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January 20, 1928 - Image 19

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1928-01-20

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America Path Periotlleal Carter


smut •




meetings of the Board, exercise all powers of the
Board of Trustees, except as hereinafter provided.
Any funds appropriated to one department or ac-
count of the Association and not otherwise con-
trolled by the Detroit Community Fund, may be
appropriated by the Executive Committee to an-
other departhient or account, if it deems such
transfer necessary; but it may vote new appropri-
ations only in case of emergency until the next
meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Sec. 3. Excepting as authorized in the budget
approved by the Board, payments of money shall
be made only on written order of the Executive
Committee, or of an agent thereof duly authorized
for that purpose by the Committee or the Board
of Trustees.
Section 4. The Executive Committee shall also
serve as the Budget Committee.
Sec. 5. The Executive Committee shall keep reg-
ular minutes of its proceedings and report same to
the Board at its next meeting.
Section 1. These by-laws may by amended by a
vote of not less than two-thirds of the members
present at nay annual meeting of the Association
or at any special meeting of the Association, pro-
vided one week's notice of the substance of the
proposed amendment has been sent to the members
or published in the Jewish press of Detroit, Mich-


The name of the tirganizatian shall be the Jewish
Centers Association.
The object of the Jewish Centers Association
shall be to promote the moral, mental and physical
welfare of the Jewish Community of the City of
Detroit and to foster and develop the highest ideals
of American Citizenship and Jewish Culture
through the establishment of subsidiary groups,
centers and clubs, which shall encourage a high
standard of conduct, health and education in the
All Jews who contribute annually to the Federa-
tion of Jewish Charities of the City of Detroit Conn•
munity Fund shall be ipso facto members of the
Jewish Centers Association.
The management of the organizaiton in its activ-
ities shall be vested in the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall consist of not more
than twenty-one members.
At the first annual meeting of the Jewish Centers
Directors are to be elected, one-third of the num-
ber to serve for one year, one-third to serve for
two years, and one-third to serve for three years,
and thereafter one-third of the Directors are to be
elected each year to srve for three years.
Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be
filled by the Board to serve until the regular
The Board of Directors shall also elect the offi-
zers of the Jewish Centers Association as follows":
The first three named officers to be selected from
the Board, the Secretary to be a member of the
Board of Directors or an employeg,,,oLthe _organ-
ization and shall attend all meetings of the Hoard
and Subsidiary Committees and keep the minutes
Business meetings of the Board of Directors shall
be held at least once a month, the time and place to
be designated by the President, provided, however,
that the Board may adjourn from holding meetings
for a period of not more than two months during
any one year. Additional meetings may be called
at the discretion of the President or shall be called
on written request of five br more members to the
The Constitution and By-Laws of the organiza•
lion may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the
members present at any meeting of the Board of
Directors, providing advance notice has been given
in writing reciting the proposed amendment. at
least a week previous to date of meeting.

There shall be the following committees:
1. Music
2. Art
3. Dancing and Dramatics
4. Education (to determine nature of American-
ization, physical, ethical and religious train-
ing activities).
5 Credit Unions
a. Survey and Housing
7. Adult and Junior groups
a. Publicity
9. Budget (Executive Committee I.

There shall also be District Committees to func-
tion in the various neighborhoods of the city.
The Chairman of each Committee and two mem-
bers of the Committee shall be appointed by the
President from the Board of Directors. The ('hair-
man of each Committee shall be privileged to se-
lect additional members of the Committee subject
to the approval of the President.
Membership on Committees shall not be confined
to Directors of the organization except to the ex-
tent mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
Each Committee shall meet at least once a month
and keep a record of all of its proceedings.
Each Committee shall submit all reports through
its Chairman.
No Committee shall incur any liabilities without
the authority of the Board.
Each Committee shall perform such duties as
are outlined for it by the Board of Directors.

The order of business at all meetings of the
Board of Directors shall he as follows:
1. Roll Call
2. Reading of Minutes
3. Reports of Committees
4. Communications
5. Unfinished Business
6. New Business
7. Miscellaneous
8. Good and Welfare
9. Adjournment

All deliberations at all meetings of the Board of
Directors shall be governed by Robert's Rules of
The litalget Committee shall submit a budget an-
nually and monthly to the Board to cover expendi-
tures requested and found necessary by the vari-
ous committees. Upon approval and ratification by
the Board the Treasurer of the Board shall pre-
sent to the FederatiOn a voucher signed by two
officers of the Board of Directors, one of whom
shall be the President or any one Director and the
managing Director of the Federation.

Actinic Ray rt

Ur. William

ments in Your
Free Examination





The High School Dramatic Club
of Temple Beth Et, at its meeting
n Jan. 10, planned fur a play and
dance in the near future.

Details for the play and dance
rill he planned by a committee con-
s:ating of Jean Loy, Alene Simon,
Regina Schiller, Arthur Horowitz,
Sidney Shoe, and Harold Goldberg
who is acting as chairman.
Following a plan of entertain-
ment for the evening of the meet-
ings, the hi ye will present the
"Medicine Man," by Stuart Walk-

The following will appear in the
east: Arthur and Milton Horowitz,
and Harold Michaels. Mr. Mich-
aels, who is also the director of this
play, has had extensive experience
in directing and acting plays.
Two weeks later, the girls will
feature a short play called, "Cas-
tles in Spain." The characters will
Ix' portrayed by Alene Simon, Re-
gina Schiller, and Ruth Wolf, Jean
Levy, who also has had consider-
able experience in dramatic work
is directing this play. •
The complete cast of "The Slave
with Two Faces," has been chosen
and work is in full swing for its
production in the Sunday assembly.
Cards are being mailed to mem-
bers to announce each meeting.


the immensity of the company's
activity. Records show that the
winter's coal consumption runs
on an averege of 901 tons a day.

From the railroads' main lines
there are 23 sidetracks leading
into Dodge Brothers works to
bring in the raw materials and to
take out the finish( it automobiles.
These tracks arc loceted where
the incoming materials can be
best placed to enter various
production proces , es and where
they arc bendy to the shipping
elepartmsnt et the cot of the as-
sembly lines.

Each day there is handled on
the average ISO tars of incasing
freight and over 2.1 loaded cars
of outgoing freight. These would

make one train nearly four miles
long every day in the year and to
handle this immense traffic 12
miles of standard gauge track
have been built within the works.

Clubs, sororities and fraternities
meeting at the Y. W. H. A.,
through their representatives gath-
ered on Sunday, formed the an-
del/9 for a council of clubs, the
movement being sponsored by the
Phalanx Club.

A large force of traffic experts
are kept busy the year around to
guard against any delay either in
incoming or outgoing freight,
which would mean a situ( down of
the works within a few days.

Representatives were present at
Sunday's meeting from Beta Rho
Delta Sorority, University Club,
Tau Phi Fraternity, Alpha Beta
Gams Sorority, Tusi Tala Soror-
ity, Frolickers Club, Theta Delta

Materials arc brought into the
plants by railroad ears and motor
trucks. These arc unloaded at
points convenient to where their
loads arc used. Conveyors carry
the materials directly from the
cars to the upper floors of the fac-
tories and (non there they are de-
livered to the various departments.

Kappa and Meta Alpha Theata.
lack Cooper of the Phalanx was
dected chairman, Florence Terris
if Theta Delta Kappa, secretary,
to act until the regular election of
licers. Further plans will be
made at a meeting this Sunday.

15,000 La Salle Owners

open the door to

Thousands of Other La Salle Enthusiasts


'2350 tp, '2875

Section I. These by-laws may be amended by a
vote of not less than two-thirds of the members
present at any annual meeting of the association;
or at any special meeting of the association, pro-
vided that one week's notice of the substance of
the proposed amendment has been sent to the
members or published in the Jewish press of De-
troit. Michigan.

Parsons D.


C .


Food and Nerve Specialist

803 Industrial Bank Bldg.

Grand River, Cor. Washington Blvd.

its heavy-duty, 90-degree, V-
type, eight-cylinder engine,
both at the General Motors
Proving Ground and in the
hands of owners, has demon-
strated an inexhaustible ca-
pacity for the severest serv-
ice-then the full measure of this opportunity L
brought home to you.
The La Salle line, unusually complete with the addition of
five new types, is-at these lower prices-one of those in-
dustrial miracles that only a Cadillac, sharing General
Motors prosperity as well as Rs manufacturing resources,
could create. And ill this instance it had the enthusias-
tic assistance of 15,000 buyers to help make it possible.

Enjoy f he prestige and Satisfaction of LaSalle noir! thity sepia!!
Outlay is required. .Ippraisal rabse of your present cur acceptable
as (Unit. The hafatice payable in terms to suit 'our convenience.


Randolph 398:1



Glendale 3176

LaSalle in tHltIllIfaeltired completely by the (:iolillac Motor
Car (:ompativ within its tot n plants.


Lady Nurse

Agents ti o- Chandler and Auburn


Sweitzer - Detroit Motor Co.


Tuxedo at Dexter

By material reductions on all
LaSalle models the Cadillac
Motor Car Company now
opens the door wide enough
to admit to ownership thou-
sands of people who have in-
Five Nos
spected the LaSalle, longed
to possess it, but up to this time-felt obliged to deprive
themselves of that pleasure.
At $2350 the LaSalle Sedan, an ideal car for the family
or the individual, is, of course, something to marl el at.
As are all the other LaSalle models at their reduced
prices. When you inspect this Cadillac designed and
Cadillac built car-when you observe the beauty that
has created a veritable vogue-when you recall that



C... at York

Son, 11(11109.,


Detroit Branch


A. C. Kren


Aerial Photographer Makes Interesting
Picture of Vast Dodge Brothers Plant

The Treasurer of the Jewish Centers Associa-
tion shall maintain two accounts in a local bank
or banks. One account shall be in his own name
The opening Feb. 3 of the new
as Treasurer, the other account in the name of
the Jewish Centers Association. Checks to be United Artists Theater, Bagley
and Clifford street, is an
signed by any two officers of the Board or one
officer and the managing director of the Federation. important step in the ambitious
project of such screen stars as
Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford,
The Board of Directors shall define all general Charlie-Chaplin, Norma Talmadge,
policies affecting its activities. These policies shall Gloria Swanson and John Barry-
govern the action of all Committees and workers. more, to become movie magnates
The fiscal year shall begin January first of each and exhibit direct to the public the
year. The annual meeting of the Board of Direc- pictures made by themselves.
The ownermemhers of the Unit-
tors is to be held simultaneously with the annual
ed Artists Corporation opened in
meeting of the proposed Federation.
December In, playhouses, built and
managed by themselves, one in Chi-
During the interim between meetings of the
cago and one in Loa Angeles. An-
Board of Directora, its functions ate to be exer- other house, the Rivoli has been in
eked by au executive committee consisting of five operation iu New York for some
members of the Board, including, the President. time. Sites in other cities of con-
All acts of the executive committee shall be rat'
lied by the Board at its next regular meeting. The sequence throughout the country
art; being acquired.
executive committee shall also serve as a Budget
The United Artists plan not only
on/ nutlet!.
to present their own pictures in
their own theaters but also to con-
Members of the Board or of Committees, who fine their entertainment to the
absent themselves from three consecutive meetings screen, with appropriate musical
without an -adequate reason shall automatically interpretations, and without stage
cease to he a member of the Board, or of any accessories. Elaborate girl acts,
iazz bands and tumbling acts have
Committee, or both.
no place in the scheme of things
evolved by United Artists. Their
business being to make pictures,
they now propose to glorify the
motion picture in their own thea-
the NORTH END CLINIC. Its principal office shall
While the film will be first anti
foremost at the new theater, the
be in Detroit, Michigan.
Sec. 2. The membership of the association shall importance attached to music as an
consist of all Jews who contribute to the support interpretative force in the proper
of the Detroit Community Fund or any fund spon- presentation of pictures, is stressed
by the appointment of o
sored by the Jewish Welfare Federation,
A mind picture of the huge De-
Sec. 3. The annual meeting of the association enfeld us managing director for
shall be. held at the same time as the annual meet-
tro it plants which produce Dodge
ing of the Jewish Welfare Federation. Special comes to take charge of Ul.ited Ar-
Brothers automobiles would be an
meetings of the association may be called by the tists programs after attaining fame
ordinary residence street pavement
President or the Board of Trustees upon one week's in New York as a movie impresario
22 feet wide and 54 miles long.
notice sent to the members or published in the at the Rialto, Rivoli, Colony and
This would be covered! With a roof,
other picture theaters. Consistent
heated, lighted and filled with ma-
Jewish press of Detroit, Michigan.
with the policy of placing the
See. 4. Thirty memlx.rs or more shall constitute screen foremost, Dr. Riesenfeld has chinery, conveyors and men work-
ing on the production of these
a quorum for the transaction of business. A ma-
evolved a program of film features
automotive products.
jority vote of those members present shall be nec-
essary for the passage of resolutions, election of and novelties, animated and inter-
The main Dodge Brothers plant
preted by orchestral accompani-
trusters, and any other action taken at meetings of
ments but carefully calculated to corers 218 acres. Sixty-five acres
the association.
occupied by buildings having
preserve the continuity and coher-
a iloor area of 144 acres, or more
ence of the feature picture.
six million square feet. Re-
Section I.
The policy of the Detroit United
association shall be managed by a Board of Trus- Artists Theater, as outlined by cently another factory has been
to take care of certain
tees of not more than fifteen members. In the year Joseph M. Schenck, president of
onerations in the manufacture of
1928 the Board shall be' chosen at the annual meet- the corporation, will be to present
six-cylinder cars.
ing of 1928, at which meeting approximately one- first run pictures for as long per.
The coal bill is indicative of
third of the Trustees are to be elected to serve for bads as there is public demand for
one year, approximately low-third fur two years, them.
and approximately one-third for three years
Thereafter as the tennis of the Trustees shall re-
spectively expire, the trustees shall be elected for
terms of three years. Not less than three weeks
previous to the annual meeting the President shall
appoint a nominating committee of three, who shall
report their recommendations at the annual
See. 2. The officers of the association shall be
a Preside nt, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secre-
tary, elected by the Board of Trustees at their first
meeting after the annual meeting of the associa-
tion and serving one year, or until their successors
are appointed.
Sec. 3. The duties of the officers shall be such
as usually appertain to their respective offices.
Se, 4. Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall
he held monthly. Special meetings may be called
by the President or Secretary and shall be called
at the request of any three members.
Sec. 5, Six Trustees or more shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business. A majority
vote of the Trustees present shall be necessary for
the passage of resolutions, election of officers, nad
any other action taken at meetings of the Board of
Sec. 6. If the office of any Trustee or officer
shall become vacant during the term of office, the
Board of Trustees shall choose a successor who
New Family 5-Passenger
shall hold office for the unexpired term in respect
of which such vacancy occurs.
Sec. 7. The Board of Trustees shall have full
power to conduct all affairs of the Clinic, to estab-
lish and appoint all necessary committees, to enact
rules and regulations for the management of the
Clinic and to alter the same at its discretion. It
shall also appoint and dismiss its medical staff and
director and, in the continued absence of the di-
rector, shall have power to dismiss any other mem-
ber of the personnel.
Section 1. There shall be an Executive Commit-
tee consisting of the President and four Trustees
elected by the Board at the time of election of the
officers. The members of this committee shall
serve for one year or until their successors are
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee may exercise
all powers of the Board of Trustees in cases of
emergency. It may during the interim between
meetings of the Board, exercise all pincers of the
Board of 'trusties, except as hereinafter provided.
Any funds appropriated to one department or ac-
count of the association, and not otherwise' con-
trolled by the Detroit Community Fund, may be
appropriated by the Executive Committee to an-
other department or account, if it deems such trans-
fer necessary; but it may vote new appropriations
only in cases of emergency, or until the next meet-
ing of the Board of Trustees.
Sec. 3. Excepting as authorized in the budget
approved by the Board, payments of money shall
be made only on the written order of the Execu.
tire Committee or the Board of Trustees, or of an
agent thereof duly authorized for that purpose by
the Executive Committee or the Board of Trustees.
Sec. 4. The Executive Committee shall also serve
as the Budget Committee.
See, S. The Executive Committee alt keep reg-
ular minutes of its proceedings and report the same
to the Board at its next meeting.
Section 1. The medical work of the Clinic shall
be carried on by a medical staff who shall be ap-
pointed by the Board of Trustees and who shall be
divided into such departments as may be. author-
ized by the Board. The Director shall be consid-
ered it member of the medical stuff.

Merchant The Shop Where Courtesy 10347 Woodw'd,
Between Calvert andl
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T. F.. Sr
R. D. Hudson
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Rey Weed Meter Sal.. Inc.

Jefferson at Walker

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Barn. S.I. C.
Wilbur Dunn Cadillac Cs.
.. Pier City Met. Sal.
. Cubit. Sete* Ce.
Guy J. Kull

Mt. Vet..
Pent ao
Pert Hurl.
Re.] Oak

Peel. Meter Sales Ce.
Peetiac Cadillac Co.




. Grote
Cad !lac 1-S.P. Seto ,
.. WtIltam Rurouatil

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