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July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…THE BROKER OF CHOICE FOR THOSE IN THE KNOW. $200 July 4-10, 2019 / 1-7 Tammuz 5779 Advice for “digital executors” trying to gain access after a loved one dies. See page 16 …

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…ASK ABOUT OUR SUMMER SURGERY DISCOUNT SPECIAL Metro Detroit The Secret’s Out Steven E. Stein, M.D. Call for an appointment today 248-643-7710 With 25 years of experience Dr. Stein has performed 1000s of face and neck lift procedures, along with blepharoplasties (eyelid surgery) and fat grafting. Because of his vast experience, Dr. Stein is the only plastic surgeon you should be choosing for your cosmetic procedures. Somerset Cent...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…July 4 • 2019 3 jn inside July 4-10, 2019 1-7 Tammuz 5779 VOLUME CLV, ISSUE 22 • Check out revamped, redesigned JN website! • Schmoozing with Alexa Randolph Detroit Jewish News n VIEWS 5-10 JEWS IN THE D 11 The Light Within Society of Humanistic Judaism celebrates 50 years. 14 Ensuring a Lasting Legacy Commander of Jewish War Veterans comes to Metro Detroit to talk about the future. 16 Unlocking Te...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…4 July 4 • 2019 jn $36/person. SPACE IS LIMITED and priority will be given to Temple Israel members. Register online at Questions? Contact Miriam Baxter at or 248-661-5700. Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Please join Rabbi Jennifer Kaluzny for dinner and drinks and tour Avalon Bakery with Jackie Victor. Each participant will get to bake their very own challah and take home a c...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…July 4 • 2019 5 jn views R ecent events are leading me to believe there are no coinci- dences. I’ m experiencing more moments where things I’ m thinking about intersect with things going on around me. You’ ve had that feeling, right? You think about a friend you haven’ t spoken to in a while and, almost instanta- neously, you receive an incoming call from him. Or perhaps something more dramatic like what I witnessed at a funera...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…6 July 4 • 2019 jn The Jewish News aspires to communicate news and opinion that’ s useful, engaging, enjoyable and unique. It strives to refl ect the full range of diverse viewpoints while also advocating positions that strengthen Jewish unity and continuity. We desire to create and maintain a challenging, caring, enjoyable work environment that encourages creativity and innovation. We acknowledge our role as a responsible, responsive me...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…July 4 • 2019 7 jn Woodward Avenue | Royal Oak TENNIS BETTER THAN THE GYM Why go to the gym when you can exercise outside for free and have more fun? TENNIS 30211 Woodward Ave, Royal Oak 1/4 Mile South of Beaumont Hospital (248) 435-6800 Now Open Sundays & Evenings Under New Ownership KID’S DAY GIVE AWAY SATURDAY, JULY 13TH Free Tennis Racquet* Scavenger Hunt Raffle Prizes Fun Games Starts@ 9am *Free ten...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…8 July 4 • 2019 jn views Readers had plenty to say about the online story “Sign Unveiled for Trump Heights Community in the Golan Heights,” published June 17. Fred Jacobs: Surprised they rejected Pottersville. Nancy Federman Kaplan: With you-know-who, shameless flattery will get you … everywhere. Or so these pathetic sycophants believe. Steven Silber: How much money did Trump funnel over to Trumpenyahu? Marcie Bensman: Giving ...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 9


July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…10 July 4 • 2019 jn views letters WSU Police Chief Does Outstanding Job We read with interest about the Law Enforcement/Federation Security training that took place recently in Israel, as reported by Wayne State University Police Chief Anthony Holt (“Bring Security Strategies From Israel to Wayne State, ” June 20, page 8). Allow us to take this opportunity to share with the community the out- standing job that Chief Holt and his t...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…July 4 • 2019 11 jn jews d in the F iftieth anniversaries are special occa- sions — usually upbeat moments to celebrate past achievements, reconnect with family, friends and colleagues, and to think about the future, often with good food, music and heartfelt speeches. The Society for Humanistic Judaism cel- ebrated its 50th anniversary with all these elements and more at “SHJ@50: Celebrating Culture, Advancing the Movement,” a con-...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…12 July 4 • 2019 jn jews d in the continued from page 11 “Where is my light? My light is in me. Where is my hope? My hope is in me. Where is my strength? My strength is in me — and in you.” — RABBI SHERWIN WINE Humanistic Judaism Timeline • 1963: A small group of Temple Beth El members began to meet and then hold services with Rabbi Sherwin Wine. They developed an alternative approach to Judaism without a belief in God and began usi...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 13

…commitment to social issues. According to a national Pew Center survey in 2013, six of 10 American Jews said that being Jewish was mainly a matter of cul- ture or ancestry, compared to 15 percent who said it was mainly religion. Also, Jews are less likely to believe in God than other Americans. Two-thirds of the Jews surveyed said a person can be Jewish without believing in God. Some aspects of Humanistic Judaism, once controve...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…14 July 4 • 2019 jn T he Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the frontlines on the War on Terror. No matter the era or theater of war, Jews in our armed forces have faced being in harm’ s way throughout our nation’ s history, playing a pivotal role in defending our freedoms despite the erroneously held belief after the Civil War that Jews did not participate in the defense of our country. To right that wrong...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 15

…July 4 • 2019 15 jn approximately 10,000 currently on active duty. The JWV is also involved in the annual Jewish Warrior Weekend in Washington, D.C., a gathering of cadets from military academies and major ROTC units. Participants are given complimentary memberships and assigned to the post nearest their home. Memberships are free to those who are on active duty and for the first year after leaving the service. Schneider encouraged...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…A few months ago, following the death of my father, I took a phone call from a friend asking for some advice. Her friend’ s son had recently died tragically, and the family was unable to unlock his smartphone to view the final pho- tos he took while on vacation out of the country. I explained I was also in the process of trying to take care of a loved one’ s technology after death and was able to provide some advice. The experi...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 17

…July 4 • 2019 17 jn “I would highly recommend assigning a designated digital executor in your will so your survivors are able to manage your technology as simply as possible.” — RABBI JASON MILLER with login credentials and contact people for those accounts. This is especially important to have regarding financial accounts. I found it was helpful to send out notifications from my father’ s email address to the representatives of h...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 18

…18 July 4 • 2019 jn T he first-floor conference room at the Hyatt Hotel in Royal Oak was abuzz with activity the eve- ning of Saturday, May 18. In the lobby, the scent of hairspray and perfume was overwhelming as teenage girls and boys milled around in their most glamorous attire. It was prom night, but this was no ordinary prom. The 151 teenagers in attendance all had one thing in com- mon: they are battling life-limiting illness....…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 19

…July 4 • 2019 19 jn P aul Gross is a meteorologist with WDIV-TV and a member of and four-time past pres- ident of Temple Kol Ami in West Bloomfield. The JN recently caught up with him to ask him some ques- tions about climate change. Q : What is your background or experience with climate change? PG: I have followed climate change closely since the early 1990s, when I interviewed my first climate scien- tist. I attend one or two con...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 20

…20 July 4 • 2019 jn here’ s to Connor Andrew Tukel has been inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society at Wayne State University in the Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures. The Tepperman family of Windsor (Bill, Rochelle, Andrew, Tina, Noah and Julie) have received the Herb Gray Harmony Award from the Windsor Jewish Federation. The award recognizes individuals and groups who ...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 21

…July 4 • 2019 21 jn Congregation Beth Shalom recently elected its officers and board members for the 2019-2020 year. Bryan Beckerman of Huntington Woods was elected president; Beth Rodgers of Oak Park will serve as executive vice president; Fran Hildebrandt, Aaron Schwartz, and Arnold Weiner are vice presidents; Greta Zalman is treasurer; Daniel Barth is secretary. Board directors are Kenneth Bernard, Jared Chimovitz, Howard Fridson, M...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 22

…22 July 4 • 2019 jn jews d in the Q : You’ ve recently returned to Metro Detroit after spending some time away. What brought you back? BS: There were a lot of things that brought me back! I was in a place that was beautiful, but it did not have the community I needed in order to be my best and most authentic self. I had also given up social work in my move, so I was excited to return and pick up where I had left off. Q: Where di...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 23

…July 4 • 2019 23 jn Shutterbugs Teens document other teens’ Jewish involvement with their cameras. F rom high above the Detroit skyline or down low at street level, the teen photographers behind the scenes of the website have been hard at work creating new content each week that documents the lives of area teens involved with their Jewish youth groups to share them with the world. Teens like Aaron Rudman, ...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 24

…24 July 4 • 2019 jn jews d in the Rosenblatt Departing Jewish Week Post; Previously Served as Jewish News Editor (JTA) — Gary Rosenblatt, the edi- tor and publisher of the New York Jewish Week, is stepping down in September. From 1984 through 1993, Rosenblatt had served as the editor of the Detroit Jewish News. A new editor is expected to be named in the coming weeks, according to the newspaper. Rich Waloff, the associate publi...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 25

…July 4 • 2019 25 jn JFS CEO Perry Ohren, JFS Board Chair Julie Teicher, event co-chair Randy Orley On May 29, nearly 500 community members attended Jewish Family Service’ s annual Spotlight event at Congregation Shaarey Zedek. The focus of this year’ s event was to shine a spotlight on mental health in our community. The event was chaired by Diane and Randy Orley, who have become community leaders in the area of mental health, and feat...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 26

…26 July 4 • 2019 jn jews d in the | faces&places As part of JARC’ s 50th anniversary celebration, Arnold Collens, past presi- dent of the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan (JHSM), and Mike Smith, the Alene and Graham Landau Archivist for the Detroit Jewish News Foundation, had a “fireside chat” May 15 to discuss the circumstances that existed prior to and led to the formation of JARC. Collens’ research, “Before There Was JARC,” wil...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 27

…July 4 • 2019 27 jn IMMIGRATION LAW FIRM ANTONE, CASAGRANDE & ADWERS, P.C. Representation in all areas of family and business immigration law. or email at Ph: 248-406-4100 Fax: 248-406-4101 JUSTIN D. CASAGRANDE N. PETER ANTONE Feature your business with our new way to advertise, on our website. Three sizes to choose from with affordable pricing options. Young Israel of Oak ...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 28

…28 July 4 • 2019 jn E laine and Arnold Berman of West Bloomfield recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary at a party given by their children, Andrea and Jonas Goldberg, Scott and Cheryl Berman, and Larry and Catherine Berman. The festiv- ities were held at Ciao Italian Bistro. Also in attendance were their 11 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and many more family and friends. Berman 70th moments Naveen Jackson of C...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 29

…July 4 • 2019 29 jn Healing Broken Healing Broken Relationships Relationships I was recently teaching a class about the weekly Torah portion when someone mentioned the rebellion of Korach. I explained that Korach’ s rebellion began when Korach questioned why his cousin Aaron and his lineage should become the priests. Most of the people in the room were surprised to learn that Korach was the first cousin of Moses and Aaron, but...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 30

…30 July 4 • 2019 jn music arts&life SUZANNE CHESSLER CONTRIBUTING WRITER Interlochen Legacy A s the Interlochen Arts Festival gets into full swing — with concerts, comedy and dramatizations — memories about the Interlochen Center for the Arts abound. Personal recollections are held by former campers and year- round students, some going on to pursue successful careers in the arts and others deciding on different fields but mai...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 31

…July 4 • 2019 31 jn of Music and Drama in Glasgow and the English Folk Dance and Song Society in London. While he started a square dance experi- ence that fits in with his music, another Interlochen alum, from the 1970s, has moved through various step styles into salsa. Calling herself “Mambo Marci” Iwrey, she performs, teaches and plans corporate events. “My best memory of Interlochen is that of a typical but magical day, ” says...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 32

…32 July 4 • 2019 jn theater arts&life C anadian writer Hannah Moscovitch transplants her roots — with modifications — for theater audiences. This season at the Shaw Festival in Ontario, her Eastern European heri- tage, passed down through her father, comes across in The Russian Play. A lunchtime one-act that tells the story of a 1920s flower girl falling in love with a gravedigger, the production has updated sequences. Moscovitch,...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 33

…July 4 • 2019 33 jn As featured on: Need Help with an IRS or State Tax Problem? Call the experts at 1-800-TAX-LEVY (829-5389) Tax Liens Collection Notices Penalties Unfi led Tax Returns Audits Call us today to answer your questions or to schedule a meeting and say goodbye to those sleepless nights! 1 800 TAX LEVY We Listen …. We Care … We Help! HQ: 28400 Southfi eld Road., Lathrup Village, Michigan 48076 S.D.: Owed the IRS $2...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 34

…34 July 4 • 2019 jn celebrity jews arts&life AT THE MOVIES Opening last Tuesday, July 2, was Spiderman: Far From Home. The film takes place shortly after the events in Avengers: Endgame. Peter Parker (AKA Spiderman) is still mourning the death of his mentor, Avengers’ leader Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man, when he is recruited by Nick Fury to team up with Quentin Beck, AKA Mysterio, a master of trickery and illusion to battle the Eleme...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 35

…July 4 • 2019 35 jn people | places | events on the go BONOBO AT MOCAD British DJ and music producer Simon Green, better known by his stage name “Bonobo,” one of the biggest electronic artists of our time, comes to the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit on Friday, July 5, at 6 p.m. Bonobo’ s latest “Migration” album was his biggest yet, achieving a Top 5 position in the UK and nominated for best electronic album at the Grammys. He’ s we...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 36

…36 July 4 • 2019 jn MICHAEL PEARCE JN INTERN T he JN recently talked to Matt Daniels, owner and operator of Nu Deli food truck, which serves old-school Jewish-style food with an Indian flair. During the win- ter months, he and his girlfriend, Meghana Shrivastava, own and oper- ate Verandah, a seasonal restaurant in Goa, India. They run the food truck, Nu Deli, during the summer in Michigan. Nu Deli is preparing to launch a line of p...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 37

…July 4 • 2019 37 jn Danny Raskin Immortalized at Area Restaurants Artistic Tribute Mark Zarkin, proprietor of Steven Lelli’ s Inn on the Green in Farmington, has opened a new venture in Detroit that’ s not quite so fancy: Grand Circus Diner (1570 Woodward Ave., Detroit). This carni- val-themed restaurant in the Broderick Tower, within walking distance of most the- aters and stadiums, opened this spring and has been gar- nishing mo...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 38

…38 July 4 • 2019 jn Toasted Oak Grill & Market U pright, stamped barrels and vintage advertising signs — these decorative elements at Toasted Oak Grill & Market hearken back to America’ s rural roots, when people thrived on wholesome meals made from scratch. Home-baking, can- ning, aging and curing were vital skills. Farm-to-table dining is a byword at Toasted Oak, a brasserie-style eatery within the Baronette Renaissance Det...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 39

…July 4 • 2019 39 Call today for your free in-home consultation 248.855.8747 Caren Bass Custom Closets,Inc. WHERE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE as featured on HGTV Leading the industry with over 30 years experience in the Metro Detroit Area. Now also organizing the Metro Denver Area with our 2nd location Custom Closets, West, Inc. Call for a free estimate 248-547-4525 HOUSEWORK GOT YOU DOWN? BROOM HILDA’S We speciali...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 40

…40 July 4 • 2019 $50 Airport & Appts. Ontime at a reasonable price Howard. 248-345-8709 1A1 DRIVER for Dr’s appts, shopping, errands, air- ports and more. Renee (248)991-4944 95 TRANSPORTATION Very Affordable Handyman. Avail. 7 days/wk. Call Walt 734-796-3906 AAA Cleaning Service. 15 business. Natalie 248-854-0775 80 SERVICES Former Marine JF Green Renovations 248-770-8772 SIDING & ROOFING INSTALLATION & REPAIR Gutter Instal...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 41

…July 4 • 2019 41 jn continued on page 42 soul of blessed memory Actor Max Wright, Native Detroiter, Dies Detroit native and acclaimed actor Max Wright died June 26, 2019, at age 75. Wright had been battling lymphoma for years prior to his death. Wright is best known for his role in the NBC sitcom ALF, in which he played the father, Willie Tanner. Wright also had roles on the shows Cheers, Taxi, Murphy Brown, Buffalo Bill, The ...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 42

…42 July 4 • 2019 jn soul of blessed memory BLANCHE ENGEL, 93, of Oak Park, died June 25, 2019. She is survived by her daughters, Bonnie Engel, Naomi (Dr. Blake) Casher, Marlene (Sheldon) Urnovitz, Debbie Devries; son-in-law, Dr. Jeffrey Devries; grand- children, Tamra (Ron) Feldman, Michael Krefman, Jay (Paula Yevilaf) Krefman, Jordan (Marissa) Urnovitz, Haley Urnovitz, Elizabeth Kirshner; great-grandchildren, Zachary, Jared and...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 43

…July 4 • 2019 43 jn continued on page 44 SALLY G. (TALCOWSKY) LEWIS, passed away peacefully on June 25, 2019, with her children and granddaughter at her side. She leaves behind her sister, Edith; children, Nanice, Rochelle, Shelly (and Jeff), and Michael; her grandchildren, Rachel (and Shane), Carin (and Miguel), Noah, Jason (and Hoda); her beauti- ful great-grandchildren, Harmony, Arieus, Selma, Yaya, Bella and Avi; her dear n...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 44

…44 July 4 • 2019 jn continued from page 43 soul of blessed memory sisters, Randee (Paul) Freedman and Carol (Rick) Ellis; and brother- in-law, Mitchell Lipton; nieces and nephews, Samantha (Evan) Mitchell, Jill Freedman, Devin and Jeremy Ellis, Andrew and Jake Lipton. Contributions may be made to Let’ s Win, an affiliate of the Lustgarten Foundation. Arrangements by Ira Kaufman Chapel. NURIT ANANI SALLEN, born April 20, 1952, pa...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 45

…July 4 • 2019 45 jn raskin the best of everything Bravissimo! I f you wonder why I am again writ- ing about an Andiamo restaurant, it is because it is celebrating its 22nd anniversary on Maple and Telegraph in Bloomfield Township … a big number in the dining game … and brings back many remembrances. Like the night the Detroit Red Wings won the Stanley Cup … and Mike and Marian Ilitch later brought over the cov- eted cup … Or how it l...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 46

…Looking Back Mike Smith Alene and Graham Landau Archivist Chair S o, it’ s a warm summer day and you put on a wool uniform, carry around a 9-pound, 56-inch rifle, eat hard tack and boiled beef, and sleep in a tent with candles for light. OK, you are either some sort of nut job or … just maybe, you are a Civil War re-enactor with a passion for bringing history alive, well beyond the confines of a book or a photograph. And, you just ...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 47

…248-851-4100 Last year we helped 26,923 248-851-4100 248-851-4100 248-851-4100 248-851-4100 248-851-4100 COMMERCE TWP $300,000 GREAT COLONIAL Reduced and ready to sell! Welcome home to this nice 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath in the foxcroft subdivision. Features include a neutral decor with an open fl oor plan, hardwood and laminate fl ooring, spacious kitchen with nook area, new carpeting, cathedral ceilings in the family room with a c...…

July 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 48

…699 Hanna | BIRMINGHAM | $2,400,000 Derocher home loaded with architectural detail. Fabulous gourmet kitchen and spacious master suite. 28 Balfour | BLOOMFIELD | $975,000 Builder’s own dream home with open floorplan, soaring ceilings, 1st floor master & 3-car garage. 1001 W Glengarry | BLOOMFIELD | $1,450,000 Beautiful brick colonial with outstanding floor plan. Chef’s kitchen, 1st floor master + 5 BR, finished LL. 2401 Wildbrook Run | B...…

April 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…THE BROKER OF CHOICE FOR THOSE IN THE KNOW. $200 April 4-10, 2019 / 28 Adar II – 5 Nissan 5779 See page 40 Reel Rock ‘ n’ Roll Freep Film Fest’ s opener chronicles CREEM magazine’ s Jewish founder, one of an “unruly band of outsiders, misfi ts and punks.” …

April 04, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…STUNNING 11.47 ACRE ESTATE Bloomfield | 7420 Inner Circle Drive BR 6 | BATHS 4.4 | TOTAL SF 17,056 | $7,495,000 BEST OF IN-TOWN Birmingham | 544 Wallace Street BR 3 | BATHS 3 | SF 1,986 | $550,000 2.25 ACRES ON ENDICOTT LAKE City of Bloomfield Hills | 330 Lowell Court BR 5 | BATHS 5.2 | SF 5,879 | $2,795,000 CONTEMPORARY ON 1.68 ACRES Bloomfield Hills | 1375 Scenic Court BR 4 | BATHS 4.3 | TOTAL SF 14,046 | $1,695,000 EXCEPTIONAL TUD...…

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