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May 16, 1919 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1919-05-16

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Kansas City
St. 1.011u


M r,,F.,liarou left for a ten days
stay in New York City.

UP 118 n 1111 W01111WAID AVI








A splendid selection of charming models,
prettily trimmed are now being shown in
our Millinery salon, at moderate prices.

We are showing a complete assort-
ment of bridal Veils and bridal

Klines—Third Floor


Henry L Morse


Who for years has been connected with the largest firms on

Broadway, selling electrical fixtures, announce, to his friends

and customers that he has just purchased Cie Peninsular

Chandelier Co., nt St Broadway. I am now open for business.

My stock Is complete with the following articles:

Electric Fixtures and
Table Lamps

—Irons and Toasters
— Percolators
—Curling Irons
—Electric Grills
— Fans, etc.

Mrs. Samuel A. S. Jacobs of 31111
Virginia Park left for a twc months'
trip through the west.

Mr. and NI rs. M. Ratner, 109 Farns-
worth street, announce the engage-
ment of their sister, Miss Lillian
Iffickman. to Mr. Louis Flox of Ply-
mouth, Ind.

Very dainty and attractive were the latt gilint MYMEM StEr itTIMI l tsmp 7ti,e. e .pippy..,
decorations used in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Benj. Morrison, 379 St.
Clair avenue. Sunday last, on the oc-
casion of their reception given in
honor of their daughter, Rose, whose
engagement to Mr. Benjamin L. i fit t
Cohen was announced recently. A lip
180.1S2 Woodward Avenue
great yellow jonquil heart was the Vf
center decoration on the table and
yellow daisies in individual little sil-
ver vases marked the places of the
guests. The reception lasted all aft-
ernoon and evening.


Mrs. A. Simon of 33 Alfred street
announces the engagement of her sis-
Miss Zelda Caminsky, to Mr.
Mr. Charles Louis Hiller of this
city was a visitor recently at New Morris Kadish of Detro0
Orleans, La.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Loewenberg
blr. and Mrs. Samuel Firestone. have moved into their new home at
former residents of Detroit and now 31$) Virginia Park.
living in McKeesport, l'a., announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Nit- . and Mrs. NI. II. Netzorg have
Irene, to Nfr. William NI. Weil of moved into their new home at 1693
that city. The marriage will take Brush street.
place in June.
The Y. K. T. Fraternity gave a
Mrs. Morris D. Silver appeared as theatre party last Sunday evening
soloist before the matinee musicale of complimenting Maurice Steingold
Ann Arbor last Friday.
who has but recently recovered from
a serious attack of pneumonia. After
NIr. and firs. I. I). Cohen of Coshoc- the theater the boys were served
ton, 0., announce the betrothal of luncheon at the home of Mr. Stein-
their daughter, Frances, to NIT. Leon gold.
Koplowitz, son of Nil- . and NIrs. R.
Koplowitz of this city.
Two bright-ey ed, ruddy-cheeked

Mr. and Nfrs. I. Hamburger are re-
ceiving congratulations on the birth
of a daughter, Helen Rosalind, NI ay

Among the guests, of The Lawyers-
club of Detroit at their banquet in
honor of those members of the bar
who served in the military or naval
service of the l•nited States, at the
Cadillac hotel, Saturday, flap
were the following: Sol Illtunrosen,
Iltrry Cohen, Leon Dreifuss, Jacob
Fisher, Seymour J. Frank, I-Zowland
Pixel, Nathaniel Goldstick, B. F.
Rosenthal and blyrott A. Schlissel.

Mrs. Phil Koffman and Mrs. K.
Ginsberg of Bay City are the guests
of bk. and Mrs. J. E. Ginsberg of
M cDougall avenue.

On the program to appear in a
violin concerto given by the advanced
pupils of !qrs. May Leggett-Abel, the
folfowing names appear: Aaron Farb-
man, Rebecca Selik, Rubin Phillips,
Witold Melia and Harry Shapiro.

Mr. Fred NI. Butzel addressed the
Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaarey Zedek
on the subject, "The National Move-
ment in Jewish Charities," Monday

Mr. and Mrs. flax Grossfeld, 288
Ilague avenue, are receiving con-
gratulations on the birth of a son,
11:alter Herbert.

bliss Helen Krause of 186 East
Palmer avenue expects to leave short-
ly for an extended stay in Chicago
where she will visit with relatives
and friends.

For the Season of Sport
New Fashions in Sweaters

"Young Americans," both, strangely
enough, Sol Levin's, and both in the
seventh grade at the Garfield School,
were awarded attractive bronze med-
als by the Wayne County Liberty
Loan Committee for selling the most
Victory Bonds in the entire school.
One Sol is the 12-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Max Levin of 294 IIendrie
avenue and the other, II years old, is
the son of Nit- . and Mrs. Hyman Levin
of 234 East Kirby avenue.
Garvett, accomplished
pianist, appeared before the Hadassah
at their meeting 11'ednesday evening
at the Shaarey Zedek.

The summer girl of 1919 will want several new
sweaters to complete her fashionable wardrobe.
There is the

Very New Filet Mesh Sweater

in a belted slep-iver model of fine knitted wool with
a contrasting color collar and cuffs (sketched on
right), 25.00.

Tuxedo Model with Feather Edge

is another striking novelty in wool yarn. It has a
braided sash and comes in Buff, Turquoise and Rose
(on left). 13.75.


the Sholem Club, organized but
eight weeks ago, boasts a membership
of over 30 members. It is a social
club for young men and women, meet-
ing weekly at the homes of the mem-
bers. The following officers were
elected to serve a term of six months.
President Oscar A. Goldfine; vice-
president. Jennie Smith; secretary.
hi ty Mercer; treasurer, :11 Nfendel-
The club has already staged two
very successful social affairs. The
first was a general Good-Times party
and was attended by 35 couples. The
second, a "May-walk" took place Sun-
day, !day 11. The guests to this lat-
ter party took the interurban to Red-
wood and then began their six-mile
hike. A country house was chartered
and lunch served by the girls. A
dance completed the day's program.
NIL Al Mendelsohn is chairman of
the entertainment committee.

A Sweater Scarf

Of Fibre Silk has a waistcoat front and goes around

bodice. In several colors. 7.50 and 9.75.

New Fringed Scarfs of Brushed Wool
or Fiber Silk

These are the latest vogue and are most practical,
some being wide enough to take the place of a cape.
They come in various sweater colors—Rose, Nile,
Tan, Purple and Black. Many gay stripes and fig-
ure designs. 3.95 to 8.5.

atal41.11Malakagr iningAVA RIS




Chandelier Co.


86 Broadway—Near John R

A Semi-Dress


Besides the QUALITY of Furniture, we offer our patrons

of Unusual Charm

SAVINGS. These two items when Joined together net you

SATISFACTION—upon which the reputation of this store Is



443 Woodward Ave.


is going out of business and offers its stock of

913-917 Hastings—At Crosstown

beautiful, select Furniture, Draperies and Wall

Paper at very reasonable prices.

Its popularity lies in its sim-
plicity of line.

A quick sale—cash only.

It is shown in white or tan
calf ; with turned soles and cov-
ered Louis heels.

Cadillac 1 7 1 1

And priced at

=01=10=0=0=0= 10=0= 10=00



U 0




The same style is likewise
shown in patent leather or dull
calf, at



Detroit's Exclusive
Caterer and Decorator

Weddings, Banquets—
All Social Occasions

1 I



Fourth Floor



VER seventy-live per cent of the
leading Jewish Social Affairs of this
city have been catered out by us in the
last year.


Phone us.


M. A. Pereira, Mgr.

125 Richton Ave.

Hemlock 5654

We serve Lefkofsky's famous delicatessen

— light lunches.

— after theater suppers

—at popular prices.

U 0

No occasion too small—none too
large to receive our quotations.

Woodward and Adams Ayes.





Open 'Till Midnight


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