November 17, 1929

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November 17, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…ESTAWSiD 1890 Sir ita N VOL. XL, NO. 43. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1929 EIGHT PAGES OL I SRI ES UP CHARLES E HUHES"Bo;"ea , kePs Bt 'WASHINGTON GETS WILL APPEAR HERE' Lead in Big Ten JAPANESE NAVA Purdue Team Nears Big Ten IN LECTURE SERIESTitle as Pass Attack Wins PREMAf 7 ti )ETGbOPHER TEAM,7 C~MILNApa London Singers Will ~ini- RE CHAMBERLIN arVN AND BEMS ARE STARS T in Hill Auditorium Paderewski's Recital P...…

November 17, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…T I HE MICHIGAN DAILY, SUNDAY- NOVP''MRIt.R. 1'T. 1929 TI-F TCH C ~ N L [-1 L 1 4TTIm A V 1J ] ~ iw 7 ~Cy*%'VAJY*.fMi ,**t l vvr.,ivtnrn i i. L; + WIL1SON IS PRINCIPAL GROUND GAINE A'FOURA RIE11BETH SCOR9ES FOR GOPHERS AFTER H 994 M ARHO OLIN SECONDDARE 4. Michigan Line Outplays Gophjerj shortly after the second period got under way. Dahicin fumbled and Forwards on Offense the Gophers recovered on Michi- and Defense. gan's 46-yard stripe. ...…

November 17, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…17, 1929 HE MICAICAN ATT-l"" ___ 'a a ... a , a e, -.- ga '4 IN MEXICAN CITIES Anticipated Political Clashes Cause Concentration of Militia. ORDER SALOONS CLOSEDI (T3y Associated Press) MEXICO CITY, Nov. 16. - Cav- alry and infantry contingents were concentrated here and in the larger cities of Mexico today in anticipa- tion of clashes between rival po- 1ltical elements when the nation votes for president Sunday. The troops were ordered ...…

November 17, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…;4 'r,, i i T f CA Z~{~:Y~ 11! I~?Th 4 .'~ a F ithiFt7w.i every miorning except Nilonday c-i gthete~'(Jiverf ilty year by the Board in control of Stwient 'tbhlications. MJember of Western Conference Editorial) Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited tn this paper and the local news publishedl herein. Entered at the posto. .ce at...…

November 17, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 43) • Page Image 5

…~tflAY, i~OV U I7~ 19~§ THEMICH GNTAJ 7" ' VA 0 WWI 9 '" ' _..._.. FORMAL REHIELL, BANOUET FINISHESI SOCIETY MEETING' Is Arranged Stoiay Breakfast fo, III Out-of-Town MISS fIILSON 'IKS Floenc Richards, Wesleyan, Is Appointed Scretary of Convention. Mortar Board convention official- ly closed last night with the formal1 banqut in e, private dining room 1 of the League building, alhough1 a Farewell breakfast is being given this ...…

November 17, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 43) • Page Image 6

…SIX'. T - - I = ' . y ... ... S .Y iF'1r"r i O r m y..,xi'C... ... ../t i.... 4...i '. 11'., v... stn.«.tA+ ,ark. .. «,... x SUNDAY, NOVEMBR 17, JUNIOR VARSIT} WINS FROM WESTERN STATE NO ORMAL i', r1 ,I) TEACHERS IN FIRSTOUARTEF Acting-Captain Morgan Severel Hurt After Playing Fine Game at Center. BERKOWITZ PLAYS WELL (Continued from Page 1) with the backfield executing their plays.with the smoothness and pre- ,ission of a Varsity squad...…

November 17, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 43) • Page Image 7

…H'- E A DAILY FACE SEVEN kV 1. ac. 1?1~vx"4,JJ7'u1. 1 /, l z. . " -_______________"___________- PLAY BY PLAY ACCOU NT Of MICIGAN GOPERSl EXPECTED MINNESOTA BATTLE f AT MI NEAP l S TO EA WISONSIN MICHIGAN REGAINS BROWN JUG u nr1rR PTfl1nr I Superior Play of Michigan Line ploughed into right guard, just; Helps in 7-6 Defeat Handed missing a first down. Morrison Out to Gophers. made it a first down on Minne- Strong Minnesota Eleven W...…

November 17, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 43) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN RAILY ____.. __ _ _.._r_ , _ _-__ .._. __ _.. _ __ _ _ ,__..._ _ .. Hawa' ' l li Cram next !Monday eveniling atthe School of Mufie Aui toium on t: 1:", izuil rdt l.; at 8:15a o~'clock1: sf'i: !re ludeand hi gllii ! h . inr I 'fae i ;i d 31 AMillSe "TS ia Ii E c in iioi ;thiwid-sie~ec:~"iaii ~onalia In D; Bðcwen: SolLataCp. 96; Chopiln: t ( ulc Vj cxanilnations in 8peeeh 31 and 32 will he held on Thursday, Novem-' minor, Noc...…

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