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December 11, 1970 • Page Image 1

…Nixon-Dayan on-Dayan Meeting Set for Today WASHINGTON (JTA) — The White House has advised the Israel embassy that President Nixon will meet with Israel Defense Minister Moshe Dayan today. Meetings have already been scheduled for Gen. Dayan with Secretary of State William P. Rogers, Defense Secretary Melvin B. Laird and other top administration officials. Gen. Dam arrived In New Yerk Wednesday and will address the United Jewish Appeal Conferen...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary We Are Not That Bad, Rabbi . . . . From London come reports of a lecture by an American rabbi who spoke as chairman of the governing council of the World Jewish Congress. The man referred to Is Dr. Joachim Prinz of Newark. He was quoted by the Jewish Observer and Middle East Review of Lon- don as stating: "We now have 6,000,000 Jews in the United States: the same number as were done to death in the Nazi era. But only the num...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 3

…Brandeis Institute to Tackle Problems Two Pro-Arab UN Resolutions Fail to Worry Israelis UNITED NATIONS (JTA)—Is- with 37 abstentions, Israel and government opposed the six-nation Affecting Aged With New Amendments raeli sources described two Arab- the United States were among draft "for obvious reasons—we WALTHAM, Mass. — A promi- nent Philadelphia family has 'pro- vided a major grant for the estab- lishment of a social policy re- search ins...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association. National Editorial Aaaociation Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co.. 17515 W. Nine Mile. Suite 986, Southfield, Mich. 48073. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign 8...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 5

…Accidents Move Transport Chief to Seek $5 Million for Safety at Lydda Airport JERUSALEM (JTA) — Trans- port Minister Shimon Peres told the Knesset Monday that he has asked the finance ministry for a supplemental budget of $5,250,000 to improve szifet, at Lydda Air- port- Peres announced the request after he gave Knesset members a summary of the findings of a special panel that investigated a fatal accident at the airport two weeks ago. He sai...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 6

…r efirlIrfrox: e n1117 59077. • AJCommittee Stresses Education (Continued from Page li along denominational lines have diminished In meaning, cape- daily among the youth." The AJC said it is intensifying its depolarization programs aimed at "defusing tensions between blacks and whites, students and workers, leaders and masses, gov- ernment and citisens" in the United States while at the same time moving to aid the Jewish poor and harasse...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 11, 1970-7 The Israel Histadrut Campaign SPEEDS YOUR CONTRIBUTION to Israel's Border Settlements and hundreds of cities, towns and villages throughout the besieged Jewish Homeland ... FOR THE WELFARE OF two million men, women and children holding steadfast to their ancient heritage and modern social ideals ... Cease Fire or Not... HISTADRUT continues its half-century of constructive work on behalf ...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 8

…Club Med Resorts Provide the Pause That Refreshes the Weary American; Israeli Village Called 'Most Deluxe' Two years ago, stockbroker located between Tel Aviv and John Terres of Washington, D.C. Jerusalem, the village was built abandoned a rising career corn- on a golf course by the Roths- plete with such success symbols child banking family six years as a Georgetown apartment, sports ago. Although not among the car and active social life to ...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 9

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Docember 11, MO—, Get caught up in the Season's spirit. Not in the store. December is a family time. A friend time. We know that. And we also know that it's a busy time for you. You've got enough to do with- out waiting for a salesman to finish talking on the telephone while you're stuck in the store. So, we've hired extra sales- people. That means it'll be easier for you to find a salesman at Osmun's. And th...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 10

…JERUSALEM (JTA)—Igrael is trying to persuade the United States to agree to use its veto in the Security Council . against future anti-Israel resolutions that might be adopted by that body, official circles said here. They confirmed that this is one of the issues on which Israel is seeking further clarification from the 'U.S. Ever since the inception of the United Nations, the U.S. has been reluctant to employ its veto and it has been used only...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 11

…, TEE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 11, 1970-11 Youth Protest 'Religion at Its Finest;' Synagogue Building Costs Assailed WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (JTA) — The protest of youth "is what re- ligion, at its finest, has always been about," a leading American rabbi told delegates to a three-day Reform Jewish convention which ended here Sunday. Speaking at the banquet of the biennial convention of the Mid-At- lantic Council, Union of American He...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 12

…Rabbi David de Sola Pool, Noted World Jewish Leader, Dies NEW YORK (3TA)—Dr. David take an active interest in serving de Sola Pool died Dec. 1 at age 85. the congregation, the oldest in Dr. Pool, who was born in Lon- America. don, served as spiritual leader of He graduated with honors from the Spanish and Portuguese Syna- gogue, Shearith Israel in New York. from 1907 until 1955, when he retired. In retirement, he ` continued to his wife, Ta...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, Decalskr 11, 1970-13 Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia and Greece Being Treated With Tolerance LONDON—Reports on the status - A small "Aye of Greek Jews of four small Jewish communities to Israel was reported by Joseph in Europe were rendered at a two- Levinger, chairman of the Fed- day meeting of the European exec- eraffea of Jewish Communities OMEGA utive of the World Jewish Congress Ia Greece. Bat the big ev...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 14

…Israeli Leaders Honor Stone, Levine NEW YORK — Hailing as re- founding in 1944, and the 75th markable the role of Dewey D. birthday of Harry Levine, a found- Stone and Harry Levine as "ac- ing governor and the treasurer of tive partners all along the way, the American Committee from its however rocky and difficult that earliest beginnings. way has been," unmatched by The celebrations were inaugu- other Americans. Israel Prim e rated Dec. 1 in...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 15

…People Make News An enthusiastic welcome was accorded Britain's Chief Rabbi Dr. IMMANUEL JAKOBOVITS, who arrived in New Zealand as part of his pastoral tour of Aus- tralia and New Zealand. The chief rabbi left New Zealand this week for the United State. Meanwhile, rumors circulating in London that Dr. Jalcobovitz was considering resigning from his post were de- scribed as entirely unfounded by people close to the chief rabbi. • • • Dean Leona...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 16

…Mrs. Adler to Receive Eleanor Roosevelt Humanitarian Award at Israel Bond Dinner Itzhak Rabin, ambassador of Is- rael to the United States, will con- fer the award. Louis Berry will be the dinner chairman. The award is being presented to Mrs. Adler for her dedication to the synagogue, the community and to the Israel Bond cause, of which she has been a leader since the in- ception of the Bond drive in 1951. Mrs. Adler and Rabbi Adler came to D...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 17

…Black Jew Appointed to Staff of Synagogue Council of America NEW YORK—The appointment of result of upper middle-class preju- Rabbi Siegman said that the Robert Coleman, a black Jew, to dices which kept them out of the the staff of the Synagogue Council executive suite. Either American Synagogue Council of America would seek to develop confidence of America was announced by society will provide sufficient room Rabbi Solomon J. Sharfman, presi-...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 18

…1$--today, Oscssmber 11, 11179 Awards 6II1 TINE 1111110IT WW1= NEWS to ILIA Leaders Budget, Allocations Committees Named Louis Rads, _Dr. Ira Warder, Joseph Louis Basle, chairman of the tion, will meet 8 p.m. Jan. 5, in magdoll, Rabbi H. atuisram„ darray B. Morris Psiavin. Michael Pala. M budget and allocations committee the Council office. J acob Pima. Dr. K. pela - of the Jewish Community Council On the executive committee are: Lem Ree...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 19

…T.V. IN war( ROOM 2 roots w per pers. 5 5 . 50 Oat dble. exc. to Dec 15 40 of 130 rms. $10.50 Dec. 15.Jan 15 111% Alr+Condltioned. Ample Park. In& Planned Entertainment Gala Xmas•New Years Eve Festivities. Jack Mu 1k, Owner•Mgmt. DIRECTLY ON THLOCEAN NEAR LINCOLN MALL :1,RICHMON 1 Informal and So Friendly Dally • FREE TV in .wry $ 7 50 Per pers. r•••• • Terrorists Get Jail Terms; Gaza Plant Damaged by Bomb TEL AVIV (JTA)—Two El F...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 20

…2s—Fr y, llocember 11. MD 111 SENNIT MON IRS Birmingham Temple Breaks Ground Lubaviteher Rebbe to Be Heard Here Via Phone Hookup Joining with thousands of Jews in many parts of the world, the Detroit Lubavitcher community will bear a public address by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem M. Sehneerson, from Lubavitch world headquarters in New York Sunday. The address will begin at 8:30 p.m. and will be heard at the Lubavitcher Center in Oak Pa...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 21

…United Synagogue Jewish-Supervised Milk Available A kosher food commodity, Gan Israel only Holov Yisroel Reorganizes Its "Holov Yisroel," (Jewish-super- ever since the camp opened 11 vised milk) has for the first time years ago. He added that there Administration in many years been made avail- able to the observant Detroit Jewish community through the ef- forts of Camp Gan Israel and its executive director, Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff. Gan Israel i...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 22

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22—Friday, December 11, 1970 Armenian Bishop Coming Next Week The Capital for Israel Dinner Tuesday evening, at Te rn p I e Emanu-El, will feature Bishop Shahe Ajamian, head ofthe Ar- menian Church in Jerusalem and a staunch friend and supporter of Israel. Norman Allan, general chairman of the Detroit Chapter. Capital for Israel, said the bishop is in the United States to promote tourism to Israel and especially to Je...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 23

…omen's ADAS SHALOM SISTERHOOD'S 25th birthday and paid-up member- ship luncheon will take place noon Monday in the synagogue social hall. Mrs. Daniel Knopper, vice president of membership and chair- man of the day, has the assistance of Mesdames Samuel Dobkin, spe- cial events social chairman, George Brown, Herman Goldenberg, Harry Fortner, Ronald Schecter and Nathan Starman. Mrs. Isadore Goren, president, invites all paid- up members, and Mr...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 24

…ME DETROIT JEWS. NEWS 24—Friday, Diceamber 11, 1970 Nursery Plans Its Annual Bazaar Workmen's Circle Nursery will sell handicrafts, gifts, toys and baked goods at its annual bazaar, starting noon Sunday in the Work- men's Circle Center. A special feature will be an afghan made by Sarah Ravitz. Dinner will be served from 4 to 6 p.m., with a special plate for children accompanied by parents —free for those up to age 5 and at a reduced rate for...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 25

…VOUS CANDID 'COLOR ALBUM WILL ~ t FINER WINER JOSE ISAACSON was awarded the Buenos Aires Municipality 1989 first prize for his essay, The Poet in the Mass Society." Isaacson is the editor of Cornea- tario, which is published by the Argentine Jewish Institute. KE 1-R196 Carl's Kosher Lincoln Shopping Center (Formerly at 7 Maw - Schaofer) Featuring: the Finest in Prime & Choice Meats plus the most modern shopping conveniences This Wee...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 26

…26—Friisy, December 11, 1970 THE DETROIT JEW511 NEWS. The Mystery of Aaron Lopez By JACOB R. MARCUS (Dr. Marcus is the 1411ten and Rattle Kota, distinguished Service Professor of America& Jewish Hider, and Direc- tor of AlefiCa ■ Jewish AfekilleS at Hebrew Union College.Jewisk IstsUhile of Religion, Cincinnati). o • • Wayne State University Press has just published "Lopez of New- port: Colonial American Merchant Prince" by Stanley F. Chye...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 27

…• WALLED LAKE ANTIQUE SHOW Every Sunday 12 to 6 p.m. WALLED LAKE AMUSEMENT PARK 13 Mile Rd. at Novi Rd. Near 1-96 exit. SPACE RESERVATIONS 547-3437 me Admission and Parking. You can earn 534 per cent in- terest on every U.S. Savings Bond you buy. Just hold your bonds to maturity of 5 years, 10 months. Your older Series E and H Bonds benefit from the improved rate, too. 1/2 OF 1/2 at Orchard Lake Rd. CLEAN UP SALE! (Formerly a Mlle ...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 28

…211--Pridsy, December 11, 1970 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS $210,000 in Bonds Bought by MDs in '70 At the second annual medical division Israel bond dinner-dance, culminating the campaign which resulted in nearly $140,000 in Israel Bond subscriptions, are (from left), seated: Dr. Paul H. Feldman, Dr. Simon Donn, toastmaster; Lew Norman, guest star; Dr. Morris Starkman, general chairman; and Dr. Norbert H. Ketal; standing: Drs. Elmer P. FsUlas, W...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 29

…MEW MIMI NEES Early Detroit Jewish History Is Thoroughly TIE Misr, Ihuanhar iffe-rs "Mmagensest skills and Compiled in Rockaway's Doctoral Thesis newt tools of bags can be mosage- A doctoral thesis by a Detroiter has enriched the study of the early history of Detroit Jewry. Robert Allen Rockaway, who earned his PhD at the University - of Michigan early this year and now is on the staff of the depart- ment of history at the University of Texa...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 30

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30--Friliey, December 11, 1970 WIZO Dedicates Hostel on Mt. Scopus Campus JERUSALEM — "The establish- ment of each new hostel on Mount Scopus is a joyous event for the Hebrew University, helping us along the difficult road toward Magician Humorist Let me make your party a Howling Success Call Dan Flaggman 647-5473 For the finest in Musical Entertainment ERIC ROSENOW and his Continentals 398-3664 solving accomm...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 31

…Dr. Peter Shifriu Cited for Service Dr. Peter G. Marin (left) was honored for his four years as chairman of the health and wet- fare division of division of the Jewish Welfare Federation. Mak- ing the present*, tion of a special plaque is Mudd L. Greenberg. whe succeeds Dr. Ma- rin as chairman of the division, a budgeting body which considers the programs and financial needs of such agencies as the Fresh Air Society, Jewish Center and Home fo...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 32

…TNT DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 32-ffidey, Derieher 11, 1970 2,500 Profs Plead for Soviet Jewry Complete Home Catering Michael said that when Rime- dents outside distributed leaflets apart heat primitive anti-Sesnit- (Comitisei from Page 1) decrying the plight of Soviet Jewry. ism." Only emigration, "in ac- grant what you yourself regard as mann soother was here two years cordate. with the principles in ago. she said she and her son were Questioned...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 33

…These are 9 'Enemies of the State' AllLovers of Zion and JewishPeople MIEN By YIVTA HALBERSTAM (Copyright 1970, JTA Inc.) The trial of nine Soviet Jews, ac- cused by the Kremlin of allegedly attempting to hijack a Soviet air- liner on June 15, is being prepared as a "show trial" Tuesday. The trial, which may eventually include 25 additional Soviet Jews arrested since June, has been compared to the trials under Stalin during the 1930s and tho...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 34

…Paroehiaid Heavily Opposed by Jewish Voters, Survey Shows Jewish voters in three suburban Detroit areas heavily supported the "anti-parochiald" amendment which appeared on the Nov. 3 ballot as Proposal C. This was shown in a voting sur- vey conducted as part of an on- going Community Council study of Jewish voting patterns in the Detroit area. Twenty-two voting precincts in Oak Park, Southfield and Hunting- ton Woods were included in the surv...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 35

…Collegians Plan Graduate Auxiliary, Center Sport Night and Guest Passes The Michigan Association of Jewish College Students has an- nounced the forrhation of an auxil- iary for graduate students. Jerome Katz and Elizabeth Kut- by, graduate students from Wayne State University and Michigan As- sociation correspondents, have drafted a letter that is being sent to graduate students on the mail- ing list. It asks for ideas on the purpose of an au...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 36

…36—Friday, December 11, 1970 Till DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Youth News New 'Youth Mobilization for Israel' to Involve Thousands in Election for Delegates to Zionist Congress NEW YORK—Sixteen seminars, to be held in major U.S. cities December through February, will launch the National Youth Mobi- lization for Israel, which will ap- proach tens of thousands of Jewish youth, age 16-24, and ask them to commit themselves to Israel "and its national l...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 37

…MOVIE GUIDE THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 11, 1970-37 Temple Israel Film Party DCWNTOWN to Feature 'Love Story' 1211 Weedward—WO 14494 "Love Story," based on the book FOX by Erich, Segal, will be featured INHUMAN 1 SHOCKING I BRUTAL I at a Temple Israel theater party, "5 BLOODY GRAVES" Plus Edgar Alan Poe's 8:30 p.m. Jan. 13 at the Northland Theater. "CASTLE OF BLOOD" Ticket information is available Look! Free each day to the luck...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 38

…THE SUSSEX HOUSE Fine Dining and Cocktails 19701 W. 12 Mile Rd. (Jest East of Evergrows) OM DAILY FROM 11:30 A.M. "RIME BEEF P ROM FEATuP•N FOOD LANES MARKET The Best of Everything I By Danny Raskin ALMOST 400 PEOPLE packed into the new Black Forest Inn at its open house preview day before opening . . . and were feted to a gala good time at one of the most beautiful dining and cocktail spots around . . . Located on S. Wash- ington- n...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 39

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 11, 1970-39 Jewish Films and Strips to Compete for Award NEW YORK — The outstanding film and filmstrip dealing with Jewish subject matter released during 1970, will receive a special award to be presented by the Na- tional Council on Jewish Audio- Visual Materials at its 21st annual meeting and workshop in May. Harold M. Greenberg, chairman BANQUETS! MEETINGS! PARTIES! 5 to 500 F., • • f Commerc...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 40

…40-7rhisy, December 11, 1970 ME DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 13—FOR RENT APARTMENTS BRIAR HOUSE APTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS • 3 Bdrms., 2 Full Baths • With Balconies Liners and display classified ads accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 2 p.m. Wednesday. For rates and information . . . 2400 Pansianter, Royal Oak Bet. Coolidge & Crooks Rd., 1 Elk. No. of 14 Mil. Spacious, folly carpeted, eh, conditioned, all util...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 41

…13-41INE RENT APARTMENTS 13 -- FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM beautiful apartment — ftraished. 10 Mile and Greenfield. Must buy furniture. LI 3-3783. I lamb jest marobsead . a Yeas and mad Mears tbis SZAUTIVELL UN IL aut. Mailed la ilinsdblielltl. Emit Et sheets from Nesfidend. 2 badreeles, 21/2 WM. sepmNr lawn- drYa kaiak large baleaelf, Under- Prising in beste d WN W = be shown by Met. bY MASUD ▪ • • • • Lee. laxeraus Apt. • Cergetiag a...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 42

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 42—Friday, December 11, 1970 17—HOUSES FOR SALE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY—SOUTHFIELEI SOUTHFIELD 13 MILE & WOODWARD AREA CHILDREN WELCOME Brand New — 3 bedroom, 192 bath ranch & colonial townhouses includ- ing carpeting, central air-cond., self. cleaning range, dishwasher, refrig- erator. Full basement. $24 per month — December occupancy. Coll 353-8515 Mon. thru Fri. 9-S DISTINCTIVE BUILT HOMES, INC. 3 bedroom RANC...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 43

…im oratra am at ax at am m ax at a as as sass atm * a s am a a a • X X ar • ■ a • II • II a • mi EDWARDS - LENZEN AND ASSOCIATES PRESENTS OUR NEW SUBDIVISION IN WEST BLOOMFIELD SHENANDOAH -- ON THE LAKE Where you can live among estate-sized homes for as little as $41,900 for a Colonial. $43,900 includes carpeting, thermal wood windows, air prep, oven-range, dishwasher, brick construction and many many other features. • a THE DETROIT JEW...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 44

…44—Friday, Decoodisr 11, 1970 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS OAK PARK RANCH OAK PARK S 'V 23080 MARLOW 3 large bedrros,„ Cent. Air Cond. 144 baths, carpetin g. drapes. breakf. nook, finished Rec. Rm. This luxury home, over 1,400 sq. ft. is a real bargain at 3211,500. 3 bedroom ranch, garage. Car- peting, drapes, stove, refrig- erator. $17,900. $119 pay- ments. New Southfield-Pierce Ranches 3 bed. 11/2 baths $28,450. Oak Pk. - Bergman Ranc...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 45

…Oak Park — Palmer Weeds Mauer Oak Park Opals Sat. & Bus. 14 24700 SENECA 3 bedroom brick ranch, 11/2 baths, built-in appliances. Central air-con- ditioning, carpeting. Full basement. Family room. Approx. US Years. Etkin built home, 3 bedroom brick ranch, 2 baths, large paneled family room, built- ins. Central air conditioning. 21740 Kenosha 399-2834 17—HOUSES FOR SALE looking Ravines. Pickled pine custom Den (Family Room w/ fireplace)...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 46

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS1 17 46-Friday, December 11, 1970 17-HOUSES FOR SALE 17-HOUSES FOR SALE TWYCKINGHAM We extend our apologies fdr the ad of Dee. 4 In this newspaper which should have read. TANGELWOOD Extra large - 4 bedrooms - 2i a baths - Family Rm. - Central Air, Sprink. Syst. $46,500. Drastically Reduced For Immed. Sale 4 or 5 bedrooms. Warm and rustic contemporary with beamed ceiling. oak plank and slate floors. 2 fire- place...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 47

…Fridry, Becesthar 11, 19711-47 ems 'Inventor' Rube Goldberg Dead-at 87 THE DETROIT JEW= OBITUARIES LENA BERMAN, 20225 Ruther- ford, died Dec. 9. Survived by a son, Robert; a daughter, Mrs. Martin (Sarah) Switzer; three brothers, two sisters, seven grand- children and two great-grandchil- dren. • • • RAY BROWER, 22855 Shagbark, Birmingham, died Dec. 9. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. David ('Millicent) Hertzberg; two broth- ers, one sister and tw...…

December 11, 1970 • Page Image 48

…Community's Commitment to Youth Gets Emphasis at Dinner Marking Bnai Brith Testimonial to Hudson Strong commitment to youth's involvement in the community and the community's obligation to share the young generation's views on social and political issues re- ceived emphasis from responsible leaders who participated in the program that marked Bnal Brith's presentation of the Annual Human- itarian Award to Joseph L. Hudson Jr., at a dinner at t...…

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