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June 02, 1949 • Page Image 1

…(ical Coder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO State 01W17 Convenes Here Governor, Mayor to Address Conclave Upwards of 500 delegates, rep- resenting 18 posts and 16 auxil- iaries of the Jewish War Vet- erans, will gather this weekend at the Fort Wayne hotel for the pepartment of Michigan conven- tion. Gov. G. Mennen Williams, Secretary of State Fred M. Alger and Mayor Eugene I. Van Ant- werp will be guests of honor at the banquet conclu...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 2

…▪ Thursday, June 2, ISa DETROIT JEWISH CIIRONICLE Page Two Dr. Weizmann l The Last Word Man of Humor r in Israeli Law By D. SCHACIIAR Merchants' Greed Cited AMERICA'S GREAT statesmen " have often been marked by the possession of a strong sense of humor. Lincoln seemed to tell more stories than a professional comedian. Franklin was prob- ably the greatest story teller in America of his day. Wilson and Roosevelt liked to illustrate a po...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Thursday, June 2, 11149 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Three STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Dr. Wise's Son Viewed as a Worthy Successor By PHINEAS J. BIRON 11 IS STILL difficult for us to realize that we live in a Wise-less world. We miss the incisive wit and the stentorian voice of the one and only Stephen Wise and above else we miss hid leader- ship. The other day while in Wash- ington we dropped in at the Cosmos Club, Washington's oldest and m...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 4

…Page Four DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, June 2, 1941 Bird of Peace Finds a Haven Detroit Jewish Chronicle Published by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. WOodward 1-1040 ium Tower. Detroit 26. Michigan 2827 Bar Pee Yoar SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 3. 1379 Bowed as Second-claw matte' Mardi 3. 1916, at the Poet Dike at Detroit. Mich.. lusher the Act of March - - GEORGE WEISHASSEE, Editor-in-...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Tharsday, June 2, MN! WOMEN'S CLUBS Ezra will hold a brunch Wednesday, June 8 at the home of Mrs. J. Effer, 3302 Sturtevant avenue. Mrs. A. Solomon, Sarah Zipper and Mrs. A. Michalson are on the brunch committee. Mrs. Saul Sharkey was appointed chairman for the 10th annual donor luncheon. • • Women's Auxiliary, Jewish Home for Aged, will hold a board meeting Monday at the home of Mrs. Al Potiker, 18309 Monica •avenue. Mrs. Samuel Zeldes, 'pr...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Thursday, June 2, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Six To Be Installed ample gsrad iReveals (-7 Confirmation at 0 - tomes Campers, 6-13, northivest at Long-Win A last opportunity is announced for enrolling children for the four or eight week sessions at Camp Long-Win by Bess Rosen- man, Detroit representative. Located at White Pigeon, Mich., 165 miles from Detroit, Camp Long-Win will operate under the same personnel for its 17th con- s...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 7

…•Thursday, June 2. 1919 caeth, 'DETROIT JEWISH CHRONIC•LE Gu es t A rt ist (( eon firmat ion t%ceptions . eleisted p.m. Gold Star Fathers, JWV, will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday. June 7, et the Center, Meyer Silverman, temporary chairman, announced. The constitutional committee h composed of Samuel Lieber- man. Jacob Stern, Isaac Rosen- thal. Jack Celler and Leo Gross- n The group was organized to awry on the democratic grin- , eiples fur whi...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Thursday, June 2, ISO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Eight i n M., Nealin crocal Society Bridal Events Held for Shirley Applebaum Plans October Wedding Betrothed to Detroiter Shirley Applebaum, whose marl iage will be an event of June 19, was honored at a dinner given by her aunt, Mrs. Max Klayman, at Huylers. Mesdames Henry August Paul Singerman, Jacob Schubb, Charles Anchill, Birdie August and Ben August were hosts at a dinner and mis...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 9

…Thursday, June 2, 1949 Norma Solomon Feted at Pre-Nuptial Affairs DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Married at Candlelight Norma Solomon was the honor- ed guest at a dinner and miscel- laneous shower given by her sisters, Mesdames Harry Dorf- man, Herman Blavin, Morton Foreman, Allan Blondy, Harry Eisen, Irving Klein, and Miss Ann Solomon, at the Park Avenue Penthouse. Mrs. Joseph Wynn feted Miss Solomon at a dinner and shower. Mr. and Mrs. Harry ...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 10

…Page Teo DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Mrs. Harry Becker Elected Women's League President Phi D E Club Picks Stamen Thursday, June 2, I949 engagements The engagement of Ilse Buehler, daughter of Mrs. Jacob Buehler of Gladstone avenue and the late Mr. Buehler, to Wilbert Simkovitz, son Mr. and Mrs. David Simkovitz of Monterey avenue, was an- Miss Ida Lippman, former head ruin on Lag B'Omer. The bridegroom-elect attends the Univers- of the Wome...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 11

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, June 2, 1999 Page Eleven Frisch Backs UJA Priority; Maps Israel Visit Demands Autonomy for Zionist Bodies ed development of "our own special activities and projects in Israel, under our own manage- ment and control, with the full approval of the Israeli authori- ties." Those activities, he noted, would be similar to those con- ducted with success by the Labor Zionist movement and by Had- assah. lie said ...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve DETROIT JEWISH Aids Young CHRONICLE Thursday, June 2, 941 Ad111181Histadrut Offers June 8 Meeting Set by Tall Towers Group Yiddish Newscast Tall Towers will meet Wed- nesday, June 8 at the home of Harry Overton, 2312 Taylor ave- nue. Hilda Chodak will be hos- tess. All women 5'8" tall and The weekly newscast will he men 6' tall or more are invited. 8-8606. under the direction of Louis Le- For information, call TY. vine, la...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 13

…Thursday, June 2, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Central June 9 and 10. Stars will be Larry Wellman, Leonard Sandweiss, Joyce Fox, and Do- lores Silver. Other hard working thespians are Fred Stoller, Phyllis Stevens, By HELEN TENNENBAUM Adrienne Shufru, George Dean, CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS C E N - Herby Gelfand, Aubrey Diem, You must all be Barbara Mandel, Arvin Benish very proud of the words of praise and Syd llalburg. * • • which ca...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 14

…Page Fourteen DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, June 2, 1919 Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results Classified Ads Accepted up to 10 A. M. Wednesday Rates: 6c Per Word. Minimum Charge $1.00, Payable in Advance of Publication 2827 BARLUM TOWER APTS. & FLATS WANTED WO. 1-1040 RESPONSIBLE COUPLE, no pets. would like a lower flat, unfurnished. Anywhere in the Northwest section. UN. 4-0261, PERSONAL DRIVING LESSONS YOUNG JEWISH girl, desires ...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 15

…Thursday, June 2, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE List Services for Shavuoth Ramriai ks""d"Y Orthodox Ask Israeli Links Temple Beth El Temple Israel Confirmation service at 8 p.m., tonight in the Institute of Arts. An original pageant by Rabbi Leon Fram entitled "Israel Our Temple and Israel the Jewish State" will be presented. • • • Shaarey Zedek Services begin at 7:15 p.m., to- night, Services are at 18:45 a.m. Friday, with the ser...…

June 02, 1949 • Page Image 16

…rage Sixteen DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE OUR ATHLETES Thursday, June 2, 194 Send Vaniela to Israel for Year Jake Preps Self for Title Go on June 15 By MITCHELL TENDLER DETROIT FIGHT Meshugayim L' Sport are going to get a look at one of the crowd pleasing- est punchers in the business come June 15 when middleweight champ Marcel Cerdan puts in an appearance at r,, Briggs Stadium. His opponent will be a favorite of the local ring crowd, the I...…

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