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November 17, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-17

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;4 'r,, i i T f CA

Z~{~:Y~ 11! I~?Th 4 .'~


F ithiFt7w.i every miorning except Nilonday
c-i gthete~'(Jiverf ilty year by the Board in
control of Stwient 'tbhlications.
MJember of Western Conference Editorial)
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
tn this paper and the local news publishedl
Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor,
Micbigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master. General,
:subscripstion by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.1
Offices: Anti Arbor Press Building, May-1
itard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.


parallelled many times when no _ . v LJ1:A N.lLJi O
IFunds have been available for sonmA . - 1 . M - f i iit"Yi1
of the pressing needs of the Unl- ii out I.) rt A:
versity points to the wisdom of the I~A ~~cAc .
'Toledo alumni group's donation. .ERMAN AN A . i WuK lO LMN
The condition which will arise from' n. vfs
this action will show a tremendous NBLPIEWNE Monday.#:
improvement in the status of stu, hms a: a encoe on ft~e in a ~i 1iiuPatcMvmzt
- hoa "Manha be cosnI onaEsselstynoftepaoacf Solfege Imp:rovisation, Piano,
dents in straitened circumstances: from a group containing many of ulty of the School of Music will give Coin ostiotn
it will allow them. to concentrate the world's foremost writers to re- a recital in the School of Music NORM AI, TRAINING
their efforts on study while in the 192.Noel I= alcroze Certificate Provides
University and at the same time ceive the 12 oe prize for lit-I Auditorium, beginning promptly atI New Profession for College and Music
Iwill put them under no strain ini erature. The amount of the award 18:15 o'clock. Miss Esseistyn is a Pol es onn~qett
paying of h . lgtin o this year is $46,299, and it will graduate of the School of Music ; PAUL B.(aPPLE, Director j
offth. oliatinor9 Fast 59th St., New York
-=obe presented to Mr. Mann along' under Albert Lockwood and has Vlztr 1357+
ACTIVITIES VS. STUDIES with the other four winners of; supplemented her study in Ann Ar,-
General advice was interspersed prizes on December 10, the anni- bo b polngd-tuybo-- hi -- .
with technical information in the versary of the death of Alfred No-;cutyak1arodUdrJJi'
program recently given the conven- bel who established the, foundation. Nv
ed editors of Michigan high schools. Th le author's best knownt boob~, Bud- hvne h a ~a~di' IL(
Aogthe former there was none lenbrooks, a saga of the patrician !qitently as acc'oi-panist for solo ;ti -
Imore rsound arnd apropos than the German farnily, was published In! tists like Martinelli and Louise 1--'
warning against' the dangers; of too; 1901, It went through fifty edi- ?I r he program which she has f it .t '}tv 1-iz~ (v t i. (bs
great a participation in extra-cur-tions in a decade, but it wts rnot peae1o h caio sa o-w ~.i
ericular activities, by T. Luther Pur- until 1924, that it appeared in a 1
d, personnel director of the U~ni- translated American edition. AtI low~s: C(I t~q~I
versity. that time it had gone through 151 Prelude and Fugue in E Flat,'iu vi:
Nine-tenths of the students who; editions in Germany. Minor ...................BHach
take a prominent kart in outside l Sonata in D.......Scarlatti rrts ~e24541
functions, particularly dramatics,i The winner of this year's Nobel ;Sonata Op. 90..........Becethoven Bcw Crs & Co
in high school fail to make passing foundation award springs from. theI rw - esCo
grades during the first :semester in # highest and finest stratum of Ger- EtudeF Minr.........Chopi
college, Mr. Purdom said. This ad- E man middle class society,.lHe wasI Nocturne C sharp minor ... Chopin '
vice was quite appropriate, as thee born at Lubeck, on the Baltic, ofI Waltz A Fiat............. ChopinI :tt<Y Sttri '
high school delegates are them- Inorthern German father and, a La- Etude C sharp minor .. .. . .Chopin F';s:,'t r Aim l Ar'I rust Bldg.
selves much given to extra-curric- tin mother. The parentage prob- Prelude E flat minor ......Gliere______________
I ula~r 'ork. ; : bly accounts for the peculiar trend Etd ala io ______________
Recognition of the possible ill- of his mind. Of practical father,
effects of participation in activities an e1eanna ohe.nrh Rcmnnf
has not slipped by the administra- I ern and southern viewpoint, Thorn-I The Marioniette Show .... Loosens 4n u cj i
tion of the University for it has as Mann represents in a certain Perpetual Motion . Alkan-McDowellc
wisely precluded students frorn tak-! sense the combination of both at-. h jeigo
ing part in outside activities during titudes. He is in conflict, feeling Tedy
their first semester. Following the' himself attracted by two different Comedy Club opens their season! a new branch


m..._ ..

803 East \Vashilngloi




One Block North from HillAdinin
Breakfast, Lunch and I )intwr01
I AI~lI dI~dI )iper ,f 'i)


_.. .


Ed.,itor........... ........ George C. Tilley
City Editor .................IPiercc Rosenbcrg
.News Eicor........ ..(airge L. Simons
Shorts Edtr....Edward 1L. XWarner, Jr.
Women's l.iditor..........jor.ie ll
7 c1i,, apl il'dior ..........Cassam A. Wilson
Msiic and 'Dramna......... William J. Gorman
Literary Editor...........awrence R. Klein
Ac;;siant (City Editor...... R'dert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Fr-nk E. Cooper ' Henry J. NMerry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kaufman Walter W. Wilds

Lin geri
Pajama~ s



]"Bertrami Askwith L-eiter May
Helen Bare )avid M. Nichol
AMaxwell Btauer \V'illiam Pare
Mary L. isehyner lloward 11. Peckiham
B3pnam~n itI. Ierer.tsoillugh Pierce
Allan 1I1. Berkmran Victor Rabinowitz
,S. 1eachi (:ooger John 1). Reindel
Thotnas k. Coley Jeannie Roberts
John 11. Denier Joseph A. Russell
I elen Doniine Joseph Rtttwitch
Margaret E.ckels William 11. Salzarulo
Katharine Ferrin Charles R. Sprowl
Carl S. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swanson
Sheldon C. .f tllerton . ' t 'l baver
R<uth Geddes . i argaret Thompson
Cinevra Ginn P i'-hard L.. Tobin
Jack Goldsmith Elizabeth Vlentine
Morris Grovermnan Harold 0. Warren, Jr.
Ross Gustin C'hales White
Margaret Jiaricis G. Lionel Willens,
David 11. tlenntead lohn I,,Willoughby
{]] Cutlleni Kennedy Nathan WVise
ean Levy Barbara Wright
kussell L. McCracken VF~ian Zimtit
Dorothy Magee.
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising .............1'.Holse ahl
Adverttsin(. ....... ......K~t'per 1-1. li alverso-
Advertising............... %etood A. t~t
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fCirculation.......... .'.. .J. °,nor- I'av'
Accounts .............John R. 'Rgs
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ASsista nts
Riymond Campbell Lawrence L ucey
James E. Cartwright Thom617as .lute
rtw« trt crawtoro heorge patter,ton
Marry 13 Cvlver Chad. C anford
Tbomas M. Davis L.ee Slayton
.:. kel'-c .kobert- Sutton
Ilonald Fving linger C. Tlhorne
Jatnes ltifer Josejph Van Ripezt
Norris johnso x Robert Wilharimoti
""' - William R. 'rloys
Marvin :.Kobacker

New Daintiness


initial semester there are no checks and irreconcilable worlds: thei in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
r except scholastic probation. ;world of art and the matter-of-fact with a presentation of Sem Benel-
There is little doubt that a stu- . and prosaic world of material ex- Ii's sensational melodramatic fable
dent learns as much outside the itne of mediaeval Florence, "The Jest."
classroom as in, but it is quite prob- In Tonio Kroger. a long-short I "
able that too great a participationj story, published in 1914, there is a Comedy Club has secured the di-
in campus activities produces in work which is definitely autobio- rectorial services of Miss Bertha
college similar effects that it does1 graphical in character. It repre- Creignr",ort, Formerly leading lady
in high school. sents Thom~as Mann's life during; with Richard Mansfield, to make
_ _o__- the years that he left his home in their production of this rich pseu-
______________ Lubeck to study at Munich and to do-Shakespearean melodrama one
wander from- there to poetic seclu- of its outstanding achievements to
Car p s Opnion sion in Rome. Tonio comes back !date.
Contributors are asked to he brief,i from the peninsula homesick, as TheEnlh 3Ct.hSigrofLdn
confining themselves to less than '30 did Thomas, but oaly . to" fall into (nls igr ~Lno
:>orris it possible. Anonymous con- will be heard in Ann Arbor for the
l munications will be disregarded. The a state of disdainfulness, and to
names of communicants will, however, oet h ocuinta qi second time in the Choral Union
be 'regarded as coufiderrtial, upon rr cm otecnluinta qt series , in a program of madrigals,
clu~at. Letters published should nut be ? librium can be found for himself
opinion o the Daily.j through a kind of contentment'bles nzetofheEiat-
(about his loneliness. This is Thomas a eid tla n pns
W~lY NO STUDEN SEATS Mann yearning- after his ideal of ;sre refl ogmdr
a reconciliatinDbetweenAArt nd'glish and French part songs.
BETWEEN GOALLINES? Life.reclaccn eptwenfeat, wici This organizatio n has gradually
Life Heaccptsdefet, hic isbuilt up a reputation as one of the
To the editor: at once his power and success, but ms ouaro hIonetsae
Now that Mr. Tillotson has also his natural limitation. The Their opreahei oneelopmet
spread the entire machinery of thei impression that is in the mind of of c unacmcompanied id eelopeng-
present ticket allotment system be-; the reader after finishing the book Itig and their specialization in Eliz-
fare us and has shown us just is one of disillusionment, though it abta uia r evste
where we sit and who sits where we should not be interpreted that Mr. wtotrvl nti neetn
Iwould like to, I should like to ask (Mann is a weak-kneed sentimental- withurivalsoinhsicntTeestng
.one or two fore questions, per-! ist. A strong sense of irony savescrtiinHlAutoumbg-
taining to the why of where the' him from this.; ninm nroarnt1 at.8:5 o 'clock.

store at 1 113 S..
U niversit y
Bring your shoe
repairs where
shoes are made.
534 Forest Aventle
1113 S. University Avenue.


Dainty feminine things that
appeal to every lover of
chaf-ming personal belongings.
are here to be chosen. There
is the most exquisite lingerie
in crepe, satin and glove sillk
--mauny of the lovely pieces '
from France. Negligees too
--and warm quilted robes as
practical as they are attractive.
Ensembles 'in pajamas--mod-
ern, sophisticated, smart--will
atppeal to the fastidious wo-
C~ostumie Jewel)-y
Boutdoir Dotis
IHaudk crchie f s

I.'L: Er
S I. }
A II J \I 1 ! ,
A '-°' :a " ' 1. r---
I '
j ,,
. .





WVart 'Ads tRay

C. J7-HUTZL os
Main, at Liberty

l.aura Codling
iSrice Glaser
Hortense CGooding
Arima Goldberg.

Alice TMcCtilly
Sylvia MIiller
II den E. Mt-ssIwhite
Elear r\Vallinshaw
I )oiohea Watrermanj


Np?'ht Editcw,--C. R. KAUFMAN
During the last 'generation col-
leges have grown from small schools
catering to a favored few to great
institutions where almost everyone
desirous of obtaining an education
can 'do so. The principles of de-
mocracy upon which this nation
was founded are coming to the fore
in this field, at least, and it is to
be hoped that the same spirit avid
spread into other fields where big-
otry and intolerance- are so obvious.
Even education for the masses,
however, has decided limitations.
Many ambitious young men and
women are prohibited from attend-
ing universities because they lack
the money which is requisite for
financing- themselves during four or
more years in such institutions.
The time allowed by the summer
Vacation months for earning. such
mon~ey as they need is not nearly
sufficient to carry them through
the year.
It is a well known fact that stu-
dents who are working their way
through college do not benefit
nearly as much from their studies
as 'others who are not faced with
this double responsibility. Most
educators, while admitting the fact
that those who work while they
study are probably the most deserv-
ing of real admiration, discourage
9the practice.:-The physical and
mnental "strain.i iinosed upon these
t detia ~ I~ itr'im sotr-imno-nt to allay=


students are given tickets. *
.Mr. Tillotson has proved by his This German novelist has been All week :
"facts, figures, and charts" that chosen as a representative, presum-; An exhibit in Alumni Memorial
there are no seats between the 30 ably, of the best in literature of ' all of the work of some sixty or
yard lines open to students. I can the present day. But the simple ' seventy local or Detroit artists uin-
not dispute this, yet I still do not fact is that Mr. Mann is not of der the auspices of the Ann Arbor
see why the students are relegated 4 the present. Perhaps, the selection Art association.
I to their one section at the north is just another of those practical ;B:B1t
end of the west stand, surprises which the Academy is so )Ttl
Accrdig t Mr Tilotonth fond of unveiling. However this Music:
'Stden Conci pikedthi loa-may be, Mr. Mann is not expressing Percy Grainger, the noted Aus-
StonBt osci thaedthinecaiy- his relations to the present civil- tralian-American composer and pi-
makneButdaetihanneinsahis ,writns e I a nist, will present his first Detr~oit
maeit unchangeable? prd" fb-oecluewihrecital in sever-al seasons at Orches-j
Why, I ask, must the student sec- has almost entirely disappeared, ; tra Hall. Mr. Graingerfs first group;
tion be so placed as to put over half and his art is the reflection of the1 includes three Preludes and Fugues
of the students behind the goal! decline of tradition. Not that he from the "Well Tempered Clavi-;
posts? Could not the students be i has not tried to adapt himself to chord" of Bach. His second group!
placed on both sides of the thirty. the notions, tereadcnet contains Chopin's Barcarolle, Op.M
yard lines within which they can ;which have come about by the War, 60, and his Sonata in B Minor, Op..
not sit, and would not this ar- fo hsh a oe u ecn 58. The third will be devoted to
'rangement have its advantages? I not understand the modern world! modern music, Ravelrs "Ondine"
Under this plan, half the student which has upset the old order of ' and Debussy's "Homage to Ram-
i section would start from the south iel.If antcet itr I eau," concluding with a first. per-
thirty yard line and extend south,; of these times in his art, although formance in Detroit of' rangr'
surrounding the faculty section; ! he has tried in his Magic Moun- "The Hunter in His Career," hi~s :-
while the other half would occutpy tain. His place is as an interpreter I latest adaptation of an English bal-
its present position, exten~ding , of the decadence; he expresses the lad..
north from the north thirty ard thought of another day. Tuesday :
line. Under this arrangemern, no
students would be forced around MRlS. WHtl'ARTON - The Detroit Bach Choir opens its,
the turns behind the goal posts. season at Orchestra Hall with a
APPEARS THIS WEEK varied selection of choral works.
The half of the section which, at Edith Wharton has circulated Thril efv.goptoaln
the arvrd ame vieed he on-this week through her publishers!I thirteen numbers. It is the most
test from undesirable turn and end a new and lengthy novel .entitled!abtou rgama e +atmt
seas wuldbe lacd i th se- Hudson River Bracketed." It is ed by this interesting Detroit or-
tios jst out ofthethity ardthe study of, 4 youth who not only± ganizatidn. The closing numb er on
line. Besides the advantage of giv- I wanted to be a writer, but who ac- th rga s'inFseBr s
ingthestuent beterseas, histually was one. It is the picture of ItUnser Gott," Bach's stirring choral
arrangement of tickets would con- I a literary genius. The unusual title stigfrLte' yno h
'cnrae the Mch iganrooeso come-s from an old book of archi- Reformation. It is the first Amer-
boh idsofth cerig.Leture of the 1890's which de- lip nn~fomnepoftf 1icwo rt'of

VTV VI. l I, Vl Vf14 VV AF+v++ v

au~tc~a s uv~t'~tL V tll ' Of course, some one would havej scribes the indigenous manor
the best results to be shown. : to suffer so that the students might houses of the Hudson of that per-
In 'iew f tese act, th an get better seats. It is true that the E iod with their adornments of fret
nouncement that the University ofI alumni clu~b sections and other al-; work. An old house of that type
Michigan Club of Toledo will pre-1 lotments reserved for taxpayers plays an important part ini the
sent a fund of $150,000 to be used I would have to be moved to bringI story. Ini it the hero, a boy fromI
for loans to students in all collegesI the students south of the thirty ( the west who has never known the
of the University is one of the most I yard line. But, on the other hand, dignity of aged things and cultures,
gratifying announcements of thet under the presen-t system the stu-! or the beauty of the intellect, meets
year. dents suffer. The problem thus set- 4 for the first time in his life some-
Many tequests have been given' ties down to a question of who isi one to whom culture was the bloodI
the University during its long life,; to occupy the end seats and who! in her veins. In it he ha~s his init-t
but most of these have been pre- i is to sit on the field. To my mind, ial experiences with the beauties of
sented with a stipulation that theyj as a student, the students deserve' poetry.
be- used for buildings, scholarships,! preference. and Mr. Tillotson seems R f. E. M.
and other narrowly limited purpos-j to wish to give it to them. May I
es. This donation, however, will 'ask why, then, this plan should not Alfred Kreymborg's new book,

t !f
1 I
i i
. !
R j

A concert by the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra under Ossip Ga-
brilowitsch with two Russian as-
sisting artists, Alexander Glacou-,
nov, composer and guest-conduc-
toadVaii ooiz nist. Mr. Gabrilowitsch opens the
concert with the Rimsky-Korsakov I
tone poem 'Sadko," Op. 6. The sec-
ond number, the Glazounov Sixth
Symphony, brings the composer to
the podium to conduct, his first ap-
pearance with an American orches-
tra. The Sixth Symphony is the




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