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April 07, 2011 • Page Image 41

… sure you register at . Barbara Moretsky, Margot Gardner, co-chairs StandWith Us-Michigan West Bloomfield Jews Fought For Civil Rights As an African American who is proud to be…

…- rian who elsewhere penned an essay on the topic of "Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South',' demonstrated that Jews were in no way exceptional when it came to the peculiar institution. "Any Jew who…

… could afford to own slaves and had need for their services," he wrote, "would do so." In the North, meanwhile, Jews divid- ed over the question of slavery. Some advocated abolition; others sought peace…

… above all else, even if that meant acquiescing to Southern slavery. Many Jews simply remained silent. To be sure, Jews formed far less than 1 percent of the national population, and their contribution to…

… the overall institution of slavery was negligible. Still, notwithstanding their ancestors' slavery in Egypt and their own cel- ebration of freedom on Passover, Jews basically followed in the ways of…

… contemporary Jews, the anni- versary provides a welcome opportunity to learn from our past, to recall the evolving relationship of Jews to America and to remember that following in the ways of our neighbors can…

…. Braun Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University and chief historian of the National Museum N of American Jewish History. He is the co- editor, with Adam Mendelsohn, of 'Jews and…

… the Civil War: A Reader" (NYU Press, 2010). The Role Of Jews In The Civil War In 2012, the American Jewish Historical Society (AJHS) and the Yeshiva University Museum will mount a major New York…

… exhibition on "Jews in the Civil War" to mark the 150th anniversary of General Grant's Order No. 11 expelling Jews from the battlefield territories, AJHS Executive Director Jonathan Karp told the Forward. AND…

… Louis Farrakhan continues to spew. His words are deeply offensive and hurtful and, most of all, false. What he speaks of is not black empowerment. His "reality" of relations between Jews and blacks is…

February 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…. 20 Here’s To 21 Missing Pup Strangers, police join search for wandering dog. 22 Jews in the Digital Age The Consumers Electronics Show doesn’ t disappoint. 26 Equinox in Michigan Talking…

…inside Detroit Jewish News n 52 Feb. 7-13, 2019 2-8 Adar 5779 VOLUME CLV, ISSUE 1 VIEWS 5-10 JEWS IN THE D 12 Disparaging Dearborn? Mayor halts distribution of magazine with story…

…, earns kudos for native Detroiter and her Israeli husband. 47 Creative Energy Two designers show their newest work at a private home on Valentine’ s Day. 48 Celebrity Jews ON THE GO 49…

December 07, 2017 • Page Image 86

… instrumental in raising money for Detroit’s Jewish community. 1959. • Courtesy Leonard N. Simons Jewish Community Archives. Historic photos are curated by the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. From the…

… DJN Davidson Digital Archive I n my last column, I noted several stories in the JN regarding Jews fighting the Nazis in World War II. In the Dec. 11, 1942, issue of the JN, there was more supporting…

… evidence to this fact. On the front page, there was a photo display of Palestinian Jews serving with the British Army in North Africa. At this point in the war, it was reported that more than 47…

…,000 Palestinian Jews were serving with the British. There was also an interesting photo of a group of Polish and Jewish Boy Scouts fraterniz- ing in Tel Aviv. The dramatic story, however, was not an arti- cle, but…

… a list. Beginning on page 13, the JN had compiled a “Roll of Honor,” a four-page “partial” list of the hundreds of Detroit Jews serving in Mike Smith the American military. Check it out — you may…

February 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…16 February 7 • 2019 jn continued from page 14 continued on page 18 jews d in the International Jew’ for the Dearborn Historian. McGraw explores the history of Ford and the Dearborn…

… Mail, the Fifth Estate and Orbit. McGraw has also edited three books: Great Page in Michigan History, The Quotations of Mayor Coleman A. Young and, for Detroit’ s 300th birthday, The Detroit…

… Almanac. “Henry Ford and ‘ The International Jew’ ” is a well-re- searched article that has two main themes. First, McGraw describes the anti-Semitic reports and publi- cations generated by the Dearborn…

… details of how Ford spent millions on his paper and on the four-book International Jew series.” The lat- ter publication sold more than 200,000 copies a few years after it was printed and was…

… The International Jew are still prevalent today. For example, a search easily finds these publications used as resources for neo-Nazi and far-right online newsletters and blogs. McGraw, however…

Jews. There were also contradictions in his behavior. Ford relied upon Albert Kahn, a Jew, as his chief industrial designer and, until the Independent began its anti-Semit- ic campaign, had been…

… friendly with Rabbi Leo Franklin (after the Independent’ s campaign against Jews began, however, Franklin, famously, returned his Ford auto- mobile, and as an editor of the Detroit Jewish Chronicle…

…, took Ford to task). “Henry Ford and ‘ The International Jew’ ” is a good read. It is good history, and it has an important lesson, one that is most relevant for current American and world politics…

… article does not describe a “happy story.” Moreover, this disturb- ing story shows the dark side of one of Michigan’ s and America’ s leading historical figures, the man who more than any other individ…

November 07, 2013 • Page Image 1

… ur collaborations are bottom up rather than top down," says Alan Saltiel, Ph.D., Mary Sue Coleman Director of the Life Sciences Institute (LSI) at the University of Michigan. "When scientists need…

… scientific symposium sponsored by the University of Michigan- CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 • After Kristallnacht, Germans walK 'Night Of Broken Glass' Local survivors share horrible memories on the 75th…

… Broken Glass") on Nov. 9-10, 1938 — time cannot diminish the damage this event did to the Jews of Germany and Austria. During the Nazi-instigated pogroms, more than 1,000 syna- gogues were burned, 7…

…,500 Jewish businesses destroyed and 30,000 Jewish men arrested and removed to German concentra- tion camps. Hundreds of Jews were beaten or killed outright. Kristallnacht forever changed Jewish life in Europe…

November 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 16

… time, we have our veterans to thank. ” A JEWISH VOICE FOR VETERANS, A VETERAN’ S VOICE FOR JEWS In Michigan, JWV maintains a small, but steadfast membership — approximately 150 veterans strong…

Jews in the D 16 | NOVEMBER 7 • 2019 H ow many generations think of Memorial Day as the first day of summer and Veterans Day as a theme for a sale? Veterans know better. Did you know Jewish…

… War Veterans (JWV) is America’ s oldest veteran service organization? Chartered in 1896, Jewish War Veterans of the USA specifically was organized to dispel the belief that Jews did not serve in…

… the military to protect our nation. Fact: Jews have fought among the ranks of the military since the American War of Independence and they continue to serve around the world. Fact: Today, there are…

… stable and close to the percentage of Jews in the general U.S. population — about 2 percent. “Our continuity in the military is our version of l’ dor v’ dor, from one generation to the next, ” says Dr…

…. Edward H. Hirsch, col. U.S. Army Special Forces (Retired) and commander, JWV of the USA, Department of Michigan. “For that long history of service, regardless of when, where or for whatever length of…

October 07, 2010 • Page Image 50

….m. Tuesday, Nov. 2, at the Jewish Community Center in West Bloomfield. Vive France! The history of French Jews is told through its common thread of food and Joan Nathan's glorious storytelling. WRITTEN BY…

… I was a kid, I thought about France. I was naively unaware of the history of Jews in the country. Only recently, I realized it would be great to learn more about the Jews in France. So I went back to…

… see if there was anything there." There was. Nathan, who earned a master's degree in French literature from the University of Michigan (her father visited on business and encouraged her to go there, at…

…- eign. I felt a part of something larger, knowing that all over the world, Jews were gathered around seder tables on the same night, reciting in their own accents the story of the Exodus and eat- ing…

… foods that they called 'Jewish.' I later discovered that Jews like this family were shocked to be thought of as Jews and not simply as French people." When asked, many French Jews would tell Nathan they…

… French manners at their beautiful set tables. "Yet when older French Jews talk about the food of their childhood, the dishes that smell of deep memories and home, they most likely recall their Sabbath and…

June 07, 2012 • Page Image 23

…'s Mexican Indians do not have any traditions that link them to Jews, according to Eitan Friedman, who headed the Sheba team. AUTOMOTIVE POWER BREAKFAST II MICHIGAN C. SRAEL 1 4 1 B LT SINESSBRIDGE…

… Forest Levy Wolfe. - - Colorado Indians, Jews Share Genetic Marker (JTA) — Israeli geneticists have linked a Native American population in Colorado to Jews expelled from Spain during the Inquisition…

… settled in Colorado, Haaretz reported. BRCA1 is found in Jews of Ashkenazi origin and leads to a higher incidence of breast and ovarian cancer. Researchers say the mutation found in the Colorado Indians is…

… identical to that of Ashkenazim, according to Haaretz, and dates to a period more than 600 years ago. Jews were expelled from Spain in the 15th century. Researchers say this offers genetic proof that some of…

… the Jews expelled from Spain who reached South America intermarried with the indigenous popu- lation, whose descendants later migrat- ed to Mexico and then the United States, Haaretz reported. Colorado…

… PLATINUM EVENT SPONSORS: Jewish Federation ISRAELI INNOVATION: BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION LIS VENTURES, LIC • Fecieratico Of mcrecf.corrwA Nimarr, President and CEO, Michigan Economic Development…

September 07, 2017 • Page Image 18

jews d in the TODAY’S INVESTMENT FUNDS continued from page 16 really drawn to that.” Russian and Syrian Jews, Colleagues also speak of as well as the movement his disinterest in visibility for…

…. In response, Gale executive director. helped organize rallies Micki Grossman, who and educational efforts in David Kurzmann worked with him when she support of Israel and Jews was a volunteer and staff…

… leaders, and Don Cohen, former others in Michigan. Anti-Defamation League In this position, Gale Michigan Region direc- has made 16 trips to Israel, tor, has known Gale for including one in 1990 with…

… Eric and in working for the rescue of Jews in daughter Alyssa. In addition, Gale distress overseas and the defending plans to hike the Grand Canyon. He is also studying the Jewish of Israel in the…

Jews, ter’s degree in interdisciplinary Judaism and what Jews care about Jewish studies. — Israel, religious freedom, etc. — His support for Jewish communi- to influential government leaders ty…

… Studies, Wayne State University, will discuss “Israeli and American Jews: Do We Still Speak the Same Language.” A dessert reception will follow. There is no charge, but guests are asked to respond to…

November 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 3

… NOVEMBER 7 • 2019 | 3 contents Views 5-11 Jews in the D Detroit Summit 12 Thousands came for first year of Forbes Under 30 Summit in Detroit. Here to Serve 16 Our thanks to Jewish War…

… Veterans of Michigan for their service beyond measure. Headed to the Hall of Fame 20 Gilda Jacobs’ career has seen landmark wins for Michigan youth, families and more. Lives Well Lived 26 FRIENDS of…

… sacrifice. Heartfelt Drama 46 Producer Eric Falkenstein brings Jitney’s moving message to Detroit. Celebrity Jews 48 On the Go Events/Editor’ s Picks 50 Nosh Mediterranean-Inspired 52 Head to La Marsa…

… community member, we actively engage with individuals and organizations dedicated to enhancing the quality of life, and Jewish life, in Southeast Michigan. …

December 07, 2017 • Page Image 6

…views commentary How Jews On The Left And The Right Are Empowering BDS T Sadly, Jewish Voice for Peace he BDS debacle at the (JVP) has become an integral University of Michigan part of nearly…

… every campus- proved once again that based attack on Israel, and Jews can be their own worst Michigan was no exception. enemies. Jarring, though unsurprising, was Since 2002, the University the op-ed from…

… the University of of Michigan’s Central Student Michigan chapter of JVP, pub- Government (CSG) has, on 10 lished the day before the divest- occasions, rejected resolutions Seffi Kogen ment vote…

… immedi- Committee) issued congratulations to ately announced that, despite the vote, President Trump after his November Michigan would not become the first 2016 victory — which, as nonpartisan school in…

… Israel despite his students; a stacked CSG (the vice presi- well-known disregard for Jews. Finally, dent and several other members were they offer a litany of disputed racial inci- staunch supporters of…

… decision to prevent Professor Victor Lieberman — a recognized expert in the Michigan. At schools across the country, and off-campus as well, JVP’s outspo- history of the Israeli-Palestinian con- ken anti…

… matter how deserving of the label BDS were Jews — in two different fla- they might be. vors of radicalism. Contributing Writers: Ruthan Brodsky, Rochel Burstyn, Suzanne Chessler, Annabel Cohen, Don Cohen…

… Sales Director: Keith Farber Account Executives : Wendy Flusty, Annette Kizy The second type of radical Jew that helped ensure the BDS victory is the far-right group behind the Mc…

…, Canary Mission handed powerful ammunition to the anti-Israel crowd at Michigan. Using Canary Mission as a bogey- man, BDS proponents so scared the members of the CSG that they would end up on a shadowy…

… | Fulfillment Joelle Harder Israel community at the University of Michigan to deal with the fallout of a successful BDS resolution. Is all lost for the pro-Israel commu- nity on campus? Have…

June 07, 2018 • Page Image 37

… Thanksgiving at the Hotel Esplanade in Berlin, 1934. LEFT: Unemployed man with sign asking for work in Detroit, Michigan, 1932. While the Nazis persecuted Jews in Germany, the United States had already been…

… diplomats in Germany were well aware of the Nazi persecution of Jews, but the U.S. government respected Germany’s right to govern its own citizens. U.S. Ambassador William Dodd (in front of waiter) celebrates…

… Austria and Czechoslovakia in 1938-39, hundreds of thousands of Jews applied to immigrate to the U.S. but visas were difficult to obtain. BELOW: As part of the exhibit, a touchscreen gives access to…

… newspaper articles from the time, including this one from the Detroit Jewish News. persecution of Jews to the German government. The largest number of petitions came from Detroit, after a drive organized by…

May 07, 2015 • Page Image 25

… Life" Session for Kids and Teens, led by Ramah Fellow Sam Mellits , 9:00-9:45 P m "Our Relationship With Non-Jews: Boundaries and Pathways" Rabbi Norman Roman, Temple Kol Ami - 9:00 - 9:45 pm "Reform…

… Stop Being Religiously Jewish?" `7N1VP B'nai Israel Synagogue Dr. David Victor, Professor of Management and Business, Eastern Michigan University - 1:00-1:50 am "Confusion in the Air: Bilaam, Balak…

… and the Blessing of the Children of Israel" Dr. John Marcotte, Director, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive, ICPSR, University of Michigan, 2:00-2:50 am "Crossing Over to Judaism: How a…

… Catholic Became a Jew" Nora Feldhusen, Coordinator, PeerCorps Detroit - 3:00-3:50 am "Tzedek and Tzedaka: How Can We Live a Life of Service?" Rabbi Jonathan Berger, Ray Bet HaSefer, Hillel Day School, 4…

February 07, 2013 • Page Image 43

…, director of the Jean and Samuel Frankel "We began with a widespread collecting Center for Judaic Studies at the University process" Moore explains. "We looked at of Michigan. other anthologies to see what…

…, influence and popularity" 10th volume, which has writing excerpts Three writers with Michigan back- D - \oI time Ten . 973-241105 1,14.I.ddh ,r116 C.11/ Deborah Dash Moore; "We saw how similar themes…

… because it had just exploded in the decades we were covering" Moore says. "Jews had not written memoirs 100 years ago, and they had become par- ticularly popular. "We would pick a memoir, decide on a key…

… Friedlander, Holocaust survivor; and Paul Cowan, religious pathfinder. Moore, an academic historian center- ing on American Jews of the 20th century, has written a trilogy: At Home in America: Second Generation…

… New York Jews 1920- 1940; GI Jews: How World War II Changed a Generation and To the Golden Cities: Pursuing the American Jewish Dream in Miami and LA. In 2011, she won a National Jewish Book Award in…

… volume Promises: A History of the Jews of New York. "The editors in the [Posen] series pretty much had a free rein in making decisions," explains Moore, who joined other editors at London meetings about…

June 07, 2012 • Page Image 35

…When The Children Of Israel Kvetched Like Children Parshat Beha'alotechah: Numbers 8:1-12:16; Zechariah 2:14-4:7. I n this week's Torah portion; we Jews are wandering, the journey is getting long…

… moving forward in our jour- ney and to try to maintain peace. We Jews have come to complain to our parents during the journey: Moses and God. Complaint No. 1 was about a fam- ily who didn't get to make the…

… yourself? 1.0411111111.1111111111111101116. Ivan Katz, Owner Atli ' ' - 248-543-6320 Serving Southeast Michigan .17 42030._ DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Place an ad in the June 14…

October 07, 2010 • Page Image 36

…rr CD 01 CI 1 ■ 1 i T Spirit of wellness is interfaith Jews, Chaldeans address genetic risks and need for care F By Alan Stamm and Justin Fisette aith fuels personal strength. Health awareness…

… and physical ac- tivity also are keys to living well. Chaldeans and Jews have par- ticular reasons for health monitoring because of genetic digestive disorders – Crohn's dis- ease and ulcerative colitis…

…," says Dr. Gerald L. Feld- man, director of clinical genetics studies at Children's Hospital of Michigan. Local research into those types of dis- ease clusters is being conducted by Blue Cross Blue Shield…

… of Michigan through next year. "The preliminary study analyzes our members by ethnicity and race to better understand the specific healthcare needs of the diverse communities," explains Af- faf Arabbo…

…." Toma also recognizes the connections be- Chaldeans and Jews have particular reasons for health monitoring because of genetic digestive disorders. .11trrOVIV Dr. Gerald L. Feldman Wayne State…

November 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 36

… events. Support of the online auc- tion impacts thousands of Jewish students at MSU and on the 10 HCAM campuses (Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Grand Valley, Northern Michigan, Saginaw Valley…

… State and Western Michigan Universities, and Albion, Alma College and Kalamazoo College). Proceeds benefit dynamic Jewish pro- gramming, including engage- ment events, award-winning Israel education…

… States, reporting that 88 percent of respon- dents said that anti-Semitism is a problem in this country, nearly a third of those polled have avoided publicly iden- tifying themselves as Jews and 35…

… percent say they have person- ally been the targets of anti-Semitism over the past five years. Furthermore, the FBI’ s most recent hate crimes sta- tistics declared that such acts targeting Jews and…

… Jewish institutions in the United States spiked nearly 37 percent between 2016 and 2017. ADL Michigan and the Jewish Community Relations Council/AJC, in partnership with Temple Shir Shalom, will…

May 07, 2015 • Page Image 31

… base or constituency, Zochrot oper- ates only through funding from for- eign Christian aid organizations. Using church funds, Zochrot pro- motes a "de-Zionized Palestine," meaning free of Jews. The group…

…'s founder, Eitan Bronstein, advocates for Jews to abandon Israel en masse. He dreams of a time "when the refugees return, Jews will become a minority in the country ... There may be Jews, most of them of…

… get you promoted, update your skills, expand your horizons, and all with the quality and support of Central Michigan University's 6 Metro Detroit Centers. • Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees…

… • 8 week terms & online options #CMUglobal CMU CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Get started today! Call 877-268-4636. institute. CMU is an AA/EO institution (see…

March 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 20

… fellow Jews of all stripes from all over Southeast Michigan, from Torah scholars to atheists, from surburban retirees to young Detroit activists, from right- brain thinkers to left-brain artists, from…

…20 March 7 • 2019 jn F or Sue Birnholtz, Limmud Michigan is the biggest bargain in the metro area. “Once a year, we have the oppor- tunity to listen, learn, discuss, sing and socialize with our…

…, Identity, Israel, Jewish Life and Practice, Our Community, Social Justice, and Text and Thought. Most presenters, all volunteers, are from the Southeast Michigan Jewish community, and many have spoken…

… at previous Limmud Michigan events, including Rabbis Alana Alpert, Robert Dobrusin, Aaron Bergman, Mitch Parker, Louis Finkelman, Shneur Silberberg and Alana Alpert, Nira Lev, Ruth Bergman…

…, Howard Lupovitch and Zeesy Silberberg. First-time Limmud Michigan speakers include Sky Brown, Catherine Canady, Jeffrey DeVries, Jake Ehrlich, Susan Knoppow, Leahaliza Lee, Rabbis Asher Lopatin and…

… $25 to $36. ■ BARBARA LEWIS CONTRIBUTING WRITER Day of Learning Limmud 2019 brings Jewish learners together Ariella Nadel of Farber Hebrew Day School presenting at Limmud 2018 jews d in the ( 2…

November 07, 2013 • Page Image 55

… Davidoff W e recently had the honor to join the 2013 Michigan Legislature's Economic Development Mission to Israel. This bi-annual mission, supported by the United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit…

…, takes our Michigan leaders from Lansing to Israel to enhance the strong eco- nomic ties between Michigan and Israel. We are always enriched when taking first-timers to Israel as they become enlightened by…

… grocery giants for Detroit Jews. One Stop Kosher in Southfield, a mile to the west, remains the only Glatt kosher market in Oak Park-Southfield. One Stop is a loyal, fully kosher, Jewish-owned community…

… percent of the total population of 65,000. Many Conservative Jews and some Reform Jews also keep kosher. Though it can command a higher price point, kosher is still desirable to a limited extent among Jews

…, and even non-Jews, who don't observe kashrut. The Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit, the largest local kashrut arbiter, certifies 30 local retail establishments — from caterers to bakeries…

September 07, 2017 • Page Image 30

jews d & in the The weather was perfect for last Sunday’s second annual Michigan Jewish Food Festival at the Eastern Market. An esti- mated 6,500 attendees participated in chef demos with Joan…

… for all. It brought Jews from across all denominations together to the historic Eastern Market and supported local food entrepreneurs. Next year — even more food! See video highlights of the festival at…

September 07, 2017 • Page Image 6

… and American Jews.” to the right to automatic citi- And for his, Jewish Federations of zenship (though it was later announced North America CEO Jerry Silverman that consideration of the bill will be…

… decried how “disastrous conversion leg- delayed for six months). islation would be for global Jewry.” Now, all Jews are entitled to their And then there are things like the opinions, even to desert island…

… Highway, #110, Southfield, Michigan. Periodical postage paid at Southfield, Michigan, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send changes to: Detroit Jewish News, 29200 Northwestern Hwy., #110…

July 07, 2011 • Page Image 10

…Welcome To he 'Hood Moishe House raktotor City draws a crowd for its debut backyard barbecue. Moishe House in Midtown Detroit drew more than 200 young Jews for its first big gathering. L ess than…

… several years view it heritage of Jewish Detroit. You as a community asset. They've could spot people in the crowd provided enriching peer-led living in Michigan right now Jewish experiences, such as for a…

… professional week that brought together 148 Jews were still around and young Jewish leaders, including engaged and committed to the the founder of Moishe House Adam Finkel city received their answer. and about…

… 10 current or former Special to the Young Jews who had made Moishe House residents, I heard Jewish News the migration out but were firsthand the exciting stories back for the summer, perhaps and impact…

November 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 14

… its rightful place as one of the premiere cities in this country” . The record-breaking crowds Sillman’ s firm has attracted to Michigan Stadium for International Champions Cup matches show him…

… just how passionate fans in Michigan are about soccer. His company views Detroit as a key growth market. “We are always looking for opportunities to host world-class matches in the region.” Sara…

… Detroit is the intersection of muscle and brains … the Under 30 Summit is a perfect encapsulation of the drive that powers the Motor City. — JAY FARNER Jews in the D …

January 07, 2010 • Page Image 25

… ourselves modern this — did Moses consider Jews can see in Moses a himself Egyptian or Jewish? Jew living in two worlds. Or perhaps even Midianite, Like a young Moses, we since he married into a Rabb i Steven…

… allowed him a clarity concern- Of course, the Torah tells us that ing his religious identity, which many when Moses grew up he "went out American Jews fail among his kinsfolk to achieve. Instead, and…

… witnessed their we are left to balance labors." This seems our love of Jewish a clear indication tradition with our that Moses identi- American lives. Like fies himself as a Moses, we wear Jew. In fact, Moses…



December 07, 2017 • Page Image 10

jews d in the End Of An Era Rep. Sander Levin announces he will not seek re-election. STACY GITTLEMAN CONTRIBUTING WRITER ABOVE: Sandy Levin (right) and Andy Levin (center) celebrate Andy…

Michigan in the U.S. Congress, U.S. Rep. Sander Levin, D-Royal Oak, announced Sunday he will not seek re-election in 2018 and will instead join the faculty of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at…

… the University of Michigan at the conclusion of his term. In a statement released on Sunday that was published in local and nation- al media, Levin, 86, said it was the honor of a lifetime to serve…

Michigan in Washington, D.C., where he thanked his constituents for enabling him to address and champion issues such as comprehensive healthcare, trade, promoting civil and human rights, and saving and…

… well as expanding access to healthcare and unemployment insurance to the health of the Great Lakes, is proof that Levin makes the people of Michigan continued on page 12 10 December 7 • 2017 jn …

June 07, 2018 • Page Image 6

… people dying for freedom.” another article that you just happen to Emotions among Arabs and Jews are find wonderfully persuasive. And so on, particularly raw at this time. But the and so on, and so on…

… a safer and more secure doing the same, each touting how mor- ally correct their side is. Meanwhile, we’re Israel? There are approximately 15 million Jews each getting more ingrained in our dif…

… sensitive topics, from Louis Farrakhan to Jewish racism. Similarly, AIPAC (nationally and in Michigan) has a robust outreach pro- | Production By FARAGO & ASSOCIATES Manager: Scott Drzewiecki Designers…

… Turner | Fulfillment Joelle Harder gram to non-Jews, specifically Christians, blacks and Hispanics. AIPAC is singularly focused on promoting the U.S.-Israel rela- tionship in ways…

… that enhance the security of the United States and Israel. It has been enormously successful in promoting pro- Israel advocacy among non-Jews, and it is always working on educating others — especially a…

… mostly Christian Congress and staff members — on issues vital to Israel. AIPAC does not and cannot talk to just Jews. Its mission, by definition, pro- scribes that. By taking affirmative action to have a…

… for the benefit of Jews within and without our community. They succeed by having people active in community outreach, and they are always looking for additional help (each group can be located by a…

… community. Are you ready to start preaching outside of our choir? • Mark Jacobs is the AIPAC Michigan director for African American Outreach, a co-director of the Coalition for Black and Jewish Unity, a…

November 07, 2013 • Page Image 17

… from a supernatural deity. Gradually they distanced themselves from the Reform movement and developed a new Jewish identity as humanistic Jews. Humanistic Judaism According to the Society for Humanistic…

… Judaism's website, humanistic Jews believe that each Jew has the right to create a meaningful Jewish lifestyle free from supernatural authority and imposed tradition; that the goal of life is personal…

… Birmingham Temple Rabbi Miriam campus. "Sherwin Jerris [Wine] wanted us to act on what we believed. He would ask, 'Is it good for the Jews or is it true?' It was always more important to be true." Scrapping…

… and Humanistic Jews. Temple members didn't plan to upset the Jewish establishment, but a 1964 Detroit Free Press article about the tem- ple and its "atheist rabbi," and a similar article in Time…

… the lid off their obscurity. "My friends and relatives would argue that I couldn't be a Jew if I didn't believe in God," said Leslie Kutinsky, 80, a Novi attorney who joined the temple in 1965. "But if…

… •Featuring the Michigan Philharmonic with music director and conductor Nan Washburn • Special performances by Walled Lake Schools student choirs For ticket information, go to or call 248…

…, is "radical tolerance — respect for individual private beliefs — which is something that's greatly missing in the world." Humanistic Jews value many aspects of traditional Judaism, Falick said, but…

… call 248-387-9160. WL Northern HS Performing Arts Center to host Holiday Pops with the Phil Presented by the Huron Valley Council for the Arts December 13, 2013 WL Northern HS Featuring the Michigan

January 07, 2010 • Page Image 6

… dona- tion (Dec. 17, page 40). I would just like to add the Web site to sign up in Michigan: . It is so important that everyone is aware of this. The Michigan Secretary of State…

… Taubman Jewish Community Center 15100 W. Ten Mile Road Quiet Celebrities You run a weekly column in your Arts Sr Entertainment section called "Celebrity Jews." I read it with some mild interest and I…

… sometimes discover someone I never would have thought was Jewish, or partially Jewish, to be a landsman. It started me thinking that we Jews have had equity positions in many industries, but the entertainment…

… and other mass media in order to see if there is diversity and representation, we Jews usually watch the credits of a movie or TV show to count the number of Jewish names that are writers, producers…

… products, or kids getting bar mitzvahed, spinning a dreidel, etc. Just testimony, I believe, to the fact that we Jews are very integrated and assimilated into our American cul- ture — and we don't make a big…

…, page 24). Shown are Pomegranate Guild of Southeastern Michigan members Anne Greenstein and Judy Galperin of Farmington Hills and Nadine Eder of Canton Township. We prefer letters relating to JN articles…

… their version of Islam. Believers will kill anyone stand- ing in their way, including Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, atheists and even non-radical Muslims. Radical Islamists are a minority in Islam…

February 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 8

… 50 Americans killed by extremists from different movements. Many of the victims were Jews. Eleven members of the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh lost their lives in October at the hands of…

… a vicious white supremacist convinced that Jews were engineering mass immigration of non- whites into the U.S. Blaze Bernstein, a young gay Jewish man, was murdered in California last January by a…

… list of killers were extremists motivated by radical interpretations of Islam. Only one of the 50 murders had any connection A t the University of Michigan, there has been a series of “Blue…

… members of a group calling themselves Direct Action for Palestine (DAP). According to an article in the Jan. 13 Michigan Daily, “Before the panel commenced the meeting, the DAP leader, who asked to be…

… speech when a group like DAP is allowed to decide who is free to speak and who isn’ t. It has been clear for years that voic- es raised in support of Jews and Israel are not welcome at U-M, and now…

… Duderstadt and the rest of this panel have given DAP members even more power to silence Jews. Duderstadt and the rest of the panel abdicated their professional responsibilities when they failed to retain…

September 07, 2017 • Page Image 38

… Why has Judaism shifted to the I answered her with another ques- High Holidays as the central part of tion as any good Jewish rabbi would a Jew’s life, making it seem that such a life is boring and…

… pointless? What do. Where is the source that states happened to being a Jew at home or that Rosh Hashanah is more impor- when walking down the street? Why tant than Passover … or Succot or are Jews more open…

… possi- Jewish Resource Center at the University of bly be unhealthy?” Michigan in Ann Arbor. As an Orthodox campus rabbi for Parshat Ki Tavo: Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8; Isaiah 60:1-22. …

June 07, 2018 • Page Image 54

… Detroit Jewish News generally publishes news from Metro Detroit, it has a long history of writing stories about Jews from every corner of Michigan. I figured I would find something in the archives. At first…

jews d in the looking back Three Generations Of Pediatricians BARBARA LEWIS CONTRIBUTING WRITER ABOVE: Three genera- tions: Robert, Natalie and George Blum. N ext year, Natalie Blum, D…

… from Wayne State University and the University of Michigan Medical School. He has fond memories of his own for a while, but kids are just more fun!” pediatrician. “He always seemed to he said. make me…

Michigan, and Samuel Bernstein, chief has always loved kids, and she was a of pediatrics at Sinai Hospital of Detroit, kid-magnet,” he said. whose offices were near Seven Mile and When Natalie was in high…

November 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 34

…34 | NOVEMBER 7 • 2019 A special event for retired Congressman Sander Levin was held Oct. 14 at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. The event included a…

… career beginning with his time as a Michigan state senator, through his 36 years as a U.S. Congressman from Michigan’ s 17th Congressional District. The quality of these records is outstanding. They…

… fro om m f om from fr m om from om m from fr fro ro om om m fr rom from fr ro ws ews jews ws jews jews jews jew jew jew jews ew jew ews ws jews ews jew w jew jew ew ws s ws ews s ws jews s ws e jews

jew jew jew ws ws s ws ws ews jews jews s ws ew w ew w ew ws jews s ews jews s e jew je jews jews ew jews ews ws jew w ew ew w ews ews jews jews ews s ws ws je jew jew w jew w jews ws w ews jews s jews

September 07, 2017 • Page Image 48

… holiday season. At Adat Shalom Synagogue, Farmington Hills. Free. Info: 248-851-5100. BRUNCH-PROGRAM 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Sept. 10. M. Dove Kent, former executive director of Jews for Racial & Economic…

… Justice, and Koach Baruch-Frazier, a musician and healer, will lead discussion on “What Does it Mean for Jews to Be Part of Social Justice Movements in 2017?” They lead a workshop immediately following. At…

… and Vienna. At the JCC, West Bloomfield. RSVP: Rosa, 248-432-5467. SPECTACULAR SPEAKER SERIES 7 pm, Sept. 12. Next to speak will be Heidi Budaj, Michigan regional director of ADL. Her topic will be…

May 07, 2015 • Page Image 5

… a slave master who tried but failed to break him, which raised Douglas up from slavery to manhood. We know that our children are bul- lied on university campuses by various Israel/Jew-hating student…

… organizations. Our children need the tools, including self-pride and knowledge of their his- tory, in order to raise themselves up from scared victim to proud Jews. We Jews have an amazing 3,500- year history. We…

… tormentors and sometimes even embrace their anti-Semitic lies (the biggest lie being that Jews are not indigenous to Israel — yes we are) and side with them. We are no longer powerless wan- derers, but until…

… writing in response to letter con- cerning the April 2 Arthur Horwitz column about the Sammys' riot- ous behavior in northern Michigan (Letter: "Sammys' Bonds Ruled Out Turning In Their Brothers:' April 30…

…-4304 or (248) 613-1804, or email . For both events, free two-hour parking is available in nearby city- run parking structures. Proceeds of the events will help Jews living in war…

March 07, 2013 • Page Image 62

… tutoring stroke vic- to the unknowing and suspicious. tims in speech rehabilitation in the 1950s Her work with the Roundtable of and '60s, and included the Christians and Jews in the inauguration of…

… newspapers. an outspoken advocate for Although the 1970s became creating a world where Jews and the rest known as a decade of significant social of the world would find common ground. change as the result of…

… AMERICAN Order by phone Delivery available IC4 Certified Kosher Under the Supervision of Kosher Michigan - Rabbi Jason Miller COUPON 750 ml All Passover varieties Kosher for Passover. Limit 2. Expires 3…

… was often significant and considerable over the long term as countless non-Jews have an improved understanding of Judaism, and inter- ethnic dialogue within the community is now the norm. She was also…

… an ardent Zionist and a devoted Jew. As the chairman of the 1975 Woman's Plea for Human Rights for Soviet Jewry program, she was part of the vanguard that eventually allowed the relocation of Russian…

Jews to Israel. In later years, she helped to make real the operation of the Detroit Holocaust Memorial Museum, serving among its original docents. "Her dedication to serving humanity was a natural…

October 07, 2010 • Page Image 20

… Sarah Crane of Michigan, she worked this past year as a team leader with City Year Detroit, where she led a culturally diverse team of volunteers in service at a Detroit public school. Crane received the…

…, D.O. and Robert Grodman, D.O., Chaldean and Jew- ish cardiologists, have been friends for 16 years. Dr. Anton, originally from New York, and Dr. Grodman, a native Detroiter, met during residency and…

… holidays. He points to the importance of family and education among both Chaldeans and Jews, as well as their common fo- cus in the business and professional worlds. Einas Joseph, M.D., a Chaldean surgeon…

…, Chaldean and Jew- ish physicians share a common com- mitment to excellent patient care and close collegial relationships. "We're way more alike than we are different" says Dr. Bocknek. ADVERTISEMENT 20…

…'s Circle/Arbeter Ring of Michigan President Arlene J. Frank of Detroit was awarded the Loretta Moore Award for consciousness raising on behalf of women by the Wayne County National Organization of Women (NOW…

… on "The Future of Michigan's Work Force" at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 13. Speaker Andy Levin, act- ing director of the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth, will be joined by John…

… Almstadt, director of the Oakland County Michigan Works Agency, and Rabbi Aaron Bergman. Almstadt will cite resources available in Oakland County for those seeking employment. Rabbi Bergman will talk about…

… how the Michigan economy has affected us spiritually. There is no charge. This program is co-sponsored by Adat Shalom and Southfield-based JVS. It is coordinated by Mildred Pivoz. …

October 07, 2010 • Page Image 60

…-Orthodox Wars." He was respond- ing to Israeli chief rabbi Shlomo Amar's attack on Reform Jews and his pressure on the Israeli government to prevent involve- ment of non-Orthodox movements in state and religion…

… affairs. I was pleased to read Rothenberg's perspective that it is time for Orthodox Jews to "build bridges of cooperation [to Reform and Conservative Jews] for the sake of the entire people of Israel and…

… at the University of Michigan Denominational labels are becom- Hillel, an institution that offers five differ- ing far less important in the 21st cen- ent Shabbat service options. On any given tury as…

…, Conservative or Orthodox Jews. Rabbi Jason Miller will teach "Jewish Denominations: Addressing the Challenges of Modernity," a 10-week class at the Oak Park JCC co-sponsored by Congregation T'chiyah and the…

… There should be little doubt Michigan's Arab-American Levin that religious intolerance has community recently wrote, Special no place in a nation built on "that there is room in America Commentary the…

… we would Catholics or Mormons or Jews or others not object to a church or a synagogue at found themselves beset by religious intol- that location in Manhattan, how can we erance and wondering if the…

November 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 50

…. Weitzman of the University of Pennsylvania will discuss “Jews, Genetics and the Search for Lost Ancestors.” This presentation will survey recent efforts to use genetics to illumine the ancestry…

… of the Jews. Free event. LABOR TRAFFICKING 7-9 pm, Nov. 12. At the Birmingham Temple, 28611 W. 12 Mile, Farmington Hills. “How Labor Trafficking Affects Us” will be presented by Kelly…

… Carter and Danielle Kalil, sponsored by the National Council of Jewish Women/Michigan. Cost: member $10, nonmember $15, student $5. MEET THE AUTHOR 7 pm, Nov. 12. Award-winning Seattle…

February 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 50

…50 February 7 • 2019 jn CAREGIVER SUPPORT 1:30-3 pm, Feb. 12. The Alzheimer’ s Association-Greater Michigan Chapter, in collaboration with Jewish Senior Life, holds a monthly support group…

… volunteers present this event at Urbanrest Brewing Co., 2615 Woloctt, Ferndale. Create no-sew fleece blankets for children in hospitals. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 13 JEWS IN AMERICA 9:30-11 am, Feb. 13. This Fed…

…Ed class is on “Jews in America: Insiders and Outsiders,” taught by Rabbi Joseph Klein. Tuition for 11 ses- sions: $225 (includes FedEd Student Reader.) Also offered on Thursday evenings. ELIJAH…

March 07, 2013 • Page Image 46

…- conversation from the road. "It ning, March 15, with the features all the ranges of the Cellist Amit Pel ed Ann Arbor Symphony instrument. Orchestra at the Michigan "The piece was one of the big- Theater. The…

… States to study. "I have a special connection to Michigan through a late teacher, Bernard Greenhouse, who was a student of Pablo Casals," says Peled, a professor at the Peabody Conservatory of Music at…

…, requests for help and so on," says Goldberg. "Jews were always in my peripheral vision:' A few years ago, Goldberg came upon more than 200 letters from Benedetto Blanis (c. 1580-1647) to his great patron…

… 15, at the Michigan Theater, 603 E. Liberty, in Ann Arbor. $10-$58. (734) 994- 4801; . secrets in writing. "So four centuries later, we can hear him talking openly about his illicit…

… letters from all the Jews in Italy in those years." Goldberg has based two books on these findings: Jews and Magic: The Secret World of Benedetto Blanis and A Jew at the Medici Court: The Letters of…

… Benedetto Blanis "Hebreo," 1615-1621. And Goldberg has recently made a sec- ond "discovery of a lifetime" — a previously unknown five-act comedy, L'Ebreo (The Jew), penned by Michelangelo Buonarroti the…

January 07, 2010 • Page Image 8

… seeks out HFL is there because of personal financial issues, "but lately, those we see most often are the mirror of what's happening everywhere. The great thing is the Jews in our area truly are a…

… community, and we don't leave people behind." The money you give to Hebrew Free Loan goes directly to Detroit-area Jews. Your donation means the difference between someone keeping their home, getting to work…

… Z. Jacobs, D-Huntington Woods, joined state Rep. Ellen Cogen Lipton, D- Huntington Woods, in announcing the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and the Michigan Economic Growth Authority…

… County will cre- ate the type of good-pay- ing jobs we need to turn Michigan around and get our economy back on track:' Lipton said. Rep. Lipton This project demon- strates Michigan's potential to lead the…

… way in the next generation of transportation technology, she said. "With our infrastruc- ture, workforce and manufacturing know- how,' she said, "Michigan is poised to build the green vehicles of…

….3 million over seven years to encourage the company to expand in Michigan. The city of Oak Park is con- sidering a tax abatement to further sup- port the project. "These are jobs that will also help us keep…

… our talented young people here in Michigan:' Sen. Jacobs said. "These incentives are great news for Oak Park and Michigan." ECOJudaism What you can do to stop global warming. Reduce Heating Costs…

… generation.' This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations." — - Genesis (9:12) Please contact Michigan Coalition on…

… the Environment & Jewish Life for global warming presentations: (248) 642-5393, ext. 7, or . Source: Michigan Coalition on the Environment S. Jewish Life "For Israel as a whole, the…

April 07, 2011 • Page Image 20

… & Lino 248-644-8565 April 7 2011 Stephen Goldman, execu- tive director of the Holocaust Memorial Center, and Judy Levin Cantor, historian and author of Jews in Michigan, spoke at the recent Local…

… their stories. Cantor explored what local and American Jews were doing to help during the Nazi era and the Holocaust. Some restrictions apply 44. 20 Among the new members inducted into the Michigan

… History Conference at the Michigan State University Management Center. Goldman discussed the Holocaust Center's oral history program, including the personal challenges participants faced as they shared…

… Studies and a history profes- sor at the University of Michigan, has been selected by Moore the Organization of American Historians (OAH) to receive an OAH-JAAS Short-Term Residency at the University of…

… was vice-chair of Kirkland's pro Bono immigration law group. h. Blum Eleanor G. Blum of Farmington Hills was appointed to the Michigan Board of Social Work. She is rejoining the board, having been…

November 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 20

Jews in the D 20 | NOVEMBER 7 • 2019 Headed to the Hall of Fame Gilda Jacobs’ career has seen landmark wins for Michigan youth, families and more. ASHLEY ZLATOPOLSKY | SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH…

… needs. A graduate of the University of Michigan with a master’ s degree in behavioral sci- ences in education, she worked as a special education teacher in the Madison School District until 1976…

…, teaching one of the first classes for children who have emotional disabilities. Fast-forward four decades and Jacobs’ career has included time served on the Michigan House of Representatives, Senate…

… and on leadership for policy change orga- nizations. Born in Northwest Detroit, Jacobs, 70, will be inducted into the HERStory Women’ s Hall of Fame (formerly the Michigan Women’ s Hall of Fame) on…

… terms in the Michigan Senate from 2003-2010, where she was elected as chair of the Democratic Senate Caucus. She made history as the first woman floor leader in either chamber of the legis- lature. “I…

… would say to other women, ‘ You know, we’ re a great force, ’ ” Jacobs recalls. “We can do great things. ” Following her terms, Jacobs joined the Michigan League for Public Policy in 2011 as president…

… and CEO. She calls it her dream job. “It is an amazing organization with an amazing reputation, ” she says. The league promotes racial equity, eco- nomic security, health and well-being for Michigan

… residents and has operated since 1912. “I was able to build on that [history] and create an even more expansive organi- zation,” she says. BIG WINS FOR MICHIGAN Jacobs had two recent major policy wins: a…

… involvement in the Jewish community. Jacobs has won numerous awards for her work, including the Michigan Food Bank Council’ s Hunger-Free Award in 2015 and being named one of the 100 Most Influential Women…

… in Michigan by Crain’ s Detroit Business in 2016. “It was news to me,” she says of her hall of fame nomination. “I am very humbled by this honor.” MICHIGAN LEAGUE FOR PUBLIC POLICY Gilda Jacobs …

September 07, 2017 • Page Image 20

jews d in the here’s to Your Celebration DESTINATION With a transac- tion volume of $125,024,572 dol- lars, Kathy Broock Ballard, from Max Broock Realtors, has yet again earned the title of…

… Ballard “State of Michigan Top Individual Producer” for busi- ness she closed in 2016. Ballard has gained recognition as the top producing sales associate in Michigan since 2010. As a luxury and lakefront…

… young girl whose life is about to be changed forever. The book is available through Amazon. Scott Lachman, formerly of Michigan, an associate at Weinberg Wheeler Hudgins Gunn & Dial in Las Vegas, has…

… listed in Super Lawyers Magazine and Nevada Business Magazine Legal Elite. He received both his J.D. and B.A. from Michigan State University. Our Bar Mitzvah was executed professionally and with the…

September 07, 2017 • Page Image 26

jews d B UY t S ELL L EASE t M ANAGE in the serving Oakland County and the Entire Metro Area Get RESULTS Let our 150 years of combined experience and knowledge guarantee the…

…-488-SOLD Regina Bronstein: Huntington Woods Specialist 248-298-9615 Direct MICHIGAN METROPOLITAN, REALTORS® A DIVISION OF MICHIGAN PROPERTY MANAGERS 2162010 MEL DRYMAN Raised in Detroit, Experienced in…

… year, enjoy live music by the Kids Klez of Michigan band, create a New Year’s resolution board, watch and learn as a beekeeper uses live bees to pro- duce fresh honey and enjoy a petting farm — these are…

… Virginia. Anti-Defamation League’s Michigan Regional Director Heidi Budaj will speak at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 12, at Congregation B’nai Moshe in West Bloomfield. Her topic, “Anti-Semitism: What’s Going On…

March 07, 2019 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 22

…22 March 7 • 2019 jn Jewish Feminism T he Jewish Communal Leadership Program and the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan, along with the Jewish Women’ s Archive…

…, have planned a series of con- versations March 13-15 on the role of Jews in American feminism. From 7-9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 13, at U-M’ s Museum of Art, there will be a welcome reception and…

… Ann Arbor; Adding Jewish to Feminist; and Claiming Identities: Lesbian Jews; Radical Politics and Secular Jewish Culture. From 7-9:30 p.m., the theme is “#MeToo in the Context of Jewish Feminism…

… Friday. ■ jews d in the Beth Shalom’ s Women’ s Seder Congregation Beth Shalom in Oak Park will hold its annual Women’ s Seder at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 3. Women of all faiths are welcome. The…

June 07, 2018 • Page Image 39

…on the go people | places | events friday, june 8 JEWS OF FRANCE 7:30 pm, June 8. “Jews of France: Yesterday and Today, a Personal View.” Artist and hidden child Rene Lichtman is the scheduled…

…’ FOR CROHN’S 9 am, June 9. Check-in for Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation’s “Michigan Take Steps Walk,” which starts at 10:30. Annual fundraiser is held to find cures for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative…

… Charles Dickens, with music and lyrics by Lionel Bart (born Lionel Begleiter; his parents escaped the Galician pogroms against Jews), the show brings the streets of Victorian England to life in the outdoor…

May 07, 2015 • Page Image 12

… principles on which their organiza- tions are based. "If a community is judged on how we care for our most vulnerable citi- zens, what does that say about us? As Jews, we're all responsible for each other…

… Zionist Organization of America Michigan Region Stand With Us-Michigan jbrooksdesign Inc. Adat Shalom Synagogue Jiffy Signs Inc. & JS Printing Volunteers for Israel Scyllaweb Adult Learning Institute Anne…

… & Eugene Greenstein B'nai B'rith International Great Lakes Region Michigan BBYO Congregation Beth Ahm Greater Detroit Chapter of Hadassah Metro Detroit Board of Jewish Educators Michigan Board of Cantors…

… Tamarack Camps Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit AIPAC Suretta & Alan Must Camp Ramah in Canada American Technion Society Detroit Chapter Congregation Beth Shalom Michigan Board of Rabbis Congregation…

… Epic Races State of Michigan: • Gov. Rick Snyder, P.O. Box 30013, *as of 4-14-15 Design Donated by Mental healthcare professionals agree that advocacy is the most effec- tive way to influence…

… fam- ily. • Be persistent. Write each repre- sentative on a regular basis as often as possible. ibrooksdesign> 1995540 Lansing, Michigan 48909; (517) 335- 7858, Constituent Services. • Nick Lyon…

…, director, Michigan Department of Community Health, Capitol View Building, 201 Townsend St., Lansing, Michigan 48913; (517) 373-3740. • Your local senator and state representative (available on www. michigan

January 07, 2010 • Page Image 60

… Sunday 4:30 - 9:00pm 40 January 7 • 2010 Lone Pine (17 mile) Michigan, Israel Go Green Michigan's Lt. Governor John D. Cherry will be the featured speaker at a panel discussion host- ed by Congregation…

… John D. Beth Ahm in West Cherry Bloomfield on Sunday, Jan. 10, at 2 p.m., reviewing his recent investment mission to Israel on behalf of the state of Michigan. The event is titled "Michigan and Israel…

… as a Sephardic Jew with close friends from different ethnic and religious backgrounds inspired her to write Culture Bandit, a solo show that chronicles her coming of age during the golden age of Hip…

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