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November 25, 1955 • Page Image 1

…David A. Brown's Colorful Career U. S. Jewish Memoirs: 'Thou Art No Different to Other People' THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review :Commentary, Page 2 The Middle East: Soaked in Oil of Jewish Events Editorials, Page 4 Michigan's Only English - Jewish VOLUME 28—No. 12 The Book Fair And the Jewish Publication Society 27 Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE. 8-9364—Detroit 35, November 25, 1955 $...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 2

…Purdy Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ 'Thou. Art No .Different to Other People' • In his very interesting and enlightening two-volume work, "Memoirs of American Jews, 1775-1865," published by the Jewish Publication Society of America, Prof. Jacob Rader Marcus has a chapter on "Joseph Jonas: The Jews Come to Ohio." In it he tells - this about the only known Jew in Ohio at the time: • The first known Jew in Ohio was quite a curiosity. When the...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 3

…U. S., Britain See 'Eye to Eye' . On Settling Near East Crisis (Continued from Page 1) Minister Moshe Sharett declared at a luncheon tendered. him by the United Nations Correspond- ents Association. (From Washington the New York Times reported that the United States and Britain "see eye to eye on the imperative necessity" of resolving the Mid- dle Eastern crisis but not neces- sarily on the methods that should be used. This, the Times says ; ...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 4

…Will He Balance the Situation? THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 .Mernber American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Asso- &lotion Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35. Mich., VE. 8-9364. Subscription $4 a year, Foreign $5. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6. 19...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 5

…Histadrut Delegates Take $60,000 to New York Parley HILLEL ABRAMS Presents DETROIT'S LARGEST SELECTION of HANUKAH MENORAHS (48 Styles to Choose From) ISRAELI & DOMESTIC DECORATIONS (Dozens of Varieties Make Your Home Glow on Hanukah TOYS and GAMES (For Everyone—Boys and Girl's) JEWELRY NOVELTIES (The Very Latest in Fashion) RECORDS and BOOKS (For the Youngster, Teenager and Adult) AT DETROIT HEBREW BOOK SHOP 12226 DEXTER...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 6

…etroit Friends Salute Yeshiva University Through Multi-Faceted Program Yeshiva University Blends Jewish, Secular Knowledge The program of Yeshiva Uni- versity is directed towards de- velopment on the American scene of Jewish laymen for the professional and business • world, who are simultaneously steeped in the knowledge and under- standing of the sacred heritage of Judaism. To do so, its oiler-all program of studies has attempted to in- te...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 7

…• ,...116.a.101.104is ADL Urges State Department to. Act Against Arab Diplomats Who Are 'Smearing' U.S. Jews NEW YORK, (JTA)—The An- ti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith has asked the State De- partment to investigate the cir- cumstances of recent speeches made by Arab diplomats which `_`impugn the loyalty of Amer- ican Jews." The request followed a similar demand by Americans for Democratic Action which in- sisted that Syrian Ambassador Farid...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 8

…World Scholars Honor Dr. Kisch United Synagogue Parley Adopts `Religious Observance' Standards UJA Launches Drive to Rase $25,000,000 Above 1956 Goal The law, to Dr. Guido Kisch, a KIAMESHA L A K E, N. Y. cal School, will, according to the spoke at the _Waldorf Astoria NEW YORK, N.Y.—The United (JTA)—The bienhiel convention psychiatrists, "help make the research scholar who has made Hotel to an emergency UJA of the United Synagogue of moder...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 9

…Mizrachi Conventions Adopt Vital Decisions on Future Israel Activities ATLANTIC CITY, (JTA) — The 30th annual convention of the Mizrachi Women's Organiza- tion of America concluded here with the adoption of a budget of $1,125,000 for the organization's operation.s in the next 12 months and the re-election of Mrs. S. Deborah Ebin as national presi- dent. The sum of $475,000 was ear-, marked in the budget for the Maintenance and expansion of ch...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 10

…Talmud Derived From Law Study A Marriage Prohibition , Name 2 Fighters to Hall of Fame By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX The books of traditional litera- mud" in the Talmudic literature (Copyright, 1955, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) ture which contain the oral law indicate that each law was de- Jewish tradition prohibits the as derived from Babylonia and rived in some measure from an Palestine are called the Talmud, exegetical extraction from a ma...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 11

…,., ..z4 •• 4 FIA - o- ita, Cotton in Israel Becoming King By NURA LASKY Copyright, 1955, JTA JERUSALEM, JTA—All over Israel thousands of people are at- t..nding the cotton harvest, which will yield an estimated 6,500,000 pounds of fiber, a sufficient amount to cover about 40 per cent of the country's lOcal cotton needs. This year, the treasury will save between $2,000,000 and $2,- 500,000 in foreign exchange by importing only 60 per ce...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 12

…SYNAGOGUE SERVICES TEMPLE ISRAEL: At Thanksgiving services, at 8:30 p.m., today, Rabbi M. Robert Syme will preach on "Thanking God at All Times." The Bar Mitzvah of Stuart L. Young will be observed. At Saturday services, the Bar Mitzvah of Stephen Joel Solomon will be observed. CONG. AHAVAS ACHIM: At 8:30 p.m. services today, Rev. Herbert Downey, of Outer Drive Presbyterian Church, will be guest preacher. A panel discussion on "What We Have ...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 13

…Theological- Seminary- - Mendes-France Heckled Large Yeshivah Audience Hang Open $110,000 Drive At Election Meeting Pinch-Hitting Goren at Annual Dinner To - PARIS, (JTA)—Pierre Mendes- At Dec. 5 Dinner The advanced publicity had called for the appearance of Jan Peerce to headline the annual dinner and show of the Beth Yehudah Schoots last Sunday evening, in the Latin Quarter. When dinner was over, how- ever, anil after the 500 people present...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 14

…0-W Center Presents 100 - at Oneg_ Shabbat The Suburban Community Thanksgiving Day Reflections On Pilgrims and Suburbia By the Oak-Woodser • Being that this is the day af- ter Thanksgiving Day, many of yoli probably feel as do we-7a little bit like that . turkey of yesterday—stuffed. - No matter how many . times we resolVe to resist those tempt- ing second portions, there's a little voice that keeps giving us the bird, "Oh, go ahead, one m...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 15

…Women s Club activities DAVID-HORODOKER YOUNG HANITA CHAPTER, Pioneer WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION has Women, will hear Mrs. Ben scheduled its annual donor Eddan, of Tel Aviv, speak on luncheon for Dec. 5, at Holiday "Life in Israel Under Emergency Manor. Mrs. Alex Dorchen will Conditions," at a meeting set be toastmistress of the program, for Monday evening, in the home which will include entertain- of Mrs. Alex Schreier, 3236 ment by Wyn Garden, ...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 16

…16—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 25, 1955 MORRIS L. SCHAVER . Honorary ChairMan PHILIP D. GOLDSTEIN MORRIS LIEBERMAN HARRY SCHUMER Executive Chairman Chairman Honorary Chairman THE DETROIT ISRAEL 1 ANNOUNCES THE OPEC QUOTAS HAVE BEEN SCRAPPED! KU PAT HOLIM Histadrut's Medical Service Organization has been placed on an emerg- ency footing. One million dollars worth of medical supplies and equipment is called for. $500,000 w...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 17

…DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-17 Friday, November 25, 1955 NORMAN COTTLER Treasurer IRVING POKEMPNER Financial Secretary WILLIAM GAYMAN Vice-Chairman DAVID SISLIN Secretary ISTADRUT CAMPAIGN NG OF THE 1956 DRIVE ISRAEL SEEKS YOUR HELP! Your help at this time is vital to Israel. Thousands of new immigrants will enter Israel this year ... Make their stay possible . . . JACK. MALAMUD — Vice-Chairman GIVE YOUR FULLEST SUPPORT TO THE HISTADRUT CA...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 18

…1 activities in Society Film Couple Wins Bnai Brith Award Dr. Herbert Brode, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brode, of 19410 Whitcomb, flew here last week from New York where he is an intern at Metropolitan Hospital, to celebrate the birth of his nephew, Michael Alan, born to his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Sobel, of Curtis Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Max Berris, who recently celebrated their golden 'wedding anniversary, were honored ...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 19

…Estelle Weitzman Wed .U. S., Middle East To Richai-dM. Egrin Topic of TV Panel To Wed June 5 Tea Called to Honor Women Bond Workers Women bond workers and pur-* chasers will be honored at- a tea, scheduled for 1 p.m., Wednes- day, in the home of Mrs. Philip Helfman, 18034 Indiana, national sponsor chairman of the Detroit Women's Division, State of Israel Bonds. Mrs. Joseph Newman, CHEN chairman, will be co- hostess. teer Israel Bond salesw...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 20

…1,000 Attend Dinner Of Detroit Round Table Brevities Nearly 1,000 civic, business and professional leaders in Detroit at- tended the 27th anniversary din- ner of the Detroit Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews last Thurs- day, in Masonic Temple. Paul Carnahan, president of the Great Lakes Steel Corp., the evening's principal speaker, said, "Knowledge tempered and en- nobled by understanding and good will—may prove t...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 21

…Lipkin to Conduct Cynthia Malerman's CBC Orchestra Betrothal Announced Neugarten Aid To Honor Members li gewry Seymour Lipkin, Detroit-born concert pianist, whose perform- ance here last week at Masonic Temple with the Detroit Sym- phony. Orchestra, received much praise from local music reviewers, will this week conduct the Cana- dian Broadcasting Company. Or- chestra. On Thursday evening., over theCanadian Broadcasting Com- pany Concert Hou...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 22

…0. Key to Paradise in Hassidic Tale Attributed to Baal Shem Toy From Dr. S. A. Horodizky's "Leaders of Hassidism" is related the following story as told by the Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Hassidic movement, to his followers: . In the same house there once lived a Talmud-scholar and a simple Jewish workman. Both rose very early every morning, the scholar went to the prayer- house and the workman to his toil. The scholar - sat in the prayer- ...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 23

…volkory. T . 'The Molly Goldberg Cookbook' Molly Goldberg (Gertrude Berg) has stepped out of her role as radio and television star and has written a cookbook. Myra Waldo has collaborated with her in producing "The Molly Gold- berg Cookbook," just published by Doubleday. With drawings by Susanne Suba, this book promises to be as much of an attraction as the Molly Goldberg shows. How did she come to write a cookbook? Let Molly tell her own sto...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 24

…Refugee Develops , New Jet Engine CINCINNATI (JTA)—The first United Sates supersonic bomber will be powered by a new jet engine, developed by a Jewish refugee from Germany, Gerhart? Neumann, at the General Electric Evandale plant here. The 38-year-old e n g i n e e r, whose father was a manufacturer in Frankfurt-an-der-Oder, won a prize for building a wind velocity indicator at the age of 13. He gr a d u a t e d from engineering school in 193...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 25

…B.C.R. Says: I Present Mr. C. L. Sulzberger The most penetrating compre- hensive and understanding little article on the ;aspirations and ideals of the state of Israel pre- sented in a - most concise and succinct form appeared not in a Zionist or`Jewish publication, but in The New York Times of Wednesday, the 12th of October. It consisted of the regular col- umn of "Foreign Affairs," writ- ten by C. L. Sulzberger, the globe trotting editoria...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 26

…Soviet Jews in Israel Meet UJA Head Ban on Religious Symbols Asked for Hanukah, Christmas NEW YORK, (JTA) — A ban on the use of religious symbols for either Hanukah or Christ- mas celebrations in the public schools of New York has arous- ed controversy here. The ban was part of a memorandum, which also barred combined Hanukah-Christmas celebrations, sent out by Florene S. Beumont, associate superintendent of ele- mentary education- -here. Ch...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 27

…Danny , Raskin's LISTENING People Make News pointed national director of the four Rarnah Camps, according to Dean Judah Goldin of the Teachers Institute — Seminary College of Jewish Studies of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. The award of a Medal of Honor by the municipality of Vienna to THEODORE D. FEDER was an- nounced by Moses W. Beckelman, director-general of the Joint Dis- tribution Committee. Mr. Feder received the medal f...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 28

…17-HOUSES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 11 a.m., Wednesday. Deadline for dis- play classified ads is 4:30 p.m., Tuesday. Rates 10c a word, minimum charge $1.00, or $2.80 per column inch. HUNTINGTON WOODS 10-ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM for younger woman or girl with congenial person, all conveni- ences, kosher kitchen. TE 4-6971. LARGE bright airy room, all con- venienc...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 29

…19456 HARTWELL, 3 large bedrooms, baths, paneled den, rec. room, with bar, screened back porch, 2-car garage, attic fan, many other fine features. Private owner. Open 12-5 Sunday. Outer Dr. nr. Murray Hill Beautiful 6 rm. 3.!', story bunga- low, rec. rm., terrace, carpeting, gas ht., $18,900. Mr. Couchois, UN. 4-2400. KLIPFEL 17-HOUSES 17-HOUSES FOR SALE 77-HOUSES FOR SALE Greenfield 19774 Open Sun. 2-5 KLIPFEL Circle Realty BUSINESS...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 30

…SS—INSTRUCTION 50—BUSINESS CARDS PROFESSIONAL Hebrew and Bar Mitzvah teacher, reasonable. Refer- ences. Call TO 6-7139. FURNITURE repaired and refinished. Free estimates. WE 3-2110. 40—EMPLOYMENT Personnel Administration Mature woman, age 25 to 35. Col- lege graduate, with personnel ex- perience, to work with volunteer - g roup of an institution. Salary commensurate with experience. Write Box 148, The. Jewish News, 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., D...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 31

…Derivation of Term `Tefillin' "Tefillin" is the name used to denote the phylacteries worn by men during the daily morning prayers. This term has a variety of explanations. It was not used until the time of the Talmud to denote this concept. Some claim that it is of Aramaic origin be- cause Onkeles used it in trans- lating the term "Totafot," differ- ent Hebrew roots. Some trace it to a root meaning to "argue" or to "debate" and indicate that ...…

November 25, 1955 • Page Image 32

…Detroit to Welcome Mayor of Haifa Wednesday Abba Hushi and Sidor Belarsky Here for Israel Bond Program Following the Council meeting, there will be a meeting of Mayors, as Mayor Hushi meets Detroit's Mayor Cobo to present him with a Jerusalem Bible, the gift of the people of Haifa to Mayor Cobo. A tour of the Ford Rouge plant, accompanied by Morris L. Schaver and Harry Schumer, co-chairmen of Thursday's gath- ering, will complete Mayor Hushi...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 1

…3 Journalistic Anniversaries * A Valuable Architectural Guide for Our Communities THE JEWISH NE A Commentary Page 2 Michigan's VOLUME 28—No. 11 Weekly Review The Middle East's Unholy Alliance: Exposing Barrage of Lies Against Israel of Jewish Events Editorial, Page 4 Only English - Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle .e?). 27 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE. 8-9364—Detroit 35, November 1,8, 1955 $4.00 Per Year; ...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary Talking Turkey On Deadlines By PHILIP SLOMOV I TZ -Three Journalistic Anniversaries Several newspaper anniversaries have earned the attention of the Jewish community. Davar, one of Israel's leading Hebrew dailies, recently marked its 30th anniversary. As the official organ of Histadrut, Israel's Federation of Labor, Davar has shared its sponsor's importance in Israel. The late Berl Katznelson, one of the ablest Jewish labo...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 3

…Arab Propaganda in U.S. Adds to Seriousness of Israel's Crisis (Continued from Page 1) the duty, of the United Nations conflict between Egypt and our- ister Sharett with attempting to External Affairs, here on Dec. 1. a compromise between these two to, act." He urged the United Na- selves; on the contrary, we see a undermine Israel's existence by Mr. Sharett, who is currently in positions." He warned that the Czech= Egyptian arms deal had in...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 4

…*it THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish .Chronicle carninencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Aid on Its Wa y Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial A.--o- triation . Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West SeVen Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE. 8-9364. Subscription S4 a year, Foreign 85. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6. 1942, a...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 5

…Eisenhower Message to Israel Defense Rally Pledges U. S. Aid to Guarantee Boundaries; Silver Says Israel Won't Sacrifice Territory Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News NEW YORK.—Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, speaikng at the public rally at Madison Square Garden, on Tuesday, told the audience that both President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles recognized the arms needed for legitimate defense by Israel and that it is proper for a sta...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 6

…Speaker urns Troohery West of "Rising Egyptian' natiOnalism, instead of bringing comfort and security to the people of the country, has been used fascist- ically, with Israel becoming . the scapegoat." - ' - - - This charge - was leveled at Egypt's Nasser goVernment by Rabbi Jacob Weinstein, national chairman of the Israel Hista-. drut Campaign, speaking at the official opening meeting of the local drive Wednesday. evening, in the Statler Hot...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 7

…Haifa's Mayor, .ebb a -Hushi, Coming Here for Israel Boil d Drive, Dec. I. Abba Hushi, Mayor of Haifa, will be in Detroit Thursday, Dec. 1, to speak in behalf of the Israel Bond Issue, at Beth Aaron Synagogue. Mr. Hushi's appearance in De- troit is sponsored jointly by the Zionist council, the Landsman- shaften Council, and the Lands- manshaften Organizations in co- operation with the Detroit Com- mittee for State of Israel Bonds. Morris L. S...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 8

…edicate Chapel November 27 Hospital to We Thank Our From the Jewish Chaplain A Message to the Community Contributors Dear friend: For Their Help Perhaps you have been aware that in addition to the The Superintendent, staff and patients of Ypsilanti State Hos- pital take this means of publicly expressing their thanks to the following organizations and in- dividuals for their unstinting help in making the chapel a real- ity and making the lif...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 9

…Ypsilanti Hospital Chapel To Be Dedicated on Nov. 27 Formal dedication ceremonies of the Jewish chapel at Ypsi- lanti State Hospital will be ob- served at 1 p. m., Nov. 27, - it was announced this week by Rabbi Solomon H. Gruskin, Jew- ish chaplain at the hospital. The synagogue is located in a chapel building, in which are also -"situated Protestant and Catholic churches. The building was erected by the state of Michigan to provide spiritual...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 10

…Dr. Eisendrath to Speak At Reform Parley; Plan Workshop Sessions Dr. Maurice N. Eisendrath, president of the 'Union of Amer- 'ean Hebrew Congregations, will be guest preacher at 8:30 p.m. services today, at Temple Israel, which opens the biennial con- vention of the Great Lakes Re- gion of UAHC. Delegates from Reform con- gregations in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin will participate in these services arid in 11:15 a.m. services, ...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 11

…Beth Aaron to Welcome New Families at Service Kief Beth Mos: s President scholarly An internationa. s the famous symposium to asses ter a decade Dead Sea Scrolls z-- (:,study will be of investigation and in September, nsorship of held in New York 1957, under the s ge-Jewish In- Hebrew Union Coll •t is announc- lueck, presi- stitute of Religion, ed by Dr. Nelson . dent. us, discovered "The ancient scrol shepherds in in 1947 by Bedouin d Sea, ...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 12

…Bnai Moshe Young People to Hear Wayn The Young People's League of Cong. Bnai Moshe will hold its second meeting o _ f the season at 8 p.m., 'Tuesday, at the home of Jacqueline Jaulus, 17.573 Prairie. The Suburban Community British Watch with Interest Jewry's Shift to Suburbs By the Oak-Woodser The popular trend in the United States—the movement of the population to the suburbs— is being watched eagerly in Great Britain. In a recent article...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 13

…Itub activities The Study Group of AVODAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold an oneg shabbat at 12:30 p.m., Saturday, in the home of Clara Stollberg, 17503 Prairie. Louis Levine, guest speaker, will show movies of his recent trip to Israel. Friends are welcome. * * * NEW LIFE CHAPTER, Ameri- can Medical Center at Denver, has scheduled a board meeting at 12:30 p.m., Monday, in the home of Mrs. Jerry Eaton, 18044 Kentucky. Plans for a buffet di...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 14

…ctivities in ociety Mr. and Mrs. Abe Katzman and daughters are now residing in their new home at 21700 Kipling, Oak Park. • Another daughter, Miss Ruthe E. Katzman, is residing in Ann Arbor where she is a sophomore at the University of Michigan. Mr. and Mit. Samuel H. Weingarden, of 3035 W. Grand, cele- brated their 49th wedding anniversary on Nov. 5, at a party given in their honor by their daughter, Florence. Among the many rela- tives and...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 15

…Holds Blood Drive Miss Tarnow to Wed . JWV Sunday at Memorial Home Isadore Goldbaum Harry Hoffman and Harry ctivities fa Society The Misses Joan Smith, of Balmoral Dr., and Ethel Feinman, of the Whittier Hotel, will leave Monday for New York to board an El Al Israel Constellation for Tel Aviv. There they will attend a study session in home economics. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Shawitz, son, Richard, and daughter, Kathy, of Northfield Blvd., Oak Park, ...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 16

…•"` ..... ................................................. ........................................................................................ .............. ..... ;;N: , OPENS THIS WEEK . . • •:z . V.A4'• .0•A e?..4 t":" t • O The opening of VICTORIA Inc. FURS brings Detroit's fashion-conscious women an en- tirely new concept of what a fine furrier is and has. Here Autumn .H a z e .Mink Convert- ible Stole. for the fir...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 17

…Bnai Brith Activities Susan Pernick to- Wed David Brody in June Nov. 30 will mark the half- way mark in the current drive of the GREATER DETROIT BNAI BRITH WOMEN'S COUN- CIL f new members, states Mrs. David Grosberg, member- ship chairman • of the Council. Membership teas a n d other events will continue to be held by individual chapters through t h e culmination members-hip event slated for March 12. * * * PISGAH LODGE will cele- brate its...…

November 18, 1955 • Page Image 18

…Children Unlimited Schedules Luncheon to Aid Sightless Children Bnai Brith Women Hold-Retention Program A special program is being planned for membership reten- tion workers of the Greater Detroit Bnai Brith Women's Council at 8:30 p.m., Nov. 28, at Beth Aaron Synagogue, an- nounces Mrs. Philip P. Fealk, ,Council retention chairman. Mrs. Leonard Sims, national membership *airman, will be guest speaker, and Mrs. William Stone will be mistress...…

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