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October 04, 1929 • Page Image 1

…A merfraN Yarish periodical eater All Jewish News MI Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS 1 CLIFTON /MIMI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO IFEI)ET R OIT VOL. XXVIII. NO. 19 KISCH FORCED TO Pogrom Propaganda A by Gorki RESIGN; H. SACHER Attacked TAKES HIS PLACE Fanmus Zionists Dissatisfied With Weakness of His Politic cal Policy, Writer Publishes Indignant Article Moscow Organ. Miiscott'.—(J. r CHROAICLE THE ONLY ANGLO•JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED 114 MICHIG...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 2

…l'AGE TWO TIEDLTROFFIEWINIOIRONICLE THE MAYOR'S MESSAGE TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE ON THE NEW YEAR By HON. JOHN C. LODGE Mayor of the City of Detroit. appreciate the privilege of expressing. as Mayor of Detroit, a few of the sentiments which come to me with regard to the solemn celebration of Rosh Hashonah. What strikes me most forcibly in con- nection with your truly great people is the sacred- ness with which they hold the family relation. The...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 3

…American 'apish Periodical Center The Following Finn. Extend Best Wishes for a Happy New Year CLIFTON AVENUE •• CINCINNATI 20, OHIO MEDerRon,AmisnaRamcK This Following Firma Extend Best Wishes for • Happy New Year Season's Greetings President Herbert Hoover's Roth Hashonah Message KRAEMER'S RESTAURANT F. J. DEALL E MBAHHASSING,MOMENTS "Strictly Kosher" 8681 Twelfth Street Theater and Window Corner Blaine Phone Garfield 10075 De...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR DerRorr, MARSHALL LEAVES TENTH OF ESTATE TO JEWISH CAUSES MROMICLE are to be divided equally among the three sons and daughter. Other bequests were to Edward M. Neary, "my faithful secretary, in recognition of his faithful serv- ices", $2,500; Marshall Weil, nephew, $5,000, and three nieces, Edna Solomon, Madeleine Marshall and Helen Marshall, $5,000 each. A similar bequest is left to Bea- trice Magner. Mr. Marshall names his son...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 5

…Amerfrait yewith periodical Cotter things You Ought to Know Why a Nod of the Head Means CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ApperRorr EmsnaRomaz wards remaining open, and that I ! there is always a suggestion of a I smile. The nod to mean "yes" is only a way of saying "I. am pleased." Do you know that the man who appreciates perfection in cigarets smokes Murad. He appre-1 dates the flavor and fragrance which conies from the scientific bl...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 6

…• PAGE TEN TatVerRory EW1SR • JEWISH STUDENTS IN FRANCE Paris News Letter. By J. SCHECHTMAN Following the termination of the red power and its actions. World War, France became the An impossible situation has largest and most important center therefore arisen in the Jewish stu- ' I for Jewish ett)dents. Aside from dent organizations. The Commis- ; the French Jewish youth, which is ists do - nut recognize a national's I heavily represent...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 7

…Willa! jest* Pentaikid Omer. cum., easconomn 30, MD MEY)LTROWEIVISti ei RON ICLE PAGE ELEVEN SABBATH KEEPERS FORM ASSOCIATION . HEBREW UNION COLLEGE STUDENT BODY Rosh Hashonah Greetings to All My Jewish Friends and Customers Premier Radio Shop Berlin Committee Aims to Spread Movement Over the World. PHILCO The \Vorld Association of Sab- bath Ohs, res. Oeganit•d recral- ly in Ilerlin for the purpos• of guarding find protecting the S...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 8

…PAGE TWELVE TIE YATROCK F , WLMORONICIE • (Continued from Page Six Wishing All My Jewish Friends and Patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year perienced no general re-cuperation of fortune since Jerusalem. The exile from Spain has a more recent •lIoly Land" to look back upon; and just as the American and Eu- ropean Jew prays for the recon- struction of Palestine the St phar- dim of Morocco and Spanish Amer- ica look even though hopelessly, ...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 9

…AlMedan, Apish Perlailea! (?wter CUPTON APING{ - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO A 11- EbETROIT lash ifiatillmtal i Arrrtingg { IfRONICIA it mill ituif!tittall (6rrrtingri THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1929. With Very Best Wishes for Rosh Hashonah Review of the Year - -- 5689 By HARRY SCHNEIDERMAN ef–c4 MICHIGAN DENTAL LABORATORY ROACH ONE-PIECE CASTINGS OUR SPECIALTY FOR SERVICE C...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 10

…A I k tsV iZt&WW.Yek.2N4. ''' ' iii )g THENEFROITJEWISIL RONIGLE Entered a Second-class matter March L 1916, at the Poet• office .t Detroit. Mich., under the Act of March 8, 1819. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Cable Address: Chronicle London Office: 14 Stratford Place, London, W. 1, England Subscription, in Advance ftkin5VAaLZ AWZMIX`r/ be privileged to head a well-informed and thinking constituency. ...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 11

…PAGE TWELVE ThEVEMOITIENISII ORONIGLE • - in their administration and instruc- tion. Jews teaching Hebrew, Span- • iards and Frenchmen their respec- (Continued from Page Six) te sooting the native population of tive language. Besides instruction perienced no general re-cuperation Tangier and the governments in- in these three languages the chit- of fortune since Jerusalem. The volved in its internationality. Of dren are taught arithmetic, h...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 12

…A merica 'apish periodical Carter Minos *flaws • tattotrinart 10 , oxto IliEbETROIK AEWISTi 61 - RONICL- f +'h' at ilatbrr #rrtiou The Windsor Jewish School Of Cong. "Agudath B'nai Zion" By S. SMULLIN THE ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER CIRCULATED IN THE INTEREST OF JEWS IN BORDER CITIES DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1929. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO THE BORDER CITIES JEWISH COMMUNITIES WINDSOR SE TION Activities of Sisterhood of Cong. Shaar Has...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 13

…AGE TWO iffE ir kTROWEWIStt(ittaxine A Happy New Year to All Our Jewish Friends Season's Greetinffs and Best Wishes Greetings of the Season Horseshoe Battery Service ESSEX DEVELOPMENT CO., Ltd. All Makes of Radio and Car Batteries Repaired and Recharged fif Radio Batteries Called For and Delivered RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS BURNSIDE 6290 617 Aylmer Ave., at Horseshoe 1480 Howard Avenue WINDSOR, ONT. P RINCE E WARD H OTEL MI RON R. G...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 14

…1 ,4mericalt latish AriaVail Cotter CLIFTON AVINU1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ...•••••••..^ rs Ida Roxicit Business Revival Sweeps Canada Holiday greetings and Best Wishes AMBASSADOR MOTORS LTD. CARON AND LONDON Seneca 369 Open All Night DISTRIBUTORS FOR Marmon & Roosevelt FOLLOWING COUNTIES ESSEX, KENT, LAMBTON PAGE ONLY BASIS FOR GOOD WILL BETWEEN JEW AND NON-JEW LIMITED WHOLESALERS A Happy New Year to You I fish, 'frog, Chi...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 15

…PAGE FOUR THE ikTROI4EWISR 61RONICIA: REALTY VALUES IN WINDSOR 'FUTURE OF GENTILE- REPORTED MOUNTING RAPIDLY JEWISH RELATIONS demandng uniformit • If, on they other h a nd, we see ) In difference the po tt ntia lity of ne w social in- . ventions and new values, we shall "W illespreatl interest in the to an extent that surpassed his (Continued tram Page One.) I invite its expres swift growth of the 1311rder Cities widest expeetations." Mr. K...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 16

…America,' ffewish Periodical CeNter 11KISMOM gi,2 ra 1r 1 CLUTCH AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO CIL '710 MSSIMMEM tat viguirt 1:111t1 To the Entire Community .C21 BRANDEIS EMERGES FAULTLESS IN McLEOD LAUDS JEWISH CONTRIBU- BIOGRAPHY BY JACOB DE HASS TIONS TO LITERATURE AND (Continued from Preceding Page). ! INDUSTRY haeh;i r ,re y e t rtl n determined to I d do public t It 10 DAY SPECIAL 1 idiking things encumbering imperil. ('...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 17

…t'AGE EIGHT PIE 9LI'ltflfgIYIS/VRDP4ICIE ctr. c:tootto-cto-ct-cGoonci-o ot:)*******Ixtroit-oon-ao 9 0 0 0 CH:1-a0-00-00, 0-01:24:1-000.0* o 000ttootxon postatit000cto ono otscoo oo *OD* 1:14+ 44:1 0 0-0 44* 0 0 0 0- 0 0*** o 1)-0 GO* <> 0* 40 0 L' ShonoTovoTikosevu! Superintendent, United Hebrew School. of Detro't Another event of outstanding importance was the opening of a new Hebrew school in the Dexter section. The first commencem...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 18

…America yarish PerioSeal Cotter CLIFTON Amin - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO THE *MOM/EMS/I eiRDNICLE F.- - The Only Interests He Has Repre- sented Have Been the Interests of ALL CITIZENS PAR WHO WILL TAKE HIS PLACE? ' FABRICK SCORES HIT AT DETROIT FUR SHOW Fa- labors were appreciated is attest- tistry and skill. Among Mr. ed to the praise he received from brick's creations were a Russian the Detroit Furrier's Association, Fitch coat and muff...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 19

…We Extend Sincere Holiday Greetings and Invite You to Make an Inspection of Our ORIENTAL RUGS at 25% Off Stock consists of Kushan, Sarouks, Espahan I Ilamadans, Kandahak and several other grades, I all sizes and colors. Also Chinese Rugs. C. BATTAT 11745 Woodward Avenue, Corner Tuxedo Phone Longfellow 5461 FALL AND WINTER EFFORT PLANNED BY LOCAL Y W. H. A, The Young IVomen'e Hebrew Association announces a program of activities for the fa...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 20

…A merfrot 'wish PaloSeal Carter CLIFTON AVENUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO – _ WYANDOTTE JEWISH COMMUNITY ACTIVE DURING PAST YEAR Thebrnion' Awtsit (iiitcejtaz could not find a suitable place for a synagogue. On Dec. 15, 1924, a special meeting was called by Sam Schwartz and M. Cohen, at which 'Pi Wyandotte Jewish commu- time a discussion for permanent for its immediate needs, the com- n ity ,vas an active center during quarters and the building...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 21

…PAGE TWELVE CENTER MUSIC SCH OOL OPENS ITS NEW SEASON New 'Cello Department under Dr. Bernard Argiewica; Conductor Glass Rob Daily. The Jewish Centers - Music School, 31 Melbourne, of which Bendetson Netzorg is the advisory head, opened its 1929-30 season on Sept. 9. Forty-six students have already returned to the piano and violin departments and are re- ceiving instruction f r 0 ni Mr. Szmulewicz and Mr. Illumentiu in - - violin the a d...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 22

…A merican Amish PeriodicalCenter CLIFTON Anton - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO mE9LTRC HTIJEWISII (f. I RON ICIfi PALESTINE JEWRY'S NEW YEAR MESSAGE TO JEWS EVERYWHERE A Happy New Year This I pray for all my friends for the ensuing year. The many policy holders whose confidence I enjoy, will find me as anxious for their welfare and interest as I have been in the past. I hope that the same mutual trust and confidence will continue be- tween us....…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 23

…PAGE FOURTEEN •■•■■•••■ ••••11111V T he tATRorr Limn et RON ICLE msemem m • _ • of the Shaarey Zedek Auxiliary, are altogether eight exits. Iladassah and many other women's !tarry Spears is master of cere- groups active in the community. monies ( an Al I 's Orchestra exam er • Mrs. Mary Glazier of 3250 Lea- lie avenue, passed away Sept. 29 at supplies the music. Among the the age of 58 years. She is sur- Lido Cafe Reopens With entertainers a...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 24

…v bariam Awisk Pena(ilcal Coda CLIFTON AMU* - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO fi l E YATROIT, EVISfI tA RON I CLE VIEWS OF MARSHALL ON SCHREIBER CASE the trip. It had been discouraged Although the Guggenheims are tn, by the French government, Yet , very good friends I would be they had knowledge and experience ashamed to suggest to them tha they should even think of employ Departed Leader'. Letter Reveals in flying. So far as Schreiber was • ing Schre...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 25

…PAGE SIXTEEN PIEDerRore,/Ewont i fiRoxima Religion In a Supposedly Irreligious Country Russian Government Makes a Fundamental Discov- ery As to What Part Religion Plays in the Life of the People. R t i h rgaS 1448 Woodward Avenue BY BETTY ROSS Foremost Stylists of Women's and Misses' Fashions Before leaving America for Russia, I was greatly dis- turbed by what appeared to me to be a mixture of truth and propaganda with reference to...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 26

…A merica Awish PaloSeal &ter CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO _ _ BIM Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.—Henry Van Dyke. YEAR IN N SPORT ______ I that have ' field. _ TICDLTROITAWISfletRO7XICLE _ .._ put Jewish teams ig the Andy Cohen Stays in Big 1.1111P1111 Baseball. The quickly passing year has' Jewish baseball players of first ir,ito, the past and lef...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 27

…PAGE EIGHTEEN REVISIONIST ZIONIST MEETING ON OCT. 6 The Zionist Revisionist Organi- zation will hold an important meeting on Sunday evening, Oct. 6, at the Byron-Philadelphia Tal- mud Torah. Information and statement a from London relative to the pres- ent political situation in Palestine will be communicated at the meet- ing, as well as reports from the Palestine press of the last two weeks. L. Adkins will speak on "The PIE9critorrladsn ...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 28

…A merica Yewisk Perkthrol Carter CUPTON ATENUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ROLTROITJEWISHOIRONICLE HALEVY-HAZOMIR NAMES CONDUCTOR some years ago at the Damrosch levy-Ilazomir upon the recommen- Conservatory in New York City. dation of Leo Low, general direr- He studied composition with Dr. Itor of choruses for the Jewish Na- tional Workers' Alliance, of which Announcement is made of the Ribner and 'cello with Welleke. the Halevy-Ilazomir is a br...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 29

…PAGE TWENTY erRorr LWISII iIRONICLE 4> LHer Betrothal Announced)' DOILAIPAILE SUITS ECU HAS AND GIRLS Made of a beautiful, soft, suede-like cloth that laun- Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Smith (Esther Winkelman) have return- ed from their wedding trip and are making their home in Ann Arbor, Mich. ders beautifully! In navy, red, tan, French blue, pink, or light blue. Sizes 1 to 8. Hats to match, including whoopee caps and aviation caps for l...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 30

…America ffewish &dotted Carter CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO Nog TIEWIZOiT L EWIS f t0R(NIC113 Friday and Saturday Engagements Renaud Perfume Unusual Value Sells Regularly at $10 So important is this offering that knowing moderns will select not only for their indi- vidual needs—but for gifts and Christmas. Three perfect odeurs by the inimitable Renaud of Paris at thrifty savings! One- ounce cut glass bottle with colored crystal...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 31

…PAGE TWENTY-TWO * PIEDLTROHJEWIS/ICIRONICU3 New Year Greetings Fur Trimmed Coats In Rollins Modes $89.75 New Year's Greetings rece'ved too late for insertion in the spe Mal greeting section appear in the following columns. Additional be- D Smart in line . . . superior in tailoring . . . lavish in fur trimming. Make a point of coming in and seeing these $89.75 models — they are all just as smart as the one sketched. A tives •nd friends ...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 32

…America Amish periodical Cotter CLIFTON VINO& - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 'if, 7/f,TBOYE /FAISfi &RON ICU BIRA-BIDJAN, WHERE A JEWISH STATE MAY RISE 1 months -- during -7- the winter there PAGE TWENTY-THREE ETERNAL JEW: BRINGER OF LIGHT i be no snow at all although ! wll and the awe of generations. Children of Intermarriag his family's persecutions, finally !the temperature is seldom higher i Dr. A. A. Roback, howeve r, is than 20 degrees bel...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 33

…- - - PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Tnotkraorripp,sitgeoricLE It If you haven't •ttetided oar week], 1928 you must itt Into the habit In 1929. Thoussnds of people have saved thuu••nds of dollars by •t. tending our auctions . Sale starts at 10 a. to. and continue. throughout the der and evening. Remember the date. Wednesday, January Is YOCKEY BROS. AUCTION ROOM 4303 Fourteenth Avenue F. A. Yock•y, Auctioneer. BUSINESS MEN! Do You Know What Your Prof...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 34


October 04, 1929 • Page Image 35

…PAGE TWO s , Milton; AMR' 9lRONIClit ROMANTIC GROWTH OF FLINT (Continued from I'age One.) dud•] in this figure will provido for about 250 families. and conservative policies are being adhered to in providing l" begin soon. is vx1 8 'vt •ii th e banes, and, according to city' The subsidia rie s of the General is enough Mador s Coriearatinn form the. Brent- . - ollicials, w•ithin there the present city territory limits pm p o se "r d alarg...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 36

…;WISH [f New Year's Greetings \y e 1Vish All Our Jewish Friends and Patroils a Happy and Prosperous New Year ". 'e I' AREHART BROS. GEORGE H. MeVANNEI, e e s e o e e e DUCO AND LACQUER FINISH Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers AUTO COLLISION SERVICE Genesee Motor Sales s.\Y IT e e e Specializing 4521 North Saginaw Street FLINT, mcinGAN For Rosh Hashonah ■ AUTO PAINTERS cW) Pp PAGE THREF RoN Phone 2-3169 win' o e e The Season...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 37

…PAGE FOUR filE SEASON'S GREETINGS Industrial Savings Bank I Union Trust and Savings Bank The merging of these The merger, in addi- banks tion to bringing to- creates an institution gether vast financial resources, combines a man-power of recog- nized ability. The offi- cers and directors are well a n d favorably known and the person- nel is trained and quali- fied for their work. of great strength with a capital and surplus of $2...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 38

…Amterkait ffewish Periorkl Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Til£1)ffRorr,/chisileutop4 lax ON THE QUESTION OF GOOD-WILL BETWEEN JEWS AND CHRISTIANS • .Don's Greetings to All Our Jewish Friends nodes Porter Auto Sales LIMITED DISTRIBUTOR Chrysler and Plymouth Motor Cars 556 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 39

…PAGE SIX THEikrROrIVEWISR , RONICLE Furs Remodeled Into the Latest New York and Parisian Style Season's Greetings L. LaFontaine Upon this momentous occasion in the lives of the Jewish people we extend our best wishes to our Jew- ish friends and clients for a happy and prosperous New Year. Specializing in Seal- skin, Mink and Persian Lamb Manufacturer of Fine Furs Storagt. of Furs, Goods Called For and Delivered GREETINGS Arthur S. ...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 40

…America 'apish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO —_—_. { ilim311 illaiillottali (6rrrtititui REPETROITAWISH RONIGL E En011 faHlInuall &Mingo THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1929. Up and Down The Season's Greetings WICKER SCHOOL of Fine Arts 5057 WOODWARD AVENUE Day and Evening Classes in Drawing and Painting from Life in the different black-and-white and ...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 41

…PAGE TWO EkrizorriEwisti (if Rory ictE Season's Greetings Our Best Wishes to You for a Happy and Prosperous New Year ACME PIE CO. BAKERS OF eAcme Pure Fruit Pies Made Fresh Daily A GOOD BUY IS ACME PIE 2286 E. Milwaukee Ave. Empire 7883.6222 ... . _ Wishing the Jewish Community of Detroit a Happy and Prosperous New Year 1 It JOHN RUSSMAN DUMP TRUCKS Quick Service in Hauling Coal, Dirt, Cinders and Rubbish BY HOUR, LOAD OR CON...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 42

…A merica Yonsh Periodical Coder CLIPTON MMUS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO =NV , 11 ' ■ 11111OMI mspgritorr EW1SH &Ma6 PAGE THREE F . _ NOVEMBER TOUR COMMITTEE AIDS REFORM JUDAISM The Michigan Store Fixture Co. INCORPORATED The Nation's Largest Builders of Complete Stores RABBI EMILW. ISIPZICIER DAVID A BROWN DETROIT NEW YORK Specializing in Shop Interiors and Fronts That Arc Different RECENT INSTALLATIONS Friedberg's Castelberg's ...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 43

…▪ PAGE FOUR C1 'MEI/MEM; /ThilSil (0110NICUE CI ❑ 0 •C=>, , A Modern Synagogue In The Jewish Homeland ..-* r' . . ❑ 1010 r \ WE EXTEND OUR SINCERE BEST WISHES TO YOU ON THE OCCASION OF ROSH HASHONAH. MAY THE COMING YEAR BRING TO YOU ALL THE REWARDS OF HONEST ENDEAVOR. ... - OF A LIFETIME , " PLANNING ....- THE NEW HOME Nowadays, the plumbing in the bath- room and kitchen must be very carefully selected. A visit to our s...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 44

…A MMillrar *AO Paildial eager OMNI MOIR - 011111111111M1 f., OM M EV urito rri Ewisn ew spnctx facts which proclaim that the 1111 teenth century many Jewish com coon Hebrews were fervently posers devoted their energies ex- awarti . of the t motional and ethical elusively to the development of Out of this significance of song. Celebrating Jewish folk music. ti,, crossing of the Red Seat. labor came inspiring r. sults. The "Moses sang" exulta...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 45

…PAG E SIX MEY)urnon;lEmsnef RON ICU I THE WORK OF BETH EL SISTERHOOD SAGINAW—THE METROPOLIS OF OF SAGINAW NORTHEASTERN MICHIGAN The Season's Greetings Best Wishes for a Happy New Year By MRS. RUTH CLINKOFSTINE President of Sisterhood HATCH Saginaw is it well-built, modern stunts, with water, KOW(1 r and gas city, with beautiful schools, parks, mains extendod to ever) , section of playgrounds and residential sec- the city. Electric lairs...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 46

…• ▪ PAGE SEVEN 711E,kritorr,fixisn6iRoNicix • sit - '11 .01 0 1 51 Tt 'MR \\•e Wish Our Jewish Friends a Happy New Year 1-2) Forward looking motorists will investigate the facts that reveal the superiority in SEASON'S GREETINGS SAGINAW, 511C11. Insurance SAGINAW, MICH. 23-24 Merrill Bldg. Saginaw, W. S., Stich. KAUFMANN Yellow-Checker Cab Co. UNDERTAKER DUNTILE CO. Light Trucking and Baggage Transfer . \ BU LANCE SERVICE Co...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 47

…!'AG E EIG 111 Tff EikTROIP ISRAEL'S ANCIENT RITUAL HORN MINERAL WATER 441100""" Plilliam c) ii sistrLiit ` MT. CLEMENS, MICH. WILL. L. LEE COMMISSIONER OF SCHOOLS COUNTY OFFICER . iven ARTHUR ROSSO CHIEF OF POLICE MT. CLEMENS, MICH. John H. Minneley MACOMB COUNTY 9.1 ' Ii WA * Michigan Federated Utilities of ti John H. Schelling Mt. Clemens "Your SECRETARY G A S SUP'T OF POOR MACOMB COUNTY Company" kUtziziwV.,1;...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 48

…Algal= ffeirish Periodical eater CUSTOM MIMI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO ittfrmorritwisnetROXICLE SECTION TWO Best Wishes for a Happy New Year MACOMB INSURANCE AGENCY Largest Insurance Agency in Macomb County F. G. LENNEBACKER WM. T. KELLY Lawyers' Building MT. CLEMENS, MICH. Phone 262 wa....w.a.........m..i......„ MT. CLEMENS, IS GREAT HEALTH CITY LARGEST UNIT IN CITY SCHOOLS COST $835,000 TO BUILD A HAPPY NEW YEAR Greetings on the ...…

October 04, 1929 • Page Image 49


October 04, 1929 • Page Image 50

…America lavish PenaSeal eater CLIFTON AVINU1 - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE EL no Wishing the Entire Jewish Community of Bay City a Happy and Prosperous New Year J. HARRY NELSON MAYOR BAY CITY, MICH. SEASON'S GREETINGS People's Commercial & Savings Bank Capital and Surplus, $1,200,000 OFFICERS JAMES E. DAVIDSON JAMES R. WATROUS GUY II. MOULTIIROI' JAMES R. TANNER C. II. COOK G. II. WATROUS RANDALL E. GRAVES President Vice-Pres. and Ca...…

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