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November 23, 1958 - Image 12

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)to take oat .
1 100 E. Catherine OPEN 7 A.M.-8 P.M.. 7 days a week
Wash, fluff dry, and SAVE
Drop off in the morning - Pick up the Same
I1 for first 6 pounds - 1 2c each additional
On Request -
5 SAVE 25' < on BUDGET PLAN-
From 7,30 A.M.to9P.M.

Contribution of an Artis
t(oltoed frosic eclies Coge) ;a producer of needed gods: he in the pursuit of the different
enopressors) the artist fosnd his developed a "soul that caed and leaves the practitioner less energy
firt ral ocil otraism hewasneeded expression. These expres- for the perfection of his craft.
not of the powerful minority, and 510 eete re e ote The artiste has made the t
the masses were inlned to re- public as ultimate truths, absolute of all art practitioners mo. or
art again.st him as a tool or aent 'beauty, less uncomfortable, The rise of
of thse oppressors1'. No loner was the artiste given, the middle classes, beginning in
an order worked out mre or les5 the Renaiss-ace, made for the rise
U NDER THE GREEKS a third specifically by the buyer. He now. of the artiste also and he flour-
distictions as far as te arts produced works without specific'ished, but his era did not last.
are concerned was erolved: the consideration for their use in par-? The new rich, having established
aesthetic - Ion-aesthetic ci ala- tirular toeaions and contexts, or themselves aains the histricall
Lion. acceped "commissions." These powerful church and state, no
This division isle fine aiddutili-flatter wrc somewhat similar to longer needed the artiste and he
tarta, separating beastly and the old style orders of the poser-;-found himself out in the cold. I
function, led to a precious in- grous, but the design and exeu-j must have been a shock.
tellectualized. concept at art' and tioni were much more aheds Teracintohsrecin
its uses. In the te of the Greeks cretion of the a tiste. th i-we reatioanothrel. In
and Eomans this iew.'philosophic- (With this developmet in the over-compensation for his rejec-
intelleessiat evaluation- did not go etassification emerged the notion tion by his past patrons who no
bey'ond the fine''arts: practice of an individual style or manier! loner needed him, and by hi
of the 'lese" rt.ws onsideied differing as grealyv as possible fellow workers who distrusted him,
undignified foi gentlemen and frem that of, eeiy othe piati- he developed the notion, "I, the
-patricians, and sas giveni ovei to tionei" in the same field The de- gifted, sensitive soul, am more im-
the toswer classes ad savteswho veloplina of this stle has be- potant than, and superior to, the
wsoutd not be deme-aned by sch conme otheritisite the most im-terd"
losly puisuits. poitat aspect of st-meanini, This has led directly to mich
Tis, distiction between the! desin and functiosi aie itcon of the confusion in the present
m eain aid the seemly sits not cot-o ideabte entities as comaied sith day as to tte role and functioin of
fined to thse West Simil'ar divisin the expession ot the iuiique sout the art- practtioner and his oks
into elegantad pebei aactiv its i unique modes both by the practitioner and by
ws fouind in Chinaswheie ointy the public, as well as having re-
'riting, painting, poctry, toici FOLLOWING thitdivelopimet of suit d in the shea rig off of out -
gardening, and aichitectuie siee tidividal style h-s come the woitn tradition and provided a
accepttable of pr actice bs, isreiiiiotiont of bei's" diffcireit ofteni stimulus to seek out more varied
Iftc. largely restricted to thy simpytorit fthe saks of bei" dif- areas and methods of expression,
cipe"atrdirsiswhilete othsirsrs r t clc'
tnd crafitsirerisied en bs the This is ows "being o g- [JjA tNG EEN abaidoned, the
lowier cases- ia,"adit sbenacompanieisd atiste jacked himelf up by
w ithi 1aiirkd dipic ainof boisterouslsysproclaiming histes'
T TE TIME of the RNtiIs traditin This atituide toss-ldphliosophsy aid declaring iii in-
oance there dievesped ainotheri difecoe is founet ini att 'spc,,is dit, deice ftoat soiety, its sinle-
ntty ithse atismlt e c15 ssifica-'ofccii cutureiiasid is u5sualy taked tnses adcoveniosti. The results
tilrsssthle itatii'te.e viil".5-siyii'r-athsets-i prietied. t i 1,ihow-hae beein both oodt and batd.
tie restlt oithe Giriek a°.estl eerstes sr-d is iets t he O thc positive side wstieti
-tehichltrehi"at- t tss-e atfte ocit iswleseitilsthesex'pes'sint disovry of manty ness'media,
pis i outs importanice ot his sit'-L of the suli it oftis sutrniks iciqsttsad ret that et
anditof theRPet isx liste ttas of 'sestetcqaiya -dsiriaile thm'seves to vaid art expres-
ilhe inobiityvind wssit h of the it- ttribute.sotsTie strict inotois of "fine"
disidittl. ITee twio devetopmtiieits arc ad appliid oiimechanic earts tere
It st wa i~ss s iinywas ain un-si tsiity limsititsdriiivisgtthitc"larlydestiyed Ness'iisigtst
happtly desvelotpiieintFioi this ar tiste' ethtter to -bsurdcethli~s to ite the ntusre of beauty aid its
tie 5onthicestai ty i n 'ii tsre itncercsingilyvdiftecentisor iiiusts ittliving sweachieved.
gloss usCse of te artiste sas to reverie-,catchesshii a nairrois Impotlat and imposissg as these
equl itisosout sine thse quaity ?styistic cliche stitch is inadequatec iesults lhate ben arthe also
anid coiteint of his ioit, tot bioad o variid discussions inposig obsciations and coifu-
The artist' ~ssnio loisect smplytiAlsoithetie'sand effort etended n See ATIST Page 19
M/s is .of fttireb" 11 tlt hi
7 l('I/jo tsi isstetss/t11 'l'sic.! lstitisj
I/itlb it iii 5 t1,il ; ctli( c4
AT.is i a ilai ll st /icltssit'
/ iiil laltr.
IV, A4

pclIn B0t

* I

AU O ATC S IDhis aew t00-watArgus takes the fussing out of
slide shows, puts Itle fuss back in.
One'focsinsg last, for the whole evening tbecause afier
you focu. the first stide, -they're all in focus. Ea ch
one is pee-conditioned so it ohiows up aharp and clear.
A simple push-pull of the changer lever is all it takeis
toe show a slide, change it and put it back in order in
tbe .magazine. What could be easier'?
Bring some of yotur slides in sotn, and se just how
beastifust thiey are with the new Argus Autotnatic;
Reg. 69.50 $0 088
Purchase Price IM
1116 South University
Page Twelve

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