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June 09, 1967 • Page Image 9




… Civic Opera Company DAN FROHMAN CHORUS has just returned from a stirring concert tour in Israel, as Hazzan. Sinfonietta of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra singing for the troops at the front. He will…

….00 Subscriber 500.00 Sponsor 50.00 Contributor Builder and Master Builder by special arrangements )- HILLEL DAY SCHOOL — RICHARD TUCKER CONCERT RALLY FOR ISRAEL (Cut out and mail I I 1 Please reserve 2 seats…

… CITY HILLEL DAY SCHOOL CONCERT OFFICE Please fill out and mail to: 18501 W. 10 MILE ROAD. SOUTHFIELD, MICH. PHONE 358-3660 …

March 01, 1963 • Page Image 3

…CAMBRIDGE, Mass., (JTA)- The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion marked its 40th anniversary here Sunday with an academic convocation at Harvard Univer- sity. It commemorated the event by presenting a…

Hillel Academic Award to Professor Harry A. Wolfson, 75 - year - old Harvard scholar, who held the first aca- demic chair established in the United States for Judaic studies. An audience of 600 gathered in…

October 31, 1969 • Page Image 14

…. sented with a structure in which they can feel they have a part," 14—Friday, October 31, 1969 he stated. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Cohn, in his response, paid trib- ute to Weinstein for his efforts in behalf…

… of Hillel and praised the activities of Bnai Brith and the Hillel Foundations. Weinstein, ac- cepting the WSU award, gave assurance that Enai Brith will continue devotedly the activities in support of…

Hillel. Hillel Religious CenterDedicated; Irwin Cohn and Weinstein Honored The occasion also was utilized Allen Weitzman and Herman for an honor to Milton Wein- Kasoff, presidents of the Bnai stein…

…, president of the Charles Brith Men's and Women's Conn- Grosberg Religious Center Cor- cils; Albert Portnoy, president of poration, to whom WSU Vice the Hillel Student Council; Sol President George E. Gullen…

… Moss, who gave the invocation, 'presented an award in recogni- and Rabbi Gerald A. Goldman. tion of his many services to new U. of M. Hillel director, who gave the benediction. Participants in the…

… program Guest speaker at the dinner was included Robert Steinberg, chair- Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn, national man of the Hillel board of direc- director of Hillel Foundations, who tors at WSU, who presided; Dr…

… evening, at a dinner that was at- tended by prominent Bnai Brith and other community personali- ties. Prof. William Haber of the Uni- versity of Michigan, a national leader in the Hillel Foundations, made…

August 22, 1969 • Page Image 8

…8—Friday, August 22, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS . . . producing a youth educated in Torah, faithful to Judaism and true to the ideals of American democracy. HILLEL DAY SCHOOL A MODERN DAY…

…, Hillel Day School is a non - profit co - educational day school conducting classes from Kindergarten through Ninth grade and serves the entire Jewish community of Metropolitan Detroit. The purpose of…

… SCHOOL which teaches your children how to Read ... and write ... and think ... and more ..c How To Be Leaders In Tomorrow's American-Jewish Society BECAUSE . . . BECAUSE . . . HILLEL provides an…

… excellent program of Hebraic Studies and general education during normal school hours. IIILLEL graduates consistently excel in High School. BECAUSE . . . BECAUSE . . . HILLEL is geared to individual…

… motisation and per- sonalized instruction. HILLEL is concerned with the full integration of the child into the American environment. The whole program of the school is designed to enable the child fully to…

Hillel Day School is to offer families interested in a more intensive Hebraic education for the children, the opportunity to provide it, along with a high standard of general education. The graduates of…

Hillel Day School will bring to the community and to their particular careers, the fruits of wide-ranging Jewish knowledge and of sound American values and ideals. The faculty consists of highly qualified…

… maintaining and enhancing the Jewish religious and cultural heritage, strengthening Jewish group life, and assuring its survival. . - RENDERING OF NEW HILLEL DAY SCHOOL I !DON'T DENY I YOUR CHILD HIS…

May 12, 1967 • Page Image 24

… spite of severe The Hillel students constitute a full cross-section of the Detroit and suburban Kehilla, including children of families affiliated with 21 Synagogues and Temples of all denominations — as…

…911f2AAailL JD 3.h2. COMMUnitg- • • • HILLEL DAY SCHOOL'S fulfillment of these aims has been widely recognized. Its The growth of the HILLEL DAY SCHOOL, since its founding nine years ago, is proof…

… that there is a vital need for such a school in our Jewish community. We are proud of its fine record and anticipate its even greater enrichment of the Jewish life of Detroit. outstanding educational…

… Samuel, who after his "sit-in" at Hillel clas- The school now consists of a Kindergarten, six Elementary Grades and a Junior High School through the Ninth Grade. Its student enrollment is 265 boys and…

… recited quarters, have hardly been Chartered by the State of Michigan, Hillel's curriculum offers, through tested and approved modern methods of instruction, both an intensive Hebraic education (15 hours a…

… week) and an excellent system of training in General Secular studies. adequate. Now at last, HILLEL is on the verge of .realizing a nine-year-old The HILLEL DAY SCHOOL does not minimize the important…

… program. other. Both of these types of education are essential and will recruit, as they should, the largest number of Jewish children. The purpose of the HILLEL DAY SCHOOL is to help Two epic milestones…

… will be observed by HILLEL next month: its first Graduation Exercises of the Ninth Graders on June 22; and the launching create an elite corps of a richly informed Jewishly literate citizenry and to…

… the American environment. The graduates of Hillel will on JUNE 26, featuring RICHARD TUCKER both as Hazzan and operatic bring to the community and to their particular careers the fruits of wide…

…-ranging Jewish virtuoso. knowledge and of sound American ideals. As Congregation and community leaders dedicated to the preservation of the Jew- The HILLEL DAY SCHOOL utilizing the special opportunities of a…

January 03, 1969 • Page Image 13

…Hanel Chapter Speaks Sign Language Jewish Teens Appeal for Draft Guidance THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, January 3, 1969-13 NEW YORK (JTA)—A majority meat in the Vietnam war. The of Jewish teen…

…! discussed such issues with their Mrs. Bernard Shevitz, secretary to Hillel's national director, Rabbi parents, but only 10 said they SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY! $ Benjamin Kahn, shows Brent Nowak a display of…

Hillel materials. Mrs. had received advice from their Reg. $12.95 Shevitz is parliamentarian for the Free State Chapter of Bnai Brith rabbis. They asked for more direct counseling from Jewish Women, which…

… services the Gallaudet Hillel group, whose members attend the college for the deaf. organizations and spiritual lead- • • • ers. Two-thirds of those ques- WASHINGTON — Brent Nowak, rich of the Maryland…

… School for the tioned said they opposed the 2$, is president of the Hillel Foun- Deaf. Fendrich also leads a Rosh draft because of U.S. involve. dation on his campus—Gallaudet Hashana and Yom Kippur…

…Minselor for the deaf. He has been man is available at the college for WE DO EVERYTHING a member of the Gallaudet Hillel counseling on any problems the students may have—personal or diapter for five years…

… cinshurg Washington. Brent is one of 80 business. One of Brent's proudest Jewish students at Gallaudet—all accomplishments as a member of Hillel was his participation, along of them members of Hillel. past…

… president Kenneth "Students all over the country with Rothschield, in a conference of the come to their Hillel college chap- National Congress of Jewish Deaf ter to find a sense of rootedness, last summer in…

… California. As a a sense of belonging," says Rabbi result of their attendance—and MEN'S Aaron B. Seidman, Hillel director their plea—the conference voted to MEN'S at Gallaudet. "But Hillel serves accept the…

… Gallaudet Hillel chap- a very special purpose here, be- ter as the 10 member of the Con- cause the boys and girls at Gallau- Reg. $35 to $75 det have a special problem of gress. Reg. to $25 Reg. $22.50 to $35…

July 04, 1969 • Page Image 12

…12—Friday, July 4, 1969 SYNAGOGUE THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS SERVICES 8 Beth Hillel Board Members Quit as Congregation Turns Down Merger A proposed merger between Con- gregations Beth Hillel and…

… smaller and smaller." A member of both Beth Paul M. Handleman, a member his life in Detroit and is a life- Hillel and Beth Abraham, Haar of the board of trustees of Temple long member of Temple Beth El…

… Beth Abraham was turned down by the Beth Hillel membership Sunday TEMPLE ISRAEL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Syme will speak on afternoon, precipating the resigna- "The Meaning of Independence…

…." Lionel Chestnut, Bar Mitzva. Sat- tion of eight members of the 11- man Beth Hillel board, which had urday services 11 a.m. CONG. BNAI JACOB: Services 8:50 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. proposed the…

May 24, 1968 • Page Image 38

…- lished at Fairleigh-Dickinson Uni- inee of "THE SEA GULL" at versity, Teaneck, N.J. It will be 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Memorial Day. the 267th campus unit in the Hillel THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Foundations…

…wilm ■ Immt Dr. Jacobs Retires as Director of U-M Hillel Foundation Dr. Herman Jacobs, director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan since 1953, retires Sept. 1, when he…

…) Sergei Eisenstein at 8:50 only DON QUIXOTE POTEMKIN STUDIO I littreois at Davison • WE. 3-0070 chel. In December, they will be honored guests at a banquet of the national Hillel directors during their…

… annual conference at Gros- singers. Former executive director of the Detroit Jewish Center, Dr. Jacobs is now completing 40 years of Jew- ish communal service. A graduate of the first class of the Graduate…

November 21, 1969 • Page Image 28

…November 21, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH "NEWS I lli Hillel Foundations Support Increases WASHINGTON (JTA)—Local Jewish federations and welfare funds have started or increased financial support for…

… Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations in their areas at a growing rate in recent years, according to a report by the cam- pus service organization. There was an increase of about $100,000 in such allocations…

… this year, the largest such increase in recent years. but some 80 per cent of Hil- lel's $3,000,000 annual budget is still raised by Bnai Brith from non-Federation sources. Rabbi Benjamin H. Kahn, Hillel

… students would be reflected in a "continued strengthening" of ' such support for the Hillel pro- gram which currently operates on 246 campuses in the United States and Canada. and on 28 abroad. ' - 011,crl…

…. destruction and desecr ation of buildings, fur- nishings and furniture of temples • and synagogues." I Federations and welfare funds which this year made grants either •to establish Hillel Foundations or to…

… to help set Knob Woods Dr., Southfield. an- up a Hillel Foundation at Southern nounce the engagement of their Illinois University in Carbondale. daughter Marcia Carol to Fred Rabbi Kahn also reported…

… staffing among several of the seven Hillel Israel Winter Seminar units in the area and to start Hillel for College Students programs at six other schools. He said Baltimore's welfare fund pro- Slated on…

… Vacation A 10-day exploration of Israel vided money to add two members to the Hillel staff at Maryland focusing on the cooperative and University for innovative programs collective patterns of the country to…

… Community Council has totally , Agency in Jerusalem. supported Hillel activities at Ro- The seminar group will spent. chester University, he said, it three days in Jerusalem, two in provided funds this year…

…. army officers, government grants have been increased for members. labor leaders and Arab Hillel programs are Boston, Miami, leadership. The group also will Cleveland, Toronto, Columbus, meet the new…

January 19, 1962 • Page Image 14

… shots. Of these at Cornell . . . At the University of Illinois, 800 students wor- 6,000,000 were children under Distributed in Detroit & Michigan by: shiped at Hillel's Kol Nidre services, while another…

… 700 traveled five, the group most vulnerable JULIUS POLLAK, 7522 Fenkell, Detroit Tel: UN 2-5822 to polio. to Chicago on a special train chartered by Hillel to attend religious services in their home…

…14 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, Janu ary 19, 1962 — r 1.04110111.1=111.40.0!0 ■ 111•0 ■ 1.0 ■ •• ■00111■0411 M 04111•11. ■O■11.1111.0401111.111■041M11■0i**41■04■01111111.1 Boris Smo ► ar…

January 12, 1968 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, January 12,1968-9 World Orthodox Parley in Israel Beset by Boycotts, Factional Disputes (Digc.thJeTte jile= srire were later welcomed by Jerusa- lem's Mayor Teddy…

… element of the Jewish com- their religious members would not munity, Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- attend, asserting that the confer- tions reported here. ence was sponsored by the Miz- Hillel officials…

… immi- at 34 of the 79 major American gration from the Conservative and Reform movements. How- universities where fulltime Hillel foundation programs are main- ever, in his address to the con- tained and…

… 80 of the 163 smaller vention Monday night, Rabbi schools which have Hillel counsel- Karasick charged that the "graft- orships (part - time directors) ing of divisive ideologies of Ju- showed that…

… any, Jewish students five over the action of Israel Sephardic years ago. Chief Rabbi Nissim having pro- Prof. Louis Gottschalk of the claimed a day of fasting on behalf University of Illinois, Hillel

… nation- of Soviet Jewry in December. In al chairman, noting that an es- his message, which was read to the timated 125,000 Jewish students assemblage, Rabbi Levin declared attend schools which lack Hillel

… Jewish enrollment. man of the conference, became ill Forty-four of 310 colleges whose suddenly and was unable to deliver requests for Hillel programs are his prepared keynote speech. The still unfilled…

… each have 500 or conference was chaired by Brit- more Jewish students. ain's Spanish and Portuguese Rab- The Hillel Commission, in reso- binical leader Dr. S. Gaon. Some lution, strongly encouraged "the…

… tending the conclave. and programatic resources in A conciliatory note was struck strengthening the Jewish campus by Dr. Gaon, who told the confer- community through Hillel's func- ence that it was the duty…

… that it would cease the 15200 W. 7 MILE RD. Hillel's "45 years of experience on bombing if there were assurance 3 Blocks East of Greenfield the campus gives it the right and that this would lead to talks…

June 26, 1964 • Page Image 18

… families, to _construct a medical research building at Detroit's Sinai Hospital was announced Bnai Brith Lodge Wednesday. in Virgin, Islands Nate S. Shapero, Sinai pres- ST. THOMAS, V.I. — Sasso-Car- ident…

… fine family of native Detroiters who have already done so much for others in the U.S. and in Israel." Jospey, a Sinai trustee, and the Hamburger brothers are of- ficers, and with their families, owners…

…- ville, South Carolina, or Asheville, New Staff Assignments North Carolina. at 4 Hillel Foundations Like CHEESE KREPLACH with Grandissimo Ta'am! Chef Boy-Ar-Dee knows what he's talking about. His…

… by famed Chef Boy- Ar-Dee. And thrifty. Costs only about 150 per serving! • Rea ill, heal 'a'eal Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations announced four new staff assign- ments for the fall semester. Rabbi…

… Max D. Ticktin, Hillel di- rector at the University of Wis- consin for the past 16 years, will assume similar duties at the Uni- versity of Chicago. He also be- comes Hillel's national director of…

… since Rabbi Pekarsky's death two years ago, succeeds to the Hillel post at Wisconsin. Rabbi Daniel I. Leifer, now com- pleting a tour of duty as Air Force chaplain at Sheppard Field, Tex., joins the…

Hillel staff as assistant director at Chicago. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Harvard, he served as student president of its Hillel Foundation. Rabbi Milton Elefant, director at the University of Colorado…

…, is re- assigned to Syracuse University. He previously served as Hillel counselor at the University of Maine, Bates College and Colby College. At Colorado, Rabbi. Ele- fant was president of the univer…

… community of the Virgin Islands celebrates its 300th anniversary next year. The first Jewish settler, a soldier of for- tune named Gabriel Milan, was governor of St. Thomas from 1685 to 1687. U. of M. Hillel

… Plans Series of Summer Events Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation will inaugurate a series of Wednes- day evening events with a talk on "Southern Hospitality: Mississippi Style" by Rev. Paul R. Dotson, 7:30. p…

September 24, 1965 • Page Image 44

…, is planning with her fiance a Jan. 30 wedding. Lodges, Chapters Push Efforts for WSU Hillel House erty specialists in the metropolitan the offices. Parking for nearly 2;000 cars is Detroit area for…

…-4470 at 9 Mile Road Lodges and chapters of Bnai Brith in Detroit announced con- tributions and pledges this week to ensure the building of a new Hillel House at the Wayne State University Religious Center…

June 29, 1962 • Page Image 10

…M Plea for Education with Emphasis on Day Schools, at Hillel Dinner Jewish Cemetery Is upkeep of the Hill el Day , Groner. The benediction was Desecrated in Germany Priority for Jewish educa- is…

… - :emphasis on the Day Schools. meaning and excitement in was the tribute paid to the appeal for support of the Hillel cemetery at Blieskastel, east was urged here Monday night being a Jew." He advocated late…

October 24, 1969 • Page Image 17

… of the adult will take place at 6 p.m. in the education series of Temple Eman- Hillel quarters on the sixth floor of the center. uel * • * The Metropolitan Detroit Bnai Ahavas Israel has inaugurated…

… Speaker of the evening will the formal dedication of Irwin I. be Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn Cohn Hall, the new home of the from Wa , Iiington, I). C., national Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation in director of the…

… Bnai Brith Hillel the Charles Grosberg Religious Center. Cohn, whose substantial gift sparked the drive to raise funds for WSU's Hi llel House," was in- strumental in the erection of Hillel • Grand…

… Al Feldman are con- Wayne State Hillel Foundation, ducting an evening folk dance will act as master of ceremonies. class for everyone over age 13. A reediting for the dinner guests Under the auspices…

Hillel Foundation • • • from 2-5 p.m. Sunday, at the be- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Berman ginning of a week of special hosted a cocktail dinner for the events. A special dedication ceremony men's special gifts…

… division for the Jewish Community Fund Drive of Cohn Hall and the Maurice C. Zeiger library will be held at 4 Wednesday in their home. p.m. Rabbi Max Kapustin, Bnai • • • Hillel director, will conduct The…

… Israeli brunch-lunch, under ing over 20 different denomina- the direction of Mrs. Joe Schwan' ' , tions. will open the meeting of women s Nathan Rubenstein is Hillel special gifts for the Jewish Com…

… Schreiber. Men for special gifts. Guest speaker will be Allan Ginsburg of Lansing. Zahava Tweig, Israeli ex- change student, will greet the gathering. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Wierzbicki in Running for Re…

June 16, 1967 • Page Image 6

… protect Jews in Arab countries who are now exposed to "mob violence and inhuman treatment." Israeli Troops at Church of Nativity THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS THE RICHARD TUCKER CONCERT SPONSORED BY THE…



…, stirring melodies he has brought back from embattled Israel. Also featuring: Seymour Schwartzman— Baritone, N.Y. Civic Opera Company Dan Frohman Chorus Sinfonietta of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra…

… Directed by: Dan Frohman ALL SEATS RESERVED Good Tickets Available at: $5.00, $12.50, $25.00 and up per seat Contributions Are Tax Deductible CALL: HILLEL CONCERT OFFICE 18501 W. 10 Mile Rd., Southfield…

April 21, 1967 • Page Image 11

…AsnINGTox (yrA) — linai Friday: April 21, 1967-11 • Staff of 40 Dedicated Teachers. • Hillel Day School serves the entire Jewish community of Metropolitan Detroit. • Transportation to and from school is…

…Oddities From Israel -By CARL ALPERT HAIFA—Jottings from my note- book. You'll understand why life in Israel is so interesting, 60 dif- ferent: THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS JE disappointed and…

… at HILLEL DAY SCHOOL • Established in 1958, Hillel Day School is accredited by the State of Michigan. • Hillel's bi-cultural program aims for the full integration of the child into the American…

…. Brith has announced initiation of Hillel Foundation programs in Latin America. A counselor- ship has been established at the Central University of Venezuela at Caracas to minister to the reli- gious…

…, cultural and counseling needs of some 300 Jewish stu, dents. The university is the 21st institution outside lie United States and Canada to have Hillel facilities. E r e Metropolitan Opera star Richard…

… event will be Hillel Day School $1,500,000 build- available for contributors to the $ 1995 M - ing fund drive. ;:lk; Hillel Building Fund Drive. For Tucker's ap- LARGE SELECTION information, call the…

Hillel Day ;; R:1 pearance here School office, 358-3660. will for the first William S. Kaplan, president of '";., 41" 0 time combine the the Park Synagogue Shaare Sho- Os The nAvenue Of Fashion" Elti tom…

September 17, 1965 • Page Image 28

…-raising committee for Hillel Foundation at WSU; and Rabbi Max Kapustin, Hillel director. Detroit Council of Bnai Brith is in the midst of a fund-raising campaign for construc- tion of the Hillel headquarters within…

…Fund Drive On for WSU Hillel House Men's Clubs Record-Breaking, Low-Fare Nine-Day Journey to Israel Sponsored by Elkins Adas Shalom Men's Club will An unusual opportunity for a feature radio low…

… the religious center. * * * With ground breaking for the One feature of the new Hillel new Wayne State University Re- House will be installation of two kitchens, one for dairy, the other ligious Center…

… scheduled for De- cember, a drive is on to fulfill the for meat. $165,000 commitment necessary to Heading the Bnai Brith Hillel assure construction of Hillel Building Fund Committee are House. To date, $100…

…,000 has been Harry Nathan, chairman:- Elias raised. Goldberg, treasurer; and Avram The Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation Charlip, secretary. Rabbi Max headquarters will represent stu- Kapustin is Hillel

…- headed by Leonard N. Simons, in- viduals are being encouraged to cludes Irwin I. Cohn, Rabbi join the efforts by pledging con- Kapustin, Louis Levitan and M. tributions to the Hillel Foundation. Weinstein…

…. Frances Solovich, attorney active in the civil rights program, and a past president of the Detroit Coun- cil of Bnai Brith Women. Her topic will be "Triennial Convention." * * * A joint meeting of the…

January 31, 1969 • Page Image 1

…, the protests are being uttered everywhere! THE JEWISH NEWS DETROI T A Weekly Review I I of Jewish Events NA Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle…

… =liEF 27 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit—VE 8-9364—January 31, 1969 The Time for Genuine Generosity The Need and Urge for Activism by Our Youth Editorials Page 4 $7.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c Iraqi…

… Bruce Kutnick, is coordinat- ing the effort. An assembly and a memorial service will be held at Hillel Day School this morning. The Hillel children already have seat messages to Nixon, U Thant and Pope…

… Paul calling for action. Sermons in all Detroit congregations tonight and Saturday morning will be devoted to reviews of the tragic situation. Hebrew U. President Harman Due as Guest Speaker at AJC…

… imprisonment, torture and every variety of perverted cruelty. Shlomo Hillel, assistant director-general for Middle East affairs, Iraqi-born, spoke at a press conference on the aftermath of Monday's public…

October 05, 1962 • Page Image 31

…11111111.11 - .1 • - OBITUARIES A prominent Detroit attor- ney, Samuel F. Grandon, 18666 Warrington, died Sept. 30. He was 48. Mr. Grandon was graduated from Wayne State University in 1935 and…

… was a member of the Detroit and Michigan Bar Associations. He was affiliated with Temple Israel, Perfection Lodge, F. & A.M., the Moslem Shrine and was a founding di- rector of the Town and Country Club…

November 18, 1960 • Page Image 1

… t=3 – r –r A Weekly Review r./1 I c 1-1 f Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The •Detroit Jewish Chronicle -Vol. XXXVIII, No. 12 Significance of Jewish Book…

… Fair Aftermath of Election and Campaign Promises Editorials Page 4 100177roinjTentiiIn Shop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—De. troit 35, November 18, 1960—$5.00 Per Year; Single Copy 15c Hillel Leaders…

… will be addressed by Mrs. Joseph H. Ehrlich, who will reminisce about Miss Szold; Mrs. I. Jerome Hauser, president of Detroit Chapter of Hadas- sah, and Samuel Frankel, president of the Center. There…

… to Hillel Centers throughout the country, necessitating increased Jewish religious and cultural activities in the colleges, Prof. William Haber, University of Michigan economist, declared here Monday…

… night. Dr. Haber, who is national chairman of the Bnai Brith Hillel Commis- sion, addressed the opening session of the commission's annual two-day meeting. He called upon the Hillel Commission to…

… community of non-Christians instead of understanding Jews." Dr. Gordis' views were echoed by Rabbi Maurice Pekarsky, of the University of Chicago, senior campus director of the Bnai Brith Hillel staff, and…

… Prof. Louis Gottschalk, of the University of Chicago, a member of the Hillel Commission. Each urged that the Hillel campus program stress the fundamentals of Judaism "to provide students with a sense of…

… Jewish direction." The Jewish community, said Dr. Gordis, "must be increasingly con- cerned with how many minds, not feet, enter a Hillel house on the cam- pus:" A proposal for the establishment of…

… national Hillel religious and advisory councils was advanen by Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn, Hillel national director. He declared that by involving intellectual leadership that has a mature awareness of Jewish…

… purpose "the Hillel movement will be better able to encourage enthusiasm for Jewish cultural life." — N.Y. Firm to Record Eichmann Trial NEW YORK, (JTA)—A New York broadcasting company announced that it…

December 27, 1963 • Page Image 10

…Moshe Sharett Aids Allied Jewish Campaign and Zionist Cause, Visits Hillel Day School on Brief Visit Here movements and he deplored the wider participation in Federa- excess of funds spent on large…

…, Prime Minis- names of all of his seven grand- came from immigrant forces ter and Foreign Minister of Is- children, and the youngsters now is over and the community rael, was in Detroit in a triple were…

… about the future," he stated. We wish to congratulate our United Jewish Appeal; to con- Hillel Day School, upon the He pointed to the necessity QUICK SERVICE husband, father and grand- fer with his fellow…

… added day, and to wish him many more I Detroit's Hebrew educational housed in the 10-Mile Road Jew- that on that score "there is no FRANKLIN years of health and happines. MORTGAGE CORP. efforts. ish…

… proached each of the tasks he school. Zionist aim at creating Jewish Addressing the 165 Hillel pu- Statehood has been achieved, he tackled. in Hebrew—Sharett in- declared that there still is need Sharett…

… home of rael char David or Tamar or Mir- "Zionism is a living faith, a call Al Taubman, and the response iam .. or . from the Hillel School to action, not a dogma." was spontaneous and generous. in…

June 06, 1969 • Page Image 29

Detroit and concludes: don, secretary. "On the occasion of his 70th Rabbi Chaskell Grubner is exec- birthday in 1965, Hillel Day School utive director (Menahaal) of the offered a tribute to Mr. Kasle at…

…Kasle Honored by Hillel, Teachers Recognizing the important role their teachers are extending high he has played in Jewish educa- honors to Abe Kasle. tional ranks, local schools and Hillel Day…

… School is dedicating its graduation journal, "Harvest '69," to Kasle, who is completing Orthodox Rabbis Elect his third year as the school's president. The Hillel graduation Leizer Levin as Head will be…

… dinner at the Esther Berman (father of the court); Rabbi S. P. Branch of the United Hebrew Wohlgelernter a n d Schools 6:30 p.m. Sunday. The Hillel Day School statement Rabbi Nehemiah Katz of Toledo as of…

… assuming Entertainment the office of president of Hillel VAlley 3-1739 Day School in 1966 his great dream has been to erect a permanent home for our school. Under his •1‘..*% ENTERTAINMENT IF** able…

… leadership and with the de- * COMEDIANS, SINGERS, voted assistance of other com- * BANDS, ACCORDIONISTS, munity leaders, the new home of Hillel Day School is currently be- * NOW! LIGHTING AVAILABLE FOR EVERY…

…-8525 **** new building, which will provide modern facilities for hundreds of Jewish children of the Metropoli- tan Detroit area, will bring even greater joy to Mr. Kasle and to all Orchestra and Entertainment…

May 11, 1962 • Page Image 9

…,118 campaign contributors who are not yet on the rolls for 1962." Zuckerman said the fact that Detroit's Allied Jewish Campaign dosed officially on May 2, there are more than 5,000 cards with an assured increase…

… recorded, and there dill is hope that 1962 will be another $5,000,000 year of generous reaches 26,000 contributors is ex- tremely fortunate to be able to giving by Detroit Jewry. The leaders at the dosing…

…'s 10 di- visions have already raised more in the 1962 campaign than they did in 1961. The arts and crafts division, under the leadership of The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- at Eastern Michigan University…

…. Irving Goldberg, leads the cam- tion at The University of Mich- Rabbi Max Kapustin, Hillel di- paign's seven trades • and pro- ' igan is host to the Eastern Sec- rector at Wayne State, will lead fessions…

… divisions with 111 per tion of the Midwest H i 11 e 1 in Torah study cent of the 1961 giving. The Institute, today through Sun- and group dis- mechanical trades division, un- day, announced U-M Hillel cussion…

… chairmanship students with their directors readings. Featured of Lewis H. Manning, and the from Hillel Foundations or services division, headed by My- counselorships at the University will be two ron D. Stein…

… The University of Michigan's the 94th annual convention to Orleans; Sherry Srog of Fre- Theater Hillel will be presented be held in Minneapolis, July mont, Ohio; and Helen Berko- in an evening of dance…

… the motif for the entire presentation. Hillel director at the Univer- sity of Chicago, who will be Devoted to the theme of present to participate in the man's attempt to distinguish sessions. between…

… and Mar- Judy Proper, David Colson, lene Jacobs of Southfield, presi- Thomas Kind and Peter Gold- dent of the Hillel counselorship farb. Special music, lighting, elec- CHANGES IN POLISH JEWRY tronic…

… ninth century when The Institute is under the Im- Jewish merchants from Germany mediate supervision of Rabbi settled in the country. Other Harry Kaplan, director of Hillel Hillel Foundation at University…

October 14, 1960 • Page Image 9

…, friends and inter- ested Detroiters. Sherman Shapiro, chairman of the Balfour Concert committee, states that tickets will be avail- able at this meeting for the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra's appearance…

… here Nov. 1 at the Masonic Temple. For information call the Zionist House, 10424 W. McNichols, DI 1-8540. OBITUARIES Liam; one brother and o * * ,3 di ter * CHARLES G. COHEN, former- ly of Detroit

…, Mrs. Fanny Cohen of Detroit; five sis- ters, Mrs. Jack Rose of Detroit, Mrs. Morris Goldstein and Mrs. Joseph Kauffman of Florida, Mrs. Harry Lewis of California and Mrs. Milton Cross* of WaShing- ton…

…; and seven grandchildren. * * * of Miami; her father, Elek Harry Cern of Detroit; three brothers, David of Detroit, William of Oak Park and Ben of Ft. Knox, Ky.; and two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Feld- stein…

… of Detroit and Mrs. Saul Silver of Oak Park. * * * MINNIE LEIPSITZ, 3765 Col- lingwood, died Oct. 9. Survived by four sons, Dr. Louis Leipsitz, Harry Leipsitz, Joseph Linder and Benjamin Linder; three…

…. Saul Baron; and a , ne son, Harry; one daug - Adrienne. er, Mrs. Irving Zaks; two broth- * * ers, two sisters and four grand- ALYCE CERN K of children. * * * Miami, Fla., for of Detroit, DAVID M. EDEL…

….C. Taffy Johnson, Singer Donation—$6.50 CALL EARLY FOR RESERVATIONS UN. 1 0773 - Set Up Leon Kay Scholarship Fund at Hillel School • Rabbi Jacob E. Segal this' week announced that a Leon Kay Memorial…

… Scholarship Foundation has been set up by the Hillel Day School in memory of the departed leader who played an active role in establishing the Hillel School. Rabbi Segal said: "Mr. Kay gave his heart's energy…

… and devotion to the Hillel Day School as a rampart of modern progres- sive Hebrew education. A noble way of honoring his memory would be by perpetuating this type of intensive Jewish learn- ing…

…. ), Contributions . to the Hillel Scholarship Fund may be sent to the Hillel School, 18977 Schaeffer. Mesdames Taubman, Shaye, Becker Will Attend ORT Parley The biennial National Execu- ti‘Q. Board Conference of…

June 20, 1969 • Page Image 14

…. and general manager - of the Fisher and Regular services will he held at Cong. Shoinrey Emanuh. Adas New Center Buildings. Shalom Synagogue. Beth Isaac of Trenton. Beth Hillel. Nlishkan Israel. A…

… Caminker is a past president of the Temple Israel Seminary Honors Karbal Men's Club, of the Greater Detroit At the June 9 Standard City Bnai Brith Council and of Henry. Club reception at which Morris…

… Morgenthau Lodge of Bnai Karbal was formally installed as chairman of the Jewish ' Theo- logical Seminary's Detroit com- mittee, Dr. Max Arzt (right), the Seminary's vice chancellor, presented to Karbal an…

… You To Attend a - TEMPLE BETH EL: Services 5:30 p.m. today and 11:15 a.m. Satur- day. Douglas Ellmann, Bar Mitzva. CONG. BETH MOSES: Services 7 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Saturday. THE DETROIT JEWISH…

… NEWS Proceeds of this dinner will be used to establish the SAM LIEBERMAN Medical Research Fellowship at the City of Hope 9 %National Medical Center. Why HILLEL DAY SCHOOL.. Ladies grow handsome by…

May 12, 1967 • Page Image 32

…Friday, May 12, 1967-33 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS People Make News The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tions has named Rabbi YECHIAEL E. LANDER, administrative as- sistant to the president at Hebrew Union…

… College—Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, as Hillel director at Smith College. Rabbi Lander, who directed the Hillel program at Miami University in Oxford, 0., in 1965-66, will also serve as…

Hillel counselor at Am- herst College in his new post. Rabbi ALBERT G. SILVERMAN, spiritual leader of Temple Israel, Jamaica, N.Y., since 1948, will di- rect Hillel activities at American University. Rabbi…

… Silverman, who formerly served as Hillel director at Yale University and associate Hillel director at the University of Illinois, will also counsel Jewish students at Georgetown University. • • s "1 Louis R…

… graduation exercises April 29. Dr. Salinger, a former Detroiter, now lives in Sunnyvale, Calif., where he is engaged as a senior scientist by an electronics firm. . a. Kaufman Probate Judge • geIr; was…

… imme- diate past presi- dent of the Zion- ist Organization of Detroit, a member of the Crescent Shrine Club and of Per- fection Lodge Judge Kaufman F&AM. He is honorary life presi- dent and founding…

…, which supports 54 Jewish agencies and services in Detroit, the nation and overseas, concluded Wednesday. The first diplomatic reception tendered by West Germany's Am- bassador in Jerusalem, ROLF PAULS…

January 18, 1963 • Page Image 6

… at the Egyptian rearma- LaMed Fund of Detroit, and are gen, Ore., for his thesis "The ment and very desperate." intended to bring to public at- "Time is moving against Is- tention the work being done…

… that the annual Hillel budget of $2,- 005,477 in 1962 went over $2,- 000,000 for the first time. The money was spent on 81 full- time professional staff mem- bers; the maintenance of 52 Hillel Foundation…

… Foundations and counselor- ships; salaries for specialists in Hebrew, music and dance; stu- dent work scholarships, and the operations of the national of- fice. In the past four years, the Hillel budget had…

… all over the United States. Preliminary findings of a sur- vey to determine Hillel needs CANTOR HAROLD ORBACH beyond the 200 schools already of Temple Israel on the Hillel waiting list AARON ROSENBERG…

… WILL BE SERVED The Hillel Foundations cur- rently serve—in addition to the United States and Canada—in A SPECIAL FEATURE OF THE EVENING Australia, Britain, Holland, Is- Honor will be bestowed upon…

Hillel Report NEW YORK, (JTA)—One of the factors that has stimulated increased Jewish student in- terest in religious worship on the campuses of American col- leges and universities is that "the academic…

… climate today favors religious identification on the part of students," the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations reported. The report said that a study of attendance at services on campuses during the past High…

… Holy Days revealed a larger at- tendance than ever before. It cited an attendance at the Penn- sylvania State University Hillel Foundation of 1,500 Jewish stu- dents who filled the auditorium synagogue…

… the growing numbers of schools at The hamburger had its origin which chairs or courses in with the Russian Tartars. Sea- Jewish studies are found. Forty men from the city of Hamburg Hillel directors…

…, January 24, 1963 at 8:30 P.M. n the Morris L. Schauer Auditorium (Labor Zionist Inst.) ; • Donation 50c No Solicitations Auspices—Committee of Landsmanshaften for JNF and Metropolitan Detroit Erma B…

June 07, 1963 • Page Image 12

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, June 7, 1963 — 1 2 Hillel Day School Founders Dinner Oak-Woods Young Israel Will Hold June 26 to Honor Cohen's Birthday Graduation Event Temple Emanu-El - to…

… follow. The Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit will mark the completion of its fifth suc- cessful year at its Founders Day dinner, Wednesday, June 26, in the social hall of Adas Shalom Synagogue…

March 20, 1964 • Page Image 15

… foods will be served by the sisterhood. Hillel Triumphs at Dedication of New Synagogue MONTREAL.—The word was "nachas" for Rabbi Samuel Cass, director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Mc…

…Gill University, when Shaare Zedek Synagogue was dedicated here. Two of his former Hillel stu- dents were installed as rabbi and president of the new con- gregation. When Rabbi Cass came to the McGill campus in…

… Council. FENCE Nobody UNDERSELLS GREAT LAKES FENCE CO. DON'T EVER FORGET IT!! ASK FOR SHAARIT HAPLAYTAH OF DETROIT (SURVIVORS OF 1945) Invites the Jewish Community to participate with us in Yizkor…

… of Detroit EACH BOTTLE CAP Is MARKED "KP" KP on the bottle cap means Kosher Parve Order enough from your neighborhood store to last you through the Holidays. ■ 711/.0•11!0 ■ 041111M0…

December 06, 1963 • Page Image 5

… Michigan Zionist ments. He was well known in Region, Zionist Organization of Detroit and Zionist Council, on Detroit, having come here num- Tuesday announced that a memorial meeting for Dr. Abba Hillel erous…

… their gifts to the to Zionist Organization of Detroit. at the banquet that marked the As president of the Zion , ist Organization of America, as chairman of the board of Dr. Abba Hillel Silver a Grea…

August 20, 1965 • Page Image 16


…'s got it! --,— ( 4— r HILLEL TOLD THEE THE WHOLE STORY, AND 51/Em4K4 ANO ASTAZ/oN 54/0: FROM TODAY ON, YOU ,ebvp /4/E 2L_ F/1 ✓ 0 soAlE H/LL EL REMEAVIEREO TH/S AVEL /4/ 'ETN/CS . OA- THE WE REAP…

… INS WORDS: ESSON FATNERs" W/LL sruor iv/2-N as! YOUNG' STUDENTS FOR YOU TO TEACH/ STATE 74/R AUG. 27-SEPT. 6 DETROIT the spirit; with the Bible as their portable homeland, they built flourishing…

… to your children," and Jewish sages added, Talmud Torah leneged ku- lam: "Most important of all is the AKIVA HEBREW DAY SCHOOL 19161 Schaefer Hwy., Detroit is happy to announce that REGISTRATION…

… were Shammai and Hillel, who lived in the 1st cen- tury B.C.E. They were friendly rivals, as different in personality as two human beings could be. Shammai was stern, strict, and eas- ily irritated…

…. Hillel was even- tempered, kind, and patient. Born and trained in Babylonia Hillel was drawn to Jerusalem by the reputation of its scholars. There he continued his studies, until he became the head of a…

… renowned academy and the leader of the Sanhedrin. Hillel's wisdom is revealed in the famous story about a heathen who tried to ridicule Judaism. This man, who did not believe in God, said to Shammai that he…

… would become a Jew if Shammai could teach him the Torah while the student stood on one leg without tiring. Shammai angrily threw him out and he came to Hillel, who cheerfully undertook the assign- ment…

… to the story, the heathen was so impressed that he became a Jew. Many other wise sayings of Hillel have come down to us. Here are a few: "Do not judge your neighbor until you know what it is like to be…

… in his place." "Do not separate yourself from the community." "Reviewing a lesson 100 times cannot be compared with review- ing it 101 times." Hillel's warm approach to cold law won everyone's heart…

June 21, 1963 • Page Image 10

… Agency and director of the department of Hebrew and elementary e d u c a ti on for adults in Israel, highly com- mended the work of the Hillel Day School in Detroit. California Senate Here last week on a…

… for an hour of pleasure and deep `nachas' my wife and I re- ceived on our visit to the Hillel Day School. "Visiting Detroit in the line of duty as the head of the division for Hebrew teaching projects…

October 28, 1960 • Page Image 12

…-President, National Bank of Detroit worship. of Detroit and eat The initiators and the Warnica vice president One of Detroit's most prominent communal and members of Hillel - School, as of Pilot Insurance Company, of…

… this cently made its appearance in Southern Europe and the Near week at a meeting of a newly for a seat on the United Nations President de Gaulle for pursuing Gen- our community. It is the Hillel East…

… of his new party as an active Unique in its objectives, the Minnesota, gressman John A. Blatnik of a 14-year veteran in versive movement in Africa and j factor on the French political Hillel Day School…

…, the Hillel school was or extremely se of candidate for the U.S. Max ganized with the expressed pur- HARVEY GELLER ALLEN CHARNES e of pose of providing the Jewish the caliber of Jim Ke . Be- founder…

…., Dearborn and high standard of its teach problems confronting us in th ing staff enable the Hillel world today. Classified ads bring fast results! school to carry on its intensive It is with the deepest COMAC…

… so healthy as that of the Hillel exception •epare school is found to imbue the in C tati As ep • • child with love for what is best g/' it is conviction that in the Jewish and in the Ameri- do…

… AUDITORIUM d in firmation in Judaism (Labor Zionist Institute) experi- Americanism alike. T 1 move- ence of the day sc 19161 Schaefer Road, Detroit of more anent over a pen than two decades s the best r- and A…

December 09, 1966 • Page Image 28

…•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• - Shaarit Haplaytah Party Canada, Montreal; and R a h b j Shaarit Haplaytah will hear - Isaac Kaplan of Detroit, all of musical selections by the Hillel them uncles of the bride. CantorS Day School Choir at…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28 Friday, December 9, 1966 — Susan _Mins Betrothed to Steven Allan Meyers women's Cluhs Holiday Dance Slated by Zionist Revisionists Zionist Revisionists of Detroit

… Society to Gather for Holiday The Radomer Mutual Society of Detroit invites all newcomers to join with them in celebrating Hanuka 9 p.m. Saturday at the Labor Zionist Institute. Supper, lathes and dancing…

Hillel will hold a des- victory luncheon and Hanuka party seri luncheon meeting 12:15 p.m. noon Wednesday at the Labor Zion- Thursday at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. ist Institute. Chairmen are Mrs. The program…

… will be related to the . Isadore Schwartz and Mrs. Lil- theme of the year. The Jew. and . lian Schwartz. YOUR CANDID • * the Contemporary World," and will feature a concert of works by 1 DETROIT CANCER…

October 02, 1964 • Page Image 5

…Sol Drachler; S. Cohen Named Assistant Federation Directors Samuel Cohen and Sol chler have. been appointed ; assistant directors of the Jewish , Welfare Federation • of Detroit,Hyman Safran…

…, president, and .William Avrunin, director of the edera- tion, announced this week. SOL DRACHLER Cohen returns to Detroit after an absence of eight years, during which time he served as executive director of…

… the Springfield, Mass. Jewish Community Council. Be- fore his work in Springfield he was director of social planning and SAMUEL COHEN $500,000 Endowment Aims to Create Abba Hillel Silver Chair in…

…: "Rabbi ern Reserve University in memory I. Abba Hillel Silver was a historic of Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver was personality of world fame, but he announced by WRU President remained firmly rooted in Cleve…

… establish the bination of scholarship and leader- Abba Hillel Silver Chair. They ship. We therefore feel it is fitting are the Louis D. Beaiunont Foun- to perpetuate his memory through dation; the Edith…

February 04, 1966 • Page Image 30

…oath Pa re 30—Friday, February 4, 1966 e THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Silverman JWV SZ Intermediates Offers Scholarship Set Big Sabbath Sgt. Morton A. Silverman Post and Auxiliary of the Jewish War…

… invited to apply. The committee reviewing appli- cations is composed of Mrs. Maurice Shepherd, chairman; Rabbi Max Kapustin, director of Hillel Foun- dation at Wayne State University; Mrs. Walter E. Klein…

… SUMMER CAMP in ISRAEL 19161 Schaefer Hwy. UN 4-7094 Detroit 48235 COLLEGE STUDENTS Exciting 8 Week Itibbutz•vaeation ISRAEL EUROPE sionlimm JUNE, AUG. 1965 mommonn PROGRAM FEATURES: • 18 days of…

…. Shaarey Zedek's Interme- diate Congregation (age 8 11) will be led in services Saturday morn- ing by members who attend Hillel Day School. Participants will include liana and Doron Bar-Levav, Judith Ben…

…- stein, Joyce Bonin, Jimmy and Joanne Caplan, Hillel Frankel, Jonathan Freier, Debbie and Da- vid Groner, Billy and Barry Kuhel, Terri Lasser, Debby Shulevitz and Phillip Wolok. That evening, at 6…

… 'Story - of Jewish People Joe and Penny Aronson, an actor-musician husband-wife team, will present "The Story of the Jewish People Through Folksong" under the sponsorship of the Bnai Brith Hillel

… Foundation and the Beth Israel Congregation of Ann Arbor 8 p.m. Saturday in the Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel of the Hillel building. The Aronsons have appeared be- fore many Jewish organizations across the country…

…, through the courtesy of Ann Arbor communal leader Thomas Cook. Hillel Gets Check for Scholarships Julius Rosen- wald Post, Amer- ican Legion, pre- sented Hillel Day School with a check for two…

… it on behalf of the school. Two scholarships were awarded to two pupils enrolled in Hillel whose fathers are war veterans, David Rosen and Deborah Heubin. wSU Hillel Skates Along With Plans The Bnai…

… Brith Hillel Founda- Three volumes of poetry have tion at Wayne State University been published in this country. will present Hilde Marx in a one- &he has appeared before many woman show 2:30 p.m. Tuesday…

October 10, 1969 • Page Image 15

… Forest sector of the Martyrs' Forest, as a memorial Foundation, 577-3459, or the Metro- to their organization's members politan Detroit Bnai Brith Council, who lost their lives in the Holo- Dedication of…

Hillel Facilities at WSU to Climax Big Week of Activities The formal dedication of Irwin I. Cohn Hall, housing the new faci- lities of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- 341 - 0863. Dietary laws will dation at…

….m. cultural and press attache of the destroyed Jewish communities of at Hillel on the 6th floor. Guest Polish Embassy in Washington Europe. speaker at the dinner will be Rabbi during the I930s said here that…

… the Benjamin M. Kahn of Washington, Warsaw regime's attitude toward D.C., national director of the Bnai Jews now amounted to "cold ter- Brith Hillel Foundations. ror.'' Rabbi Max Kapustin, Wayne Jerzy…

… commit- 8,000 and 10,000 Jews remained in ,tee representing the Billet board, 1969 - 1970 Poland but most would depart in a short time, leaving behind mainly the Hillel Building Corp. and the Hillel

… committee of the Metro- elderly people who live on pen- politan Detroit Bnai Brith Coun- sions. Al Braunstein, Cmdr. According to Ross, the authorl- cil, Ronald Greenberg is chairman ties still issue…

… are forced to spend their last the Council Hillel committee. penny in order to secure the re- Louis Wagner, Jr. Vice quired documents and must pay Hillel is one of 14 religious or- a heavy trail( for…

… Katz, Corr. Secretary Reservations for the dedication mount untheo‘f cca)stliildantd dinner may be made at the Hillel a so l es was . t said great hardship R oss AL ROSEN imposed on families who…

May 29, 1964 • Page Image 6

… LIVERNOIS UN 3-7000 The Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit Announces that Registration is now being accepted for its Jewish Community Center Building, 15110 W. Ten Mile Road, Oak Park • The Hillel

… Jerusalem. They do not recognize the secular state of Israel because the restoration of the Jewish home was not brought about by the c o in i n g of the Messiah. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 29, 1964…

… Day School established in 1958, is accredited by the State of Michigan. Our superior General Studies Curriculum meets the highest standards of the Detroit and Oak Park Boards of Education. • The…

… outstanding modern Hebrew Day School in the country. • Hillel's progressive combined curriculum of Hebraic and General Studies is offered five days a week, from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.—First Grade through…

December 27, 1968 • Page Image 32

… there should be groups in the population? Or does "over- represented" mean what it used to mean in food stores in Detroit show more objec- established a pattern permitting dissent for tivity: 'Three…

… chance to create peace in our community. Then we shall also see an end to the extremists' deplorable anti-Semitic tactics. Hillel Foundation Head Minimizes 'New Left' Influence • • on Jewish Students…

…; Cite New Form of Campus Worship GROSSINGER, N. Y. (JTA)— emphasized. "They can ultimately Later the Hillel directors, ex- The Hillel directors reported The Jewish community was cau- I Many Hillel rabbis…

… Albert Axelrad, Hillel di- active in New Left campus move- "disenchanted" with conventional rector at Brandeis, described as alternative to real worship," and Hillel surveys show that much ments." for…

… ranks of views on the validity and ef- main Jews and give some kind of ship, the need is not to find a sub- the campus director of Bnai Brith Hillel foun- New Left are fectiveness of the idea. ritual…

…- Hillel's annual directors confer- Jewish students in radical move- the 89 rabbis ranged from support ence here, said recent expressions ments also campaigning on cam- to ambivalence to outright rejec- ing…

…, Rabbi Daniel Leifer, asso- Another objection was to the pos- 5 per cent of the estimated 350,- our efforts to retain their loyalties and chanting of the kidush, it was ciate Hillel director, supported the…

… experience in which pus community" and a further engaged in New Left interests. af- The 89 Hillel directors attend- by Hillel directors at several each person can full participate." fragmentization of an…

…-evaluation of what ary to services were supplement- - regular services held under "there are dozens of other stu- partment for Israel programing Angeles. they are doing." Hillel Foundation auspices. eddents…

…- Judaism," Rabbi Kahn said. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire sled about what the Nixon ad- said. By the end of this year, he ects and activities since the Six- to The Jewish News) The experiences of Hillel di…

November 08, 1968 • Page Image 34

…• • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 34—Friday, November 8, 1968 Northern Lights Wayne, U-M Join 15 Other Universities Offering Courses in Yiddish at Hillel By ELLEN COHEN Chicago, Pennsylvania, Massachu…

…- The Farband Labor Zionist Order setts and Rochester. Also Boston, North Farmington High and the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- Pennsylvania State and Temple Ten tons of pumpkins left the tions announced that…

… subvent noncredit puses whose Yiddish classes will subdivisions in the vicinity as the college courses in Yiddish at Hillel begin later in the academic year. Exchange Club Pumpkin Sale be- Foundations has…

Hillel directors, varies from, "We mined their own and University of Michigan. read a translation from Yiddish price. Profits Schools where the Farband- from the s ale Hillel program enters into its sec…

…, are studying Yiddish at Hillel in order to enrich their academic dent program. language background. North's home- Rabbi Oscar Groner, who is Competition Winners Ellen coming was a supervising the…

… program for Hillel, huge success. To insure school to Perform at Center stated that "There is a latent but spirit, the week before the home- Symphony Program serious interest in Yiddish and the coming game…

…," Wednesday was will be soloists at the Second Cen- dish in Hillel on a sustained basis. "Dress-Up Day," Thursday was ter Symphony Orchestra concert These courses are an effective tool "Crazy Hats Day," and…

… 21673 GRAND RIVER Near Lahser Detroit and suburban schools, was attends Juilliard School of Music Near 6 Mile 000000000 000000000000 - the role of youth in today's society. in New York City, will play…

May 21, 1965 • Page Image 17

… Grant by United Jewish Charities Starts U. of M. Scholars Program The Jewish Community Foun- dation of the United JewiSh Chari- ties of Detroit awarded a grant to the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion at…

… brunch at Boeskey's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, 10651 Saratoga, Oak Park, were married in 1915 at the bride's home on Division St. and have been resi- dents of Detroit since that time. Mr. Bloom, who is…

…, where he was a member of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity, received his law de- gree from the Detroit College of Law. An August wedding is planned. MR. AND MRS. BLOOM lived in Detroit since 1905 and is a…

… 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 2-4 p.m. and at the Jewish Center. 7-9 p.m. weekdays. Stan Lewin, of THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS the Northwest area neighborhood Friday, May 21, 1965-17 conservation office, is…

…, from left, first row: Mel Weisz, Sam Freedman, Sam Bank, newly elected Detroit Metropolitan Bnai Brith Council president; Alex Gersuk, Bnai brith Council Israel Bond chairman, and Elias Goldberg…

… the University of Michi- gan to institute a Scholar In Residence Program at Ann Arbor and nearby campuses. The project will bring to the University, under Hillel auspices, a leading Jewish scholar for a…

December 12, 1969 • Page Image 47

Hillel directors at several large Center, and a director of Federa- up to the student himself." which oversees the many local universities with several graduate tion Apartments, Inc., Detroit Serv…

… an example to other boys. and a director of the Detroit Serv- Eli and Shimon also built a motor- ice Group. geting Committees Selected by Federation The chairmen of the budgeting and planning…

…. Hillel Directors' Duty to Counsel Youth George M. Zeltzer, will head the education division which is charged with budgeting and planning for the Jewish education of the chil- WASHINGTON (JTA)—The Na…

…, past president of United He- Hillel has affirmed "the right and Jewish student." He said the threat Handleman who has served pre- brew Schools, is a director of the 'obligation" of its campus directors…

… for the Aged, mem- Milton J. Miller is the new Another commission policy state- The commission disclosed it is ber of the executive committee of chairman of the committee on ment approved use of Hillel

August 22, 1969 • Page Image 25

… Sherman Goldman, chairman, Har- of Detroit at the 25th annual lead- ry N. Katz, consultant; Covenant ership seminars and workshops Credit Union, Philip Chapnick, Monday at Cong. Bnai David. chairman; fund…

…, chairman: Bnai thur Schott and George Tarnoff. Brith Hillel, Nathan Rubenstein, For information and reserva- chairman, Milton Weinstein, con- sultant; Bnai Brith insurance, bons. call the council office, 341…

…- Harry Oberstein, chairman, Al 0863. Bounin, consultant; Bnai Brith Is- rael-trees. Leo Hack, chairman. Collegian to Help Make Samuel Greenberg, consultant. Bnai Brith Hillel Policy Also, Bnai Brith Israel…

…-Bonds. Felix Rosenzweig, chairman, Harry STARLIGHT, Pa. (JTA)—Jewish college youth will gain voting rep- resentation on the policy board of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation next week when four undergradu- ates…

… will be named to the board. They will be elected from an as- sembly of 230 students at the week- long Hillel Summer Institute that opens Tuesday at Camp Bnai Brith here. The four will serve a one- year…

… term as voting members of Hillel's national commission. The action was instigated in March when the commission met ill with a representative group of Jewish activists from 32 campuses and leaders of 27…

… among the undergraduate commis- sioners, including that of students not formally affiliated with the Hillel movement. Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn, Hillel national director, said the purpose of the move "is for…

… substantially." We have so much Bnal BrithWomen THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Aspiring Artists Invited to Compete for Awards Forming Chapter Krajenke Buick Inc. will help can be brought Tuesdays and for Frances…

May 13, 1960 • Page Image 13

… industrial accounts for 25 FLY KLM TO ISRAEL I Camp Walden years. Book Building, 1249 Washington Blvd., Detroit, Mich. I 1 3 -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Frid ay, May 13, 1960 Hillel Day School Changes…

…The Hillel Day School of De- troit will begin its third year of existance at a new address. Beginning in September, 1960, the school will be located at of the United Hebrew Schools, 18977 Schaefer…

…. Mrs. Chaya Barzil- ay, of the Hebrew department is leaving Detroit to join her husband, Prof. Isaac Barzilay, who has accepted a post at Our Time!' He also will show Columbia University. Mrs. Ne…

…- movies taken of the school in chama Shudofsky will be on action during the year. leave. The Hillel school is associat- Replacements for the teach- ed with the Conservative re- ers are Sime Zable as kinder…

… services at 7:30 p.m., Appointments ered to Mrs. Barzilay and Mrs. today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Joel J. Litke will Shudofsky. Safeway Driver Training The annual Hillel Lecture at preach on "Are…

… speak on "The House I Live In." At 11:15 a.m. sored by the Bnai Brith Hillel ■0■0111•11,04 •1141■0■41.11■0■10411■0■ ■0■ services Saturday, Dr. Richard C. Hertz will deliver the con- Foundation and the…

December 06, 1963 • Page Image 13

…rehearse their part for the an- _ nual Hanukah and Balfour Vic- tory Party to be held by the Zionist Organization of Detroit 8:30 p.m. Dec. 12 at the Oak Manor, 8900 W. Seven Mile. Supervising the…

Hillel pro- gram will be the school's head- master, Rabbi Emanuel Apple- baum. Included will be the kindling of Hanukah lights, pre- sentation of Balfour Concert awards, musical presentations and…

…'s the Hillel Day School as they 31st annual event a success. Mayor Cavanagh Sets Balfour Day; ZOD's Annual Concert a Sell-Out A "Standing Room Only" sign greeted arrivals at the annual Balfour Conzert…

… of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, at Ford Auditorium, Sunday night. The event, which featured Isaac Stern, violinist, and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra un- der the direction of Valter Poole, was…

…. Judge Kaufman read a procla- (01 ©6060000 © In Moscow it's © In Tokyo it's © • nanura. F=I A 0 But in Detroit it's © NOODLES . ©g000000g© Now is t __Ike for Now is. ,• mation issued by…

… Mayor Jerome Cavanagh, setting Sunday as Balfour Day. The proclamation stated: "WHEREAS, Detroit's Jewish corn- munity, through the work of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, hon- ors and remembers the…

… the issuance of the Balfour Declaration, the focal point of Detroit observances will be the Balfour Concert, to be held on Sun- day, December 1, at the Henry and Edsel Ford Auditorium, and to fea- ture…

… the renowned violinist, Isaac Stern, and the Detroit Symphony' Orchestra; and "WHEREAS, The efforts of the Zionist Organization of Detroit to strengthen American-Israeli friend- ship and to preserve the…

… knowledge and practice of Jewish culture and traditions benefit the understanding and appreciation of all citizens of Detroit. "THEREFORE, I, Jerome P. Cava- nagh, Mayor of the City of Detroit, do hereby…

… proclaim Sunday, Decem- ber 1, 1963, to be LORD BALFOUR DAY IN DETROIT, and respectfully call upon Detroit's citizens to en- large their knowledge of Zionists' struggle to bring freedom to op- pressed…

March 10, 1961 • Page Image 12

….00 KE 7-61 ee-month lecture tour under rship of the Hillel the United dations a ish Appeal. During his stay n Detroit, Shamir will app r informally 10 Mile Road at Kenosha, Oak Park before a number f…

…12 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, March 10, .1961 — Cong. Beth Shalom Begins Discussion Series, Hebrew Courses, Probe of Jewish Life A new adult education dis- for Ruben Erlbaum, is for men…

…. Robert Frehse will lead tices and mitzvot (action sym- off the series speaking on the bols). Registration for the seven Detroit Round Table of Christ- ians and Jews, of which he is week courses will be 7…

…. ism. An arrangements committee Beginning Hebrew, taught by has been formed, headed by Rabbi Halpern, and an inter- Mrs. Henry N. -Carlebach and mediate Hebrew course, led by Mrs. Al g. The Detroit Zvi…

… known novelist, a prominent spokesman for the younger gen- eration in Israel, will be the guest of Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University Mon- day and Tuesday. He will lecture on "The Con…

…. He 1607 South Lafayett Royal Oak charge of reser- will be introduced by Dr. Aaron Across from Detroit Z 24 Hour Nursing Care Bar-Adon of the Near Eastern Take All Medical Cases Department. The public…

… is in- LI 8-6644 ed ads bring fast results! vited. become ame h Sham coun by the k in Detroit Labor Zionist Organization is novel, sh translation o Oneg Shabbat `!r ng of Flesh and BI d," which alik…

August 04, 1967 • Page Image 23

…6- Sandra Roth Engaged to Dr. Ivan M. Collins LETTER BOX Why The Fuss? Friday, August 4, 1967 - 23 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Safran, Avrunin, Fisher in CJFWF Israel Mission 8rtg agements I The…

… Rachel Dann-Michael Mal- Three officials of Detroit's Jew- Editor, The Jewish News: Why all the fuss over the Mid- ish Welfare Federation are a part kin wedding is scheduled for Sept. 17. The Jewish News…

… the Shifman location brings the center to nearly total occupancy. AARON SHIFMAN, vice president, said that this is the fifth store in the metropolitan area. Hillel Fills Campus Jobs in Israel. MISS…

… SANDRA ROTH The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tions has filled five campus posi- tions, naming Hillel directors at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth of Northwestern University, the Uni- Church Rd., Oak Park, announce…

… week by Dr. Louis of Osteopathic Medicine and Sur- Gottschalk of the University of gery. He was a member of Phi Chicago, chairman of the Bnai Sigma Delta and Iota Tau Sigma Brith Hillel Foundations. They…

… fraternities. are: A Nov. 26 wedding is planned. Miss Robinson to Be Bride of Dr. Blazofsky Rabbi Boris Rackovsky, Hillel director at Melbourne (Australia) University since 1962 and former Hillel director at…

… Indiana Univer- sity, as director at Northwestern University. Rabbi Martin Kowal. associate Hillel director at Ohio State Uni- versity since 1962, as director at the University of Massachusetts. Rabbi…

…-Jewish Institute of Religion, as director at the Uni- versity of British Columbia. Rabbi Sherwood served last year as Hillel which has been approved by the The delegation is meeting today college faculty and…

June 25, 1965 • Page Image 11

…$50,000 Kasle Gift Launches Campaign for Construction of $1,000,000 thillel Building 2 > ( ~ r a Responding to praises on his 70th birthday, at the annual din- ner of the Hillel Day School, at…

… Berry, chair- man of the dinner committee; Rab- bi Jacob E. Segal, honorary presi- dent of the Hillel Day School; and Max Goldsmith, president of the school. . Enhancing the program were the roles played…

… planted in the Canada For- est near Jerusalem_ and will be known as the Rivlin Grove. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 25, 1965-11 'ffIONIr A PHONE A1 11 AWAY .. ECONO-CAR RENTAL SYSTEM RENT A NEW…

July 08, 1966 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20. 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Associatibn, National…

… Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235. yE 8-9364, Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at…

… as a paperback the Nahum N. a newly-generated panic, then the hesitancy Glatzer classic, "Hillel the Elder—The Emergence of Classical Juda- than in comparable war-time periods of American to endorse…

… the right of protest and dissent ism," which first appeared in 1956 as part of the Hillel Little Books history. becomes all the more deplorable. series. "However, we deplore all action which As the…

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