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February 15, 2018 • Page Image 50

…looking back Temple Beth El, Michigan’s first Jewish congregation, dates to 1850. In 1856, the congregation adopted a new constitution that contained ideas of Reform Judaism, thus becoming Detroit…

… Temple Beth El. Historic photos are curated by the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. From the DJN Davidson Digital Archive I t would be hard to ignore the bombastic headline for the Feb. 12, 1943…

…, issue of the JN: “500,000 Jews Fall Prey to Nazis in Warsaw Area.” By this point in history, the world was becoming increasingly aware that Jews were suffering in Poland like nowhere else. In Nazi death…

… camps, like Auschwitz and Treblinka (to name just two), Jews were being exterminated with cold efficiency. There was also ample evidence by 1943 of Jews being rounded up in Poland and forced into “ghettos…

…” like Warsaw and Lodz. How many Poles put their own lives in jeop- ardy to save Jews or how many turned in their Jewish neighbors — there were plenty of both — is still a controversial subject for…

… historians and, indeed, for Poland today. However, the report from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that generated the headline Mike Smith is flawed. It stated that, of the 500,000 Jews con- Detroit Jewish News…

… Foundation Archivist centrated in the Warsaw Ghetto, “not a single Jew 50 February 15 • 2018 jn remains …” First, historians now estimate that 300,000-400,000 Jews were in the ghetto. These are, of course…

…, still incredible numbers even if the article exaggerated by 25 percent, but the statement that there were no Jews left in the ghetto was what really caught my historian’s eye. This is hard to reconcile…

… with another fact, the famous “Warsaw Uprising.” From April 19-May 16, 1943, the approximately 13,000 Jews still living in the ghetto, with nothing left to lose, rose up and fought against the full might…

September 15, 1944 • Page Image 35

… Hitler had made good on his drive in the east, ousting the threats to annihilate the Jews. Germans from the last vestige of In Odesso, Vilna, Minsk, Pinsk, Russian soil, pushing them back Lublin, cities…

…, scarce- American landing in Normandy. ly a Jew was to be found alive. D-Day, which marked the inaug- Some, to be sure, had fled to uration of this second front, was join the partisan forces fighting…

… heralded by Jews throughout the roundabout. Others had escaped world. In Jerusalem, Jews gath- in time to the interior of Russia, ered at the Wailing Wall. In but there was scarcely room for Brooklyn…

…, elderly pious Jews doubt that the greater portion marched in their praying shawls had been exterminated by the and recited psalms to mark it. Nazis. This extermination had been of It came with particular…

… satis- faction to Jews to learn that the a manifold nature. Doubtless first assault line of boats on many had died of starvation, D-Day was led by a Brooklyn others had been worked to death Jewish boy, Lt…

…. Abraham Condi- by the Nazis, but the greater otti, and that a Brooklyn Jew- portion had been deliberately put ish boy, Sargent Halperin, was to death in "death factories" es- the first to actually set foot…

… on tablished by the Nazis. A Chris- tian organization with headquar- French soil. Jews took great satisfaction, ters in Switzerland, the Interna- too, in learning of the important tional Church…

… Ecumenical Refu- part Russian Jews were playing gee Commission, revealed that in the Russian offensive. The list their reports showed that in two of decorations for valor con- camps close to two million Jews

… ferred on Russian Jews ran into had been put to death in "gas the tens of thousands during the chambers." Hope still refuses to down. year. The number of Jewisl In ellemory of Henry Holinstat who passed…

… away Dec. 1, 1939 Blessed be the memory of one whom we loved dearly. How many Jews have survived in Germany, Austria, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Jugo-Slavia, Den- mark, France, Poland? In Germany, we…

December 15, 1978 • Page Image 51


…, Detroit, Michigan 48226 965-3939 …

September 15, 1944 • Page Image 23

Michigan Beverage News • PUBLISHERS OF Grosse Pointe News 9662 Grand River Detroit Westward . HO. 6743 missidnaries Aid Jews in Shanghai GENEVA (JPS)—Condition of Jews interned in the ghetto of…

… major American agency for aid to distressed Jews overseas. Mr. tiele suc- ceeds Robert Pilpel„ who is now a member of the JDC's overseas staff stationed in Lisbon. Mr. Biele comes to the JDC after four…

…. Contributions to this fund may be made to the Jewish. Hospital .1 Association, 51 W. Warren Ave., CO. 1600. Latvia Partisans Rescue 600 Jews BY KARL FRAHM 'Jewish Telegraphic Agency Corre- spondent in Sweden…

…) . STOCKHOLM, (JTA) -- Six hundred Jews who had been forced by the Germans in occu- pied Latvia to work on fortifica- tions were recently liberated by Lativan partisans when trans- ferred to Liepaja, it was…

… reported here by the newspaper Ef.altiska Nyheter. The report says that the res- cued Jews are deportees from Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hun- gary and Holland: All joined the Latvian partisan units im…

…- mediately upon their liberation. The same paper estimates that only several hundred Jews have survived in Lithuania of the 170,- 000 who were there before Ger- many invaded the Baltic coun- tries. Most of…

… the surviving Jews are hiding in the woods. In the early months of 1944 there were still 9,000 Jews in the Kaunas ghetto, all of whom were used for forced labor. But in March the Gestapo - discovered a…

… secret tun- nel dug by Jews from the ghetto to the Neris River. For this "crime" about half of the Jews in the ghetto were shot. The last 3,000 Jews in the Vilna ghetto were likewise exterminat- ed during…

… the month of March, the" paper states, adding that the victims fought against the Ger- mans on the barricades before meeting their death. About 4,000 Dutch and Bel- gian Jews are now alive in a con…

… Appeal re- ceived a gift from 203 Methodist high school students of the Green Mountain Junior College of Ver mont as their contribution to aid the relief and reconstruction of homeless and oppressed Jews

September 15, 1961 • Page Image 21

…' from needy Jews, feel united with the Michigan-Ontario area will Jews, therefore I am a Jew ... receive The Honor Award of Beause I read Jewish litera- the Year. Mr. William Boesky, ture, pray to. God in…

… Westhampton Ave., Oak Park. The bride-elect is a senior in the College of Education at Wayne State University. Her fiance is a student in the Col- lege of Architecture and Design at the University of Michigan

…. An August wedding is planned. `Authentic Jew' Pictured in Gewirtz Patricia Mohr Is Book as 'Keepin g Healthy Balance' Wed to Leslie Bell In his foreword to "The Au- plain the sanctification and the…

… thentic Jew and His Judaism," holiness in modern living. published by B 1 o c h, Rabbi In h i s analyses, Rabbi Leonard B. Gewirtz admonishes Gewirtz presents interesting the readers: concepts of the art of…

… prayer. "Being a Jew involves more He makes this point: "If the than eating gefilte fish on Fri- Jew daily alternates between day night, singing zum gali gali his usual activities and prayer, at a birthday…

… party, or dancing he keeps a healthy balanee a Trailechs' at a traifah Bar between the world of activity Mitzvah party. What it means and the world of contempla- to be a Jew also a mature- tion. As the…

Jew enters the spiritual person is explained in synagogue to pray every Sab- this book. What an authentic bath and nourish his spirit, Jew is, and how he is supposed he helps his soul to grow to think…

… he believes "in normative, historic Judaism, and could have pre- sented my convictions deduc- tively, from Revelation down- ward to the Jew, I chose to begin existentially, from the Jewish person where…

… the trophy to honor Faye Katz, past authentic Jew, who wants to be auxiliary president and depart- a full Jew and a total human ment president. The traveling being, and lead him upward to trophy, called…

…. accepted value judgments." Storytellers Max Sossin, Meyer For an understandi ng of his Silverman and Danny Kahn will Rabbi Gewirtz ana- attempt to top one another in viewpoint, the "inauthentic" Jew's their…

September 15, 1944 • Page Image 27

…Friday, September 15, 1944 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE sod The Legal Chronicle Page II Dutch Jews Approach the Holidays In a More Hopeful Spirit By JULIUS MORITZEN "The Contemporary Jewish Rec…

…- EDITOR'S NOTE:—Mr. Moritzen is a writer on International ord," there is for instance an in- affairs. He is the author of "Peace Movement of America" teresting account of the genesis of the Dutch Jews. and…

… as the years passed. Relations lands, or have been incorporated Holland. Holland received the between Jew and Christian in the golden days of Amsterdam in the armies of the United Na- fugitives from…

… engulfed them to it widespread system of self- out the world and their clandes- for more than four years. rule, the Jews formed a strong tine contacts with Marranos in Spain and in Portugal gave them In none…

… of the Nazi-occupied national-cultural entity. countries of Europe have the "Like their fellow religionists considerable advantage, Amster- Jews suffered more than in Hol- in most other countries the…

November 15, 2007 • Page Image 28

…In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan TWorld Zionist Organization of America Michigan Region A Kristallnacht Lesson presents New York Jonathan…

…. 29, 2007 7:00 PM West Bloomfield Jewish Community Center 6600 W Maple Road / 248-661-1000 Cosponsors: StandWithUs—Michigan, Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs OINSA), Rayna & Natalio Kogan…

… to the silence. Having lived through the "abandonment of the Jews," words borrowed from the title of David S. Wyman's landmark book, they were concerned about the persecution of Jews in the Soviet…

… Union. They vowed to make certain there would be no sec- ond "abandonment of the Jews." In the late 1950s and early 1960s, reports began reaching the West about the mistreatment of Jews by the Soviet…

…, before we set an empty chair at our Passover seder to symbolize the Russian Jews who were not permitted to celebrate the holiday. The Silence Deafens In Elie Wiesel's famous book The Jews of Silence, one…

… of the earliest writings about the persecution of Jews in the Soviet Union, Wiesel refers to them as Jews of silence because not only were they held prisoner by the Soviet Union, but were also pre…

…- vented from even speaking out about religious matters. Wiesel, in one of the most haunting statements in his book, observes that Jews in the Free World who failed to protest against the persecution of…

… Soviet Jewry, were also "Jews of Silence." The Refusniks This was 20 years earlier. In a small Manhattan office, the Brafman broth- ers established the International League for the Repatriation of Russian…

Jews, recognizing the "legal" right of any citizen of the world to be per- mitted to "repatriate" to his or her homeland. They were not lawyers, but it was they who put forward, for the first time, the…

… important legal argu- ment that since the State of Israel was the "homeland" of all Jews, the Soviet Union was violating International Law by refusing to allow Jews to immigrate to Israel. What began as a…

June 15, 1990 • Page Image 64

… Uni- versity of Michigan. The study found that Jews have more positive attitudes toward' blacks and a greater commitment to equal oppor- tunity than do other white Americans. Jews almost unanimously…

… and regulations, consult your tax advisor. ` "We Create Solutions." Mn tLENDER CONGREGATION ITNAI DAVID SUNDAY SCHOOL IN WEST BLOOMFIELD Congregation B'nai David, Michigan's largest Traditional…

… office 557-8210. Advertising in The Jewish News Gets Results Place Your Ad Today. Call 354-6060 64 FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1990 Study: Jews Still Favor Equality For Blacks ELENA NEUMAN Special to The Jewish…

… News A lthough Jews may disagree with statements and poli- cies of militant blacks and various black leaders, there has not been the Jewish backlash against blacks and racial equality in the 1970s and…

… May 18 at their annual meeting in New York, "Jewish At- titudes Toward Blacks and Race' Relations" may raise some eyebrows. "I expected the study to find that Jews are more tolerant and pro…

…-integration than other white Ameri- cans," said author of the study Tom Smith, a spe- cialist in race relations at the National Opinion Research Center. "This was not surprising. I knew that Jews are one of the most…

…- vices. "The commitment is there and can be galvanized again. We can revitalize the black-Jewish dialogue." The study is the first to be based on a random national sampling of Jews from 1972 to 1988. Data…

… per- cent). Similarly, Jews reject the notion that too much government money is being spent on blacks (87 percent to 89 percent). But while Jews are dedicated to a colorblind society and racial equality…

… in theory, they tend to oppose various measures to imple- ment it. A majority of Jews do not favor affirmative action, more government spending for blacks and the use of bus- ing to achieve school in…

…- tegration. While integrated schools are supported by 97 percent of Jews, only 14 percent to 21 percent ,back busing to achieve such integration. In terms of sending their own children to integrated schools…

October 15, 2004 • Page Image 20

Michigan group by the same name. According to the organization's Web site, the group is "a grassroots political movement of Michigan Jews, comprised of Republicans, Democrats and Independents, dedicated to…

Jews For George Rabbi Bunny Freedman gives the invocation at local Bush rally. HARRY KIRSBAUM Staff Writer abbi E.B. "Bunny" Freedman may not have had a full house dur- ing his invocation before…

… counselors the compassion to act with goodness and kindness for the sake of us here in Michigan." Amid thousands of cheering supporters who held authorized signs pro- claiming "Viva Bush," "Farmers for Bush…

…," "Law Enforcement for Bush" and unauthorized signs like "Jews for George," the president accused Democratic challenger Sen. John F Kerry of flip flopping, being a tax- and-spend liberal, and being weak on…

…, and the rabbi gave him a "Jews for George" button. "We got a call back from the White House the next day," said Rabbi Freedman. "When the president brought the button back, everyone got a big kick out…

… of it, and all the Jewish people in the White House wanted 25 more buttons." The "Jews for George" slogan was the brainchild of Rabbi Freedman's son, Moe, who serves as communications director of a…

May 15, 2008 • Page Image 6

… do with economics. Making friends with Israel certainly would improve the lot of the Palestinian people; most live amid poverty, squalor and deception. Palestinians aren't born to hate Jews, but learn…

… to do so. They seek out history for their cue. Arabs didn't kill Jews in Palestine in the 1920s or 1930s because of economics. They didn't instigate war with the new State of Israel in 1948 or later…

… stiletto earrings in platinum. Sc iir i fio T JEWELLERS / GEMOLOGISTS across Coolidge from the Somerset Collection 3001 West Big Beaver, Suite 112 Troy, Michigan 48084 248.649.1122 / 800.SCHUBOT…

… concessions ring hollow. The P.A. is too busy keeping Israel off their maps, building monuments to suicide bomb- ers, riddling public comment with Jew bashing and choosing a Nazi Germany gesture as its police…

… administration heralds as a moderate, says such "peace- inspiring" things in Arabic as: "The Jews are the most corrupt- ing influence on Earth" and "It is our duty to implement all of the principles of Yasser…

… murder of Jews in the Holocaust was a Zionist plot with two goals: to eliminate "disabled and handi- capped" Jews by sending them to death camps so they would not be a burden on the future State of Israel…

… and to make "the Jews seem persecuted" so they could 1930s. "benefit from international sympathy." The P.A. and Hamas are the two negotiators on behalf of a Palestinian state; neither recognizes Israel…

… Iran and their ter- rorist agent, Hezbollah. cc We are as silent now as we were in the We have more passion now, we are richer now, but we don't use our influence. We are still as afraid of non-Jews as…

June 15, 2017 • Page Image 58

… Digital Archive I t seems, while looking for stories 75 years ago from the JN for my columns, I often write about the war and the crisis for Jews in Europe. This week, the June 19, 1942, issue of the JN…

… had this headline: “60,000 Vilna Jews Massacred by Nazis.” There was also a sub-headline on the front page that read: “Nazis Renew Mass Murder of Jews in Germany.” The enormity of the atrocities against…

… and age? He must have been living right. There were two other small items of good news. After 15 years of service to the University of Michigan, it was announced that Hillel would have its own house on…

… curated by the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. …

November 15, 1963 • Page Image 7

…they can't go now N IN Right now, Jews by the thousands are ready to leave lands in which they feel they cannot live safely or securely. But they can't board trains, planes or ships on credit cards…

… -TODAY Don't Keep Them Waiting Their Fate Is In Your Hands Allied Jewish Campaign 163 Madison, Detroit 26, Michigan

June 15, 1962 • Page Image 3

…BUENOS AIRES, (JTA)—Po- lice began a search for the gun- men who fired a machinegun burst from a fast-moving car at 2 am. hitting the building of the Yiddische Zeitung, largest Jew- ish daily…

…)—Applica- tions to the Conference on Jew- ish Material Claims Against Ger- many, by organizations, institu- tions and communities seeking the allocation of funds for the year 1963, must be filed before June 30, the…

… applicant for the projects in question. The University of Michigan currently has on display in its Exhibit Museum "Old Copper" from Michigan, a collection of Indian copper objects dating France and Algeria…

…; Dr. Wil- from 3000 to 1000 B.C.E. liam Korey, of the Bnai Brith International Council; and Hal Lehrman, journalist. They were gloomy on the future of the Jews in Algeria. `Gloomy' Future Seen for…

… Algerian .Jews: Forecast Moslem Prosecution, Reprisals TEL AVIV, (JTA)—The Jews in Algeria are free to stay there or leave, Dr. Nahum Goldmann told a meeting of the Israel executive of the World Jewish…

… Congress. However, he expressed doubt whether the Jews have any fu- ture in Algeria, despite the guarantees given them under the agreement concluded in Evian between the French gov- ernment and the Moslem…

…- Algerian liberation movement. Goldmann noted that for the present, Jews have been ac- corded the same status given to other Europeans in independent Algeria. He expressed the opin- ion that, under its Moslem…

… lib- eration movement's "shrewd and realistic" leadership, Al- geria would become the Number One Arab state within a year or two. NEW YORK, (JTA)—Warn- ings against the possible perse- cution of Jews in…

… Algeria by the Moslem majority there, after Algeria becomes independent of France, were voiced by a group of experts participating in a radio discussion on Station WNEW, entitled "The Algerian Jew: The Man…

… that, while Algerian Jews will be "welcome to stay," some Jews may face prosecution for having been lined up on the side of the OAS,...,the French rebel under- ground opposed to an independ- ent Algeria…

September 15, 2005 • Page Image 34

…EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY_ Tickets To purchase tickets call 734.487.2282, go to the EMU Convocation Center Ticket Office or purchase online at m p uslife. www Group discounts…

… & Higher Quality 0 nce a Jew-hating, Israel-hating Palestinian Muslim terrorist, Walid Shoebat told more than 250 people at the Jewish Community Center in West Bloomfield on Sept. 11 how and why be became…

… a Jew-lov- ing, Israel-loving, Palestinian Christian activist. Though his personal story is one of optimism, Shoebat is decidedly pes- simistic about the chances for peace in the region. At the core…

… of his pes- simism are his experiences growing up as a Palestinian Muslim in Bethlehem. Shoebat spoke about how much his family and community hates Jews and now hates him. He told how his Shoebat…

… father cursed the Jewish doctor who saved his life and how a friend never wanted to be reminded that a Jew had saved him from drowning. A cousin was killed. attacking Jews and Shoebat himself bombed an…

… Israeli bank and ambushed and almost killed an Israeli soldier. "Why did he have to die?" asked Shoebat, about his cousin. "The great- est victim of Islamic fundamentalism is not Jews and Christians; it is…

… Muslims. They are the ones that killed first. He sang a song from his childhood, declaring 'Arabs are beloved, Jews are dogs," and another asking God to turn bones into weapons and bodies into bombs. He…

… Jerusalem — is connected to hatred of Jews," Shoebat said, adding, "Something is wrong with our way of thinking. Something is sick. Don't compare us with you. "You watch videos of bar mitzvahs; we watch…

… videos of the martyrdom of our family members. You value life; we value martyrdom. He told about being taught a mes- sianic vision where Muslims slaugh- tered Jews and the rocks cried out to Muslims to…

… murder the Jews hiding behind them. "I don't want to criticize Islam; I only want to criticize the Islam I was taught," Shoebat explained. "I have been told that Islam was hijacked and I want to agree…

December 15, 2005 • Page Image 5

…Editor's Letter Israeli Enlightenment A the spotlight like they should. For example, few American Jews know that the Intel chip in their computer probably was made in Kiryat Gat. Intel Corp.'s Dec…

… Yitzhak Rabin's life over the question of the peace process at the time," Binah said. It's my feeling that in 1995, American Jews were more caught up emotionally in Israel. There's a malaise today that we…

…-terror paratroopers. He spoke at the IDF Musical Ensemble concert hosted by Michigan Friends of the IDF at Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield. Reches spoke about the bond uniting Michigan Jewry and the soldiers…

… worry about them. And I will send them the love you showed us tonight. They greatly need it." The week underscored for me why Israel matters to American Jews — more than ever. ❑ PO INT S TO PO ND ER…

…. merican Jews look to Israel for cultural, educational and spir- itual expressions that invigor- ate our Jewish identity and remind us that we're part of a people. So can it be that Israel needs us more than…

… the anti-Zionists, led by Jew-hating Arabs, who challenge Israel's legitimacy as the Jewish state. It must rely on us. Jews who choose to demonize Israel exacerbate our prob- lem. This came clear as I…

… Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Detroit, Binah first set the record straight on European Jews, an Yonatan Reches, 21, at Shaarey Zedek: Mature alarming number of whom beyond his years. are asking…

… "whether the Israeli experiment was a good experiment or whether we should just abolish the experiment!' In contrast, he said, American Jews not only defend Israel's existence, but also are best positioned…

November 15, 1957 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish . Newspapers Michigan Press Association. National…

… negotiated a peace agree- ment with King Hussein of Jordan. The agreement reached was said to have stipu- lated liquidation of the Arab refugee 0-4 ways advised Jews to fight, but they rare- ly did." All the…

… facts in Polish-Jewish his- tory were libeled and desecrated by this statement. Gen. Bor even had the audacity to assert that Jews tried to bribe the Ger- mans with money instead of fighting for their…

… lives. Of the three million Jews who lived in Poland, only about 40,000 survive there today. But the memory of the mar- tyrs is being dragged through the mud. It is no wonder that the remaining Jews in…

… Minis- try of Religious Affairs against efforts to make Christian refugees in Israel be- come Jews." Anyone who is acquainted with the situation in Israel and with the attitudes there towards non…

… when Nazism threatened the security of the world was the courage that was displayed by Jews during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. But neither the courageous spirit of the embattled Jews nor their loyalty to…

… Poland, in whose defense hundreds of thousands of Jews had given their lives, seem to play a role with anti-Semites. - Chief among the Polish Jew-baiters is Gen. Bor-Komarowsky, whose anti…

… prejudice. The church bells ring in the Israel sector of Jerusalem as regularly as they do in the Arab section. The Baha'i have as much freedom of worship as the Jews. The Moslems are at liberty to observe…

… was that only 2 per cent of those who escaped into Hungary and Romania were Jews. That meant nearly three million Polish Jews were trapped." The tragedy in Romania matched that of Poland, and Carol and…

… Magda Lupescu were not free from guilt in the spread of terror in their country. Here, too, there is an interesting observation. St. John re- ports that in Bucharest he heard cries of "Down with the Jews

September 15, 1944 • Page Image 81

… Welfare See RESETTLEMENT—Page 24 and The Legal Chronicle trzr nvit nitr7 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1944 LIGHTING THE ROAD BACK TO FREEDOM (' 1944 Interned Jews in Liberated France…

MICHIGAN'S OLDEST ANGLO•JEWISH PUBLICATION 29th Year of Service to Jewry Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOL. 46, NO. 37 57051 The Re-settlement Service Seeks to Locate Relatives Project Is Part of…

… Have Been Freed Deport Dutch Jews To Nazi Germany J.jU C As the New Year brings the promise of libera- . lion for millions of homeless and oppressed Jews of Europe, American Jews, acting through the…

… bring a greater challenge to the Jews of the United States to support the recoil- aetivPies to restore the Jewish communities in liber- structien of their fellow-Jews who have survived more ated areas in…

… areas of France all the Jews have been released " from the in- ternment camps in which they were placed by the Germans and the Vichy regime, it was officially announced this week over the Paris radio. The…

… Berlin radio this week an- nounced that many Jews have been killed in a series of "anti- Jewish demonstrations" in the Nazi-held areas of Romania. The broadcaster said that Horia Sima, Romanian anti…

…-Semitic leader, had threatened "a merciless fight against the Bolshevik traitors and Jews who engineered the defec- tion of Romania from the ranks of the Germans." Newspapers arriving here from Germany disclose…

… that Jews are participating in large numbers in the battle in the streets of War- saw, and that "Jews and Com- munists have been mercilessly liquidated" in the region of Cra- cow. The newspapers also…

… regime may lead to the wholesale slaughter of the Jews in the internment camps. One accredited report has it that many Jews have been deported in sealed freight cars from Slovakia to Germany and Austria…

…. Simultaneously it was reported here that the retreating German armies in Holland had removed thousands of Jews from the con- centration camps in Holland and See INTERNED—Page 24 Rabbi Sperka on WWJ1 To Preach…

December 15, 1989 • Page Image 13

…ANALYSIS Glimpse the Future... Israel Is Unprepared To Absorb Soviets LOUIS RAPOPORT Israel Correspondent T he historic exodus of tens of thousands of Soviet Jews, sparked by the political…

… upheaval taking place in Russia and Eastern Europe, caught Israeli officials completely by surprise and they remain in disarray. Estimates of how many Jews will immigrate have skyrocketed in the last two…

…-garde. Unique designs for the nineties...and beyond. < Robert ALEXANDER Jewelers 32419 Northwestern Highway Located between Middlebelt and Fourteen Mile Road Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018 313…

February 15, 1985 • Page Image 29

… strengths of Begin's weaknesses, this dumb devotion to every last Jew, this "potato love," in Saul Bellow's phrase, for his people, this crude but powerful feeling that a Jew is a Jew is a Jew and that is all…

Jews need to know. The Israeli intervention on behalf of the Falashas pro- vides the most dramatic illus- tration since the early years of Israel, when virtually all the Jewish populations of the Middle…

… East and North Africa were brought to Israel "on eagle's wings," of the funda- mental hypothesis of national Jewish identity: that a Jew from Ethiopia or Yemen has more in common with a Jew from Poland…

… or France than with a non-Jew from Ethiopia or Yemen. It is a scandalous suggestion. It is both true and false, obviously. To the extent that it is true, Israeli society works. To the extent that it is…

… false, Israeli society does not work. The brutal ethnic ten- sions of recent years are owed in good measure to the neglect of these differences among Jews. Still, they have not yet vanquished the…

… 6600 West Maple, West Bloomfield. Michigan 48033 Due to an incredible response, this sale will be continued thru February 28. A Partial List of Our Incredible Sale Values • SALE REG. • SALE • Blue…

January 15, 2015 • Page Image 29

… international Jewish chorus commemorating the uprooting of Jews from Arab lands as well as from Iran and North Africa ("Jews From Arab Lands:' Jan. 1, page 16). Plaudits to StandWithUs Michigan, Greater Detroit…

… Chapter of Hadassah, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, the Zionist Organization of America Michigan Region and Keter Torah Synagogue of West Bloomfield for helping raise awareness. The…

… 800,000 Jews lived in Arab lands as well as in Iran and North Africa at the time Israel became a modern state in 1948. Most of those Jews fled or were forced to leave their homes after statehood; three…

…-quarters settled in the young state, a haven for oppressed Jews following the Holocaust. In contrast, most Arabs were told to leave Palestine by their leaders in advance of Arab armies invading the new Jewish state…

… for USY officers (see page 14). Here are two community views on that decision. Why I'm Now A Former Conservative Jew W y name is Jesse Arm. I am a grandson of a for- mer Conservative rabbi, a former…

… student of a Conservative Jewish day school, a former president of the Detroit chapter of USY (United Synagogue Youth, the Conservative movement's youth organization) and a former Conservative Jew. The last…

… upon at USY's international conven- tion, which voted to relax its rules barring teenage board members from dat- ing non-Jews. Formerly, to take on a leadership position in the USY youth movement, it was…

…'t it just say so? It is clear that this movement is on a path of setting aside its commit- ment to its original, cardinal principles Arm on page 30 iNhy I Am A Conservative Jew I recently read Jesse…

October 15, 1965 • Page Image 15

…1.10•P,O •M “•••041 ■0 •••••0 1 •• ■ ••0 ■0•0 •M•0•1•141 ■ 941 •=10.0 4 1■ 41 ••••1 1•••1.Nown ■ q libl•• ■ 0 •1•• ■ 0 0•1•CI•fl.•••01, Boris Smolar's m 'Between You and Me' JEWS IN SWEDEN: The…

… in Sweden is very limited. . It would have been even more limited, were it not for the fact that of the 12,000 Jews residing in the country now, about 6,000 are comparative newcomers—Jews who settled…

… other Scandinavian coun- tries—the population makes no distinction between Jew and non-Jew in any walk of life . . . Anti-Semitism is completely alien to the Swedish people, even though Nazis from Germany…

… government to impose a special voluntary tax on any Jew who wants to be considered a Jew. ... This tax constitutes 2.7 percent of the income tax and brings into the community about $250,000 a year, in addition…

October 15, 1943 • Page Image 11

…Friday, Ociober 15, 1943 THE JEWISH NEWS - Danish Jews Killing Selves To Avoid Gestapo Manhunt 3 Jewish Groups . Serve Sandwiches At Downtown USO Many Escape fo Sweden in Rowboats as Some Attempt…

… to have been immediate- Fish, Nathan Hossman, Max Ro- of Jews from Denmark on small ly executed. is arranging the series of Con- senberg i Morris Mony, Sam fishing boats. Nevertheless, the gress…

…. Women's Aid for Servicemen, over the week-end. Founder of the American Jew- iimalw under the chairmanship of Mrs. (Many Danes were said to ish Weekly in Rochester in 1888, Report Hitler Ordered S…

…. Fleisher, served sandwiches be hiding in their homes to he served as managing editor of Europe Purged of Jews and cookies. Those assisting prevent their deportation by NEW YORD, (JPS)—The re- were Mesdames…

… Sarin. Zuger, I. the American Hebrew in 1889 the Nazis despite threats of and collaborated with Dr. Joseph moval of all Jews from Europe Shapiro, I. Halperin, Anna Gold- severe punishment and actual…

…, L. Ossippow, E. Lt. COL Lloyd S. Spooner, ing Jews, the JPS said in a One of the founders of the ing to the New York Times' Vinick, S. Stern, and A. Wino- London report. commanding officer at Camp…

March 15, 1996 • Page Image 150

…The Reel Story On Jews In Hollywood everal years ago, Bonnie Garvin began writing the screenplay for a fluffy romantic comedy, set in a big-city diamond district. Naturally, Garvin says, most of her…

… characters were Jewish: The diamond industry always has been the province of Jewish merchants. And as a Jew herself, then living in Manhattan, the former Detroiter had a working knowledge of the gaudy milieu…

… odd given its source. "It was only other Jewish people who would say this," observes Garvin, who now lives outside Los Angeles with her husband. "I never got that reac- tion from non-Jews." In a way…

…- elodeons that would later blossom into Paramount Studios, Jews have played a definitive rol The 69th Academy ! Awards are just over a week away. What role have Jews played in stoking the American 1 c…

… ] dream machine? , 1-- 82 REED JOHNSON SPECIAL TO THE JEWISH NEWS in stoking the American dream machine. for at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Denial and dissociation also belong to this lega…

… pecking order based on Jewish (or non-Jew- Jewish." ish) credentials. Yet, several Metro Detroiters who've worked in "I think the one thing which I experienced was Hollywood say that being Jewish carries…

… traditions, partic- ligious," Cohn elaborates. The best explanation for ularly in the realm of comedy. the number of Jews still Jewish culture, he says, em- working in movies, he in- Considered cinematic…

August 15, 1975 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS THE RIDDLE. Of THE SPHINXES Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue 0(July 20, 195.1 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan

… Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ DREW LIEBERWITZ Business Manager Advertising Manager flan llitsky…

… "wie es christelt sich, so judelt sich," that as An instance in point is the candidac'y for the Christians react, so also do the Jews, ex- President of U. S. Senator Henry Jackson. Too plains the…

… universal effect of such human re_ac- many have already chosen to refer to him as tions as a lack of good, wholesome humor. "the Jewish candidate," all stemming from his Tragic experiences have made the Jew

… with Russia. tions. Even in the concentration camps, under Last week a National Observer writer, au- the Nazi tyrannies, Jews joked, poked fun at the thor of the "Mainstreams" column, (Edwin A. enemy and…

… at themselves. Roberts, Jr.), writing on politics and Democratic Sigmund Freud, in "Wit and Its Relation to candidates, has this to say: "What about Scoop the Unconscious," thus complimented the Jew

… wit of Jews, especially in current literature, is, in fact, a symptomatic campaign is certain to evidence many conflict- element in American life generally. If we have ing attitudes on the Russian…

… all their ugliness. Anti-Semitic signs on Detroit's public foun- tains, buildings and alleyways in the downtown area have created anxieties among Jews who have been confronted by them and non-Jews who…

… entire community rests with the City Fathers and the police de- partment. If manifestations of hatred against Jews, such as have been smeared shamelessly in this community, are permitted against Jews, they…

… Roots of Anti-Semitism Evaluates Jew and Gentile There have been several books and re-prints in recent years that have systematically dealt with the rise of anti-Semitism, but few offer the clear…

April 15, 1960 • Page Image 2

…- establishment of a great un- two Jew in the .. classics—"The munity. The Indian wars, the e apparently in b half of the Soviet Embassy in Washington, o f England," b y s tand the ature of the uni- era ore u) 'der…

… Modder, and tween nations, to protect the retention of Jewish loyalties— • P-4- z of the USSR on his tour of the United States, September 15-27, "The Jew in the Medieval . rights - of all men, Jew and…

… lifetime—he had been emigrants from Bohemia. National Press Club is the following: ceived his Ph.D. at the Univer- completely selfleSs, and the The author of "Northwest 14 sity of Michigan in 1935, made…

…, including the Jew- tore in search for Jewish char- ing this, mourned his death." native of Vienna. He has lived Li ish population, in the Soviet Union. Can you say a few words acters. In his important book, o…

… eminent his- myks, Jews—if I were to list all the peoples of the Soviet Un- torian, professor of hiStory at - ion, it would take more time than has been set apart for this Union College, Cincin- press…

… shoulder toward their common goal communism. The position , Jews in medieval times in his United Jewish. Appeal leaders are flirting with the idea of book. Internal rela- of our country's Jewish population…

…, for example, is character- limportant ,ized, among other things, by the following fact: Jews hold' a tionships, state and church convoking a nationwide conference of young American-born ' hind…

… Icompulsions. and other vital is- Jews active in local Jewish communities, none to be older than : worthy place among those who made the success sues are part of the volume, 30 years . . The idea emanates from…

… the fact Tat a new spirit . 'of • the moon rocket possible." first published in 1938 by the is noticeable among young American Jews with regard to their Immediately after Khrushchev's statement, Radio…

… Moscow Union of American Hebrew obligations as Jews . . . To many of them, UJA is not merely reported the questions and answers at the National Press Club, Congregations, and now avail- an organization…

September 15, 1967 • Page Image 1

… ■ Jewish Attitudes of Soviet Writer Eh renburg Commentary - Page 2 of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME LI—NO. 26 de 17100 W. 7…

…." published by the Jewish Pub- ligation Society of America. Next week's installment will indicate how Bukhara?? and the youth are affected by USSR Jews and anti-Semitism. By BEN AMI earliest times, the…

… Georgian nation absorbed tury, Georgian Jews began to settle in tumi, Sukhumi, Cori, Suram, Kulashi (a little town mainly populated by Jews), and its Jews without any trouble and regarded Palestine. brought…

… hea loyal minority. Jewish the local and munity of the Georgian Jews. The production or communities Social and cultural contacts with other tion Jewish communities were maintained main- and sale of…

… wine was completely taken over are much closer than those between the 1y by their merchants who traveled to Jew- by the government and became a national Ashkenazi communities in Russia. The w ves…

… Republic. established Tbilisi community often gi ish centers in neighboring lands. In the monopoly of the Georgian Thousands of Georgian Jews managed to fin reli- maintain Middle Ages, Georgian Jews were in…

… humane attitude toward the eenth century onward, they began to estab- situation. Jews than do the other national republics. lish contact with Russian Jewry.. Since the their educational institutions…

… managed some- the Russian empire this contact has been nation has managed to how to develop effective means of preserv- This small. proud steadily strengthened. The Georgian Jews are proud of their past…

… Media." Jew was good—better in fact than that former important position in the economic than other the Soviet There nationalities are hardly any of Russians in Union. key gov- Though there is no clear…

… evidence in sup- of other Jews within the Russian Pale of life of Gdorgia, this time within the new port of this tradition (as no serious study settlement—and this enabled them to bring national framework as…

September 15, 1944 • Page Image 50

… the Eternal City has reopened its doors, re- moving the bars placed upon it by the Nazis."—News item. The first definite appearance of Jews in Italy was in about the year 140 B.C.E., when Sim- on, the…

… brother of Judas Macca- beus, sent an envoy to Rome to , _ Rosh Hashonah Greetings • Buy More Victory Bonds • Michigan Cartage and Storage Co. 416 E. Woodbridge RAndolph 2780 secure an alliance…

… against him- self. Julius Caesar was benevolent to the Jews; he protected them against their enemies and respect- ed their religious observances. The Roman Jews were inconsol- able at his death and spent…

… sev- eral nights mourning beside his tomb. His nephew, Octavius, lat- er the Emperor Augustus, also granted the Jews the right to observe their own religious cus- toms, to build synagogues, and to…

… transmit their yearly contri- butions to the Temple at Jeru- salem, alhough in general it was not permitted to send large sums of money out of Rome. The Roman Jews received their por- tion of the grain that…

… was dis- tributed among the populace; if the distribution happened to take place on the Sabbath, the Jews were to receive their portion on the following day: The first real persecution of the Jews in…

… within a specified time. Thousands of Jew- ish youths were sent to Sardinia during his reign to fight against the hordes of brigands infesting that island. Caligula, his successor, violent- ly persecuted…

… Emperor Nero that the rebellion in Judaea against Rome was reaching its height, the Jews in Rome were well treated under his government—probably because his wife, the Empress Poppaea, was interested in the…

… Jewish reilgion and showed her- self friendly to its adherents. Later, under Vespasian, the Jew- ish community in Rome was made to answer for the rebellion in Judaea, and it was no longer permitted for…

… them to send mon- ey for the Temple at Jerusalem. After the conquest of Jeru- salem by Titus, son of Vespasian, those Jews who had been friend- ly to Rome were richly reward- ed, among them Berenice, the…

June 15, 1917 • Page Image 8

… stimulate thousands experienced. It must be the aim of our state of Michigan to lead the of Jews to a new interest in the history of our people. Perhaps the whole country by its example of generous and…

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 8 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. General Manager - - ANTON KAUFMAN Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. - Subscription…

… come into his own, so shall the persecuted Jew, of whom he is the symbol. be lifted into the place of opportunity throughout the world which, in the providence of God, must be his among the nations of…

… no question but that some of the books issued in recent years by the Jewish Publication Society were of so low a standard as to invite surprise that they had been Michigan and the War Relief In the…

… has gone far beyond it. In the next honor roll that the article in the American Jewish Chronicle has to say about the new shall be published, another Michigan city will take high rank. This Bible…

… have put community of only several hundred Jewish, families, and should serve the Jews of the world under a lasting obligation to them. But they as a tremendous inspiration to other cities of the state…

…. It gives did more than this. They have given us a version of the Bible in answer at once to the argument of our fellow Jews in the smaller excellent literary form true to the spirit of the original…

… of Graetz's History of the Jews. It is true, the work is obsolete our state to do its share, but if we may judge by the feelings of our friends in Flint, their generous attitude will go far to bring…

… enthusiastic giving, just time has come when the Jewish Publication Society should undertake as Detroit has led the cities of the land. Such cities as Saginaw, Bay the publication of a new history of the Jews

… will expect at the hands of story of the Jew's past. The criticism passed by the writer of the article upon Raskin's the people themselves that generous response which the cause de- serves, and which…

February 15, 2002 • Page Image 5

… Jewish population of less than 2 percent. On the U.S. Supreme Court, two of the nine justices are Jewish, though Jews are only 2.2 percent of the U.S. population. In Michigan, the Levin brothers, U.S. Sen…

…EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK Jews And Politics lla etro Detroit Jews aren't sitting on the sidelines this election year, I'm glad to say. Over the past few months, I've received upwards of a dozen…

… flood of announced Jewish candidates yet, but there's enough to notice, and that's good. Jews should get involved in government. Such involvement is a hallmark of the democratic ideals we so cherish as…

… than there were 10 or 15 years ago. "Some," he says, "regarded this as a turning away from politics, as had been seen in other segments of the popula- tion, or as a result of the quest by most Jews for a…

… involvement increases our influence." Notably, Jews aren't just seeking public office. They're main- taining a tradition of getting behind candidates through vol- unteer and financial support. Jews were among…

… outspo- ken — and we vote. In Oakland County, where we're most concentrated, Jews are, at most, 10 percent of the population. But we're plugged in at all levels of government, working hard for the common…

… good. As a minority group in America, Jews must stay involved. That's the only way to, as Gale says, "hold our nation to the credo of 'majority rule, but with minority rights,' particularly protection of…

… gender; • human rights issues that embrace Jews in other countries; • education issues, ranging from support for public educa- tion to what to do about tuition vouchers. We also have the matter of assuring…

… War II that Jews, by now accus- tomed to the whims of America's melting pot, began running for, and achieved, elec- tion to political office in areas where the Jewish vote didn't carry them — a signal…

… that anti-Jewish sentiment was fading. Today, Jews are a popular choice almost wherever they run, not just in New York. Al Gore's near-successful presidential bid with U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman of…

July 15, 1983 • Page Image 7

…Friday, July 15, 1983 1 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS History of the Falashas in The Lost Jews' By ALLEN A. WARSEN "The Lost Jews," authored by Louis Rapoport (Stein and Day), is the story of the…

… Falashas, the black Jews of Ethiopia, Africa. Stories about black Jews living in the highlands of northwest Ethiopia, the bi- blical land of Cush, were told by explorers, mer- chants, travelers and soldiers…

…, traditional Jew. His first trip to Ethiopia was financed by Baron Ed- mond Rothchild and Chief Rabbi Zadok Kahn of Paris: At first, the Falashas re- fused to believe that he was a white Falasha. Thirty years…

… before, they similarly doubted that Prof. Halevy . was a Jew. Faitolovitch fi- nally convinced them that he was. Jewish. On returning to Paris, Faitolovitch reported to Baron Rothchild that the Falashas…

… were really Jews. They have the same aspi- rations," he told the Baron, "that we do, they believe like we that they are-the fu- ture of Israel . . . They are an active, intelligent, moral people, with a…

… interested in "primitive black Jews." Worried lest the Chris- tian missionaries succeed in converting the Falashas, F_aitolovitch appealed to world Jewry "to help preserve the Beta-Israel," as , the Falashas…

…- quered a vast empire, "dealt a devastating blow to Chris- tianity and changed the course of Ethiopian his- tory." - - But in recent years, the black Jews have suffered persecution by their former…

… landowners and lately by the EPRD (Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party), who accused them of being Zionist agents. Significantly, since its founding, Israel absorbed hundreds of thousands of Oriental Jews

July 15, 1988 • Page Image 30

… COSMETIC SURGEONS OF MICHIGAN—one of the area's lead- ing cosmetic surgery practices. From head to toe, you can benefit from modern, safe, effective tech- niques practiced by COSMETIC SURGEONS OF MICHIGAN

…, includ- ing breast reconstruction, breast and body recontouring, liposuction and facial and nose cosmetic surgery procedures. Let these new techniques welcome a new you! Call COSMETIC SURGEONS OF MICHIGAN

Jews, their objectivity thus being all the more obvious. Never was the libel raised under official auspices in the states of the Church — a statement applicable to few other parts of Europe. On almost…

… See toward the Jew, essentially humane according to the standard of the age even when it could not be benevolent, appear in a nobler light:' The mass of evidence ac- cumulated in this very im- portant…

…'s volume which proves the irony of at- tempts by Jews to disprove this libel when it should be done by non-Jews who are responsible for spreading it. Dr. Roth reproduces in his book part of the record of the…

… Palatine Merry del Val, Pontifical Secretary of State, who replied on Oct. 18, 1913, stating that the en- cyclicals are "substantially authentic?' "The Rutial Murder Libel and the Jew," although containing a…

… total of only 100 pages, is pack- ed full of very important data dealing with the ritual murder charge. It dates back to the first libel made against the Jews in 1144 when William of Norwich, who died of…

… a cateleptic fit, was later martyrized as a victim of the Jews and his name repeatedly invoked thereafter for the revival of the ritual murder libel. Dr. Roth reviews the various instances of ritual…

… murder lies against the Jews leading up the latest demonstrations of imbecili- ty in the spread of this calumny by Julius Streicher in the official Nazi organ of Nuremburg, Der Stuermer. He shows how this…

October 15, 1920 • Page Image 6

… established. that Jews are as they were and that they were as they are, that Jesus of Nazareth was of them and with them and for them, that every calumny MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBUCATION against the brothers…

… and sisters of Jesus the Jew reviles hint. God pity Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. and forgive Henry Ford. God save Joseph J. Cummins, President. America and keep America…

… created considerable comment, not only Subscription, in Advance 33.00 Per Year among Jews of South l9rooklyn, but To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must reach this all over the…

… recrudescence of antipathy to significant part that is being played in the life of the Jew by the the Jew throughout the world. "Even in American life, where tot- synagog. The movement is essentially one of…

… philan- Jews in considerable numbers live, addresses will be delivered by venomous" attack—that reported to thropy and education will take place. Workers for the drive are prominent laymen dealing with the…

… that are "This,antagonism," according to Dr. Never with greater earnestness than now, have we appealed to our affiliated with the synagog. Lyons, /"must be combatted by the If, as we believe, the Jew is…

… a Jew by religion only, then it follows Jews." He then proceeds to tell his people for their whole-hearted and generous support of the Fund. Upon the success of the drive this year will depend the…

… fed- tation. To be a Jew and not to be religious is an anomaly. As has tipathy by following the example of Plato, erated giving shall be put. If the drive fails this year, it can never been pointed out…

… accomplished indicated during last year's drive. Though a much smaller sum was synagog upon the life of the Jew is strong, we may be sure that by the war in its promotion of some then asked for than had been…

… mind, many of the Jew and in all the best things for which he stands, he will be but whose length of endurance It to those who worked at that time are reticent to be enrolling them- indifferent and…

May 15, 1981 • Page Image 28

…28 Friday, May 15, 1981 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Benard L. and Rosalyn J. Maas Recreation Area - Camp Tamarack at Ortonville, Michigan Community Visiting Day Monday, May 25, 1981 1…

…- dence Day celebration and parade. With regard to the phrase "racial prejudice," it must be pointed out that Jews are not a race. Throughout the Bible, the Israelites are referred to by the Hebrew word am…

…, mean- ing a people or nation. The Midrash Tanhuma says "all Jews are brothers" (and let us add sisters too). Jews may be described with terms such as "family," "civilization" and the like, but "race" is…

… inaccurate. The words "Caucasian" and "Negroid" denote race, "Jew" does not. One cannot convert to Caucasian, yet a non-Jew can become Jewish. Indeed, the fact is that Jews come in all colors and are to be…

… found among all races. The late Rabbi Morris Adler, in his book "the World of the Talmud," said that Jews constitute a people. He wrote: 'One of the reasons the mod- ern Jew finds it difficult to define…

… his identity is that the English language offers no term to suggest the complex of ethnic, na- tional, cultural and reli- gious elements that con- stitute the collective life of the Jew." Though it may…

… be difficult to decide between these var- ious terms when referring to Jews, the designation "race" is both inappropriate and incorrect. Daniel Pernick Hebrew Union College Cincinnati, Ohio (Editor…

…'s note: The Jewish News is well aware of the misapplica- tion of the term "race" to Jews. Its appearance in the article referred to was a quotation from the charges made against the councilman. The expla…

April 15, 1927 • Page Image 5

… to live without sinking to the Diet in Poland and other European Lafayette 5837 6103 - 11 Michigan Ave. level of the hover civilization. If the countries I have found evidence that Jews are to compete…

…PAGE FIVE ilEYATROIVEWISif ORM 1CLE URGES PROTECTION OF UNITED STATES FOR WRONGED JEWS Greetings of the Season. Jackson Coal & Lumber Company -- Dealers in COAL, LUMBER AND Rich Cream For…

… Homes for 500,000 Can Be Created In Ancient Holyland. . .. . . /. NEB' YORK.--(J. T. A.1 United States Senator William II. King of Utah, urged the United States govern- ment to protect oppress,d Jews

… beauty, of ideals that , has been transmitted through the Jews. I beg you young holies not to be ashamed that you are Jews. (Continued on the has been mush criticism of e Jews that they are international…

…, and they Jews." are always ready to discoverobs tacles Senator King deseribed his impres- The Original Metal Treatment. to progress. Private tastes come in sions of Palestine gathered during a to affect…

… the co-operation; the Arab recent trip and praised the agreement High Grade Lubricating and Motor Oils. is so much more easily managed than reached between Dr. Chaim tVeiz- the civilized Jews, and they…

… cannot yet mann and Louis Marshall for the up- The Original ZINCO Soot Destroyer. look upon the Jew as an Englishm e n. building of Palestine and the Jewish , The gulf between Kenya and Palt, Homeland…

…. tine is immense, and all created by the Beautiful Colonies Visited. conviction that a Jew is it an En- "While in Palestine I Marc visited' glishman. If one could but strike a Wean between the two…

… labor. If the Jews arc In Palestine there can Is. created to have a home land they must be homes fur 500,0011 Jews or more," the' workers there, and the workers must Senator said, "and among the I be able…

…,111(11 opposed the last immigration measure COME IN AND SEE US When in Need of POULTRY SUPPLIES a day, whereas the Jew cannot pos. because I felt it to he unjust to the sibly manage on less than 12 piasters Jews

December 15, 1944 • Page Image 2

… Maccabeans—the Jews in the underground movements of Europe, the pioneers and soldiers of Jewish Palestine. Many acts of bravery and daring have been revealed in recent months as the Allies have broken through…

… to a hiding place where they will be safe from the Gestapo. Emissaries from Palestine run the gauntlet of Nazi torture to organize rescue measures for Jews in the Balkans threatened with deportation to…


… packages via neutral coun- escape oppression and deporta- of their fellow-Jews until the Joint tries and international relief tion. With the aid of the U.P.A. Distribution Committee assumed agencies. Funds…

… have been appropri- vide for demobilized Jewish sol- estine Appeal. In observing the Feast of ated for the rescue of Jews who diers as well as for newly ar- Lights this year, it is this new remain in…

… embodied funds so that agricultural devel- hope in the hearts of all Jews. in the rebuilding of the Jewish opment and settlement may keep Few holidays in the Jewish cal- homeland in Palestine supported pace…

… fundamental purposes of the new luster to the Maccabean tra- dation Fund comprises the U.P.A., organizations which American dition. With the aid of the amount to approximately 720,000 Jews have established to…

…- effort on all fronts, the Jews of ment to finance Jewish rescue tion of hundreds of thousands of Palestine will require the aid of and reconstruction, the United others yet to come to Palestine. the U…

August 15, 1997 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 57

… created the Talmud? What is the real connection between Jews, trade and money? What is the key to the success of the Hasidic movement? Were the Enlightenment and emancipation good for the Jews? What is…

… the nature of modern antisemitism? Has Zionism met the expectations of its creators? Pivnick Center for Humanistic Judaism Birmingham Temple 28611 West Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, Michigan

… separate the facts from the fiction and to present to us, for the first time, what really happened — the real history of the Jews. Eleven distinguished scholars explore the way Jewish people, in fact…

September 15, 1939 • Page Image 28

…, suc- cess, all inspire something more than ,toleration. A New Year Message to the Jews of Michigan Through The Detroit Jewish Chronicle By THE HON. LUREN D. DICKINSON Governor of Michigan This age…

… to extend my sincerest greetings to the Jews of Michigan and to express the hope that inde- cencies will not gain a foothold on this land of freedom. We must strive together—Christians and Jews—to keep…

…PAGE SIX PIEVerRorrjEwtsnalRortcul September 15, 1939 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE THE JEW AND THE DRAMA ROSH HASHONAH GREETINGS We extend sincere wishes for a Happy and Pros- perous New Year and…

…- porary drama is presented in a pamphlet, The American Drama presents the Jew" by Joseph Mersand, Ph. D., published by The Modern Chapbooks, 284 Montauk Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pointing out that ''the por…

…- trayal of Jewish characters in drama can often nerve as an index of a nation's attitude to its Jewish population," Dr. Mer- sand presents a birdseye view of the manner in which the Jew has been treated by…

… dramatists during the past 300 years. Ile contrasts Mrs. Susanna Rawson's "Slaves in Algiers" (1794) in which the Jew was painted as a scoundrel with Lessing's "Na- than the Wise," the first major play in the…

… world's dramatic lit- erature to present a noble por- trait of a Jew." Richard Cumber- land's "The Jew" (1793) he calls "the first favorable dramatic treatment by an English drama- tist." More numerous…

… and more varied portraits appeared on the American stage as soon as the traditional defamation of the Jew lost its appeal, Dr. Mersand writes, but old hostilities arose again after the depression of…

… 1929. The works of Odets, Rice, Wesley and others are described to show the role in which the Jew is presented as educator, as attorney, in the economic field, an physician, as entertainer. as radical…

…, as philosopher, as moth- er, as man of courage. lie con- cludes by stating: "The history of the Jew on the recent American stage is truly one of emancipation . . . No longer is he the comic figure with…

September 15, 1944 • Page Image 56

… part. Delegates from Italy participated in the preliminary congresses held in Geneva and Paris pre- paratory to the meeting of the World Jewish Congress. The Union of Italian Jews started a Central…

… Relief Committee to aid the German Jews after Hitler became the head of Germany, and established agricultural train- ing schools for young German Jews near Rome and Genoa. Unfortunately there are those…

November 15, 2018 • Page Image 14

Jews historically,” he said. THE RESULTS IN MICHIGAN “In Michigan, there was something of a blue wave,” Lessenberry said. “Trump was never as popular here as he has been in some places. His tariffs are…

jews in the d continued from page 12 NEW YEAR. NEW VIEWS. NEW PASS. 2019 ANNUAL PASS NOW AVAILABLE AT METROPARKS.COM/SHOP ‘BLUE AND WHITE’ WAVE According to Kenneth Wald, profes- sor emeritus of…

… sets of data show Jews voted slightly more than 4-1 in favor of Democratic candidates, an increase from 2-1 in the 2014 Kenneth Wald midterm elections and up from 3-1 during the 2016 election. “Jews have…

… could have been any more Democratic than it was.” Wald said American Jews have built a political culture based on the prin- ciple of equal citizenship in a secular state. “A significant number of Jews

…, Wald said. “Evangelicals are as Republican as Jews are Democratic, and they believe that public policy should reflect Christian values. When a state consid- ers itself Christian, that’s never good for…

… in the JN. She had no endorsements; Stevens did. And Jews vote about 80 percent Democratic. It makes no difference if the Republican candidate is Jewish or not.” The real question, Lessenberry said, is…

… whether Slotkin and Stevens will hang onto those seats. “Michigan is going to lose a seat in Congress in 2022, and Stevens and Slotkin may end up being thrown into the same district.” The winner of the…

June 15, 2001 • Page Image 5

…, 411MINOPOINVOIONMSOWMIPMS• EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK Shifting Priorities Denver 0 ur survival as Jews in America hinges more on acknowledging our diver- sity than on strengthening our unity, says one…

… downtown Denver hotel on June 8: SKLAR "For Jews in America, there is no such thing as a Jewish story Editor without an American context." As a keynoter, he tended to wander, but he wasn't boring. The…

December 15, 2022 (vol. 172, iss. 20) • Page Image 14

…14 | DECEMBER 15 • 2022 OUR COMMUNITY C ongregation Chabad House- Lubavitch of Eastern Michigan, will light a 22-foot public Chanukah menorah at Shea Automotive (2100 Linden Road, Flint) at 5…

… Swanson and Michigan Supreme Court Justice Richard Bernstein. The event will also feature delicious holiday foods and hot soup. Complimentary Chanukah menorahs and candles will be distributed as well…

… to join Chabad of Eastern Michigan’s menorah lighting this year. Thirty-seven years ago, Rabbi Yisroel Weingarten and his wife, Shainie, moved from Brooklyn to meet the needs of the Flint Jewish…

… community. One of Weingarten’s first and largest functions was erecting Eastern Michigan’s largest menorah 36 years ago. “Everyone is especially excited about Chanukah this year,” said Mrs. Shainie…

… Weingarten, co-director of Chabad of Eastern Michigan. “People are prepar- ing to celebrate with family and friends, to fill their homes with the light of Chanukah, and there’s a palpable joy. The public…

… campaign in 1973, of which Flint’s public Chanukah activities are a part of. Chabad-Lubavitch’s annual Chanukah campaign has distributed millions of menorahs to Jews around the world, and erected…

… million Jews in more than 100 countries. This year’s Chanukah campaign comes amid a growing awareness of Chabad- Lubavitch’s indelible impact on Jewish life. Pew Research Center’s 2020 survey of Jewish…

… Americans showed that 38% of all American Jews have participated in Chabad activities and services, of whom more than 75% do not identify as Orthodox. Indeed, during the pandemic, demand for Chabad of…

January 15, 1993 • Page Image 13

…Do You Know Mitzvah People In Our Midst? "That man deserves the highest honors who does not ask for them, but performs worthy deeds." Robert Singer "For some of these forgotten Jews of Detroit, he…

… emigration movement to 11-year-old Josh Zwickl, whose drive and compassion benefit many causes, particularly the Yad Ezra kosher food pantry, Jews have been performing significant acts of charity and kindness…

… THE JEWISH NEWS 0) Mitzvah Heroes The Jewish News 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 13 …

July 15, 1988 • Page Image 24

… only alternative to a public course. Membership at private clubs was not open to Jews. VIV It is a moot point whether things have greatly changed. "We have no hard evidence of antipathy to Jews in…

… local clubs;' says Richard Lobenthal, Michigan director of the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. But, he adds, "discrimination in 1988 24 FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1988 is difficult to prove." The…

… — `there is an occasional Jewish Born out of discrimination, Jewish city and country clubs remain a haven for wealthy Jews membership," says Lobenthal. "But there is certainly no aggressive outreach on the…

… part of other clubs towards Jews." If there were such an outreach to- day, it might well fall on deaf ears, ac- cording to local Jewish golfing en- thusiasts. What was once a matter of necessity they…

March 15, 1946 • Page Image 1

…The Jewish Community's Family Newspaper VOL. 8—NO. 26 THE A Weekly Review 2114 Penobscot Bldg. RA. 7956 - E of Jewish Events Detroit 26, Michigan. March '15, 1946 America's Leading English…

… Palestine, when the JeWs are in a majority, he does not demand the establishment of such a state im- mediately, but wants maximum Jewish immigration. 2. He is not interested in the "trappings" of a Jewish…

… state, but wants "state power" for Jews to develop the coun- try, and immediate abolition of the White Paper. 3. He wants peace with the Arabs and is willing to meet them any time to discuss the future of…

… the country. 4. He does not believe that there is any future in Europe for Jews. 5. He revealed that Churchill, when Prime Minister, promised that when the war ended, he would try to convince the U. S…

… as human beings. On Purim Jewry must resolve that the causes which are to aid these people—through our approaching $2,000,000 Allied Jew- ish Campaign—must receive our . ullest and most generous…

November 15, 1991 • Page Image 5

…, treasures and other ideas for Chanukah. center Louisiana Jews prepare to flee a Duke victory. 14 DETROIT • Two events recall Nazi Kristallnacht. ENTERTAINMENT • School uniforms on Akiva agenda…

… settlements facing a showdown. NATIONAL 38 The economy creates problems for Jews, ADL. FINE ARTS 78 A seven-panel Jewish history will come here. DEPARTMENTS SPORTS Part Of A Legacy MIKE ROSENBAUM A…

… JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements in January, March, May, August, October and November at 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage…

… paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 27676 Franklin Road Southfield, Michigan 48034 $31 per year $41 per year out of state 75…

September 15, 1939 • Page Image 8

… PRINTING CO. "SERVICE PLUS QUALITY" 31 NORTH PHONE 1070 MT. CLEMENS, MICHIGAN Bella and Samuel Spewak, a rare script team, are putting the finishing touches on their new M.S. which bears the working…

… title of "Women Overboard." ROSII HASIIONAII GREETINGS! BILL SHOVAN'S RADIATOR b WELDING SHOP 18 EAST BROADWAY A Happy New Year! PHONE 1296 MT. CLEMENS, MICHIGAN Prescriptions Carefully Compounded…

…. Clemens, Mich. A tragic year is closing. No serious-minded Jew can contemplate the events in the Jewish world during 5699 without echoing the cry of anguish of the prophet: "For my sighs are many, and my…

… balance, the Jew's supplication to our Father in Ileaven must be for mankind to be spared the horror and devastation of a world conflict. With especial fervor should be repeated the New Year prayer for the…

July 15, 1966 • Page Image 4

…. SLOMOVITZ Advertising Manager Business Manager inereitNALcrry dedkalfoo of Ike Pitman ceittee . for me Advancement of Awe injervsakm) Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan

…. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan CHARLOTTE HYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 28th day of Tammus, 5726, the following scriptural selections will be read…

…,000-plus Jews in Metropolitan Detroit 7,000 were 65 years of age or older and that 65 per cent of them were women. Dr. Mayer is continuing his surveys on the subject, and his findings are certain to be of…

… to obviate confusion among Jews as well as non-Jews--because Jews who are not steeped in Hebrew and Yiddish fall prey to the same errors in pronunciation as non-Jews—that a proper, an acceptable, sys…

… life accepts the need for uniformity so that Hebrew and Yiddish terms will not be corrupted by improper usage. Supplying the background for an ,understanding of Jews and Juda- ism, as they have emerged…

… as part of the American literary theme, Prof. Sol Liptzin has written an important analysis of the Jew in belles-lettres. In "The Jew in American Literature," published by Bloch, Dr. Liptzin, formerly…

… chairman of the department of Germanic and Slavic languages at the College of the City of New York and now a member of the faculty of the Technion at Haifa, Israel, commences his analyses with the Jews in…

… colony-builders on this continent— William Bradford, Cotton Mather and others—and the biblical inter- ests among the early patriots point to the interest in Jews in early times. Literary works about Jews

… and non Jews in the early years of this Republic, dramas, like those writ- Dr. Liptzin ten by Mordecai Manuel Noah, and other evidences of attention given to JeWs are recorded here. Dr. Liptzin points…

… out that the New Englander saw "Jews in the light of biblical prophecy and talmudic lore. Their poets did not show keen insight into American Jewish reality but did glorify the Jewish past and did…

December 15, 2005 • Page Image 45

… becoming a committed Jew. Just weeks after the Union for Reform Judaism advocated openly suggesting the non-Jewish spouse convert, the Conservative move- ment's Rabbi Epstein said, "We must begin…

… aggressively to encourage conversions of potential Jews who have chosen a Jewish spouse. And if conversion is initially rejected, we must continue to place it on the agenda;' he said. To bring children of mixed…

… that we must be open to people exploring Judaism, and indeed, I spend quite a bit of time with non-Jews considering Judaism. "Still, we must remain committed to the integrity of the conversion course…

… set so low that we turn non-Jews into non-committal Jews." Flexibility offered USCJ President Ray Goldstein speaks with Rabbi Jerome Epstein before the presentation of the new outreach initiative…

…. The outreach document — called al ha'derech, or "on the path"— isn't meant to dictate policy but rather suggest a way to guide what the movement is now calling "potential Jews" toward greater Jewish…

… Kodesh, Rabbi Miller, who is also assistant director of the University of Michigan Hillel in Ann Arbor, said: "I am proud that we are addressing the issues of intermarriage and making a concerted effort to…

November 15, 1991 • Page Image 126

…• I FINE ARTS I ■ Avraham Leaf with a painting by Dubi Arie. Seven-Panel History Of Jews To Debut Here ELIZABETH APPLEBAUM Assistant Editor W MARY DUPRIE STUDIOS Contemporary Custom Jewelry…

… LINED DRAWERS $1,460.000 Artist Designed Pieces Available for Immediate Purchase Custom Orders Starting At $700.00 • 40 W HOWARD, STUDIO 410, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48342 313-338-8703 c ak BUICK mamma…

… hen artist Dubi Arie considers Jew- ish history, he doesn't see just bits and pieces. He sees the big pic- ture. He sees such a big picture, in fact, that when he went to paint it, Mr. Arie produced a…

…- tion, will host a number of cultural and educational events. "Our goal is to build bridges between Jews, as one people in the Diaspora and Israel, and between Jews and non-Jews," Mr. Leaf said. "When non-Jews

August 15, 1980 • Page Image 14


… Parting AMR 5 BLKS. N. OF 11-MILE BERKLEY, MI 48072 545-6885 NEW YORK (JTA) — Two leading Jews in the Carter Administration said that they believed that de- spite President Carter's present…

… difficulties in the Jewish community he will receive the vote of the majority of Jews in the No- vember election. Secretary of Commerce Philip Klutznick and Alfred Moses, a special assistant to Carter and…

… has "mistrusted Presidents since Truman." Moses added that Jews can re- member the arms embargo put on Israel by Truman, Eisenhower's threats dur- ing the 1956 Suez War, the fact that very little arms…

… agreement calling for no unilateral moves on Jerusalem but a negotiated agreement be- tween the parties in- volved. When asked why Or- thodox Jews should support the Democratic platform since the Republicans…

… op- pose abortions and the Equal Rights Amendment and support aid to parochial schools, Moses urged, "look at the whole range of issues that concern us as Jews" when judging the two par- ties. He said…

… if this is done, Orthodox Jews will see that the Democrats provide more programs that concern the quality of their life. It is good discretion not to make too much of any man at the first. …

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