iitiau CIa The Lengths and Depths of Humor
MAGAZINE S. J. Perelman's Works Are Collected in a Volume
Vol. VNo. Sunday, November 23, 1958 Guaranteed To Bring Readers Nothing but Laughs
"The Most of S. J. Perelman"-A Review
By Lane Vanderslice Page Two THE MOST OF S. J. PERELMAN, MOST humorists, if they have ly through a Stygian channel no
Education Without a Harness By S. J. Perelman. 650 pp. New ever written enough to fill a bigger than a rain-barrel and cer-
By Erhard Lippmann __ _ Page Three York: Simon and Schuster. book of this size, would havejtainly not as fragrant."
Garrett-Montague-Fitzgerald: A Review qu.ck.ywok o ut th ir smll fo- ny nt asourneha ys.
By Donald A. Yates _ Page Four quickly worn out their small for- On the journey, he says, he
The Great Assault on Nature's Secrets SIMON and Schuster has neatly mulas of household difficulties 'managed to enrich every existing
By MahePdra Parek.t Page Five sidestepped the question of and personal inadequacies and medical concept of claustropho-
A Profile of Bump Elliott whether the selections in this book with this, their welcome. bia."
Help for the Emotionally Iah are really the best of S. J. Perel- Not so with Perelman. He has
By Gerald Lundy Page Nine man by titling the volume The his own comic formulas, to be ANY SORT of discussion at all
SGC: Group With a Lost Mission Most of S. J. Perelman. The 650 sure, and he uses them often. His of Perelman would have to
Creativepa kfr a Society Page Ten pages in the book, the publishers publi s t his cosos mention his cast of characters,
By David Guillaume Page Eleven assure us, are the most Perelman one or another of a whole host of from gossip columnist Louella
Lyric Poems: Rich in Mood, Insight selections ever assembled. obscure trade magazines would Parsons the veteran hunched
By M. Abbott Page Fourteen And in one man's opinion-S. J. easily fill a slim volume, over her typewriter in the turbu-
Lolita: An International Controversy Perelman's-the selections are the But he depends less on these lent city room, eyeshade askew
By Gorden Mumma Page Fifteen best, for Perelman has made them comic formulas for provoking and corn cob ablaze, pecking out
Man's Most Widely Practiced Art-A Review laughs than he does on original bulletins and gulping coffee from
By Danald A. Yates -.Page Sisfeen himself. Included are all of two content. a cardboard container" to one of
MAGAZINt EDlToR--Divid Tarr andi Ace andk Paisadnmany Perelman consistently writes his earler cooks, "Philomene La-
PICTURE CREDITS-Cover: German Information Agency; Page Three: articles published in magazines- well whether it be as the spirit bruyere, colored, no laundry."
German Information Agency; Page Five: Department of Aeronau- primarily the New Yorker-from moves him or on assignment such "Philomene was a dainty thing,
tical Engineering; Page Six: Department of Astronomy; Page 1930 to the present, as in Westward Ha in which he built somewhat on the order of
Seven: Daily-Charles Curtiss; Page Ten: Top-Daily-Allen described his voyage around the Lois De Fee, the lady bouncer. She
Winder, Others-Daily--David Arnold; Page Eleven: Department Dorothy Parker has said for world for a national magazine, had the rippling muscles of a
of Fine Arts; Page Thirteen: Daily-Allen Winder; Page Sixteen: many years (and she said it again panther, the stolidity of a water
University News Service; Page Seventeen: German Information in the introduction) that Perel- THIS SECTION, although buffalo and the lazy insolence of
Agency; Page Eighteen: German Information Agency; Page Nine- man is the best living humorist. If N
teen: Department of Fine Arts. 'sicklied over with the pale cast a shoe salesman.
COYER--The contrast between East and West Germany is strikingly competent contemporary humor- of sun-tan lotion," he fixes the Although a good swath of life
shown in these two pictures. The wide difference between the ists, it is mostly due to the fact ridiculous with the same firm eye comes under Perelman's pen, more
two is reflected in the attitude of each toward education. The that Perelman is genuinely funny, he displays in his other essays. than anything else, he satirizes
approaches to education in Germany are discussed in an article and can maintain a consistently "The memory of the next half the English language. Literary,
beginning on the next page high level of humor throughout hour will haunt my dreams for puns, an often amazing assort-
650 pages. years to come," he says, describ- ment of words from the un-
y Y*-ing his trip through a pyramid. abridged dictionary, metaphors
Sa Doubled over in a half crouch, made literally true and inane
r g {t.«' ! ...r.. " f' "X M we groped our way along a gal- word contrasts are the means by
lery approximately the length of which he assaults the English
the Simplon tunnel, crawled up a language,
back-breaking ninety degree in-
cline studded with slippery metal IT ALSO helps explain why
cleats, and scrambled everlasting- Perelman's earlier writing is not
Pa: - noticeably dated. Given a slightly
toa humorous situation, he develops
M eitmhimself, without using topical
Many htems material for an easy, though
Suitable for a quickly fading, laugh.
O T O R FlAC"LION wth the avant guarde, Perelman
That One Could is not a political or social humor-
T ist. The nearest he comes to any
*iFinish Before Xmas kind of humorous social criticism
r i_ s an occasional parody of Clif-
*ord Odets or Saks Fifth Avenue.
A R H Deep themes, or significant so-
YARNCR FT SHO cial criticism will not be found
OR LON JACQUARD NO 2-0303 10 Nickels Arcade in Perelman, Humor will.
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Page Two
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