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March 01, 1963 • Page Image 3

…CAMBRIDGE, Mass., (JTA)- The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion marked its 40th anniversary here Sunday with an academic convocation at Harvard Univer- sity. It commemorated the event by presenting a…

Hillel Academic Award to Professor Harry A. Wolfson, 75 - year - old Harvard scholar, who held the first aca- demic chair established in the United States for Judaic studies. An audience of 600 gathered in…

March 20, 1964 • Page Image 15

… foods will be served by the sisterhood. Hillel Triumphs at Dedication of New Synagogue MONTREAL.—The word was "nachas" for Rabbi Samuel Cass, director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Mc…

…Gill University, when Shaare Zedek Synagogue was dedicated here. Two of his former Hillel stu- dents were installed as rabbi and president of the new con- gregation. When Rabbi Cass came to the McGill campus in…

… Council. FENCE Nobody UNDERSELLS GREAT LAKES FENCE CO. DON'T EVER FORGET IT!! ASK FOR SHAARIT HAPLAYTAH OF DETROIT (SURVIVORS OF 1945) Invites the Jewish Community to participate with us in Yizkor…

… of Detroit EACH BOTTLE CAP Is MARKED "KP" KP on the bottle cap means Kosher Parve Order enough from your neighborhood store to last you through the Holidays. ■ 711/.0•11!0 ■ 041111M0…

March 10, 1961 • Page Image 12

….00 KE 7-61 ee-month lecture tour under rship of the Hillel the United dations a ish Appeal. During his stay n Detroit, Shamir will app r informally 10 Mile Road at Kenosha, Oak Park before a number f…

…12 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, March 10, .1961 — Cong. Beth Shalom Begins Discussion Series, Hebrew Courses, Probe of Jewish Life A new adult education dis- for Ruben Erlbaum, is for men…

…. Robert Frehse will lead tices and mitzvot (action sym- off the series speaking on the bols). Registration for the seven Detroit Round Table of Christ- ians and Jews, of which he is week courses will be 7…

…. ism. An arrangements committee Beginning Hebrew, taught by has been formed, headed by Rabbi Halpern, and an inter- Mrs. Henry N. -Carlebach and mediate Hebrew course, led by Mrs. Al g. The Detroit Zvi…

… known novelist, a prominent spokesman for the younger gen- eration in Israel, will be the guest of Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University Mon- day and Tuesday. He will lecture on "The Con…

…. He 1607 South Lafayett Royal Oak charge of reser- will be introduced by Dr. Aaron Across from Detroit Z 24 Hour Nursing Care Bar-Adon of the Near Eastern Take All Medical Cases Department. The public…

… is in- LI 8-6644 ed ads bring fast results! vited. become ame h Sham coun by the k in Detroit Labor Zionist Organization is novel, sh translation o Oneg Shabbat `!r ng of Flesh and BI d," which alik…

March 28, 1969 • Page Image 36

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6—Frlday, March 28, 1969 Prortantation by the Rabbis of Greater Detroit As we gather with our loved ones for Passover, our hearts turn to the needs of our brethren around…

… defense and security in their fight for survival. They look to us for help with the health, welfare, educational and immigration services so essential to their way of life. In Detroit our communal services…

… MORTON M. KANTER Temple Beth El RABBI AARON BRANDER Congregation B'nai David RABBI MAX KAPUSTIN B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Temple Israel ' RABBI M. ROBERT SYME tf ri&lizifta.g..4. RABBI JAMES I…

… Emanuel Tikvah 9, 1 RABBI BENJAMIN H. GORRELICK Congregation Beth Achim 4:e,a-e cct- RABBI JOEL J. LITKE Congregation Both Hillel RABBI JOSEPH ZEITLIN Congregation Beth Israel, Trenton cg0 7, --ge…

March 15, 1963 • Page Image 7

…A CALL TO CONSCIENCE by the Rabbis of Greater Detroit The Allied Jewish Campaign is a source of strength for every cause which Judaism holds dear. Not only does it meet the needs of our brethren…

… community in American Israel, now call upon every congregational member to give generously of his substance, of his time, and of his effort to the Allied Jewish Campaign of greater Detroit, and to provide…

… communal needs, bearing in mind Hillel's wise words: "Do hot separate yourself from the community Al Tifrosh Min Hatzibur." Let the Sabbath ServiCe of March 16, 1963, be the occasion when our people will…

Detroit Rabbi Milton Rosenbaum Congregation•Einanu El Rabbi Jacob E. Segal Adas-Shalom Synagogue bi Joshua S. Sper Congregation Young rael of Greenfield Rabbi Joshua Spiro Congregation Beth Yehudah Rab…

….i Max Kapus tin B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation • Rabbi Joel • • itke - ' Rabbi Mordecai S. Halpern Congregation Beth Shalom • 04.ta Rabbi . Robert yme Temple Israel 122-1— Rabbi Isaac Stollman…

March 29, 1963 • Page Image 13

… of the Le6 M. Franklin Memorial Chair in Human Relations at WSU, for 1956-60, edited this volume, Hillel Yavneh Group to Present Lecture by Lichtenstein on Torah The Yavneh Gran') at the Wayne State…

… University Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation "will - present a public lecture 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Chase Room, Mackenzie Student. Center, 5050 Cass. Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein of New York will speak on "Torah Study…

…-9015. • MANISCHEWITZ • 1 3 - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, M arch 29, 1963 Hebrew High Sets Goal for Campaign Franklin Memorial Lectures Volume United Synagogue Women's Branch to Edited by Prof. John M. Dorsey …

March 03, 1967 • Page Image 12

…-0708 3082 West Grand Boulevard Detroit, Michigan 48202 Area Code 313 Off. 875-0750 The Community Is Invited to Attend 1st ANNUAL FAMILY FAIR & BAZAAR of the BETH AARON SISTERHOOD BETH HILLEL MEN'S CLUB…

… Direction of Franch Murch SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1967 — 7:30 P.M. at Beth Hillel Synagogue 19371 Greenfield For tickets call: BR 3-0570 or UN 2-0786 THE WORKMEN'S CIRCLE OF DETROIT PRESENTS "THE WONDERFUL…

…12—Friday, March 3, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Maurice Samuel to Address Adas Shalom Institute Series Adas Shalom's lecture series on "Culture and Morality in a Chang- ing World" will feature…

March 28, 1969 • Page Image 63

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 28, 1969-63 Pesah Marks _ 2,000th Anniversary of Hillel's Appointment . Israeli Scientist Makes a Fortune With Computers NEW YORK-A Yeshiva Univer- eve…

… daily living." Hillel is attri- macy of the flexible Pharisaic anniversary of the appointment of buted 'to have first said "What is teachings as opposed to the rigid Hillel as first president of the…

… hateful to thee, do not do unto thy Sadducean interpretations. ancient Jewish "supreme court" fellow man." Hillel's universality is attribut- and "legislature," the Great San- The celebration of "the Hillel

… ed to his love of man, his love of hedrin. Year," Dr. Hoenig said, "would peace and his teachings- that man The finding of Hillel's • ascend- enable institutions and organiza- should not isolate…

… and values of Hillel which are with the social problems of his relevant to their programs." day, utilizing public, legal insti- (the 14th day of the Jewish month -Goethe. Dr. Hoenig noted that Hillel

…- raeli music, liturgical music, bration of "the Hillel Year," man, director of the institute, who Hasidic music and Jewish art 011Y-S118370 which would begin on Passover is coordinating the Jewish music…

… MAIL TODAY! UNITED ARTISTS THEATRE 140 BAGLEY AVENUE • DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48226 MAW LATE SHOW Friday and Saturday For Schedule Information Call WO 1.7917 GRAND CIRCUS ',I:TE I.8TO C 11 - r 3c 21:40 2…

March 24, 1967 • Page Image 18

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 18—Friday, March 24, 1967 Dental Fraternity to Raise Funds for Philanthropies at Concert Dr. Sidney Rubenstein. president of the Detroit Alumni Chapter. Alpha Omega Dental…

… Fraternity. and Mrs. Martin Selik, president of the Detroit Women, announce a jointly sponsored AlphaOmega Night at the De- troit Symphony Orchestra Cabaret Concert will take place 8:30 p.m. April 12 at the…

… Margie Cohn, Joanne Okun and Barbara Beneson. Paul Milgrom, brother of the bridegroom, served as his best Hillel Foundation, Dr. Elieser I since then has taught at Hebrew Schweid, Israel author and…

… teacher, University and its Haifa College. will be the guest of Hillel at the His many publications include University of Michigan March 26- two books and numercus articles. 30. His lecture tour in this…

March 18, 1966 • Page Image 31

…, president of Bnai Brith Women's Council of Metropolitan Detroit, will install Mesdames Harry Farber, president; Sam Margolis, Abraham Alpert, and Jack Alspector, vice presidents; Oscar Beckerman, counselor…

… serve as president of Bnai Brith District Grand Lodge 6, will pay an offi- cial visit to Detroit Wednesday, when he will ad- "" dress the dele- gates of the Met- ropolitan Detroit Bnai Brith Coun- cil 8…

… Ca- nadian provinces. National commissioners of the Anti-Defamation League and Bnai Brith Hillel, Morris Direnfeld and Milton M. Weinstein, will report on the recent commission meet- ings in New York…

… the evening lec- ture, Prof. Schwarz will address the students at two Sabbath ser- vices at Hillel House; the Hillel Faculty Council at a luncheon; the English Department of the U. of M. Dearborn Campus…

March 31, 1961 • Page Image 56

…Paul Zuckerman, Max M. Fisher, Isidore Sobeloff Call Community to Action for Allied Jewish Drive Functions of UJA in Many Countries By MAX M. FISHER President, Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit

… Allied Campaign Is Self-Help Movement By ISIDORE SOBELOFF Chairman, 1961 'Allied Jewish Campaign Here in Detroit, we are proud that our agencies help make life more understandable, pleasant, meaningful…

… freedom by holding dear our free institutions—and by giving freely to nurture Jewish life and the causes for which we have banded together to serve. Hillel, Beth Israel Center Are Core of Ann Arbor…

… Brith's Hillel Foundation and • the Beth Israel Center, the city's only synagogue. Jewish life revolves around these two main institutions, both, housed - - in the same -Hill Street building. They are…

March 24, 1961 • Page Image 12

…Matzo Shmuroh Rite at Goodman's Detroit's U.S.Y. Council Hosts Regional Parley 'The Detroit United Syna- gogue Youth Council, composed of teenagers from the Con- servative synagogues, will host the…

…. They drew large audi- ing the 200th rsary of the oiters, were from Cleve- ences in Ann Arbor, at the death of R 1 I: ael Baal Shem , Pittsburgh, Chicago, Mil- Hillel Foundation, Pontiac, Sag- Tov "Th…

… esht in observance kee, Buffalo and Toronto. Maw, Mt. Clemens,, Windsor of Heb month. The d• ay he Detroit leader of the and Toledo. will on exhibit t h r ovement, Rabbi Berl Shem- A m On g the…

… establishment of visited Israel as part of his and Lake With 5 Buildings, 15 Minutes from Detroit, James study groups for women and activity for the Chabad move- Couzens and 14 Mile Road, 859 older people and the…

…, assistant director, with the help of room mothers. Parents are invited. Hillel Day School Holds Children's Seders Hillel Day School P.T.O. will as chairman, assisted by Mrs. host Passover Seders to be pre…

… servations at TE 4-9016. Shalom Synagogue °operation of ay School of Detroit Presents CHARD TUCKER World's Foremost Tenor. In A Concert of Cantorial and Operatic Selections On, Sunday, April 16, 1961…

March 07, 1969 • Page Image 20

…Sharon _4gree Engaged 1 to Kenneth Wolf of NY 20—Friday, March 7, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Salamon -Young Vows Are Held in Ann-Arbor activities in Society ORCHESTRA LI 7-0896 LI 5…

…-2737 Former Detroiter Mrs. Anna Nosanchuk of Tucson was in Detroit recently to help celebrate the wedding anniversaries of two daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Smith of Beverly Ave., Oak Park…

Detroit for all their 40 years of marriage. They have two sons, Melvin and Leonard; and two grandchildren. The open house, attended by 50 persons, was held in the Pogers' home. Co-hostesses were the couple…

… DISTRIBUTOR TEL: TR 3-2212 Sisterhood Women Bring Shalakh Manot to Aged, III Residents of Nursing Homes As Purims came and went in past years, the Jewish aged and infirm in Detroit area nursing homes too…

… Israel at Sherwood Hall; Beth Shalom at Heritage of Beverly Hills; and Shaarey Zedek at Southfield Nurs- ing Home. On Tuesday the sisterhoods of Beth Hillel, Beth Achim and' Bnai David were at Northland…

… Gottlieb, Temple of Whitcomb Ave. The wedding ceremony was per- Emanu-El; Robert Morris, Beth Shalom; Bert Westheimer, Beth formed Sunday at the Hillel House Hillel; and Oscar Bank, Beth Abra- in Ann Arbor…

… • CORNED BEEF • BOLOGNA Distributed in Detroit and Michigan by: JULIUS POLLAK, 14558 Wyoming, Detroit Tel: 931-0300 NO UNCERTAINTY about our CUSTOM DRAPERY CLEANING WE DO ALL THE WORK — WE REMOVE…

March 21, 1969 • Page Image 35

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 36—Friday, March 21, 1969 Temple Youth Plan Israel Pilgrimage A group of Temple Israel youth will leave on a six-week trip to N t' t ,- :, Israel and Rome, June 24. 4 The…

… Holiday Center at Herzlia. pleted the Detroit Summer Ulpan. There, they will live with Jewish teen-agers from a score of other Formal class sessions are held lands. A further attraction will be 25 mornings…

… activities for the remaind- er of the day. including the group's planned tours. Ann Marwil Top Speller at Hillel Day School Registration is limited. For in- formation, contact Mordekhai Tel- Tsur. Hebrew…

… department. Jewish Center, DI 1-4200. 1 A.- nil° 1111 cements Ann Marwil. a sixth grader at Hillel Day School,was the winner of the school spelling bee. As school champion, she will repre- sent Hillel at…

…- Detroiters of Tarzana, Calif., a track and field gold medal since ship for one year's study at the daughter, Laura Ellen. 1935 Lillian Copeland won a triple Mollie Goodman Academic High that year, while Sybil…

March 31, 1961 • Page Image 14

… communities where matzoh was not baked this year, it was announced here. Hillel Foundation Organized in Zurich DAYTON, (JTA)—The Jewish Community Council of - Dayton reported that a bill for humane slaughter…

… DOUBLE OCC. NOW TO April 9. 2_Pools. 21" TV & Radio in every room. 24 of 300 rooms Includes TWO UNSURPASSED AMERICAN PLAN MEALS, or See Your Local I Detroit: DI 1 - 4004 Travel Agent - SOO FEET OF PRIVATE…

… BEACH - AND OCEANFRONT AT 28th' STREET • MIAMI BEACH, FLA. KEEP MICHIGAN ON THE MOVE... 1MINERE TIMMEA SIrraraMEtt awa, . Bnai Brith voted approval this week for establishment of a Hillel Foundation at…

… the Uni- Versity of Zurich in Switzer- land. It brings to 236 the number of campuses served by the Foun- dation throughout the free world. Dr. William Haber of Ann Arbor, chairman of the national Hillel

… organizations wh previously functioned at Zuri have disbanded in order to ke Hillel the unifying grou for Jewish students there, Habe said. B i Brith's Continental Eu- rop istrict purchased and fur- nis d the…

Hillel House in Zu ch and has assumed the r onsibility for the program. hio Humane Slaughter ill Approves Shehita PARIS, (jTA) — Dr. Nahum Goldmann conferred here with French Foreign Minister Maurice…

March 10, 1967 • Page Image 29

…Good Readers in the Making at Hillel MUND01111/ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 10, 1967-29 Sandy Feuer Rated WSU'S Best Dressed Man I G S A special enrichment program for good readers…

… who are inter- ested in discussing great ideas with one another is under way at Hillel Day School. Fifth and sixth grade students meet once every three weeks for the 11/2-hour Junior Great Books program…

… following school hours. In small groups under the leadership of two adult co-leaders, they discuss a book they have all read prior to the meeting. Three mothers from Hillel, trained for three months by staff…

… School Reuben Young, chairman of the youth commission of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, this week announced a decision of the local branch of the Zionist Organization of America to provide a full…

March 14, 1969 • Page Image 8

…." Princeton University, elected Gottschalk of the University of and money spent on religious build- They asked for "real dialogue, not chairman of the Hillel Commission, Chicago. ings and not enough on…

… necessary, these institutions must be altered," it added. * s * Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, reacting to the call by student leaders for a campus voice in the policy-making ranks of the Jew- ish community…


… recipient of numerous awards including the Human Relations Award in 1967. Dr. Drachler is a member of the New Detroit Committee and serves as a consultant to the U. S. Office of Education on Title IV of the…

March 10, 1967 • Page Image 14

… announcing Monday for its failure to integrate directofs at many of the 235 formation of a statewide Commit- Jewish campus life into the com- American colleges where Hillel tee for Public Education and Re…

…- Louis Gottschalk of the University provision barring public aid to mission of Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- of Chicago, commission chairman, parochial schools. Establishment of the committee, dations, many of…

… reject- politicians put together ed - = - the "minibuses" off the streets. • 14—Friday, March 10, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS New Orleans Center Sees Rift Grow Wider Concerning Issue of "All °- Jewish…

… DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN KE 8-0050 REVERE CONSTRUCTION "Milan Wineries,. Detroit, Mich. The Detroit Jewish Community Is Cordially Invited to Join in the Nationwide Tribute to the World…

March 13, 1964 • Page Image 21

…. LETTER BOX Kasle Backs Hillel Day School Appeal, Urges Its Support Editor, The Jewish News: May I have the privilege, through your paper, to congra- tulate the Detroit Jewish com- munity on being…

… schools. I am very thankful to the rabbis and presidents and the congregations for their recom- mendation to the Detroit Jew- ish public to support the mo- dern, traditional Hillel Day School, and I…

…Marguerite Kozenn Chajes will present a concert of con- temporary works, March 17, 8:30 p.m., in the lecture hall of the Detroit Institute of Arts. All the compositions will mark their first…

…. CHAJES prano Valentyna Bykowetzand, the Polish tenor Stefan Wicik, and the following members of the Detroit Symphony Orches- tra: Emily M. Austin and Nick Zonas, violinists; Meyer Sha- piro, violist…

… sponsoring organi- zations are: Detroit Federation of Musicians, Music Study Club, Detroit Public Library, United Community Services and Inter- national Institute. Marguerite Kozenn Chajes, the artistic…

…,was appointed t o head the Wo- men's Bureau of the U. S. Labor Depart- ment. Mrs. Keyserling * * * Circuit Court Judge JOHN M. WISE received a membership certificate from Detroit gradu- ate chapter of Tau Epsilon…

… - to - be at - tended Eastern Michigan Uni- versity, where he was affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Pi Fratern- ity. He is now attending the Detroit Institute of Technology. An Aug. 30 wedding is planned…

March 15, 1963 • Page Image 33

…. Representatives of the Metro- politan Detroit Bnai Bath Coun- cil' will present their "Caravan" program. Refreshments will be served. * * * EDDIE JACOBSON LODGE and PHILIP HANDLER EAST SIDE LODGE will jointly…

… served. Chairmen are Norman Gitler, Irving Ross, Leon Weberman and Sam Freedman. U-M Art Professor to Speak at Hillel Irving Kaufman, assistant pro- fessor of art, University of Michi- gan, will speak 8…

… p.m. Wednes- day at the U-M Hillel Founda- tion Center in Ann Arbor. Prof. Kaufman's topic will be "Jewish Consciousness and the Arts," and is part of a series sponsored by Hillel entitled, "The Jew…

… in Western Culture." Dr. Herman Jacobs is director of the Ann Arbor Hillel Founda- tion. preview of the 12th Annual Antique Fair and Art Show, 9 p.m. March 23 at Temple Israel." There will be hors d…

… De- partment, who is permanently stationed in Chicago, will visit Detroit on Monday. to assist can- didates for Aliyah and guide them in reference to employ- ment, business, housing, study and all…

March 16, 1962 • Page Image 14

…gt THE DE FR OIT JE WI S H F r i day, Marc h r.0 SYNAGOGUE SERVICES Panel Discussion Shaarey Zedek Gives Its Story March 26 on Goals • in Jewish Center Dramatization of Hillel Day School The…

… "Story of Shaarey Zedek" added through the use of the "The Goals of the Hillel Day will be dramatized at 8:30 p.m. actual Ner Tomid of the Willis School" will be the theme of a March 27 and 28 in the…

…." March 26, in the Esther Berman alities from the Detroit stage Wurtsmith, director of staging CONG. MISHKAN ISRAEL: Sabbath services at 6:30 p.m. today Building, 18977 Schaefer. Rabbi Jacob Segal, Noam and…

…. King Saul." follow. Others in the cast include pers. The Hillel Day School, now in TEMPLE BETH EL: At 8:30 p.m, services today, Rabbi Hahn will speak on "The Battle in Our - Schools." At 11:15 a.m. its…

… services at 8:30 p.m. today and 11 by the State of Michigan and is Berris, David Hermelin, Mrs. APPLICATIONS FOR a in. Saturday. Dr. Fram tonight will speak on "It All Began identical with the Detroit Public…

March 31, 1967 • Page Image 10

…10—FrTHE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 10—Friday, March 31, 1967 Hebrew Free Loan Retains Old Appoint Dr. Frimer Traditions of Gemilut Ilasodiun Stern College Dean LAWN SPRINKLERS RE-ELECT In his most…

Hillel Founda- American Jewish youth," he told The principle of Gemilut Haso- tions and Hillel director at Brook- the welcoming committee that dim is especially applicable to the ; lyn College, has been…

… fees for Hillel and Most Young British Olim was always outvoted on that score Akiva Day Schools obtained their IN THE NEWEST FABRICS, JERUSALEM (ZINS) — A de- evon • . hen I was in the govern- needed…

Hillel oid - ide Israel." Academy, and a Hebrew day school Zionist loaders. Ben-Gurion slid no longer understand Zionism and in this city, is now engaged in pri- their orcanization should not be vate…

…,000,000 over the policemen who then arrived on previous year. the scene had to be boosted bodi- 16588 SCHAEFER — DETROIT ly over the wall, a fact that led Hadari to comment: "They didn't Complete have. Israeli…

March 25, 1960 • Page Image 3

…, Mich., which then had five families. From there he went to Toledo and came to Detroit in 1923, having lived here since then. He is the head of Kasle Steel and Aluminum Corp. He was married to the former…

… Pearl Silverstein, Feb. 14, 1915. They have three sons, Leonard Kasle, member of the Detroit Board of Education, Ben and Robert Kasle; a daughter,- Mrs. Ben (Esther) Jones, and nine grandchildren. He has…

… general education, as indicat- ed in the $65,000 gift he has made on his 65th birthday. For 16 years, he served as When the Hillel Foundation at Ann Arbor was in grave dif- ficulty, he, together with a…

… group of local leaders, secured sufficient funds to wipe out the IF YOU TURN THE University of Michigan Hillel's mortgage. He continues his in- i terest in all Hillel Foundations. UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON…

…'T Officials of Wayne State Uni- _ FIND A FINER WINE THAN versity have expressed deep ap- preciation for his gift of five years ago, for the establishment of the Kasle Library, and for Milan Wineries, Detroit

…, • .......0 061`" w 3-THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—F riday, March 25, Allied Jewish Drive Gets $3,291,154 Start; Outline Basic Needs of 1960 Campaign …

March 15, 1968 • Page Image 30

…• • 30—Friday, March 15, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS People Make News Israeli song writer NAOMI SHEMER, whose "Jerusalem of Gold" (Yerushalaim shel Zahav) served as a stirring symbol of Israel…

…. Rothen- berg; and Joseph L. Mendelson, from Washington, D.C. • • • Detroiter Dr. E. G. KAPLAN, first vice president of the Midwest Podiatry Conference, will speak on surgery of the pediatric patient •at…

…. Kaplan is chief of staff at Civic 11 , .pital. Dr. Irvin Kanat, also of Detroit, a member of the American Podiatry Association board of trustees, is on the pro- gram. • * * DANIEL MANN, national execu…

… areas. • • • ROBERT ARONSON, on leave' from the Detroit Public Schools, is one of 24 industrial arts teachers studying at Wayne State Univer- ' sity. He was selected from over' 900 applicants throughout…

…. Weinberg urges that reservations for the WSU Law School, Hillel Foundation to Hear Israeli Leon Fine, former New Yorker, I now living in Israel and practicing law there, is on a lecture tour at the law…

… Classroom A, on "Crime and Punishment in, Israel." Fine will also speak at a brunch at the WSU Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- dation 11 a. m. Fine March 24, at Hillel House, 4841 Second. Both events are open to the…

… community without charge. Peo- ple who wish to attend the brunch should call Hillel House, TE 1-0129, before March 20. At Hillel Fine will speak on "American Settlers in Israel — Who Are They, Why Do They…

… distinguished con- The powdered milk supplied by UNICEF would fill freight cars stretching from Buffalo, N.Y., to Detroit. protect your children's feet by fittings from the most complete range of sizes and…

… Speaker for Youth Rally `Project Outcry' Represetntatives of Detroit Jew- ish youth groups sponsoring "Pro- ject Outcry"—a rally for Soviet Jewry—announced that Dr. Daniel N. Jacobs will be the keynote…

March 17, 1967 • Page Image 40

…40—Friday, March 17, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Youth News 300 Teens to Discuss 'Search for Identity' at 'legion Conclave "The Jew's Search for Identity" community service division, March will…

… of Adas Goldman, director of the scientific Shalom Synagogue will be guest laboratory of the Ford Co. and an speaker at the Sabbath eve services alumnus of Yeshiva University. of the Bnai Brith Hillel

… Foundation, The Shabbaton is an education- University of Michigan, 8 p.m. to- al program which offers select day in the Hillel chapel. teen agers an opportunity to live - In conjunction with the Beth and…

…, student cantor doing grad- states and Ontario. uate work in musicology; Steven Ovitsky, conductor of the Hillel Beth Aaron USY Plans choir, who is -also a student in the school of music, and Joan Spitzer…

…. ington. There will be games, food and Square Dance to Start prizes including six puppies. For further information call Ed 'Purim Week' at Hillel Adelman, KE 4-8442. The Parent-Teacher Organization of…

Hillel Day School will celebrate Quoting Voltaire Purim by sponsoring a square dance A contemporary of Voltaire was for students 2 p.m. Sunday at Cong. extolling the virtues of a protege Adas Shalom. he…

…-Wide for 7th, 8th and 9th graders from Jewish Youth Planning Committee Detroit, Toledo and Cleveland will take' place 7:30 p.m. Saturday April 7-9. Over 100 youngsters are at the Jewish center. expected to…

March 23, 1962 • Page Image 13

… Streets, is the oldest and largest orthodox congregation in Phila- delphia. Rabbi Homnick, a native of New York, was ordained at Yeshiva University. Since his ar- rival in Detroit in 1954, he served as an…

… officer of the Midwestern Region of the Rabbinical Council of America, Mizrachi Organiza- tion of Detroit and the Rabbinic Alumni of Yeshiva University. Rabbi Homnick will assume his new position on the eve…

… Bureau; Steve Riskin, Mickey and the Bnai Posnick and Judy Fink. Brit h Hillel A banquet 1 p.m. Sunday at Foundation. the synagogue will conclude the The title of conclave. It will be addressed by the…

… History: Myth and Realtiy." and Young Israel of Northwest The evening lecture, at 7:30 Detroit will present a 'Purim p.m. is titled "Judaism and a Masquerade Party 2 p.m. Sun- World in Crisis." Both…

… lectures day at the Oak-Woods Center will be held in the Center- for children 5-12. Entertain- Hillel building. There is no ad- ment, prizes and refreshments mission charge. The public is invited. will be…

… featured. r NMI ••••1 .1=111 CALL NOW I 1 DETROIT OFFICE 17506 WYOMING I TEL. 869 - 0334 FOR BOYS 6-16 "The Custom Tailored Camps for Your Son and Daughter" TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1962 6:30 P.M. The…

…-7300 or the YESHIVAH WE 1-0203 REGI STRATION FOR GIRLS 6-14 "The Modern Camps With Traditional Ideals" r I I I — I I I .> . I 1 3 - TH E DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Fri d ay, March 23 , 1962 Rabbi…

March 24, 1967 • Page Image 13

… sponsor a public at the reading of the Me pre-Passover "Matzo Ball" 8:30 gilla 7:45 p.m. Saturday and 8:3 0 p.m. Sunday at Cong. Beth Hillel. a.m. Sunday. There will be a break Music for the dance will be…

… will hear the Megilla read 6:30 p.m. tional Purim dinner will be held 6 p.m. April 6 at Cong. Beth Hillel. Saturday, after which a Purim Isadore Rosenberg will again of- party will be held, with games…

… evening, "Let There Be Light," a cantata by Boruch Chamber music soloists are pianist Mrs. Rose Mash; David Budson. cellist with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra; and Sidney Resnick, baritone vocalist…

… will soon appear. the Detroit Pub- lic Schools since Bodzin 1 9 3 5 , currently at Cooley High School, Bodzin studied at the jsaae Elehanan Theological .Seminary upon arriv- ing in this country at .age…

March 01, 1968 • Page Image 21

… TAKIS A GENI...US HAGOPIAN 'SONS SEE OUR FINE AIL SELECTION O F. CARPETING 110 4-5580 LI 8-8300 15180 W. EIGHT MILE RD. NEAR NORTHLAND s 4 .:- Ex-Yeshiva Director Beth Hillel Headed Is Slated. to…

… Speak by Fred Erlebacher at Melave Malka Fete At the recent general member- Rabbi Simcha S. Wasserman, head of Yeshiv- ath Beth Yehuda in Detroit for 12 years, a n d cur- rently director of the West…

…! KRUN-GHEE POTATO CHIPS •KOSHER APPLIES ONLY TO THE PLAIN POTATO CHIPS (Look for the letter K on the bag) made fresh daily in Detroit ! Harry Zalc. - * MID-WINTER .„,.. SPECIAL -T- . * 4 Friday…

Detroit and out-state are again being called upon by the Jewish National Fund to conduct the traditional Purim appeal for Shalakh Manot to the JNF for land reclamation and the planting of trees in Israel…

… into English. 1 The public is invited to the lecture without charge. now they're KOSHER* ship meeting of Cong. Beth Hillel, Fred Erlebacher was elected pres- ident. Elected with him were vice…

… Levin, Ber- nard Lichtenstein, Bernard Ohren- stein and Herman Strassburger. Alternates are Walter Siegler and THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Hundreds of quality new and used Oriental Rugs. Choose antique or…

March 03, 1961 • Page Image 10

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, March 3, 1961 — 10 20-Year-Plan Adopted by JNF for `War Against Desert'; Conference Pledges $5,000,000 Yearly Project estimated at 500,000,000 Israel pounds or…

…- tion to strengthen ties of world Jewish youth with Israel. (Detroit delegates at the con- ference included Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brandwine, Mr. and Mrs. William Hordes, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koltinow,. Mrs…

…; planting and settl ent of x,000 fam- ilies. Th ost of c e plan was Dr. Kapustin to Speak to Pisgah Monday on 'Germany Today' Rabbi Max Kapustin, director of Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Wayne State…

… in 1933, attended the Rabbinical Seminary of Berlin and was ordained in 1937. He came to the United States in 1938 and served as rabbi in Dan- ville, Va., until 1948 when he came to Detroit as director…

… of the WSU Hillel._ Dan Levy, president of Pisgah Lodge, urges all members to attend this meeting and to turn in their fund raising ticket books. NORMAN BERKLEY was elected a member of the board of…

… • Detroit 31, Michigan UN 4-2300 BR 2-2470 Hanley Dawson L Y •TERN olet, Inc. 14501 W. 7 Mile Rd., 1/2 block W. of James Couzens Please send me a free copy of the booklet: 25 FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW…

March 18, 1960 • Page Image 13

… brochure outlining Dr. Essrig to Address the complete congregational U-M Hillel Faculty Club program will be sent to fam- Dr. Harry Essrig, rabbi of ilies requesting it. For infor- Temple Emanuel, Grand…

… Rapids, mation, call UN. 4-6428. has been invited to address the Hillel Faculty Club at the Uni- versity of Michigan, Sunday Haas, Miss Gordon night. He will discuss the "God in U. of D. Series Concept in…

… Ameri- Detroit Opera Theater, will par- can Rabbis and the Union of ticipate in a new "Anatomy of American Hebrew Congrega- an Opera" series being pre- sented by the University of tions. Detroit. Four…

…. seventh annual convention held Detroit area synagogues who earlier this month in Cleve- sent delegates were CoiIgs. land, 0. Adas Shalom, Ahavas Achim, They are Gary Moss, of Beth Beth Aaron, Beth Shalom…

… 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Hal Toppel, another Detroiter, at Beth Aaron Synagogue. A was made honorary first vice- USY "Trial by Jewry" also will be featured. president. All teen-agers and their par- ents…

… products, like Matzos. Gefilte Fish, Borscht, Cakes, Cookies, Wine — over100 fine foods, Kosher for Passover. 1 3-THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, March 18, 1960 Dynamic Club Ships 5,500 Pounds of Ahavas…

… Achim Opens Local Youth Get Top USY Posts for Membership Two young Detroiters were The Detroiters were members Food to Israel's Needy for Passover Drive Appointment of Louis Topor elected to high office…

March 10, 1967 • Page Image 23

…Mr. Murray Shanbaum Weds _Barbara Smelsey THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS activities in Society Mrs. Reuben Bienstock, 15945 Addison, Southfield, resident of the Michigan Region of Hadassah, is in Israel…

…. All the lectures are open to junction with the Bnai Brith _Hillel the public. Foundation and the Beth Israel Congregation of Ann Arbor, will present Dr. Theodor H. Gaster as the 1967 holder of the…

… foreign language teach- Cohn Chapel of the Hillel Building, ing. To thoroughly acquaint par- 1429 Hill St., Dr. Gaster will speak ticipants with the psychology of on "Judaism in a New Idiom." the teaching…

… Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- The largest delegation attend- tion, with the collaboration of the ing the week's program is from Zwerdling Family. the United Hebrew Schools of Currently professor of religion…

Detroit. The Hayim Greenberg at Barnard College of Columbia Hebrew-Yiddish School is also University, Dr . Gaster has held well represented, along with the professorships in religion, com- Jewish Center…

March 25, 1966 • Page Image 20

… the "The beauty of Israel Is slain upon thy high places" —Samuel II 1:19 The administration, faculty and students of Hillel Day School are bowed in grief at the passing of our valiant friend and…

… counselor RABBI MORRIS ADLER who as spiritual advisor and member of our board of trustees was so devoted to our schoOl. The children of Hillel Day School extend a special word of comfort to their…

… and the friend, the co-worker in our sacred movements. We deeply mourn his passing and we extend our sympathies to his family. May his memory be a blessing for the generations to. come. DETROIT

… reference to Hillel, .Akiba and the great Talmudic tradition? He will know Judaism either as it has been misunderstood by its detrac- * * * Judaism Begins at Home It doesn't begin at a meeting or a…

… current Council. activity, Walter E. Klein, Council's executive director, reported on re- cent action in support of the Wayne County Community College pro- gram and a Detroit Board of Edu- cation millage…

March 22, 1968 • Page Image 29

…, MONTEVIDEO, SAO PAULO, RIO, PANAMA. In- cluding Air Fare from Detroit $1,011.00 sharing twin - bedded room. First class hotels, meals and sightseeing as outlined in brochure. EXPLORE MEXICO — PERU — CHILE…

… — ARGENTINA — URUGUAY — BRAZIL. TOUR No. 4 TO AMSTERDAM 21 days from DETROIT depar- tures MAY 3, 24, June 6th, July 5th, 19th. $370.00 round trip. TOUR No. 5 — TO MEXICO GRAMERCY TOURS TWO EX- CITING TOURS…

… present he busy on two research projects sponsored by Fairleigh Dickenson University on the "Impact of Foreign Aid on the Developing Nation." * :: * ELKIN HOTEL & TRAVEL SERVICE Beth Hillel Men's Club…

… Temple Israel Men's Club will hold an open board dinner 6 p.m. Thursday at the temple. "Detroit —1967: In Retro- spect" will be the topic of a talk by the Rev. Hubert G. Locke, direc- tor of the office 4…

… these disturbances. The dinner is free to all paid-up mem- bers of the men's club. Members who have not yet paid their dues may do so at the door. * * * TAU EPSILON RHO LAW FRA- TERNITY, Detroit Graduate…

… Chap- ter, will assist in the induction of undergraduate members into the chapter at Wayne State Univer- sity and Detroit College of Law 10:30 a.m. Sunday, at. Howard Johnson's Restaurant, Eight Mile Rd…

…. and Coolidge, Oak Park. Brunch will be served. Wayne Circuit Judge Charles Kaufman, former chancellor of the Detroit Graduate Chapter, will preside at the induction ceremony. For reservations call…

… Edward P. May, 476 - 9500. Herbert Brener of Philadelphia, supreme chan- cellor of the fraternity, will address the Detroit Graduate Chap- ter at a dinner meeting 7 p.m. March 29 at Kingsley Inn. Recent…

March 31, 1961 • Page Image 43

…" that fall by the wayside. In the 27 years that Dr. Mau- rice Floch has served the . Detroit House of Correction as psycho- logist and as deputy superinten- dent in charge of rehabilitation, he has seen…

…." His sen- ti s, in fact, are reflected - e title of a book he wrote Sales—Rebuilding--Rentals veral years ago, " e, Too, Are Human,' essa al 4760 St. Aubin, Detroit 7, Mich. lives he has TE 3…

… the past three years. Holiday Greetings (One of the recent arts and Gas — Oil - Warm Air — Air Conditioning crafts projects was posters for the , Repairs of All Kinds February program of Hillel Day…

… Commercial and Industrial Wiring and Repairs D. A. LAVEN School. Hillel principal happens Rewiring of Old Homes — Heat Controls Installed. 15905 James Cduzens Hwy. UN 2-9517 to be Mrs. Maurice Floch.) But in…

…'s rarely Happy Passover a minyan here" is nothing new. In the entire state prison sys- tem, Floch said, there are only Sheet Metal Contractors some 45 Jewish inmates. KE 4-7610 23057 NORFOLK, DETROIT 19 Why…

…. Poss bringing or any Jewish ties." He Manufacturers of Wire Products, Dl 1-4684 18685 Wyoming, Detroit 21 added_that "the one case turned School Window Guards, Wire Partitions out to be a phony." TY 7…

…-8940 , "Family life and education 4704 Eighteenth St., Detroit, Mich. focusing attention on the respon- sibility of • the father to his chil- Happy Holiday dren," the "self discipline of 1 kashrut and fasting .on…

… Clinker and Fiberglass Boats ber of the Corrections Commis- Sporting Goods Photographic Equipment of All Kinds sion, and Al Rosenberg, owner 14035-39 W. McNICHOLS, DETROIT 21 of Holiday Manor; both of whom…

… and Holiday Greetings to All Our Friends and Customers Passover Greetings women of the Detroit House of Correction. Rabbi Israel Flam,- spiritual leader of the Torah Center in Oak Park, comes biweekly…

March 18, 1966 • Page Image 28

… came to Wayne State in 1945 from Ohio State, having previously taught at Kent State University and in Ohio public schools. During her 21 years in Detroit she has gained attention at na- tional, state and…

… city levels far her committee service with various agencies seeking human better- ment, ranging from President Johnson's Economic , Opportunity Act programs to Detroit's United Community Services. As…

…, also remove by University of Michigan Hillel Foun- cutting away large outstide veins so that cabbage can be rolled easily. dation 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Hillel Slated March 30-April 2 The Great Lakes…

… Antique Show Filling: House, Ann Arbor. He will be in 1 lb. chooped meat 1 onion grated is slated for Detroit Masonic Tem- V4 cup raw rice a little sauce so Detroit to open the Allied Jewish 1 that filling…

… IRVING KATZ Executive Secretary, Temple Beth El • 75th anniversary of Jewish Wom- an's Club. Organized in 1891 by Mrs. Bernard Ginsburg (mother of Mrs. Julian H. Krolik). It is now the Detroit Section of…

… the National Council of Jewish Wahl- en. • 60th anniversary of Sisterhood of Cong. Shaarey Zedek, found- ed by Mrs. David W. Simons. • 50th anniversary of the Detroit Chapter of Hadassah, established by…

… Discounts, Detroit Medium can Salt and pepper tomatoes to taste. th can tomato paste In a large pot saute 1 onion and 1 clove minced garlic in 2 tablespoons fat. Add the sauce and put the cabbage rolls in…

… beaten egg whites. Bake in a 9- inch spring form in a 325 degree oven about 30 minutes or until torte tests done. Do not grease mold. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28—Friday, March 18, 1966 THE FIVE BOXMAN…

…-9054 Member Detroit Area Retail Kosher Meat Dealers Ass'n ENJOY MORE—PAY LESS FOR ALL YOUR' PASSOVER FOODS AT REISMAN'S STORE 13400 W. 7 MILE RD., Cor. Snowden FREE DELIVERY DI 1-4525 AMPLE PARKING THE…

March 01, 1968 • Page Image 27

… THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 1, 1968-27 Ambassador AVRAHA_M HAR- MAN was awarded a Hillel Honor Key by the Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- dations in a brief ceremony at the Israel Embassy in…

… Understudies played host to 350 women from various women's groups in Detroit, including the Young Women of Jewish National Fund represented by Miss J. Burn- stein of Hardy Ave., Livonia. National board members…

… increasing demands for admission to ORT vocational training schools will be discussed by delegates from Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and Michigan. Other Detroiters who will be attending are Mesdarnts…

March 01, 1969 • Page Image 11

…▪ Sharon Agree Engaged to Kenneth It7olf of NY • 20—Friday, March 7, 1969 • ■ -- 1.• • • _ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS •9. activities in Society MISS SHARON AGREE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kahan…

…- riage of their daughter Susan Helen infirm in Detroit area nursing dek; Ted Petok, Temple Israel; to Dr. Peter Bernard Salamon, son homes too often were forgotten. Jack Cohn, Young Israel of Oak- of Dr…

…- tashen and other goodies and led Emanu-El; Robert Morris, Beth formed Sunday at the Hillel House community singing and the reading Shalom; Bert Westheimer, Be of the megila among the residents Hillel; and…

… Allan D. Nursing Home; Temple Israel at Sherwood Hall; Beth Shalom at Heritage of Beverly Hills; and Shaarey Zedek at Southfield Nurs- ing Home. On Tuesday the sisterhoods of Beth Hillel, Beth Achim ands…

… • Room At The Bottom 21780 W. 11 MILE, SOUTHFIELD Located on the Harvard Row Mall Dealers Association Member Detroit Kosher Meat WE DELIVER • EL 6-5110-1 Imported MANISCHEWITZ BONITO FILLETS White…

… ring bearer. SALAMI • FRANKFURTERS • CORNED BEEF • BOLOGNA Following a European honey- Distributed in Detroit and Michigan by: moon, the newlyweds reside in Tel: 931-0300 Southfield. JULIUS POLLAK, 14558…

… Wyoming, Detroit • ROLAND STOKELY'S Each Pkg. Contains 5 varieties U. S. Gov't. Inspected Sherri's NATIONALLY ADVERTISED QUALITY FOODS AT LOW, LOW EVERYDAY PRICES! Pkg. Koshruth Supervision by…

… hospital. Through the financial support of the Detroit Chapter, National Coun- cil of Jewish Women, a new room will be furnished to accommodate blood donors, patients admitted for elective surgery and…

… women of Temple Emanu-El occupational therapy volunteer team and Beth Moses. The Detroit General Hospital League is about to celebrate its eighth anniversary, serving the patients in ever increasing ways…

… LI 5-2737 COPIED S 1969-21 Detroit General Hospital to Aid Patient Comfort LI 7-0896 Former Detroiter Mrs. Anna Nosanchuk of Tucson was in Detroit recently to help celebrate the wedding…

March 11, 1966 • Page Image 8

… University, Marygrove College, Sinai Hospital, Jewish Home for Aged, U of M Hillel Foundation, WSU Hillel Foundation, Detroit Round Table, Jewish Publication Society of America, WSU Press, ADL, Michigan Cancer…

… award, Lions Club citation, Bnai Brith Detroit Lodge "Man of the Year," WSU Mackenzie Honor Society, ADL Democratic Living Award, Michigan Historical Society award, Detroit Board of Education citation…

… Foundation, Jewish Welfare Federation, De- troit Service Group, Detroit His- torical Society, National Founda- tion for Infantile Paralysis, Jewish Historical Society, Joint Distribu- tion Committee. He is…

… vice president of the Detroit Historical Commission and serves on the boards of City National Bank and Associated Breweries. He is a member of Franklin Hills Country Club, Standard City Club, Adcraft…

…, TILE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 8 — Friday, March 11, 1966 chairman of United Negro College Fund, chairman of Allied Jewish Campaign and crusade chairman of American Cancer Society, board memberships of United…


March 31, 1967 • Page Image 14

…Mandell L. Berman Named to Head Education Association Governing Body Mandell L. Berman of Detroit has been designated chairman of the national governing council of the American Association for Jew…

…- ish Education, it was announced by Isadore Breslau. AAJE presi- dent. The officers of the' AAJE unanimously approved the( nom- ination of the Detroit leathir to the post occupied by the late Samuel II…

… WOODS In the upper photo are (from left) Rabbi Hillel Millgram, Louis Kasle, initial gifts chairman; Rivka Raz, Israeli singer, Joseph Megdell, general chairman, Flint UJA drive; Zvi Kolitz, guest…



… (1955) Zoning Board of Appeals (1958-59) Councilman (Since 1959) Other Kiwanis (Since 1946) Southfield Goodfellows (Captain, 1st 1955-66) Vice President, Detroit City Ballet State Board, M.A.H.B. (I…

March 25, 1960 • Page Image 1

… Weekly Review of Jewish Events M ichigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle 'VOLUME XXXVI I—No. 4 101-,/gntgioi-T silop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—Detroit 35…

… Seas, Prevent Boycott Against Israel Kasie Gives $65,000 to 12 Causes on 65th Birthday Honoring his 65th birthday, which occurred on March 18, Abe Kasle, prominent Detroit Jewish com- munity leader…

…-Ilan University $1,000 Yeshivath Beth Yehudah $1,000 Yeshivath Chachmey Lublin $750 Hillel Day School $750 Mr. Kasle earmarked his $20,000 gift to Wayne State University for assistance to needy, capable stu- dents…

… who desire to dedicate themselves to the teaching profession. The same stipulation is made for the Uni- versity of Detroit school of education gift. The $20,00.0 gift to Midrasha, the College of Je…

… preservation of books. The Boys Clubs gift is for youth activities in Michigan. Mr. Kasle.'s gifts had their tr- precedent five years a g o when, on his 60th birthday, the distinguished Detroit Jew- ish leader…

March 04, 1966 • Page Image 12

… Every Way • Better Service • Better Deals MORE REPEAT CUSTOMERS SAY: Complete from Detroit $799 CI „ "DEXTER CHEVROLET IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET YOUR CAR." I Slatkin's DEXTER CHEVROLET 20811 W. 8…

… generation of Jews • Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation's an- are college students, it is inevita- • S • nual national commissioners' meet- ble that a high proportion are • • ing Monday heard a report disput- found…

… Lelyveld, former A Hillel analysis said: "The • • 0 • ,,,, . national Hillel Director, said a ,.0.::?:10,46:4:::. Jewish community deceives itself ,,tz • • ::: ::::::iiiiNi, eg "disproportionately high…

…- sions on the extent of intermar- riage among college - educated Jews reported in recent studies. Dr. Alfred Jospe, Hillel's direc- tor of program and resources, de- bunked studies which alleged that…

… • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • He who praises me on all oc- e • casions is a fool who despises me 41 or a knave who wishes to cheat • me.—Chinese proverb. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 12—Friday, March 4, 1966 This Is Your…

March 28, 1969 • Page Image 40

…Bnai Brith Event Aids Israel Bonds THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 40—Friday, March 28, 1969 Klein-Rubinstein Rites Set for This Summer At the Bnai Brith leadership reception hosted by the Detroit Harry B…

… the Israel Air Force, guest speaker; and Ber- nard Whiteman, president, Oakland-Century Lodge; standing: Martin Budman, president, Detroit Lodge; Maurice Rosender, Israel Bond chairman, Oakland…

… representative of Bnai Brith Women; Rabbi Leon Fram and Cantor Harold Orbach of Temple Israel; Rabbi Max Kapustin, -FlaYne State Bnai Brith Hillel TEA LOVERS are switching to SWEETOUCH-NEE * Because Swee…

… :Detroit Tog, SWEE-TOUCH-NEE "THE ARISTOCRAT OF TEAS!" FOR INFORMATION CALL DISTRIBUTOR TEL: TR 3-2212 Detroit" Socialites, social and philanthropic organization for sin- gle Jewish men and women, hold…

…:elf:a/it'd-I ii \MZ PURE BEEF Koshruth Supervision by prominent Orthodox Rabbi Rabbi Ben Zion Rosenthal and two steady Moshgichim U.S. Gov't. Inspected. • BOLOGNA contribution to the Detroit commu- nity that…

… open letter to the volunteer women of Hadassah at Higginbot- ham School, Detroit, Principal Mary Harris praised the women for their "conscientious endeavors and dedication in helping children who have…

… BOLOGNA. CUSTOM DRAPERY CLEANERS TW 1 1818 - SUBURBAN CALL COLLECT DIAL OPERATOR—Ask for ENTERPRISE 7818 Distributed in Detroit and Michigan by: JULIUS POLLAK 14558 Wyomin4, Detroit ._ Tel.: 931…

March 01, 1968 • Page Image 23

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS omen's Cluh activities BETH AARON SISTERHOOD is planning its Tora Fund Luncheon for noon March 26 in the syna- gogue social hall. Tora Fund chair- man is Mrs. Morris…

… group of 24 spirit- ed young men and women with their charming folk songs and lively dances from the French countryside. ss BETH HILLEL SISTERHOOD will hold a Purim family supper 5:30 p.m. March 10 at…

… Georges Fried- PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT man. Refreshments will be served, CLUB will hold its annual Purim Guests are invited. party 8:30 p.m. March 11 at Cong. Beth Hillel. Mrs. Manuel Neiman, president…

March 26, 1965 • Page Image 30

…, the national religious Jewish students organization at Bnai Brith Hillel, will hold its annual Midwest Regional Conven- tion April 2-4 at Young Israel of Northwest. Major speakers of the convention are…

… Organization for 8 p.m. Saturday at the home of Debby Wolok, 19128 Monica. SZO, of Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- dation, has scheduled a number of other events for the near future. For information on Hebrew classes…

… socialiblity. New York City, N.Y. 10016 Officers are Cheryl Hausman, MU 3-9200 president; Rivkah Greenbaum, Or vice president; Sharon Birnbaum, Zionist Organization of Detroit and Esther Gelber, secretaries; and…

… Vera Stern, treasurer. 25219 Southfield Road The group's adviser is Mrs. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Southfield, Mich. Esther Bakst. Phone 353-3636 30—Friday, March 26, 1965 board and tuition at the Summer…

… Department, Wayne State University. Members of the jury include Jay Carr, music critic, Detroit News; Mrs. Abraham Cooper; Collins George, music critic, Detroit Free Press; Morris Hochberg; Mrs. Sol Q. Kesler…

…; Mrs. Alice Ltmgershau- sen; and Kurtz Myers, chief, Per- forming Arts, Detroit Public Li- Detroit attorney Sheldon Otis will be featured speaker at the Bnai Moshe Tallis and Tefillin Club 8:30 a…

March 29, 1963 • Page Image 11

…, • World-Famous Sulphur Baths exemplary friend . . . one of the in an address before the Zionist • Free Movies Nightly • Nationally Famous Food. best the Jewish people ever Organization of Detroit, at the…

… goodness of mankind Judge Ira Kaufman, Z OD 3 hours from DETROIT only of the religion of which president, presided and con- via Golden Belt Expwy. one is a member." ducted a question period. ( Route 94) For…

… Favorite Market. MICHIGAN DISTRIBUTOR National Wholesale Grocers Co. For Information: TR 1-0606 Out-of-Town Orders Promptly Filled Name Hillel National Director to Peace Corps Council WASHINGTON…

…—The White House announced the appoint- ment of Rabbi • Benjamin M. Kahn, director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations, to the 23- member Peace Corps Advisory Council. RALPH BENSMAN AGENCY 10234 FENKELL…

…, DETROIT 38, MICH. "DON'T FOLLOW THE LEADER, JOIN THE LEADERS" 11 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, March 29, 1963 I Report on a Catholic …

March 14, 1969 • Page Image 23

… chairman. be given in memory of Dr. William • s • CHANA CZENESH CHAPTER, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 14, 1969-23 Pioneer Women, will celebrate Jewish Music Month 10 p.m. Satur- day at the home of…

… evening discussion group series 8 p.m. March 23 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Liederman, 24240 Morton, Oak Park. At that time a representative from the FBI's Detroit bureau will be guest speaker…

… FRIENDS OF HILLEL DAY There is a donation which will be B+resh, 545-6286. SCHOOL President Mrs. Milton used to assist needly families for • * • Weiss announces that the spring Passover. Mesdames Sam Wol…

… • for professional accomplishments PURITY CHAPTER, Order of in the field of art for 1968, will trace Names Detroiters the Eastern Star, will hold its an- the development of Jewish art. Several Detroit

…. Dan Shapiro, advisory noon Monday at Cong. Beth Hillel. review and breakfast series will be , committee member; and Mrs. The group will discuss its project 10 a.m. Monday in the temple. Mrs. Aaron…

March 04, 1965 • Page Image 3

… 50th wedding anniversary. The distinguished Detrw. couple, both of whom have been active in communal affairs for more than 30 years, were married in Detroit, Feb. 14, 1915. They have a daughter, Mrs…

… • escorted jet tour to Europe and Israel July 28-Aug. 19, it was an- MR. AND MRS. ABE KASLE nounced by Dr. Bernard Weston, children and one great-grandson. chairman of the Detroit Chapter MISS MARION FINE Mr…

… the Fred M. Butzel Memorial Music the Stein-Way Award for distinguished communal service. He is a member of the national & ORCHESTRA board of State of Israel Bonds, serves on the boards of Hillel Day…

… School, Adas Shalom synagogue, Zionist Organization of Detroit and is a member of the board of trustees of Sinai Hospital and of PL NNING Wayne State University Press. A EDDING? Mrs. Kasle was one of the…

… DAY! - Woman of Valor and is a member For Fine I of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Jewish National Fund, Hadassah, Color LI 7-2770 SID THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 12, 1965-19 SJEGEL…

March 11, 1960 • Page Image 4

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS— Friday, March I I, 1960-4 THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English…

…—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co. 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year…

…, include the works of Yaacov Fichman, Rachel, Avraham Shlon- sky, Levi Ben-Amitai, Aryeh L. Strauss, Yehuda Karni, Leah Goldberg and 0. Hillel. An article, "Corners of Jewish Italy in Israel," by S. 15…

March 14, 1969 • Page Image 35

…• 36—Friday, March 14, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Youth News Crusty Lathe-Loving Scholar Creams Hamentashkin in 3-Cornered Debate By RONALD LOEB Wayne State University Profes- sor Otto…

… Hamen- tash-Latke Debate. It was sponsor- ed by the Center's Parents Without Partners, Single Adults, Young Adult Groups and the WSU Hillel Foundation. Over 200 people watched the grueling verbal battle…

… basically revolutionary move- ment. Paul Winter, commentator from Detroit's WTAK radio station, was the third-party interloper. He rep- resented the IBC, International Bagel Conspiracy, active only on Sunday…

…-M Hillel Foundation building 8:15 p.m. that day, will be on "The Phari- saic Revolution." The third lecture, "The Era of Permanent Revolution" will be given in auditorium Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Thursday. The…

… Gardens, N.Y. grams of the Zionist Organization of America will be offered at a meeting sponsored by the Detroit Old-Fashioned Comic chapter 2 p.m. Sunday at the Zion- ist Cultural Center. Students age 8…

… Gus," co-star- ring Alison Sklpworth and Baby LeRoy. • - • - Escapism on the Screen MISCHA MISCHAKOFF, retire concertmaster of the Detroit Sym- phony, emphasized that he would not leave Detroit

March 23, 1962 • Page Image 14

…▪ THE DETROIT JEWISH Moscow Bakeries Will Not Make Matzoh for Passover ▪ Mo'os Hitim Urges Reform Rabbis Hit Fanatic -Right, Passover Aid for Needy Local Families Condemn Soviet A-Test Resumption…

…-mem- The Detroit synagogues have Moscow and Jews also baked Aaron Streit Co. ber executive board of the Cen- also cooperated by setting aside tral Conference of American matzoh privately for sale. The…

… the Sabbath preceding Purim as Rabbis accused the extreme latter practice was prohibited as `Jewish Goals of Hillel "Mo'os Hitim Day." a form of private enterprise. In 1961, over 2,500 individuals Chief…

… services last Saturday. "The Jewish Goals of the one of the vice presidents of the told the congregation that be - Hillel Day School" will be the organization, announces that the Branches Book Violinist…

… sources in Moscow `Passover Workshop' Probutzki, a student of Mischa The Hillel Day School is now were reported to have noted in its fourth year. The general for Men at Beth Shalom Mischakoff, plays in…

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