LTRorritmsnetRomat PAGE SIX 'PERSONAL figallgate -- ■ 0 CIAL Let Us Re-Set Your Diamonds To Suit Your Taste fi WRIGHT. KAY & II JEWELERS Engagements Mrs. S. Weiss of 1612 West Eu- clid avenue announces the be- trothal of her daughter, Lillian, to Meyer Cohen, son of Mrs. Anna Cohen. Cleveland and Bernice Solomon of Among the recent arrivals at Pontiac, Mich. Open house was Palm Beach from Detroit are Mrs. held in the afternoon i...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 9

…A merican ,%-wish periodical Coder CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE SEVEN n ThEDETROLIIEWISRetRONKLE -D;.:e X e:. ..c-NtieTrzeie,4tcocwe-oaNitizcwirl ANNOUNCES WEDDING Editor's Note to Contributors. DATE OF DAUGHTER, ENGAGEMENT OF SON Ibu SSE Forms of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle close on Thursdays. To assure the insertion of all contributions in current issues, therefore, a I I contributiotri must be in the hands of the edit...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 10

….rOsrou,oestoms-o. so • as • 7 .^.7, JANUARY 20, 192.8 PILDLTROn' EIVISR ir MEMSSTEMEEMMESTo ...,......wwwom.-vw,womewv.w........ $ ? 5 bi 31, r, For Sale C 1 IS NEWS CEDE 1413 to 1447 I2 WOODWARD AVE I Gamma Tau Chi Sorority. Tusi Tala Sorority. Nits Hawk Club. Sigma Delta Pi. Miss Jeanette 'leveler of 1663 The first social event of the The Tusi Talon Sorority held its The last meeting of the Gamma Tau Chi Sorority' was hel...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 11

…A nfakalt lavish Periodical Cotter AUTO SHOW NUMBER CLIFTON AMU& - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO lifEbETROITAWISII ORONICLE AUTO SHOW NUMBER THE OLDEST JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1928 Section Two Chevrolet Sport Cabriolet New Packard Eight Sedan Nash Standard Six Landau Sedan New Whippet Roadster Oakland Six Sedan New Reo Victoria STYLE AND SAFETY FEATURE NEW CARS AT AUTO SHOW Packard Custo...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 12

…Til Lift:mord/xis/I LA RON ICU improvements that have attended the perfection of the motor car. Sensing the trend toward the smoother performance of six-cylin- der motors in the popular price and the ltter's parent operated a Oldsmobile concentrated its small carriage works. iVith these factories for a background, the pair fabricated the first Oldsmobile, which is now a permanent exhibit in the Smithsonian institution, Washington, I). C. Succ...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 13

…A merican ffewisk Palatial eater CLIFTON AVINU1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THREE TIE *TROIT, //N MI Cf RoN !Cif. Only five cars were built the first year the Chevrolet Motor Company was organized as against more than 1,000,000 in 1927. I DR. JULIUS GRINKER, NEUROLOGIST, DIES' rti m the four corners of the v irld letters are received by the Il e relit Mitt a et nmany CIIICAGO: - (J. T. A.) - - Dr. Julius Grinker, noted Jewish n'jll- Fi...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 14

…PIEDLTROtT anSfietRONICK AGE FOUR PIE NEW BODIES IN LASALLE LINE MILTON H. PETTIT IS MADE MANAGER OF NASH MOTORS By M. H. PETTIT, Vice-President, Nash Motors Company. Frigidaire Corp. to Hold SCHULTE PREDICTS GREAT Eight Regional Meetings 1 YEAR FOR CADILLAC IN 1928 in February. DODGE BROTHERS HAS COMPLETED PROGRAM -- - Three Different Lines of Passen- ger Cars in Separate Price Classification,. JOSEPH A. SCHULTE, Manager, Detroit Cadi...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 15

…A merica „fewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON MANUA • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ANS -- — LEAGUE OF WOMEN'S DETROITER IS HEAD SOCIETIES TO MEET OF MOTOR TRUCK CO. ON MONDAY, JAN. 30 IN DEFIANCE, OHIO The League of Jewish Women's Organizations of Detroit will hold its first meeting Monday, Jan. :10, at 2:30 p. rat. at the Philadelphia- Byron Talmud Torah. Fred M. Butzel will be the speaker of the atterawn. Ilia subject will be The Child Problem of De...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 16

…TIE PAGE FOUR FIVE NEW BODIES IN LASALLE LINE Prices Substantially Reduced on Eleven Other Models of Fisher Bodies. - _— Five new LaSalle body models and substantially lower prices 00 the entire LaSalle line, announced by the Cadillac Motor Car Com- pany, gives the company a naive of 16 LaSalle body models by Fisher with prices ranging iron' $2,350 to $2,875, f. 0. b. Detroit, and also four Fleetwood body mod- ele with prices from $3,000 t...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 17

…Altaic= Awish Periodical Curter CLIFTON AnNUI I:MCP/NATI 20, 0a10 ileVurnonjEwisneiluntclx wwwwi,w, LEAGUE OF WOMEN'S DETROITER IS HEAD SOCIETIES TO MEET OF MOTOR TRUCK CO. ON MONDAY, JAN. 30 IN DEFIANCE, OHIO 11111' 4 4 The League of Jewish Women's Organizations of Detroit will hold its first meeting Monday, Jan. :10, at 2:30 p. no. at the Philadelphia- Byron Talmud Torah. Fred M. Butzel will be the speaker of the afternoon. His subj...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 18

…PAGE SIX plEpEntonyEnsitoitimicil BY-LAWS OF WELFARE FEDERATION TO BE VOTED ON AT CONTRIBUTORS' MEETING ON JANUARY 29 • The following drafts t.f it) -Laws of the Do not fad to attend Power is the mover of goods-the very source of transportation, the essential permanent servant of commerce. \Velfare Federation, Jens : sin Social. Service Itureati, North bind Centers \ ssitciation and l're,h .Sir Society Ivill he .tilonitted for approv...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 19

…America Path Periotlleal Carter CLIFTON smut • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE SEVEN PI_VETROIT EWIS1161R07 ■ 11CLE meetings of the Board, exercise all powers of the Board of Trustees, except as hereinafter provided. Any funds appropriated to one department or ac- count of the Association and not otherwise con- trolled by the Detroit Community Fund, may be appropriated by the Executive Committee to an- other departhient or account, if it deems ...…

January 20, 1928 • Page Image 20

…Os HEDETROTT Mgt BRONICLt. PAGE EIGHT PISGAH TO HEAR NATHANIEL GOLDSTICK TO SPEAK AT SECOND CHRONICLE PROGRAM MILFORD STERN Foup. THE Fastest I NI AMERICA Aaron Kurland, the newly ap. pointed chairman of the Intellec- tual Advancement Committee of Pisgah Lodge No. 34, I. 0. 0. 13., announces that Milford Stern will address Monday's meeting on "B'nai B'rith Activities in Mex- ico." Mr. Stern, who recently re- turned from an extended trip ...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 1

…fi gaiMijradOitATWWW1a#47 - CINCINNATI 20, 0010 CLIFTON - 4EIROIT LWISR 1-1RONICL 11- All Jewish Views All Jewish News WITHOUT BIAS OLDEST AND MOST Cecil B. deMille Accepts Re- visions Submitted by I. 0. B. B. MAY SHOW REVISED VERSION ON JAN. 18 To Add Prologue Exonerat- ing Jews , Chan g e Titles And Scenes. CHAJES-TIOMKIN TO BE HONORED HERE Tribute to the memory of Dr. Perez Zwi Chajes and Vladimir Tiomkin will be paid by Detroit ...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 2

…a. n_EPerRog/Ellasnagcrocw i PAGE TWO ACTIVE WORKER FOR "BAGDAD" TO OPEN AUXILIARY HEARS ROSE PHILLIPS HOME RELIEF DANCE SATURDAY EVENING { • LETfTEFL BOX Mir Yeshivah (Continued from First Page.) (Continued from First Page.) HEW YORK ASKED TO AID REFORM .S WOMEN'S SOCIETIES IN JOINT MEETING v li The First Authentic Spring Coat Fashions being, have altered educational Seeks $150,000 Annually for principles and procedure. The plato...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 3

…A merican ffewisk periodical Center CLIFTON MMUS • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THREE .Sunday "At Home:" Two hundred and fifty guests voiced their appreciation of the de- lightful 'migrant presented at the clubhouse last Sunday under the direction of Mrs. Harry Glickman. The program on Sunday, Jan. 15 is in the hands of the Frolickers who will be the official hosts. Come and be one of us. CHRONICLE OFFERS FREE SCHOLARSHIP Maurice Warner, Note...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 4

…PIEDEFROIVEIVISR (11RONICI,£ PAGE FOUR spirit of the Bible. No great "Eng-Ithe activities of the Jewish bank- able as mere personal whims. This Bob writer can he understood with- ens who were the sole financiers of work, however, "The Legacy of Is- out the background of the Jewish 'mediaeval tines. Ile traces the rael," though Jewish as well as classic's. Shakespeare and Shaw,' modern commercial corporation non-Jewish scholars have collabor-...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 5

…A lmeria:It ffewith periodical alder CLITTON maul - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE FIVE MeDernorKiEwisnetaopacq ttgintitu Naha — Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Rosenberg had as their guests for New Year's Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Beckman of Detroit and Mrs. B. B. Weil and Mrs. Paula Be , .kman of Bay Ctiy. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rich of De- troit visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Rich. GROUP OF WOMEN ADOPTS ORPHAN Bridge Clubs Organized By Mrs. A. Zatkina ...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 6

…~ tE 9J villAtt iy&M W AA301Y4 - 1 r tkt ■ lyttin 7 kVkkklyk:Wo k OIRONICLE ykktkkkkki.. , V .1514UagqgMAYMAllgelefaltIMMUtZttl.4 j .fitEDETROITJEWIS/ KON ICL- E Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. President Secretary and Treasurer JOSEPH J. CUMMINS JACOB H. SCHAKNE ,14hat3. 11•4 7 1;ostoffine at Detroit, Entered as Seconnitf . mattertrear;:h Act "f IL11 General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 7

…A merica Aut ish Pertained eater CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 RE What Is Reform Judaism ELECT OFFICERS HEADS DANCE TO OF PHALANX CLUB AID ORPHAN HOME Jack Cooper Chosen As President, anon, twun automat, Mem* Neill 1E1 Notes To Laud English Liberal Leader (Continued from preceding page.) Club'. Record Reviewed. Sunday Services: Will Celebrate Seventieth the force and the stability to en- Dr. Leo M. Franklin will occupy Birthday...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 8

…Titerir, JEWISH C RON ► CIZ PAGE EIGHT Engagrments t. Silverice Use Like an Ice Cube '6 a Dozen Come In and See It. iR WRIGHT, KAY& e JEWELERS WOODWARD AVE. AT JOHN it ft SGI January Reductions That Mean Big Savings! To make room for new Stocks which are arriving regularly, we offer all our children's, infants' and ladies' dresses at less than 50 % OFF We also offer tremendous reduc- tions on lingerie and children's coats. M...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 9

…A merica lavish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PaErRorr 4476-1470-ZINtfe"ZGNANn.., crt,veZ.7-t The Ski, ∎I VriyousfAxiros - USSEK PAGE NINE mlisn Komici. RETURNED FROM WEDDING JOURNEY1 Wedding Calendar ( imelhoch's Jan. 15—Miss Sarah Weisman, (laughter of Mrs. Ida Weisman, t Jack Bryman, son of Mrs. G. Bryman. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fishman have left for a 10 days' Eastern of Mr. and Mrs. Jacol . trip to New ...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 10

…TIEVaronjEwisit PAGE TEN lusic and musicians Music Study Club. Th. s meeting on Jan. 20 of the Music ! Study Club promises to be one c if unusual interest to all of me mbers. Fred Butzel will lee- its MI ture on the music of Richard Wag- nee and give his own piano illus. trationte Another very prominent personage is Miss Jessie Bonstelle, who will have a message to all those interested in the theater. Miss Edith Ella Davis and Mrs. Rea Wei...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 11

…A l flail= *with Periodical eater COMM ATIIN131 - CINCINNATI )0, Oii10 PAGE ELEVEN Stars of "Bagdad" CLASSIFIED :•: FOR RENT-Drug store corner. MACK B. WEISS-Strictly kosher caterer for weddings, banquets, 1689 West Grand Blvd. Phone parties, etc. Excellent food. Longfellow 8948. Rates reasonable. 1670 Pingree FOR RENT--Nice furnished room Ave. Empire 7146. Will also for refined young man with pri- rent out home for private par- vate fami...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 12

…JANUARY 13, 1928 THEVETREIWIRDN ICUS Ir GOOD NEWS! MAI Madison Athletic Club. Ji•nior Sta Club. D e b or•na. i The regular meting of the Mad- Election of officir4e of the 31111- The Deborians met on Sunday, ison Athletic Club, was held Jen.1 Jan. 8, at the Melbourne Center. for Star Club was held Jan. 10. 4, at the Y. W. II. A. clubhouse. The days of the meetings have 1The following were J re-elected: The newly elected officers Who been c...…

January 13, 1928 • Page Image 13

…MEP GOOD NEWS! Madison Athletic Club. Junior Star Club. I Deborians. Ultra Moderns. The regular meting of the bled-'I The Deborians met on Sunday, ; Election of officers of the Jun- The Ultra Moderns held its last icon Athletic Club, was held Jan. meeting at the home of Isodore Jan. 8, at the Melbourne Center. for Star Club was held Jan. 10. The days of the meetings have The following were re-elected: 4, at the Y. W. II. A. clubhouse. Helper...…

January 06, 1928 • Page Image 1

…ME9grRonjonsnetoriik PAGE SIX Athena Girls Win Y. M. FL A. Contest ACTIVE IN BEHALF OF KADIMAH DANCE Voted Most Popular Club And Best Represented At Dance. Rings New Platinum Jeweled With Baguette Diamonds. Ring Mountings. WRIGHT,KAY& e JEWELERS WOODWARD AVE. AT JOHN It Classy Clothes Shop 8947 Twelfth St., Cor. Taylor. Are Closing Out All Men's Clothing After a careful count of the hundreds of votes cast at the Y. M. II. A. s...…

January 06, 1928 • Page Image 2

…A merico' ffewish periodical Carter CLIFTON AVINUlt - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVEN Tit el)nitorrinosn II HON ICl2C. 1 Engagements 1 lee7G-Nx Wedding Calendar C A nelhoch's 1 The Chiffon Hose that is worthy of distinction- , , I f*trullAticv "An Aop cOns t SS t448 Woodyard Avenue HATS for Southern We A collection to delight the traveler to warmer climes in straws and lightweight felts — of colors re- freshingly dainty—and st...…

January 06, 1928 • Page Image 3

…Tif,IATitpiT/Ew6sn6fRoxICq PAGE EIGHT usic and musicians .ociallfAnd /arson& F. S. ATWOOD W1.LL • "Th ADDRESS K. OF 1), I NEW CHEVROLET WINS WORLD-WIDE ACCLAIM entage of the public's require- crankshaft, which turns approxi- mately 1,285 r. p. in. at 25 miles ments as indicated by the indus- an hour and about 3,250 r. p DI try's total sales." "I resolve to buy one of the new at 05 miles an hour. Because of cess, Tentative schedules for t...…

January 06, 1928 • Page Image 4

…A merico gewish Periodical Carter CLITION AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE NINE tiEVErRorr mtisit &mat. "The Spider" Stays For Third Week at Lafayette Bell Telephone Sees 1928 DETROITER CHOSEN As Record-Breaking Year ,I I FOR ELOISE STAFF LARGEST AUTO SHOW TO OPEN JANUARY 21 Industry Startled By Whippet Price Cut ■■■■■■ \101101.•• ■■•■■■ ■ 411. ■•■•■■■■•■ 11011.10NWIr 2 , 000 c h ass i s a day, w ith a ll pl a nts ‘ in shape to go imm...…

January 06, 1928 • Page Image 5

…JANUARY 6, 192 0 EW S Alpha Beta Gamma. Purity Chapter, 0. E. S. and the contestants were Nathan Hebrew Ladies Aid Society. Miss Sonya Lober of 1015 King On Monday, Jan. 9, Purity Rubin and Mr. Jack Halt on the N1rs. James Sobel, chairman of . Chapter, will entertain the first avenue was host es of the last the. bridge-luncheon, held recently affirmative and Miss Nlarion Si- .miens and Mr. Marris Rosenblatt three officers of all chapters of...…

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