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November 17, 1929 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-17

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~tflAY, i~OV U I7~ 19~§




9 '" ' _..._..


Is Arranged

Stoiay Breakfast

fo, III Out-of-Town





Is Appointed Scretary
of Convention.
Mortar Board convention official-
ly closed last night with the formal1
banqut in e, private dining room 1
of the League building, alhough1
a Farewell breakfast is being given
this morning for the ou-of-townI
delegates before they leave.
Yesterday morning was occupied
with -a business meeting at which
Margaret Ohson, '30, as chairman
of the convention presided. Miss
Katherine. Kuhlman, Sectional Di-
rector, and Miss Ohson both gave
speeches of welcome to the dele-
gates. Miss Florence Richards from
Ohio Weseyan was appointed Sec-
retary of the convention and a!
Committee on Resolutions was ap-
Miss Elsie Murray, Secretary of
the National Council, gave a speech
on "Personnel - Its Meaning to
Mortar Board." She urged that
Mfortar Board should stand for ac-
tual service on the campus rather4
than a meaningless honir. After'
Miss Murray's speech_ delegates
from the different chapters talked
on some important phase of Mor-
tar Board.
The business meeting was ad-
journed at 11:30 and the group was
conducted on a tour of the campus.
At 1230 luncheon was served in the
Russian Tea Room and immediate-
ly after the luncheon infomal
snapshots of the group were taken
out in front of the League build-
In the afternoon round table dis-
cussions were held by the different !
The following speeches were de-
livered at the formal banquet last
night: Miss Ohlson, as toastmis-
tress, gave the first speech, "The
Pin is Fastened," Virginia Losee, a
acting President of Michigan chap-
ter of Mortar Board, "Black and
Gold," Mary Callictt of Ohio Statc
university, "The Tassle," Miss Alice
Lloyd, "The Golden Letter," Hlda
Mary Evans, '29, "Memories," and
Miss Kurlman, "Dreams of the F-
ine." The statement of the Coin
mittee on Resolution was accepted
About 40 women delegates an
members of the Michigan chapte
combined, were present at the ban-
qluet. Monogramed programs wert
presented to all present.
Miss Mildred Kelly, University of
Wichita co-ed and winner of beau-
thonors, has been elected honor-
ary colonel of the Reserve Officers
Training Corps of the university.
Marcel Effect ...... $5.00
Permanent Wave with Ringlet
ringer Wave and Shampoo 10
*Marcel and Shampoo, ...$1.00o
Manicure * . .50
Open Evenings C4ll 21478
625 13 Liberty Street
Upstairs over Flower Sop
: 7kIer

W ill L eave O pera 0EN T E R CO F SO C IA L A C T IV IT IE S T H IS W E E K -E llsdi I P P U LO 9LS~i U S T Oiek nd g et aIhUorrt lp a C i Om ghavIULU~rs oo, r ,Th o oit ed
11 9 1 0 9 P 9 B A DShouses in the fall usually signify pledge formal Friday evening. l its formal pledge dance Friday :-___
ifootball enthusiasts, but this week-KpaKpp am il et Peau iin lbhai on
end they are ofa different sort. Kappa Delta entertained Profes- night. KpaKpaGmawl etlPgssrdn lbhsa"on
r a, ~being chiefly those who came from )r and Mrs. Roy 0. Cowden, Missj Zeta Tau Alpha announces the Z.Ri a Tau Alpha in -the final tilt of (light ride, to be followed by a
$ state hitgh schools for the Michigan vd gis , Ms~lwis EthelMssorIck, leiging of Lucille Shatry,, a, te in rmural.hockey tourney to- pread planned for its next meet-
Interscholastic Press Associationl Niis latawfcllinander M'iss Ella l~Far, '3, both of flint. The r£ I 110alr(w) at 4 0(o'c.o ni tuwhich will take plare at sev en
)lIrV ration, or women from Middle-1 day night. (1 Y ight{
We.atni colleges andid este
who are her'e for thte Mortarboard Thlorarboard Mi~meiwr~i Enext:ined. 'hle Anni Arbor :litumne (of Sii eI 1 tfl1Yt i and Dela are aked to meet a Mulisns
j cz~~~Oiveiaiol. These getand fac- Miss 1Fern Schott, '29, Detroit and ! ~ lthpc ai ; idb ~ atr 01;afoILin the semi-inals last 1fron which the ride will start
i ty drone,-s, have buenste entr;fi~ss Flora Sutcliffe, '29, r£uisv alt:; day afternoon. 'Tis afternoon, tlic M~l }ndaay to comipte for the !inr- irbunesmtgwch t
ofsoc al activities for this week. *vre guests at the 15i Beta Pnit ;uiies will entertain at tea. ,u " kyCij.flo herd iltaepaedr
l~~~ Collegiate Sorosis entertained MiscEsforrfeays Dtrita- Alpha Delta Pi will also enter- ! r.t~h teams culled from or-
eleven guests at a faculty dinner j is l seretry, of MoDtaro, ainwith a tea for the patronesses .> jug theouseeadrandragithilytim-
tionasdasecretaryThof Motarboad faculty women twerhorignallyen-oon.iswill l be made for the coming
whlusa iht hywr:P o is a guest of honor at the cand fcutywomn hi ateroo2 din the('tournament, which
re soy 0. J. Campbell, Mrs. William ~eto m isHln ~ ~ h guests will be: the Mesdamies' year. This will be the first ral
H I. Faust, Professor Evans Hol- vntof the 01M0ss H e Bow iT. ' Cross, Preston James, Sam- opeed he frstweek in OctobermeigPgsshshdti er
Ruselofte hi 'at hatc metn, agsu hsha tisyer
brook, Dean Wilber Humphreys, sel,'u el Dana, Franklin Shul, 1ax; Much more interest has been since the only business acomp-
t i Mrs. Alfred Boyd, Miss Anna and Wi alhre fortsthi thekendone Winkler, Wesley Maurer, Carter shown in intramural sports this Used at the last one was the ee-
Miss Alice Lloyd, Professor aad Ml's. toaeget hswe~ed h Goodr~ich, James Edmnson, E-
alonan Mran Mralumnae of the Michigan Beta }br ossaJhnSe; 'd .season than in previous years, as ion of officers. The cost of the tie
iRene TWheeler.d MrLasevnings ea oseaJa S~piid .1chapter held a meeting at the house N hles'is shown by the greater numr ofadsra ilb 2
Maurice Welr ateeigthe NEhlrssterdadypradnoon.e$2
thyooitwr n er- tlphrdaDetaannunes.hecontestants taking part. According;, Members are asked to sigfn upon
pledges f the soority wee enMissAlphagXiDeltChartersesfromg the
ploitd rs hoo tiedes a of mldne isMree hresfo h engagement of H-arriett A. Hender- to Mss Halsey, hockey coach, and~ a sheet which ill be posted in Ba"-
Mie rne athed atiaeformdne.ofOlhio tt hpe o et ealong, '30, to ahworth F. Hoch, '0.mem:bes of the physical, education ,bor gymnasium bulletin board b-
Soprano of the Metropolitani Omcron Pi also gave a frnmal' is a 'guest dt the chapter h ouse Delta Delta Delta is entertaining';staffi this year's teams have play- fore Monday afternoon, if they are
here while she is attending thetwdeeaerfmOiSttwhedamcbterrndohceygn.
Opera company, who will quit grand ipledge last night. Dr. and Mrs. G. Eortarboard convention this week-twoelattes'natoheo tte who~d oLtaiamuhabentexhbitedheof oe.gig
opera at the close ot the present W. Fox and Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Nel-1 end.avending h ota oc rnthas s ehduled htforeito
season and devote her future ac- son were5 chaperones. Kappa Alpha Theta announces vention.-mo 'w av ee wrin p ny et0a lpapayr r
tivities to radio. National Officer Inspects, the initiation of Dorothy Briggs,',pasadpoiet rvd n(abr uchrt 3 ide
Alpha Gamma Delta has as a1'31, Detroit. The initiation and the; Two thousand Anatolian peasant'pasadpoiet rvd nIBraaBrkad,'3 ide
exci ting final game. Anyone who1 Cassidy, '30, Margaret Ohlson, '31,
T>Ap 1r4GES ARE HELD house guesttraue Miss Thorborg, nation- I frmal banquet were held last omen went an a strike for the wishes to-do so is invited to watch, Majorie Ellsworth, '32, 11l1da
al resurr ndinspector of fin-. night. Wednesday evening the so- first time in history when they' the match. The lineup for the Kap- Wnklehaus, '31, Grace Hamilton,
BY V DORMITORIES anew, of Rockford, Ill. Thursday rority entertained Miss Alice Lloyd walked out on the Turkish Forest pa aggregation includes Pauline '31, Betty Aberle, '33, Leia Hen-
evening the sorority entertained p~nd Miss Grace Richards .t din-l Exploitation company because they Bove, '32, Katherine F=errin, '32, ricks, '32, Cornlia Thompson, '30,
Professor and Mrs. A. A. Hill, Pro-I ner. Mrs. Ethel. Nickerson, presi- , Meissa Stearns, '33, Frances Whip-VignaEr,'0adDoth
Residents of Helen Newberry en- fessor and Mrs. A. L. Cross and Pro- dent of the district, was a guest at =eceived only 25 cents a day, half ?pi, '31, Katherine Brook, '31, Jean' Boger 3 r, '3adDooh
tertainedb with an informal housei fessor and Mrs. Howard McCloskey, the house Monday and Tuesday. the wage which is paid to men. Alexander, '32, Janet Allen, '33, Ant- The itramural hockey cup will
dance last. night. Mrs. Flrne at a faculty dinner. I Kappa Kappa Gammya has as They demanded equal wages and;.mie. Cummings, '33, Margaret ibe awarded the winning team at
nih.Alpha Gamma Delta announces: guests this week-end the Misses! their employers agreed. Eamon, '31, and ~ldean (hunt, '32. the hockey banquet November 21.
Tousey and Miss Mary Jarvis were the initiation of Dorothea Torbe-j Lillius and Lois Van Dusen of the!----------~~ -*- ______________
the chaperones. son, '32, of Cadillac, and Frances ,Adrian chapter.,
Maize and blue streamers, ban-! Thornton, '32, of Ann Arbor. The Pledges Announced.
iers, and baloons were used as itiatinon.lnhenwsedyes- Gamma Phi Beta announces the
decorations at an informal donepegnofBvryAmtn,'3.
held at Martha Cook after the h .-
Harvard game last Saturday night.,
Mr. John Cameron, British Consul'uT E N WTl
to Detroit, was the guest of honorjTH NE

at tea on Sunday, November 3.
Friday evening, November 3, the 4
residents of Betsy Barbour gave
their fall dance at which Miss Mary
Lytle and Miss Neva, Hirleman
were the chaperones.
The Board of Gogvernors and the;
residents of Adelia Cheever house
honored about 200 faculty members'
a :t a formal reception Friday eve-
ning. Yellow and orchid-pinks
mums and orchid candles were~
used for decorations. Miss Kather-
ine H~awler, 31, house president.;
Mrs. Alta Schule, Mrs. Louis Kar-I
plnski, Mrs. Edwin C. Goddard, Mrs.;r
Edson Sunderland, and Miss Alice!
rtoyd wvere in. the receiving line.y
chose who poured were: Mrs.
Franklin Shull, Mrs. Carl Huber,
Mrs. Joseph L. Markley, Mrs. Wil-
iam G. Smeaton, Mrs. Harry
Bacher, Miss Grace Richards, Mrs.
'. 0. Davis, and Miss Rose Andei'-

$1.35 to

Now,, at the new lowered prices, we've
a wealth of good-looking~ heel effects-
purited, French and clever fancy de-
signs, in service, nieditint or chiffon
Weights, and wihpicot tops! C+ ty in,
see, and select your needs.
Finery Hosiery,
$1.25 to $1.95

T ..
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State Struet at. Liberty $1.00



i f ;
...:.:; ;, J;

Ch erchez



Ia Femme!

Find the woman who is ogle
of the recognized style 'leaders
on the campus and
ten to one . . . you'll find
she's a staunch believer in
Mack's shoe style leadership.




... .. ;

Let us show you the
leader illustrated above.


And ..

beautiful footwear

to complete that party dress.

/Shoes tinted to

"Now, what can. 1
buy for her that will
please her?"
A . fine white gold wrist


match . . . with no extra charge ...its
bet a mo-tst refinarkahi e Selection.

'W / l



Buckles, $1.00 to $5.00

_N te

I f %7%. /,-Zi I i * III EEl


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