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April 12, 1946 - Image 21

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1946-04-12

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Friday, April 12, 1946


Increased Support Shown
in Campaign Gatherings

Large Advances Made in Contributions to Emergency
$2,000,000 Allied Jewish Campaign; Numerous
Divisions Mobilize Forces for the Drive

Tremendously increased sup-
port for the 1946 Emergency
Allied Jewish Campaign as com-
pared with previous years was
shown in the group solicita-
tion meetings and organizational
sessions held last week by the
trade and professional divisions
of the campaign.
Mechanical Division
In the mechanical division a
highly successful meeting of the
auto wreckers and parts section
was held April 3 in the Work-
men's Circle Auditorium. There
was wholehearted response to
the appeal for support of the
Allied Jewish Campaign, exceed-
ing by 18 times the contribu-
tions of the same group in the
last campaign.
The metals section devoted
part of its last association meet-
ing to the campaign organization
and decided to spend all of its
next association meeting on the
drive. The program is being
worked out by Max Schuster of
the Great Lakes Smelting Co.,
provisional chairman of the
A preliminary organizational
meeting of the waste materials
section has been held and plans
are being formulated by Ben-
jamin Laikin and Al Krass for an
educational session in the near
Food Products
A dinner for members of the
Poultry and Fish Section, at
which they will consider their
participation in the Allied Jew-
ish Campaign, will be held next
Wednesday, at 8:30 p. in., at the
Belcrest Hotel. Nathan Metz
and Ed Finsilber are chairmen of
the fish section and Herman Mil-
ler and Jack Horwitz are chair-
men of the poultry section. Plans
for the dinner were perfected at
an education meeting held April
2 which was addressed by Theo-
dore Levin.
The restaurant and bar section
met April 3, to plan full trade
mobilization for the campaign.
William Boesky is chairman and
the committee consists of L. Rap-
poport, H. Springel, Louis Schaf-
fer, Henry Warshaw, Jack Sch-
wartz and Mr. and Mrs. Stein of
509 Woodward.
More than 150 people in eight
branches of the food and allied
industries heard the description
of the tremendously increased
need for relief and rehabilitation
of Jewish survivors overseas at
a meeting Tuesday, April 2, at
Congregation Bnai Moshe.
Rabbi Eliezer Levi of Bnai
Moshe urged those present at
the meeting to assume boldly
the responsibility of American
Jewry for the survival of the
Jewish people in Europe. With
Max Schayowitz as chairman,
the meeting heard Isidore So-
beloff, campaign leader, ex-
plain the necessity for a new
understanding of giving in this
year of Jewish crisis.
The groups represented at the
meeting were dairy, produce,
wholesale grocers,. meats, food
brokers and processors and res-
taurants and bars.
Building Trades
The tinsmiths and roofers will
hold their general meeting on
Sunday, April 21, at 11 a. m., in
the Jewish Cultural Association
Building, 2706 Joy Road, to con-
sider their individual responsi-
bility toward the Allied Jewish
Campaign. A prominent cam-
paign speaker will address the
meeting and Pesach refreshments
will be served. An organization
and education meeting of the
Store Fixture and Janitor Sup-
ply Trades, called by Irving
Goldberg of the Cadillac Show
Case Co., was held at campaign
headquarters at Hotel Tuller,
April 11.
Assignment of prospects to
workers in roofers section was
made at a meeting last Sunday
attended by Jack Kalt and Max
Kalt of the Kalt Company, Louis
Cohen of the Cadillac Roofing
Co., Max Nessel and Nathan
The modernization and repairs
section met last Monday, under
the chairmanship of Samuel Har-

ris Ellman of the Federal Roof-
ing Co., at a session devoted to
organization and education for
the campaign.
The paint distributors and con-
tractors section held an executive
committee meeting last Sunday
at the Tuller Hotel campaign
headquarters to discuss plans for
a general meeting of the section
held on April 9. Morris Pomish
is chairman of the section and
Samuel Victor of Victor Paints is
co-chairman. Among those who
attended the executive meeting
were Harry Sosnick and Louis
A general meeting of the hard-
ward section was held at the
Jewish Cultural Association on
Tuesday, April . 9. Among those
active in the campaign work of
the section are Nathan Rosenberg
of the Rosenberg Hardware Co.,
Max Serwer of the Serwer
Wholesale Hardware Company,
Joseph Weisberg of United Cut-
Rate and Samuel Weider of
Weider Hardware.
The building supply and lum-
ber trades met for organization
and education purposes, under
the leadership of Ben Wilk of
Standard Builders, last Wednes-
day at the Jewish Community
The responsibility for bringing
prospects to a general meeting of
the Architects Section was as-
signed to workers at a planning
session last Wednesday. Those
present at the meeting included
Charles N. Agree, Allen Agree,
Isidore Chesnow, Arnold A.
Waitman, Norton J. Taylor, Leon-
ard H. Gussow of the Albert
Kahn Company, Albert L. Fuchs
of Multi-Color Company and
Robert Finn.
Mercantile Division
Recognition of this year's need
for greatly increased giving to
meet the tremendous problems
of Jewish survivors overseas
characterized the response of
members of the Dry Goods Trade
at a dinner held last Tuesday at
the Belcrest Hotel. Sgt. Leo Mo-
low, who recently returned from
overseas service, was the speak-
er. Morris Shatzen is chairman

of the section and Morris Jacobs
is co-chairman.
Rabbi Morris Adler of Con-
gregation Shaarey Zedek urged
American Jewry to meet square-
ly its historic responsibility for
the survival of the Jewish peo-
ple of Europe when he addressed
a combined meeting of the Jew-
elry Trade and the Women's
Apparel Section at the Book Cad-
illac April 11.
The meeting was called by
Fred F. Simmons, chairman, and
Harry Clark and Harold N. Ehr-
lich, co-chairmen of the Jewelry
Group, and I. Hin-ielhoch and
Max Osnos, co-chairmen of the
women's apparel section.
A meeting to bring to the
members of the shoe group the
facts on this year's emergency
campaign was held April 11, un-
der the chairmanship of Leonard
Hack. David Lieberwitz and
Samuel D. Plotter are co-chair-
men of the group.
Professional Division
Headed by Dr. Harry C. Salt-
zstein and Dr. Meryl Fenton, the
physicians' section of the Detroit
Service Group began its cam-
paign activities April 7, at a meet-
ing of captains at the Jewish
The group was addressed by
Jacob S. Chalat of the United
Jewish Appeal and proceeded
with plans for organization of
solicitation by geographical areas.
The following physicians are
district captains:
Dr. Meryl Fenton, Downtown;
Dr. Charles Lakoff, Midtown;
Dr. Theodore Bergman, North
Woodward; Dr. Aaron Farbman,
East side; Dr. John G. Bayles and
Dr. Murray Bergman, South side;
Dr. I. W. Silver, Dexter; Dr. Os-
car Shapiro, Northwest.
Each of the captains will be
responsible for the recruiting and
supervision of his own team of
solicitors. Weekly report meet-
ings will be held Sunday after-
noons at two o'clock at the Jew-
ish Community Center, begin-
ning Sunday, April 14.
A meeting of the 'team captains
of the Dentists' Section of the
Detroit Service Group was held
on Sunday, April 7, at the Jew-
ish Community Center.
Dr. Abe S. Pearlman, presi-
dent of Alpha Omega Fraternity,
is chairman of the section and
Drs. Louis Galin, Samuel S.
Gerendasy, Leon A. Katzin, David
Seligson, Leonard Sidlow and
Max Winslow are captains of the
solicitation teams.
The meeting on Sunday was

Page Twenty-one

Rabbis to Dedicate Sermons
On Passover to Allied Drive

Detroit's rabbis plan to dedicate their sermons on
the first day of Passover to the background of the Allied
Jewish Appeal, the local expression of American
Jewry's determination to raise $100,000,000 through the
United Jewish Appeal for Refugees, Overseas Needs
and Palestine.
All synagogues will have either their rabbi or a
lay leader of the congregation speak on the needs of the
Jewish people of Europe and Palestine and a "Solemn
Declaration" will be read immediately before the Yiskor
Rabbis J. Rabinowitz, Isaac Stollman and Max J.
Wohlgelernter, who constitute the synagogue commit-
tee of Vaad Horabonim, and Rabbi Alvin M. Poplack
have been making arrangements for the Passover ser-
mons with all synagogues in the city.

addressed by Jacob S. Chalet who
told the group this is the year
of decision for countless num-
ber of Jews in Europe, whose
survival depends completely up-
on the success of such drives as
the Emergency Allied Jewish

Argentine Censor Halts
Attack on Anti-Semitism
Benjamin Rinsky, secretary of
the DAIA, central representative
body of Argentine Jews, has been
prevented by the government
censor from making a radio ad-
dress attacking anti-Semitism.



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Give with Your Heart to the
Emergency $2,000,000
Allied Jewish Campaign

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