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November 23, 1958 - Image 4

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Garrett- ontague-Fitzgerald

"-jHREE recent books of more
than passng interest have Selections Range from
came to this reviewer, touching on
the areas of non-fiction, novel and
shortN-tory.F ion toSho
And Save Them for Pallbear-
ers by James Garrett (Messner,
$3.35, 320 pp.) arrives as one of the endless series of fictional treat- >roduced almost exclusively by
most current additions to the ments of the theme of war as it young writers.)
open - ended doctoral thesis of has settled in the minds and
Joseph Waldmeier of Michigan rtistic consciences of young James Garrett is a graduate of
State University who is devoting writers h m d MSU's department of journalism.
himself to a study of the ideologi- experience has come through di- At seventeen Garrett joined the
cal novel of World War II. srect participation in the practice Army and served for three years
The book stands as one of the ci organized violence. (In our time as an Infantry rifleman in the
latest in a long and predictably it is notable that war novels are ETO.

lo Delight and Please your
Feminine Heart!
Foundations and Bras
WHIRLPOOL by Hollywood
I House Coats and Ensembles
Kaser Hose

1500-item questionnaire designed
Novel to determine the reader's "Culture
The opening essay is excellent,
tS t r illuminated on nearly every page
by Montague's astonishingly broad
and well-informed insights. The
1HE NOVEL, constructed around essay is of particular value in that
the principal figure of Peter the author approaches and re-ap-
t rproaches from several angles the
Donauthrs backgcounhhases ofrequisite of humanity in the truly
.eu.'b u .T cultured man.
story is interesting for its realistic,
direct approach to the realities of THE SECOND section is more
a soldier's existence away from fun. The author has selected
and under fire, fifty areas of human knowledge
The love story the author un- and has offered thirty questions
folds comes close to engaging the under each. These questions test
reader's sympathies. And the ide- not only knowledge bfst attitude
ology of the novel is clearly and as well.
at times effectively implemented. As an illustration, under "Ana-
However, what reduces the im- tomy and Physiology" he must be
pact of a story with so many posi- able to identify the principal
tive elements is a glibness in the blood-forming organ of the body,
prose expression which could per- the hardest substance in the body,
haps be traced to the author's and define precisely "aorta" "hor-
journalistic training. The most mome" and "colostrum" as well
dramatic moments in the story of as to give the "correct" answers to
Peter Donatti's ultimate surrender questions like "Do you smoke?",
to an innate compulsion which the "Do you take exercise?", "Are you
war had revealed to him are re- a civilized and moderate 'drink-
lated with the passable minimum er?", and "How often do you see
of sincerity and originality of ex- your dentist for a check-up?"
pression. Montague is the sole arbiter on
The author's descriptive pass- these "attitude" questions, and
ages, unfortunately, might serve one's score is weighted in accord-
well as models of reportorial style. ance with the author's arbitrary
In a work of fiction which at- standards.
tempts to create and carry through There may be plenty of room
a prisis believable people, stereo- for argument on many of these
typical description of the type that questions relating to personal be-
Garrett uses causes the narrative havior, yet Montague's standards,
to falter and, ultimately, to lose on the whole, seem fair and rea-
its guise of reality. sonable. Indeed, one might best
feel gratitude for the chance to
MONTAGUE, who has share the open perspective of a
his fingers in many pies (his genuinely cultured individual.


TNa Ai s A

last work was man:
Million Years, a prim
thropology) is the au
new work entitled Th
Man (World, $3.95, 28
This book is compo
parts: an inquiry into
can Cultural Status, i
of a long essay by Mont
Donald Yates,
with the University's
ment of Romance Lc
is now teaching at
State University.

NO 2-2914

Y r~u rru r ~r - -'

His First
ner of an- 7" RE ARE two available edi-
ithor of a tions of Arthur Mizener's new
e Cultured election from the uncollected
4 PP. stories and essays of F. Scott Fitz'
sed of two gerald.
our Ameri- The Princeton University Li-
n the form brary has at $5 a 226-page volume
ague, and a which includes nine photographs
from the Fitzgerald scrapbook in
formerly the Princeton Library.
s Depart- Scribners has a similar issue at
anguages, $4.50 which carries the identical
Michigan contents save for the exclusion of
the nine illustrations. Compiler
Mizener, Fitzgerald's principal bio-
grapher to date, has given the
collection the title of one of the
most interesting essays contained
herein: Afternoon of an Author.
It is one of Mizener's purposes
to show how carefully Fitzgerald
worked over all of his published
material, and toward that end he
has reprinted in his collection only
pieces that have never before re-
ceived the grace of book publica-
It is his hope that in these
representative stories and essays
the constant talent and the con-
scientiouscultivation of that talent
will become evident to the reader.
Indeed they do.

~&/QJ~~lra.GIFT t
for Every Her
On Your List!
. 7


* ,,1 ti' t , 'r .
' 'o.,, ., ..1.,,.,m rte"
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You're sure to delight the bea
"Miss" on your Christmas list
of our smartly fashioned blouses
iackets, handbags, gloves, hose,
/icoats, umbrellas, carcoa/s, cos
elry, housecoats, and robes.

rt of any
with ont
, sweaters,
slips, pet-
tume jew-
at 1111 S. U., ;
Just 1 1/2 blocks from
main shop

IT IS an interesting selection:
some of the early autobio-
draphical Basil Duke Lee stories
are here, several of the tragi-
comical essays written at the peak
of his notoriety in the mid 'twen-
ties, the short story "One Trip
Abroad"-little known, but im-
portant in that it captures at an
early moment that attitude that
Fitzgerald was later to expand
with great ambition into "Tender
Is the Night"-and here, too, are
three of the Pat Hobby stories
produced late in the author's
career. There are twenty selec-
tions in all.
Up until the publication of
Afternoon of an Author only
the four volumes of short stories
Tales of the Jazz Age, Flap-
pers and Philosophers, All the
Sad Young Men, and Taps at
Reveille, Edmund Wilson's col-
lection titled The Crack Up, and
Malcolm Cowley's Selected Short
Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
were available to the general read-
ing audience. Today, all but the
Wilson and Cowley titles are out
of print.
This new volume answers a
definite need. It becomes im-
mediately a permanent and valu-
able addition to any library of
the works of Fitzgerald.
-Donald A. Yates


.j t '. r wif

on Forest off S. U.
the Campus Theatre

Page Four


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