November 23, 1958

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November 23, 1958 • Page Image 2

…I iitiau CIa The Lengths and Depths of Humor MAGAZINE S. J. Perelman's Works Are Collected in a Volume Vol. VNo. Sunday, November 23, 1958 Guaranteed To Bring Readers Nothing but Laughs "The Most of S. J. Perelman"-A Review By Lane Vanderslice Page Two THE MOST OF S. J. PERELMAN, MOST humorists, if they have ly through a Stygian channel no Education Without a Harness By S. J. Perelman. 650 pp. New ever written enough to fill a bigger than a r...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 3

…E ati0 In eran, heStudent Is Aloe T'o Guidc--. His Own Learning Students Carry Out Research on Model Birds SCIFNTIFIC PEUP t Cl know the fomulation of result, fol- no naioallib oundais I oed by their cone cniction and jlops in allilcit lie C oh Uas yan expsit in othe inethods erde. to the same lwo, nd to be sd. TIe tord "cicne findngs ecom thecmmn srees to denote too, the branches Is nonert becolmnIkind corn le arIts andof the naturl ci- N i...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 4

…Garrett- ontague-Fitzgerald "-jHREE recent books of more than passng interest have Selections Range from came to this reviewer, touching on the areas of non-fiction, novel and shortN-tory.F ion toSho And Save Them for Pallbear- ers by James Garrett (Messner, $3.35, 320 pp.) arrives as one of the endless series of fictional treat- >roduced almost exclusively by most current additions to the ments of the theme of war as it young writers.) open ...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 5

…The Great Assault on Nature's Secrets As IGY Ends, Its President Reviews the Pro ct's Accomplishments By MAHENDRA PAREKH THE YEAR 1958 marks a great event in the history of man- kind, a gigantic step forward in the continuing quest by man to reveal the secrets of the earth, the atmosphere and the sun. For sci- entists all over the world this is- the International Geophysical Year. During the period of July 1, 1957 to the close of this year, th...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 6

…Voluntary Cooperation Highlights IGY (Continued froma Preceding Page) in the upper atmosphere. Similarl only possible locations for special observations were done in the stations. north of the aurora borelias or northern lights. However, Antartica was in an class apart. It has beentestimated HE UNITED STATES' Antartic tihat around a third of the cost ofj program was by far the moatI the whole IGY has gone to the r opening up of this region wh...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 7

…A Long and Glorious Football Tradition Is Now in the Popular and Capable Hands of x UMP' ELi-ALIOTT By JIM BiAGH 'THE SETTING couldn't have Bump Elliott was home again- ing. He is 33, but could pass for been nicer. It was an early and home to stay. Even the solid- a junior halfback on most any September evening in 1957 at Fer- est of Oosterbaan supporters knew team. ry Field and the handsome blond Bump had been brought home to roach eas lobbin...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 8

…'BUMP' (Continued from Preceding Page) members of his family treat each Bump teamed at Michigan in PERHAPS Bumps attractive other." 1947. J. Norman Elliott, who wife, Barbara, explains his Bump still keeps in close con- helped coach Northwestern's line personality best, tact with his brother Pete, a fast- I for a time and once starred for "His own family is very close., rising head coach at California. Illinois Wesleyan, made sure his I think...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 9

…Help for Emo ionally Ill U' Has a Special Unit for Adolescents By GERALD LUNDY HE University's Neuropsychiat- their capacities for arousing great their activity centered around the ric Institute (NPI) was among anxiety" in older patients, friction school, stress and put much weight the first psychiatric institutions to may occur in such an association, on group and social activities, such establish a treatment unit solely as parties, games, an...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 10

…SGC. : roup W ith a Lost ission A Council Member Visions Two Roles Still Open to the Organization 0y DAVID KESSEL TIS ARTICLE is about the Student Government Cou ncil -its character(s), its problems, and perhaps its future. It is not a defense of, or an at- tack upon the group. It is at- tempt at analysis from vhin. in- stead of the usual criticism from without. The point of view represented here is n cssarily that of one in- dividual; it is ...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 11

…ARTISAN PRODU CTS -- The three photographs abuse bhow different types of art in which the USEFUL ART-The worker who designed and built this chair emphasis is on the usefulness of the objet rather than its abstract beanty. To the primitive artist worked without great concern for the abstract. lie viewed it as the cave painting has as much validity as the object portrayed. The vase (center) is an example of "a good chair" or "a poor chair" ir te...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 12

… I1,nin-tn. *ITALIAN SPAGHETTI "~+ * CHICKEN-IN-THE-BASKET )to take oat . U * THREE DECKER SANDWICHES * HOMe-MADE PIES ANGELO'S RESTAURANT 1 100 E. Catherine OPEN 7 A.M.-8 P.M.. 7 days a week 5 STAR SERVICE 1 -SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY in 1 Hour Wash, fluff dry, and SAVE FEATURING - 2-DROP-OFF SERVICE Drop off in the morning - Pick up the Same Afternoon. I1 for first 6 pounds - 1 2c each additional pound ---also- 3-48-HOUR SHIRT SERVICE 4--SAME-DAY...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 13

…SGC Where To Go Next? (Contnued am Pgo 0) most But it is disappointing to ob- deteriorate into something most serve how many supposedly ra- unpleasant. t tional people have gone off their trolleys since SGC's Sigma Kappa IF A GROUP of well-meaning decision. students calendars your acti- We see now the ama' .ng spec- vity at the wrong time, approves ,icle of a sizable and vocal sec- your constitution too late for some ion of the student body de...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 14

…WORDS, PHRASES TO SAVOR: Lyric Poems: Rich in Mood, Insight Rust Craft & Paramount PROMISES. By Robert Penn War- division of small groups of poems an ability to focus on little things r Ar yy{ ren. 88 pp. New York: Random pertaining to a single location, and make them seem momentous, f house. $3. reminiscence, or idea, as well as Variety is one of the welcome individual poems whose themes features of his collection of poems,, Boxed and Assorte...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 15

….{ .v r of lust, you might see from your writer's ancient lust, so that above impeccable highways if Kumfy and over everything there is-Lo- AN NT E RNAT ONA CONT ROVE RSY Kabins were suddenly drained of lita." their pigments and became as transparent as boxes of glass.,," lt a ratdasadl THE CONTROVERSY about al- first marriage: "I derived some Lolita is only really captivating fine successful scan'al. Where di r nuptial iight and to Humbert. ...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 16

…THANKSGIVING DINNER The traditional feast Served Thursday, November 27 12:30 to 3:00 P.M. VOhe Corner louie S. Thayer ot Washington in Ann Arbor A block wnst of Rackham Bldg.-NO 8-6056 Sleep late ... Eat It's like BREAKFAST A Sunday morning-or any mor PANCAKES -35c HAM - 35c FRENI 2 EGGS-any style-30c BACON & also take-out orders * Try our HOMEMADE ICE CREAM - U BLeooks and chool LUTIIIIDI 1224 South University O o Man's Most Widely Practiced...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 17

… Casual Fashions from Hutzels featuring fashions for the College Miss . Mix 'n Match Coordinates After "5" Dresses Casual Dresses Sportswear t t plus a wonderful selection of sweaters COME IN TODAY open Monday nights till 8:30 301 SOUTH MA 0 NO 2-3147 Only the Finest Quality at Prices that are Fair ART DISPLAY-Two observers discuss an exhibit at the Academi - -- Museum of Art at the University of Bonn. Division of Germany I Reflected in Educat...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 18

…Gerian fication (Coi 0 ued from Preceding; a ( outnlent included not only the repulsion of Russia and the east- ,liberal arts such as philosophy, n a wt tit s nuaes and hist ry, but also e c riit l c mathematies and natural sciences. like the reaction to the mighty Nowadays, the latter two form chalke tseof American civiization S oparate dep>irtments, and the law ar e teted ground. Indeed, the hool srew to beco-te a depart- whole of German cul...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 19

…Artist in Society te w~i pienlity' and ad- NOT ALL of these, however-in (Continued from Page 12) probability, very few if any- will be as a result of being an sons which resulted. By the art- artist: lawyers, housewives, and istes storming against the conven- shop clerks are also liable to devia- tions and proclaiming the arts tions from the social norms. It is the realm of the different, the interesting, however, that when an field of the art...…

November 23, 1958 • Page Image 20

…V.(lor, .....- "vn fu{trm aS r e Greene's Ideas on Achieving Cleanliness: ONE IN A SERI ti. ;;v,:,G."n;.} . '.may ,, yy y - a } . ,*,. }, } r c.. ; .y} 5i . r 'r... ...r.;3:'i7irii::i r s'' G :. e ii, ': nsi 4"ariai& ' 'r tr'. fr rft. .? ,a J h' X .6'7 :..'...'' .'', ia .. '. ,. .+t' + ,v. ES W H IACH T N''HASA"? GREEE' CED C TD CREDIT CARD name address student no. _ GREENE'S CLEANERS, 1213 S. University for use at all GREENE'S locat...…

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