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April 12, 1946 • Page Image 1

…The Jewish Community's Family Newspaper VOL. 9—NO. 4 THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review 2114 Penobscot Bldg. ‘.. • ''''' '' • ''' • '' ":•-•'•*" .............................................. . Detroit 26, Michigan, April 12, 1946 of Jewish Events RA. 7956 3440o22 America's Leading English- Jewish Newspaper $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 104 …

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 1

…fewish Periodical Cotter i i1, ling ac- to 101. fn Vac tes, 'cif, ite- at ich ive to lis- 1a- AC CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOL. 48, NO. 15 and The Legal Chronicle SECTION TIIREE 10c a single copy; $3.00 per year DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1946 This Is Our Hope and Our Future As long as our chil- dren know they arc Jews, as long as our children know about Jewish ceremonies and Je...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 2

…Page Two Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ THE JEWISH NEWS Two Views of Passover T4e Freedom of Our Own Children Challenges Help for Needy Overseas That we should be compelled to speak of freedom with tongue in cheek, as we usher in the Passover, is one of the major tragedies of our time. A typical example of the abuse of human rights is to be found in the DP camps in Europe. Even in the American zone of occupa- tion, justice is bein...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 2

…Page Two DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Early Troubles of Zionist Leader Abba Hillel Silver, Prepare Him For Today By PHILIP DAVIS say this is to pay them a high sity had insisted that every stu- At this time when Bnai Zion tribute indeed, for the club in- dent learn Hebrew and that after is nationally honoring Dr. Abba cluded many boys who as men the American Revolution, as H. L. Hillel Silver at its special "Order have ...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 3

…Friday, April 12, 1946 Page Three THE JEWISH NEWS Dear Children We Will Not Let You Die Yes, we know that you are starved and frightened and ill -- your eyes haunted with horror and your hearts torn with longing for parents you saw go into gas chambers and crematoria. But, dear Children, you need no longer wish for death to rescue you. We in America have resolved that you shall live, that your broken bodies shall be mended, your broken liv...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 3

…btericam Yewish Perla- cal Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Page Three DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Friday, April 12, 1946 -Jo PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S BUDDY (Eddie Jacobson, Former Busi- ness Partner of America's Chief Executive, Reveals Intimate Glimpses of Links that Have Bound Them Together Since Sol- diering Days in World War 1). By Samuel S. Mayerberg, D.D. ". . . Then President Truman ordered some shirts...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 12, 1946 As the Editor Views the News - The Challenge of Passover As we prepare to usher in the Passover of 5706 at our Seder tables on Monday evening, our thoughts must turn to the pitiful remnant in Israel whose lot is tragic, whose future remains uncertain, whose only hope is centered in American Jewry's liberality. Passover is humanity's great Festival of Freedom. The Exodus from Egypt was marke...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 4

…Page Four DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle efi l.■, •■■•■■•■ Friday, April 12, 1946 as a member or product of the vice-president then, and he wrote duet with Gloria, the lovely the White House. From New York Pendergast machine. Please say this letter to Inc on February 19, young Jacobson daughter. When- some days later he sent me the for me that no political boss, nor 1945: ever the Jacobsons visited Wash- following report ...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 5

…Page Five THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 12, 1946 Shapero Is Chairman of $2,000,000 Campaign Machinery Goes into Action With Selection of Personnel Zionists Accelerate Drive to Sign bp 5,000 Members Zionist leaders met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Levin on April 2, tp launch an emer- gency membership campaign to The announcement that Nate S. Shapero, prominent enroll 5,000 Detroiters as Zionists. civic.leader and president of Cunn...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 5

…Amerkait lavish Periodical Coder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Friday, April 12, 1946 Page Five DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Does the American Jew Carry His Share Of the Load in the Present College Education? By RABBI LEON SPITZ When this writer wrote for the National Jewish Monthly (then the Bnai Brith Magazine) on this topic some fifteen years ago, to be absolutely specific In the June 1930 Issue, the then a...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE JEWISH NEWS Greatest Friday, April 12, 1946 Job of His Career Shapero Named Chairman Of Detroit's $2,000,000 Allied Jewish Campaign Civic Leader ..War Bond Super Salesman .. Appointed To Direct Historic Emergency Fund Drive to Provide Urgent Relief and Rehabilitation for Jewish Survivors • Chairman of National Chain Stores' Section of all U. S. Bond and •Stamp campaigns. • Member of board of Temple Beth El. • Chairman o...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 6

…Page Six Friday, April 12, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle United States Must Lead Whole World in Solving Immigration Problem--Dr. Davie The "broad problems of imml- "It would be strange, indeed. gration can be solved only through especially at this time when the international cooperation" in which lives and liberties of millions the United States "must take a throughout the world are endan- leading part," declares Dr...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 7

…Friday, April 12, 1946 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Seven Wise Challenges King Ibn Sautl's FDR Statement Questions Alleged Remarks by Arab Chief Before Inquiry Committee NEW YORK (JTA)—Dr. Ste- phen S. Wise issued a' statement challenging the accuracy of re- marks allegedly made to mem- bers of the Anglo-American Com- mittee of Inquiry on Palestine by King Ibn Saud. Dr. Wise, who conferred with the late President Roosevelt after the latter ret...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 7

…A merica apish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Friday, April 12, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle The Call to Jewish Education ment is a holy Jewish book, and the New Testament is written by By Rabbi David Dc Sola Pool— George Brandes, whose original Jews. Half of Danish culture, he name was Morris Cohen, was one declared, originates from Pales- of the great literary critics of the tine, and hal...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 12, 1946 Jewish Art and Culture "Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness, or anything that is in The heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." — Ex. 20.4. By CHARLES E. FEINBERG HERE is no question that the above interdiction restrict- ed the Jewish Artist. Even with the gradual breakdown of the observance of this comm...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 8

…lrbv......•—•=11111=1111111119 Page Eight DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Friday, April 12, 1946 Jewish Youth Faces T oward Palestine By MRS. S. KAMARSKY National Chairman, Youth Aliyah Comm. of Hadassah taneous banding together of the Jewish children to prepare them- selves for the new life. Harry Lerner, UNRRA director of the What has happened to the DP camp in Munich, told mem- Jewish children of Europe since bers of ...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 9

…THE JEWISH Friday, April 12, 1946 Aviva Gootman Joins Center To Direct Junior Activities Miss Aviva Gootman has been added to the staff of the Jewish Center to take charge of the pro- gram of junior ativities, Samuel H, Rubiner, Center president, an- nounces, Miss .Gootman comes from Pittsburgh, where she was award- ed a Master's Degree iii social MISS AVIVA GOOTMAN group work by the School of Ap- plied Social Sciences of the Uni- versity...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 9

…A merica lavish Periodical Cotter Friday, April 12, 1946 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO Page Nine DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle couraged to specialize in one wards brought to the Holy Land at an earlier date. For as Hans Thus, the basic pattern which Beyth, acting director of Youth was evolved for this first group, Aliyah, wrote to Hadassah which with only minor changes, has is the official representative of been ...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 12, 1946 An Emerging Statemalutship Eminent Jurist States that in his Judgment Ideological Differences must be Shelved in Order That Jewish Hopes in Palestine be Realized By HON. CHARLES C. SIMONS Judge of United States Circuit Court of Appeals E HE EDITOR of The Jewish News invited me to prepare an article "on a subject of major current in- terest," and I comply, not with the thought that I can c...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 10

…Page Ten DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Fifteen Year Old Boy Writes Vivid Description of Experience Under Nazis An extraordinary document, the vivid autobiography of a 15-year- old Jewish boy who has gone through a number of the worst of the German concentration camps and has lost his parents and his brother at the hands of the Ger- mans, has been made public by the Canadian Jewish Congress. The original document which is ...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 11

…Page Eleven . THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 12, 1946 U. S. Palestine Probers Favor Entry of 100,000 Split with British Group Reported Over Immigration American Members of Inquiry Committee United in Pro- posal for Immediate Large-Scale Movement of Refugees; New Type of Administration for Zion May Be Asked . LAUSANNE, Switzerland.—Astonished beyond expecta- tions by the Jewish needs in Europe, it has become known here that the United Sta...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 11

…Anterican 'elvish Periodical Center { CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO - Friday, April 12, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle TB Rate Eight Last Photo of David Guzik Times Higher Among Refugees t ea Years spent in hiding and con- camps have left the ' if... t displaced Jews In Germany Austria with a tuberculosis i f that may be eight times higher than the rate normally prevailing in this country, Dr. William Sc...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE JEWISH NEWS Jews and 1 Friday, April 12, 1946 Arabs at work In Palestine EDITOR'S NOTE: Meyer Levin, well known Ameri- can novelist, newspaper- man and war correspond- ent, 'is back in Palestine. In the following vivid des- cription'of a visit to a pic- turesque Arab village, he highlights the reason why t h e f e are difficulties be- tween Jews and Arabs in Palestine, and, at the same time, points out how the t w o p...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle New Yorker Gives Entire Year's Salary of $50,000 to UJA Drive Rabbi Urges Aid For Victims ognized the urgency of the need Samuel Goldfarb is a man who doesn't believe In doing things by halves. According to this New Yorker, to believe in a cause Is to act. That is why Mr. Goldfarb is currently conducting a one-man campaign on behalf of the 1946 United Jewish Appeal for Refu- gee...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 13

…$2,000,000 in Relief Sent To Polish Jews, JDC Reports Blasts Charge of Unnamed 'Leaders of Jewish Communities of Poland' That Survivors Are Receiving 'Very Small Aid From World Jewry': Million Spent in 1946 NEW YORK (JTA)—The Joint Distribution Committee took issue with charges made by unnamed "leaders of Jew- ish communities of Poland," who, in .a statement distributed by the Polish Telegraphic Agency, declared that Polish Jews are receivi...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 13

…fistericam ,etvish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Friday, April 12, 1946 ae- ish :he by ed ut n- ity tr- n- ur v- 5 s DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Ch,vnicle Passover Story--1946 Edition By RABBI LEON SPITZ Yes, the Passover Hagaddah has put it rather aptly: In each and every generation one must look upon himself as if he himself had liberated from Egyptian gage. The glamorous story of ach has bee...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 14

…Page Fourteen THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 12, 1946 Judge Picard's Tribute to Hon. Charles C. Simons In Congress 40 Years • Rep. Sabath Marks His 80th Birthday By ALFRED WERNER Judge of the U: S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Cincinnati; On occasion of Judge Simons' Approaching 70th Birthday By FRANK A. PICARD Judge, U. S. District Court, Eastern Division of Michigan J UDGE CHARLES C. SIMONS is one native Detroiter who doesn't claim ...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 14

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Page Fourteen te:Taui== Five-Year-Old Makes Payment Jap Prosecutor Comments On Jap Attitude at Trials The Japanese war criminals are deeply impressed by the fair treatment being accorded them at the trials as evidenced by the su- perior type of their defense counsels and are learning first hand the benefits of democracy at work. That was the comment by Lt. Col. Louis Geffen, A.U.S., of At- l...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 15

…Friday, April 12, 1946 THE JEWISH NEWS Shaarey Zedek Completes Passover Service Plans Passover services at Shaarey Zedek will begin at 6:30 p. m., Monday, April 15. Rabbi Morris Adler will preach during the first day's service on Tuesday, April 16. Rabbi Gershon G. Rosenstock will preach on Wednesday, April 17. Cantor Jacob H. Sonenklar and a choir of four male voices will chant the Passover services. Morning services will start at 8:45 a. ...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 15

…A merica Apish Periodical CcHter T erous thout Jew. ately By CHARLES BENSON in the northeastern section of the 1 CLIC ellen Tal when chop ilf o f d his fission alem gazed lark • on a have brew must is in fel bill . 0.1 ■ 0 4 =gs DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle CAPITAL) ToJ6TGrfRD r re. )0 Friday, April 12, 1946 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO .) WASHINGTON — Oil is fine for industrial machinery but when...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen THE JEWISH NEWS LINO. Leaders . Dare Not. Fail Diary From Italy Bares New Horrors, Tells of Pope's-Help Friday, April 12, 1946 Anne Safran Produces Great Poetic Collection MacKinlay Kantor, brilliant young Jewish writer, arrived in Hollywood for final huddles with Anne Safran rises to new Samuel Goldwyn and director Willie Wyler on the making of heights as a socially-minded poet his original story, "Glory For Dr. Oscar I. Ja...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Of Great Achievements and Service First History of Canada's Jews Tells Doors Still Shut To Immigrants By BENJAMIN G. SACK (Montreal, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1945. $3.00) Reviewed by CLAYTON GRAY Quiz any school teacher or pupil: How many Jews were in the battles for Canada? Jews? Were Jews in Canada that long ago? Well, we are told by the author that a Jew, Aaron Hart, served...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 17

…Friday, April 12, 1946 THE The Polish Picture Tour Reveals Effectiveness Of JDC Aid, Spikes Criticism By H. M. CAISERMAN General Secretary of the Canadian Jewish Congress Editor's Note: Mr. Caiserman, whose or- ganization cooperates closely with the Joint Distribution Committee through the United Jewish Refugee and War Relief Agencies of Canada, recently re- turned from an eight-week inspection of relief activities in Poland, wifich he un...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 17

…n America , ewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 46 Detroit Jewish Chronic 10 never atorial 'e, but s w ith that VOL. 48, NO. 15 and The.begal Chronicle DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1946 can NEXT YEAR •'• • • IN JERUSALEM I e 'ou 'ulture .cation e, not learn. 1,000,000,1 up. has t bated, ribute luman 'e are the It SECTION TWO 10c a single copy; $3.00 per year A Milestone In Buchenwald By, ...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 18

…Page Eighteen THE JEWISH NEWS For Our Young People DEAR BOYS AND GIRLS: ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY nights, you will ask your parents and grandparents the traditional Tier Kashes' —the four questions pertaining to Pass- over. - Perhaps we should ask YOU some questions on Passover, so that through you these questions may be directed at our elders. Let me ask you: In your joy over the Passover, in your happiness that you live in this great land o...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 18

…Page Two DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Jewish Stars Glow Brilliantly in the Big League Firmament of Organized Baseball of all this was his being able to not finish at the top at the end When the fabulous John Mc- make so brilliant a comeback af- of the season. Graw was alive and managing the ter four years in uniform. The This phenomenal slugging New York Giants baseball team, experts had counted him out, said clinched hi...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 19

…THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 12, 1946 Prospects Assigned to Women Workers for AJC Group Teas At a meeting of supervisors, area chairmen and secretaries of the Women's Division of the Al- lied Jewish Campaign, held Tues- day morning in the USO Lounge of the Jewish Community Cen- ter, prospects were assigned to workers who will bring them to home meetings later in the month. Workers under Mrs. Samuel S. Aaron, Mrs. John C. Hopp and Mrs. Osca...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 19

…A merican Yewish Periodical Center CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Friday, April 12, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Page Three MEETING WITH "NUMBER 278" time he told his story he had the By CHAPLAIN AVM. HERBERT low number of a volunteer in the BLOUGH, USNR United States Army. True, he was It was Friday evening before a number in the Army records, the attack on a Japanese held but then he was a number for a i...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 20

…Page Twenty THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 12, 1946 JEWISH NATIONAL FUND HIGHLIGHTS ISRAEL LIVES- ISRAEL LIVES Jewish National Fund Council, 11608 Dexter, Detroit, Mich. TO. 8-7384 or TO. 8-7385 An Appeal to Detroit Zionists For $2,000,000 Allied Drive By WILLIAM HORDES President, Jewish National Fund Council of Detroit The Detroit Emergency $2,000,000 Allied Jewish Cam- paign will be reaching out into the community within a couple o...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 20

…ar Page Four DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Passover Poses a Challenge to American Jews to Redeem Survivors of Hitlerism By MARTIN SILVER And today it is not enough that this Passover marks the end of From far across the seas, well- the 13-year reign of the forces of ing up in a refrain rooted in 4,- Nazi darkness. It is not enough 000 years of history, comes the that Jews are no longer being cry, "Let my people go." The...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 21

…Friday, April 12, 1946 THE JEWISH NEWS Increased Support Shown in Campaign Gatherings Large Advances Made in Contributions to Emergency $2,000,000 Allied Jewish Campaign; Numerous Divisions Mobilize Forces for the Drive Tremendously increased sup- port for the 1946 Emergency Allied Jewish Campaign as com- pared with previous years was shown in the group solicita- tion meetings and organizational sessions held last week by the trade and pro...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 21

…A litericalt Pal ish Periodical Coder CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Friday, April 12, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Page Five Good Samaritans Still Carry on Ancient Passover Rites Just as Prescribed by Biblical Law in Book of Exodus While millions of Jews in lands throughout the world this week sit about their festive boards, in observance of the tra- ditional Seder, a small band of men, women and children...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 22

…Page Twenty-two THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 12, 1946 tirtE::" \ C ANCER strikes all ages. It takes fathers . : : ' and with them the family's means of liveli- hood. It takes mothers . just when they are needed to care for a family of little ones, Even little children are often its victims. Guard those you love... Give to conquer Cancer Unless we do something about it, 17,000,000 Americans now living will die of cancer. Cancer is not...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 22

…Page Six DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle nearly, if not entirely, resemble God, in Moses, the Pentateuch, those used during the days of the Mount Gerizim and the Day of Exodus from Egypt and the late r Judgment. Incidentally, all israelite journeying in the desert • prayers are chanted from prayer It is now Passover eve. Spe books which are hand written in ially selected sacrificial lambs the Samaritan Hebrew, the oldest are...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 23

…Friday, April 12, 1946 THE JEWISH NEWS Jr. Division Workers'. Rally To Be Held Next Thursday Movie Depicting Work of Allied Jewish Campaign Agencies to Be Shown at Meeting at Shaarey Zedek; Captains Announced for Solicitations Among Young People The Junior Division of the Allied Jewish Campaign will hold a workers' rally next Thursday, at 8 p.m., in the social hail of Congregation Shaarpy Zedek, Chicago and .Lawton. A movie depicting the w...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 23

…A merican Yeutish Periodical Center Friday, April 12, 1946 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle American Song Writers List Three of Their Best From Among the Jewish Fold •VV) Page Seven eons, both of them in the armed Palestine which will provide a ready market for all types of fur- forces. niture." Some of his best sellers, he once said, were written in an hour's time. The Berlin Municip...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 24

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Twenty-four Friday, April 12, 1946 •• • " • • •:: • ••••• • • • • • : • : • • y : • • . . W. ' " • . 4ii6aaalk • •••• •,••• •••••. :x .:;.•••,:: :•• ••••• ••••••;: '''. : ,:. Y" •• -• ••••"•', . • N.W.1aft4!ref.g01 • •••••••••••• " • ..;Y:• :••••• ........ •: • .. •• • :••• • • •::;:::;Y:••• i•x • :•:•:,•:•:.:.:::• :•: ,•:•:` • • • • • •••••• /, ',.•••••••::::;:•::••••••••••••••:',.• • • ...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 24

…Page Eight DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle On Stage, Screen and Radio Jews Hold Many Places as Topflight Performers Friday, April 12, 1946 Oboler's work has tended to be more of the straight entertain- ment type. This Chicago-born writer broke in with Mutual and has been sponsored commer- cially, whereas Corwin has been a Columbia product exclusively. Oboler is a master of pithy, pow- erful drama, but he prefers the conven...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 25

…And It Came to Pass at Midnight From the HebreW ' Page T-werify-five THE JEWISH NEWS Fr'iday, April 12, 1946 the Passover Hymn "Wai'hi Bahatsi Halailah." By DR. NOAH - E. ARONSTAM Many wonders Thou'st performed in the hour of midnight, When the first watch cloth proclaim 'tis the hour of midnight; The true and righteous proselyte Hath conquered in the hours of night, As the trembling, creeping shadows brought the hour of midnight. And it...…

April 12, 1946 • Page Image 25

…A merico 'elvish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1111111 ■--- Friday, April 12, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Adolph J. Sabath: Dean of Capitol Hill Turns 80, Counts 40 Years in Congress World War, funds were collected to aid the suffering Jews of Pal- estine, the collectors of the mon- ey turned to him for help, as all regular channels for the trans- mission of the funds had been stopped. W...…

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