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August 15, 1997 - Image 57

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1997-08-15

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

Did the Jewish people
begin with Abraham?

Did Moses write the Torah?

Is there more than one set
of Ten Commandments?

Were the prophets liberal
or reactionary?

Did the rabbis hate
the Maccabees?

Did orthodoxy have serious
competition in ancient times?

Did the Greeks make a
positive contribution to
Jewish culture?

How did the rabbis become
the religious establishment?

Who were the people
who created the Talmud?

What is the real connection
between Jews, trade
and money?

What is the key to
the success of the
Hasidic movement?

Were the Enlightenment
and emancipation
good for the Jews?

What is the nature of
modern antisemitism?

Has Zionism met the
expectations of its creators?

Pivnick Center for
Humanistic Judaism
Birmingham Temple

28611 West Twelve Mile Road
Farmington Hills, Michigan

The Jewish people is a remarkable people with a
remarkable history. But over the years history has
been mixed with legend, fact has been mixed with
fiction. Today modern scholarship is struggling to
separate the facts from the fiction and to present
to us, for the first time, what really happened — the
real history of the Jews.

Eleven distinguished scholars explore the way
Jewish people, in fact, responded to historical
circumstances confronting them. What they really
did — what really happened — is a fascinating story.

Yehuda Baiter
Hebrew University
Norman Cantor
New York University
Lois Dubin
Smith College
Ari Eton
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Yaakov Malkin
College of Pluralistic Judaism
Carol Meyers
Duke University
Eric Meyers
Duke University
Derek Penslar
Indiana University
William Propp
University of California-San Diego
Ada Rapoport-Albert
University College-London
Steven Zipperstein
Stanford University

For More Information and Registration

Call (248) 476-9532

Internet - www.shi.org

International Institute for
Secular Humanistic Judaism

a recipient of the

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit's
Max M. Fisher Jewish Community Foundation.

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