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May 16, 1919 • Page Image 1


May 16, 1919 • Page Image 2

…v- THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE TWO SUMMER 1FURS A o R E S H E R E Every require- ment for the coming child in clothing and nursery furniture at moderate prices. Maternity Apparel Garment, that conceal condition, reflect smartest style and afford comfort Bram $18.95 to $79.50 Coats $19.75 to $157.50 Skirt. $6.95 to $16.85 LANE BRYANT Second Floor. 25S Woodward Ave. H. & B. MARKS 212-216 Michigan Ave. Chronicle IVant Ads B...…

May 16, 1919 • Page Image 3

…- PAGE THREE THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Cincinnati Cleveland Kansas City St. 1.011u SOCIETY M r,,F.,liarou left for a ten days stay in New York City. UP 118 n 1111 W01111WAID AVI DETROIT New Midsummer Millinery Transparent Hats of Maline and Hair-Braid A splendid selection of charming models, prettily trimmed are now being shown in our Millinery salon, at moderate prices. We are showing a complete assort- ment of bridal Veils...…

May 16, 1919 • Page Image 4

…• THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE FOUR THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co.. Inc. JOSEPH J. CUMMINS NATHAN J. GOULD - - OFFICES, BOOK BUILDING Telephone Cherry 3361 Subscription, in advance $2.00 per year To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must reach this office by Tuesday ev sing of each week. RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN The Bo...…

May 16, 1919 • Page Image 5

…,Americalt 'elvish PaloSeal Carter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE FIVE THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE DETROIT LEGIONNAIRE HOBNOBS WITH GREAT IN PROMISED LAND STORAGE BATTERIES Recharging Repairing Replacing All Batteries For All Cars STARTING-LIGIITING -SYSTEMS Master 6-Volt Master 12-Volt Its owner drives it 36,00 $ 2 Soo T sort of man that buys a Mercer is the sort of man that loves a car. The Mercer is a car that giv...…

May 16, 1919 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE • HALIASSAH INS I AILS Students and Strangers OFFICERS WEDNESDAY Feted at Temple in All Almost two hundred 'minims ut °lacers ut Day Program on Sunday te,wwo tile instadatiou at Bleu meeting %N. ed. al I- Berkey & Gay Karpen Sleigh T HOSE names mean the finest furniture that money can buy—the kind of furniture sold by the avenue's highest-priced nickle-plated stores. In our less expensive surround...…

May 16, 1919 • Page Image 7

…1111111.111111 A Ncricatt Apish Periodical eater CLIFTON AVENU1 - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ■ PAGE SEVEN THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE SHAAREY ZEDEK L A. WIND UP SUCCESSFUL SEASON ON MONDAY Condensed Statement of Condition OF Peninsular State Bank, Detroit, Mich. At close of business May 12, 1919, RESOURCES Loans and Discounts.. $12,891,779.65 Bonds and Mortgages . 9,038,331.85 Liberty Bonds and U. S Certificates 3,049,654.00 24,979,765.50 ...…

May 16, 1919 • Page Image 8

…THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE EIGHT TAXI 911:101=101:1011:=10=0==011910==10=00 Motors, Oils, Mining and Curb Industrials for Cash or on Moderate Margins • CHARLES A. STONEHAM & CO Real Estate Exchange Bldg., Detroit TELEPHONE CADILLAC 6150 (Established 1903) Direct Private Wires 41 Broad Street, New York Weekly Market Letter Sent Free DISTINGUISHED VIOLINIST, g ANDRE IN POLAR, RECITAL AT TEMPLE BETH EL THURSDAY —CALL- o Cadilla...…

August 16, 1918 • Page Image 1

…A merico! Awish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENU1 • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION • PAUL M. WARBURG TELLS PRES. WILSON WHY HE QUITS RESERVE BOARD - - Says Agitation Against Fact of German Birth Would Embar- rass the Board and National Administration. Nation's Prominent Jews Who Distribute Jewish War Funds, FRENCH ARMY CONTAINS THREE JEWISII GENERALS \Vashington.—There are at least three Je...…

August 16, 1918 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Don't Wait Until You Have )'° .o4oxo.o.oxoNtoxciioxono4o*oxopattovago.agoitogonakogox Kgtoxoxoitoxoxoxoxoxoxonoxo to pay Next Winter's War- 0 time Prices! Buy Now—Direct From the Makers! 0 F-U-R- You will 9 do 0 0.Ex a a l SOCIETY o roo or phoned not later than Wednesday evening to MISS GOLDA GINSBURG, 307.308 Peter Smith Bldg., Cherry 3381. 0 a 0 40/10/10)(0a0kOltooCutogomomp x() KkOKOK 0/1 0KOKOK...…

August 16, 1918 • Page Image 3

…A merica/I 5arish Perla&al eater CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THREE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Simplicity the Keynote of Autumn Fashions. 30%01 SOCIETY The models for the new season are of marked simplicity in appearance Sometimes this simplicity is a matim of effect more than of design. This i. especially true of the draped gowns. At present there i s a pronounced ten- dency towards longer suit jackets. both for the severely ta...…

August 16, 1918 • Page Image 4

…FOUR rA THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE kNTON KAUFMAN • • President MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Offices 307.308 Peter Smith Building. Phone: Cherry 3381. . RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN, Editorial Contributor All correspondence to insure publication must be sent In so as to reach this +Mee Tuesday evening of each week. Subscription In Advance to be of a nondescript age, definitely old- country. We had that to talk remove...…

August 16, 1918 • Page Image 5

…A merica lavish Periodical eater CLIFTON AMU/ • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO PAGE FIVE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE r-- ,The Workingman for NEWBERRY The Michigan Workingman will support Truman H. Newberry for United States Senator BECAUSE — Pe is splendidly qualified. His Amer- icanism, his ability, his experience, his t.igh character, his good judgment and his knowledge of the war make him the strong man for senator, First Second His Relations Hav...…

August 16, 1918 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE JEWISH CHRONICLE "SOCIAL SERVICE" (Continued Front l'uge Four.) clumsily he had thus far dealt with he's only a little boy—too little to take away from his mother." Engel looked into the face of his tormentor with an expression of dred times before in the course of utter woe as he murmured brokenly: some ill-starred appeal, he indulged "I can't do it, Mr. Daniels, I can't! the futile wish that, with the present Don't you sup...…

August 16, 1918 • Page Image 7

…PAGE SEVEN THE JEWISH CHRONICLE I J. W. B. MAKES HOLIDAY I PAUL WARBURG DECLINES ARRANGEMENTS FOR BOYS Wayne County Supervisors, Circuit Judges, Lawyers and Abstract Makers .1tonstincement has been made by I 11 . Jacobs:. Secretary of the Detroit ICuutinued From Page One.) Commend THOS.F.FARRELL'S Services as It's the Man that Counts e 'er, In 'lull' war, fate "'"'Y "" I 1Velfares Board Committee • alvvay s count upon fair reasoning...…

August 16, 1918 • Page Image 8

…UGH! THE JEWISH CHRONICLE "SOCIAL SERVICE" Choice of the Detroit Bar Association of Mr. David Engel. (Contlnurd Front Page 811.1 So, with another sigh. he reached brimming over with unconcealed ad- miration. she had embodied for him for his hat. Since he was a busy la•- all the mystery of girlhood—some- yer, he drove to the McElderry street thing precious beyond all imaginings house in his motor car, but since he —to be desired, dreamed of...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 1

…NOTICE TO READER When you finish reading this copy, place a one-cent stamp here, hand same to tlny postal employee, and it will be placed in the hands of a soldier or sailor at the front. No wrapping, no address required *1" 3:' 4 )(4Aar J:4 &41/4\2., " umummlli/Tir:MIvv, 4 ,suuminummi -: laa ammmumnummonmmtv•j k o a ( . '" r -At 6 !,,„aL lr itkoSa Limilimominommilmilmmominumilimmum I THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The Only Jewish Publicatio...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 2

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE "Meet Friedberg— Wear Diamonds" Friedberg's request the pleasure of your presence • at the Formal Opening of the New Friedberg Building 208 and 210 Griswold Street Detroit • Thursday and Friday November twenty-second and twenty-third Nineteen hundred and seventeen 9 9 P.M. Souvenirs, Music …

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. II. No. 38 DETROIT, MICH., NOVEMBER 16, 1917 • $1.50 per Year Single Copies10 Cents British Government David A. Brown Will Officially Declares Direct New York Drive For Jewish State For $5,000,000 Recent Military Successes in Palestine Prompt Historical Declara- Michigan's Director General Receives Honored Recogni...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 4 American Jewish Committee Holds Eleventh Meeting Takes Up Problems Affecting Jew;sh Participation in War— Louis Marshall Is Re-Elected President The eleventh annual meeting of the American Jewish Committee was held in New York on Sunday, No- vember 11th. A resolution pledging their loyalty to the government in its prosecution of the war was adopted. The discussions that took place con- cerned, the various phases of J...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Health Life NATHAN E. ROSENBERG INSURANCE 1926 Penobscot Building Cherry 5720 Fire Automobile RICK littritau Lark ant) Dealers 'n BRICK. TILE MORTAR STAIN Gitr 0143 • and B 710 FARWELL BUILDING PHONE M 2247 — M 3605 BUCK'S Automobile and Carriage Painting Phone Cherry 6494-J 86 Fourth St I. BERKOWITZ Dress Trimmings and Supplies Onyx Hosiery and Merode Underwear Kayser Sil...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 6 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Every Friday by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company General Manager ANTON KAUFMAN Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. Subscription in Advance - - $1.50 per year Offices 314 Peter Smith Bldg. Phones: Cherry 3381 and 1526 RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN, - Editorial Contributor All correspondence to insure publication must be sent in so as to reach this office Tuesday morning of each week...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 7

…7 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Congregational News TEMPLE BETH EL NOTES. The subject of Rabbi Franklin's ser- mon on Sunday morning of this week will be "Unfulfilled Prophecies." Serv- ices begin, at 11 o'clock sharp. Sabbath Services. Saturday services begin each week at 10:30. The sermon this week will be preached by Rabbi Mayerberg, Red Cross Sewing. The women of Temple Beth El are sewing for the Red Cross and local charities three days each wee...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 8

…▪ • 8 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE gilluitulniunillillmilnlallitE11111331111111131111111111111111111111111111111111111111111331111111111111111111111111111311111111111111111131M11111111111111113131111111111111MnimmuumliliMUIRMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMEEMilimIniMillinlIIIIIIIMMII IIIIII IIiiliiiMilmiiniliniquilm i iiIIIIIIMIllii1311331131312 ..=-_ ..-. . IIMI :-.-. — • • . . III , - :_—_-. E- - _- mr:1"1 = .M: . -;.: ;:.- =.. --= .=• ...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 9

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Society The many, friends of Mr. I. Grabowsky, 686 Brush Blvd., will Ise pleased to know that he is convalescing at home after his long illness at Harper Hospital. Mrs. -B. G. Morris of Pilgrim Ave., has left for New York city for a visit with her daughter, Helen. A patriotic cook book is being compiled by the members of the Detroit Chapter of Hadassah. TIMELY NEWS FROM AD- VANCED FASHION FRONTS. A new tailored blouse o...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 1 0 BECOMES ARMY AVIATOR. Samuel J. Rhodes Joins U. S. Flying Corps. Word has reached Detroit that Samuel J. Rhodes, well known local young man, has joined the American Aviation Section. He is now in Jef- ferson Barracks, Mo., en route to Fort Sam Houston, Texas, for training as an aviator. Mr. Rhodes was President of local Pisgah Lodge of the B'nai B'rith when this country declarNI war on Germany. He immediately left ...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 11

…11 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE MASS MEETING IS HELD IN FLINT FOR ERECTION OF SYNAGOGUE. Rabbi Mayerberg, Rabbi Epstein and Rabbi Hershman Speak —$11,000 Pledged—Rabbi Mayerberg's Study Circle Is Success—Other Flint News. University. He was admitted to the C. A. building in Battle Creek. Serv- bar of New York and was engaged in ices were conducted by Mr. Drach- the practice of the law when the na- man, who preached the sermon, and To Harold M. Edl...…

November 16, 1917 • Page Image 12

…THE JEWISH. CHRONICLE' others and Mothers! Consider the Navy As the Place for Your Boys to Serve Their Fu) ! Think what the navy offers them in addition to the opportunity to serve their country. The navy • will pay their transportation to one of its four fine Training Stations. It will supply them with a complete outfit of clothing—shoes, underwear, cap, sweater, overcoat, rubber boots, etc., for winter and summer—enough for two years and ...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish Publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the Interests of the Jewish People Vol. II. No. 3 DETROIT MICH., MARCH 16. 1917 OMI 1 I w alWAPR . . tgollJAPSC,KLIFIA + . ,111gellitmgli.r %RAM RFILW4PINAIII.P61 4' V I41V.44, "4,4, V' 6}411 :7 '14r ."4 4' ..'s+ + + . • " 4 .- . .•+ . 'OM 1 1.1 \We Chosen Vice-President of League of Religious Liberals RABBI WILLIAM ROSENAU 111.1MIIINN11.1+41111. IR...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 2

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Until Further Notice ROBERT OAKMAN'S Ford Highway Properties May Be Purchased Through Any of the Following Offices: . NAME PHONE NO. ADDRESS NAME PHONE NO. ADDRESS McALLEN, THOS. ALLAN, GEO. Main 3689 508 Moffat Bldg ACTIVE REALTY CO. Cad. 6453 1234 Dime Bank Bldg. PADBERG, H. C. Cherry 1847 412 Moffat Bldg. Grand 4872 885 Woodward 'Ave. APPELHOF, H. H. PALMER, W. J. Cad. 1247 805 Chamber of Comm...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. II. No. 3 DETROIT, MICH., MARCH 16, 1917 $1.50 per Year Single CopieslOCents The Civil Emancipation of the Jews ISRAEL, COHEN Author of "Jewish Life in Modern Times" The Liberating Effects of the French Less than ohe-Ialf of the Jews in Revolution. the world are in possession of the The first country in which th...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 4 WM. DEVLIN DAVID BLOCK Block & Devlin co. Successors to Steer° Jewelry 68 Woodward Ave. Diamond Importers, Jewelers and Silveismiths 31 Years in one Location Established 1885 ' YOURS IN HASTE CADILLAC CADILLAC 19, 3 0 1 3 0 1 s,ot tIGER-s e,?_ LIMOUSINES TOURING CARS TAXICABS Private Appearing Cars For All Occasions Broadway Taxicab & Messenger Co. 262 RANDOLPH STREET ABE T. HERTZBERG General Manager ...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 5

…5 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Spain Intercedes for Turkish Jews Appeals to Italian Government for Liberal Treatment of Jewish War Prisoners (Special to Jewish Chronicle.) That Spain's attitude towards Jews is friendly has already been demon- strated in an undisguised manner by the establishment of a Hebrew de- partment in the University of Madrid and in various other ways. The ap- peal, however, recently made to the Italian government made by the...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 6 All Jews of America Should Have Voice in Jewish Congress Declares Rabbi A. M. Hershman Religious Test Tog Narrow—Democracy Essential (Communication) To the Editor Jewish Chronicle, De- abilities under which the bulk of our people are laboring. It would be not troit, Mich. . • Dear Sir:—In yOur editorial "Rep- only the part of unfairness but of poor resentation or Misrepresentation," policy to lay down hard and fast ...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 7

…THE JEWIS4-1 CHRONICLE Sole Question Before Jewish Congress Should Be Civil Rights for Jews Important Announcement TO MERCHANTS Disruption Will Ensue If "Group Rights" Is Raised One of the objects to be attained, says the American Israelite, which it is generally understood will be con- sidered and possibly be approved by the proposed i American Jewish Con- g ress is the inclusion in its program the assisting of those professing Ju- daism ...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE we who live in the most prosperous city of the most 'prosperous land on earth, to meet even in the measure of our powers these conditions that, unchecked, must inevitably spell destruction to uncounted thou- Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. General Manager sands of our brethren? Never has there been a time when the people ANTON KAUFMAN of Detroit were so able to indulge in every comfort and ...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 9

…9 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Congregational News REBUILDING SALE TEMPLE BETH EL NOTES. SHAAREY ZEDEK. Sunday Services: The subject of Rabbi Franklin's ser- mon on Sunday morning of this week will be "A Prophet's Preachment of Peace." "Quit Hour of Music:" On Sunday afternoon, March 25, at 4 o'clock, there will be held in the Temple the thirty-fourth "Quiet Hour of Music." Temple Operetta: Oh Sunday evening, April 1, the Young People's Society ...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 10

…. . _ MOVIES" Offer You a Chance to Participate in Their Enormous "Annual" Profits Amounting to Hundreds of Millions of Dollars BY PURCHASING STOCK OF STANDARD FILMS INDUSTRIES INC. (PAR VALUE $5.00 PER SHARE) Now Selling for Only 1 5 Days More . $4.50, At $4.50 Per Share THE HOME OF • STANDARD FILMS INDUSTRIES, Inc. THE STANDARD FILMS INDUSTRIES, INC. This plant is a marvel in completeness, and is equipped with the most mod...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 11

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 12 Primary Day Changed for Jewish Voters Enoch Rauh Protests Against Rosh Hashanah Pri- mary Day — ask us to show you The Imperial This is one of those unrivaled Florsheim values, with the neatness you demand — The quality you expect at a price you are willing to pay. Harrisburg, Pa.—The primary elec- mary date. The changes will likely be for this year only, because the Jewish tion date—Sept. 18—will not prevail hol...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 12

…13 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Final Plans For American-Jewish Congress Adopted City and National Organization Delegates Reapportioned Question of National Organization Settled With the meeting of the adminis- and allotted representation, were ex- trative committe for an American chided, while other organizations re- Jewish Congress held on March 11, ceived an increase in representation. the elaborate plan for democratic clec- The final list of n...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 13

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 14 SOCIETY tc4 eAt To insure publication, all items of social interest should be sent to Miss Ruth Rosenfield, 80 Palmer Avenue, East, phone North 4063, not later than Tuesday evening. . . Mrs. Samuel Marwil and son Mel- The Woman's Auxiliary of Temple Beth El held a cake sale in the vestry rooms of the Temple on Monday afternoon which was followed by the regular vin of California avenue have left monthly meeting. Mi...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 14


March 16, 1917 • Page Image 15

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 16 • 1•000•1100•11•11•000•1101 ,04.1•0•11•11•0 •111■1 • BETROTHED Your 1917 Spring Coat or Sui KRENZ has the finest assortment of Spring and Summer Woolens :: he has ever been able to show and they're priced • very reasonable for these times-- Gifts of Originality Noel Embroidery Stands I I Facing Hotel Tuller CHERRY 382 • Hand Made Curtains Maltese Laces Bridal Veils Draperies Hand Embroideries Luncheon Sets ...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 16

…17 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The Bicur Cholem Juniors' Purim event this year will be given on Mon- day evening, March 19, at Ehrlich's Fall, Hastings street and Adams ave- nue, in the form of a social and box party. The entertainment committee assures a good time for all present. OBITUARY The Stearns-Knight Car KNIGHT TYPE MOTOR CARS The first of a series of informal dancing parties will be given by the ks. W. G.. L. S. Club on April 4, at lu...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 17

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 18 -: The Jewish Woman S .- I By ANNIE M. GARFINKLE The Gorham Shop Cigarette Cases and Match Holders To illustrate the refinement of de- sign and craftmanship possible in • Fourteen Karat Gold we have arranged an exhibit of our productions in SOLID GOLD Toilet Ware Loving Cups Coffee Sets Service Plates Sandwich Trays Baby Sets and Novelties. Mesh Bags and Vanity Cases March 12th to 17th, inclusive. GOLDSMIT...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 18

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Motion Picture Industry Will Progress Regard- less of War Standard Films Industries, Inc., Of- fers Safe Investment. With the rapid change of the Amer- ican international policy within the last few days and the consideration of war, a discussion has arisen as to the possible effect on a business ∎ vhich, to those who have not given the subject deeper consideration, might class under the head of° lux- uries, namely, the ...…

March 16, 1917 • Page Image 19

…\W- 4 'HA Reliable Ikt,7111. /, New New "Aeolian" Piano Player- Only Piano $218 $395 $87 $143, $112, $79, $126 , etc , For Fully Regulated and Tuned Exchanged Pianos of Well-Known Makes AT GRINNELL BROS.' CO-OPERATIVE SALE $79 $177 Buys $250 Gabler Buys $375 Kurtzman $152 $ 218 Buys $350 Hallett & Cumston • $126 Buys $300 Weiser Bros. $192 Buys $650 Sohmer Buys $425 Vose $172 Buys $325 Sterling $288 Buys $425 Gr...…

June 16, 1916 • Page Image 1

…NEFMNAMITATAW t kPir. 41_15 40* 11' 4 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish Publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. I. DETROIT, MICH., JUNE 16, 1916 No. 16 Contributors to this Issue: Rabbi Leo M. Franklin Rabbi Judah L. Levin Fred M. Butzel Jacob H. Schiff Milton M. Alexander Jacob Nathan Sylvan D. Grosner J. 41 2 ■ It) …

June 16, 1916 • Page Image 2

…Si 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ...…

June 16, 1916 • Page Image 3

…3 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE For Your Summer Trip Leland Highlands H ARTMANN WARDROBE TRUNKS Prices $500, $650 on Terms Improvements Located on 7-Mile Road and Conant, extending back to the 61-Mile Road or Carson Street. This is not a "wild cat" "speculation" subdivision. It is "close in" and available. Right in the direct path of the city's industrial advancement, and within a short walk of a $60,000,000 cash surplus enterprise. There wer...…

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