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Acting-Captain Morgan Severel
Hurt After Playing Fine
Game at Center.
(Continued from Page 1)
with the backfield executing their
plays.with the smoothness and pre-
,ission of a Varsity squad. As well
the Western State version of the
famed "Minnesota Shift" proved in-
effective against Coach Courtright's
heavy line which kept the Hilltop-
per's gains few and far betwe'en.
The second quarter was almost as
one-sided as the first in the matter
of first downs and yards gained ex-
cept that most of the long Wolver-
ine runs were executed in the mid-
dIe of the field, with the Normal
defense stiffening when their goal
line was in immediate danger. Too,
the visiting squad began to show
signs of life in this period with the
advent of Hagadone and Pembroke
into their backfield to aid Frendt
in a flashy 25-yard dash.
A promising Michigan drive in
this period was nipped in the bud
by a 15-yard penalty for backfield
in motion followed by a short punt
by Lindsay who replaced Widman
at quarterback. Michigan used a
fake lateral pass to good advantage
in this frame, making two gains of
15 and 13 yards with it, and as the
quarter ended Wills had just com-
pleted a 13-yard run to bring the
ball to the opponents 30-yard line.
At this time it appeared that the
Wolverine squad. was headed for
another score, but the time-keeper's
gun took away the chance. In the
first half Michigan accounted for
11 first downs to 'their opponent's
three, with all but one of them com-
ing via. the rushing route.
Teachers Make Score.
Aided by two 15-yard penalties,
one before and the other at direct-
ly after a punt, the visitors pushed
over a touchdown early in the sec-
ond half. A drive toward the Michi-
gan goal line from the Michigan
35-yard line was stopped for three
downs on the one-yard line, but on
the last try Moore, who had done
most of the ball-carrying during
the advance plunged through right
guard for the only Western State
score of the game. Frendt kicked
the goal froip placement to make
the score 13-7 in favor of the
Michigan seemed to suffer a re-
lapse in the third quarter from
which tiey did not emerge until
the final period when they again
resembled a football team in ac-
tion. Western State garnered sev-
en first downs in this half to bring
their total for the game to ten
while the Wolverines could get but
three, two of them in the last
C1 !T v h ! -,-. r' r-T
ALL-AMERICANS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final 1]HOCKEY MENTOR
Six members of Coach Matt Harry C. Tillotson announced
Mann's 1929 Wolverine swimming yesterday that Eddie Lowry, Var-
y team, holders of the Conference sity hockey coach for the last two
championship and second in the 0 -i e oyears has been signed to pilot the
National meet, were honored by Wolverine puck-chasers again this
Philip Harburger in his selection of IJU LS O , season. In addition to caching the
an All-American intercollegiate1 team, Lowry, who formerly played
swimming team. Three of these for the Ottaway hockey club for
I men, Walker, Ault and Seager, -~m T ! MA ZEAOFT OVERt many years, will be in charge of the
i gained six places on thedmythical DETAILS OF MAIZE AND BLUE WIN GOPHERS arena and skating rink.
team while Hubbell, Spindle, and
Walateswerecas plced n oe iMichigan will close its football
event. IRST PERIOD Sinmrall returning it 10 yards. Michigan took time out for Dah-activities and begin its hockey ac-
1.1Ten Maize and Blue tankmen Gembis kicked off to Riebeth on Wilson cut back over left guard lem, who was hurt on the play. tivities on the same day, Frankpn
Te Maed an Blue r Minnesota's 10 yard line. He re- for three yards. Teeter stopped Pharmer gained four yards off C. Cappon, assistant athletic di-
also were placed on the rcnl i
announced first and second all- turned to the 27 yard line. Phar- Simrall with a three yard gain at right tackle. On a double pass, rector, announced today.
Conference teams. These Wolver- mer gained a yard over his left right tackle. Simrall punted from Poe broke through to down Ri- At the end of last year's games,
Ines, Spindle,, Walker, Seager,°R. tackle. Pharmer punted from his his 26 yard line to Minnesota's 43 beth with a four yard loss. A pass, Michigan had promise of agood ice
Goldsmith, Thompson, Hubbell, 22 yard line to out of bounds on yard line. Wilson downing the ball. Pharmer to Tanner was good for squad this year, retaining most of
s Watson, McDonald, Ault, and Wal- Michigan's eight yard line. It was a Nagurski stepped out of bounds 26 yards. Riebeth on a cutback i the good men of the last year's
arlts won for the Mivchigan Var- quick kick and took Michigan by with a half yard gain. Pharmer scored a touchdown. team with two or three experienced
aitis vaunn rfhsurprise. I shot a long pass at Tanner, which Score: Minnesota 6; Michigan 0. players coming up from the fresh-
Isity at least one mni l fte IO
eight events listed. Morrison gained a yard at cen- I was incomplete. Truskowski stop- The try for extra point failed. man team. The latter may not ma-
Win Nine Places ter. Simrall punted from behind jped Pharmer without gain. Pharmer trying for a place kick, terialize due to scholastic difficul-
Win Nine Places. I his goal line to Michigan's 45 yard Pharmer punted from his 36 yard but going wild. ties
Tlhe nine places awarded the line, where Riebeth was downed in I line to Michigan's 24 yard line,i Score: Minnescota 6; Michigan 0. Michigan will have time to get a
Wolverine takmen onthe All-Amer-t his tracks. and Simrall, on a dashing sprint> Riebeth in scoring the cut back team in shape this year with a
Jean team established a record Nagurski hit right guard for a returned it to Minnesota's 49 yard. through Michigan's left tackle, month of practice before the Christ-
equaled only by Yale whose swim- yard. Pharmer gained three yards line. It was a 27 yard return, where he found a large hole out- mas holidays and the holiday trip
mers also were given nine positions at right tackle. Pharmer's pass was Timm was hurt and replaced by footed the secondary defense in" his itself to play Yale at Lake Placid
by Harburger. Eight men were intercepted by Simrall on Michi- Brownell. Wilson, behind good in- run over the goal line. and Colgate and Hamilton colleges.
picked from all the colleges in the gan's 25 yard line and he returned terference, gained six yards at right The Athletic association has pur-
United States for each of the seven it orightyrdlie Gembis kicked off to Nagurski on cae 0 ar fnw sae
it to the 37 yard line. 'end. On a double pass, Gembis Minnesota's three yard line and h chased 200 pairs of new skates
events. On a cut back Dahlem gained !plunged through left tackle for 3 returned it to the 24 yard line. - which will be rented to patrons of
three yards through the center of yards. Gembis made a half yard. Pharmer slid off left tackle for the rink. The rink will be run on
Ault, Walaitis, and Walker, will be the line. On a double pass Gembis Simrall punted to Riebeth, who four yards. Pharmer kicked to Sim- the same plan as last year. Students
abailable for the Varsity this sea- gained two yards over right guard. took the ball with one hand as it rall, who was downed on Michi- and faculty members may pur-
son forcing Coach Mann to seek Simrall on a fake pass lost 13 yards. was bounding over the Minnesota gan's 43 yard line but the pi w chase a strip of seven tickets for
new record-breaking tankmen He punted from his 20 yard line to line and on a bit of spectacular call back when Michigan was bone dollar. The rink will be open
among a promising group of re- Minnesota's 40 yard line, where open field running returned it to offside. Nagurski ploughed throughf or public skating on . Nov. 23, it
:serve material. Riebeth was downed in his tracks. Michigan's 39 yard line, where he center for -first down on Minneso- was announced yesterday.
Walker, Seager Honored. ( Pharmer lost a yard on a try at was tackled by Steinke, who came ta's 36 yard line.
Walker was placed fifth and Sea- bright end. Michigan's linesen from behind with a fine burst of Pharmer broke through a large three yard gain. Heston was forced
ge eight in the 5-yard dash. 'hefak rmr speed to overtake himolebetween his right guard and out of bounds after a two yard gain
same two Wolverines were given po- gain at left tackle. Pharmer on aIRiebeth's play took both by sur- tackle for seven yards. Riebeth at left end. Simrall punted to Rie-
sitions in the 100-yard free style quickd kic fm s 40 yrd le prise and the Minnesota team did made it first down outside right beth on Minnesota's 39 yard line.
with Walker again fifth and Soager t to Michigan's 21byard line. n taction tblockigu i tackle on his 47 yard line, and then Daniels recovered the ball and
seventh. Ault was placed in two t again took Michigan by sur- the run was half completed. Mich- ploughed through left tackle for ran across Minnesota's goal line
events, fourth in the 220-yard prise. igan took time out. Bovard stop- five more. f but the play was called back and
event and fi-fth in the Dahlem gained a yard at right I ped Pharmer without gain. Pharmer hit right tackle for four Michigan given the ball on Minne-
csreto40 ,end. Morrison made a yard over Hayden substituted for Poorman. sota's 39 yard line.
In theHubbell right guard. Simrall punted to Pharmer hit a snag at right tackle, opening niceholes. NagurskI A long pass by Truskowski was
nd Sindell gained recognitionon Minnesota's 45 yard line. but gained a yard. Daniels knock- incomplete.
he team,d ubbel beinred hird Neither team had a decided ad- poed down a pass just as Pharmer Mh n4yard lie. I Truskowski took the ball on ai
and Spindle seventh. The sixth vantage up to this point. Nagur- started it. Pharmer failed to ain at left double pass from Heston. Heston
member of the Michigan squad to ski ploughed through left guard for With the ball on the 24 yard line, guard. Pharmer shot a long for- cut around left end for nine yards.
be placed on Harburger's team was tho yards. On a double pass Rie- Pharmer got ready for a place kick ward pass to Riebeth who was Ile then plunged over left tackle for
Walaitis, w'ho placed in the fancy Ph ar edk togain at left end and Riebeth in position to hold it downed on Michigan's 24 yard line irst down on Minnesota's 29 yard
diving event in which no ratng yar e ki d to M igan' took the ball and swung around The pass was good for 19 yards. line. A pass, Truskowski to Gem-
das given. t yard line where Tanner downed left end for 14 yards and first down Nagurski drove tis made it first down on Minne-
wa gioneMichian'ssnine-ardvline.o right guard bsmd tfrtdw nMne
Of the 10 men on the first and Itheball . beh thon Michigan's nine-yard line. for two yards. Riebeth slid off left sota's 16-yard line. The pass was
second All-Conference teams, five goall tocRibet, ho twisted so ansthe gi N uskine tackle for three and a half yards. good for 13 yards.
will be back, as candidates for the adsqirediswaytoichgan'skhg . gs- Pharmer gained one yard at right Morrison hit left guard for five
'team this season. R. Goldsmith, nd urmed hi a oM igan's pd out of bounds on the play and end. On a bad pass Nagurski miss- yards. Heston failed to gain at left
team this season. R. Goldsmith,28 yard line. "Michigan took time on the next play Pharmer fumbled edh blBonlrcvrigteuad Oealteapss etn
Thompson, Captain Ault, Walaitis, out. and Poe recovered for Michigan. ed the bal, Brownell recoverln the guard. One a latrapass TrHsko-
and Walker are the All-Conference Pharmer hit left guard for two Simrall pred from behind ball but Minnesota lost the bail to lost two yGrds, was inco-t
men about whom Coach Mann will yards. Cornwall stopped him. Ri- goal line to Michigan's 37 yard line chigan on down on Michigans ski to Gembis, was incomplete
build his 1929-30 team. ' beth tossed a short pass to Phar- where Riebeth was downed in his 16Heyardson went in for Dahlem for rMinnesotaes
Two in ,Backstroke. mer that was good for five yards. tracks. HMichigan. Min tookDtimemot.nPher-aine.a
Walker was placed on the first Riebeth lost two yards on a try at Minnesota took time out. On a Michigan. Michigan took time out. Pharmer gained a yard at left
[team and Seager on the second right end. double pass to Riebeth, -Poe broke
as members of the sprint 'relays. Nagurski plunged through cen- through and threw him for a four - -
Goldsmith was named on the first ter for 13 yards, making it first yard loss. A pass, Pharmer to Rie-
'team and 'Thompson the second in 'down on Minnesota's 39 yard line. bth was incomplete. Michigan
the 200-yar'd breast stroke. The Poe smeared Riebeth for a six- took time out. Daniels went in for
Wolverines' placed two men, Hub- yard loss. Pharmer picked up a Hewitt for Michigan.
bell and Spindle,'on 'the first team 1 yard at right end. Pharmer punt- Nagurski on a double pass went
in the 150-yard swim,' two on the ed from his 21 yard line to out of into the center 'of the line while
first team and two on the second bounds on Michigan's 39 yard line. Pharmer then kicked over the
Captain Ault and"Watson' were on ( On a double pass, Gembis made Michigan goal line. The ball went
I the first with McDonald and' Gold- three yards at right guard. Wilson into play on ,the 20 yard line.
smith on tle secoid' Walaitis' was cut inside right end for four yards. Dahlem gained two yards through
recognized in two events being Gembis failed to gain at right center. Gembis slid off left tackle
picked as the free style man on tackle. Simrall attempted a punt for six yards. Gembis made it first
the second medley relay and also .but kicked straight up in the air, down on Michigan's 30 yard line.
listed among the fancy divers. ! the ball going out of bounds on Dahlem swung around right end
S------------ --I Michigan's 49 yard line. for 9 yards as the period ended.
for Miller, Bergman for Blaine, Nagurski smashed into left guard Score, Michigan 0, Minnesota 0.
I Lindsay for Widman, Benz for for three yards. Bovard threw SECOND PERIOD
I Grinnell, Biedenwig for Berkowitiz, Pharmer for a three-yard loss. An-' On a double pass Morrison made
Mosser for Sikkenga, Grinnell for derson dropped a long pass from two yards at left guard. Dahlem
f Benz, Pearlman 'for Biedenwig,I Pharmer when he appeared to have fumbled as he was hit hard at left
Shantz for Morgan, Miller for the ball safely in his possession. end and Pulkrabek recovered for
Brown, Sikkenga for Mosser, I Pharmer punted from his 46 yard Minnesota on Minnesota's 49 yard
Berkowitz for Miller, Widman for line to Simrall on the 19 yard line, line.
;Lindsay. 3;i'1ti1N1a111111li.i''''' liii'.''' 1t11mntttttnt uttnma asamiami ilnuti tuu,, sumum,,. ,
Head Mat
Coah to Take Active
Charge of Team Tomorrow
With the completion of the junior
Varsity football schedule Coach
Cliff Keen of the championship
Michigan wrestling team will take
over active charge of the mat squad
tomorrow afternoon. So far this
season the aspirants for the team
have been under the care of The-
ron Donahue, one of the best mat-
men Keen ever turned out.
Keen will be faced with the diffi-
cult task of rebuilding almost his
entire team since only four letter-
men from last year are eligible for
competition this season. Hewitt,
Kelly, McGilliard, and Parker are
the men back, and Parker and Kel-
ly may be forced to wrestle in the
same weight this year due to Kelly's
growth over the summer. At least
four new men will appear in the
line-up when Michigan opens its
season with Princton this year.
Keen will point his men first for
the all-campus wrestling meet
which is schelued for Dec. 12 and 13
and for which every man on the
campus is eligible, Varsity fresh-
men and all.
On November 29 a picked Varsity
team will be pitted against a picked
freshman squad in what will be the
first trial meet of the year, with
about 10 men from each squad
slated to appear.
for Michigan. Nagurski gained
four-yards at left guard. Pharmer
punted to Simrall on Minnesota's
47-yard line and he returned it to
the 37-yard line.
Wilson hit left guard for three
yards. Tanner intercepted Trus-
kowski's pass on Minnesota's 24-
I yard line. Riebeth on a delayed
buck made about three yards. Tee-
ter went in for Pulkrabek for Min-
nesota, Kirk went in for Riebeth
for Minnesota.
Kirk lost two yards at left end.
Pharmer punted to Simrall on his
41-yard line and he was downed
on the 46-yard line. A long pass
from Simrall to Wilson was in-
complete Michigan was penalized
five. yards for offside. Barnhart
went in for Brownell for Minne-
sota as the period ended.
Score: Minnesota 6; Michigan 0:
(Continued on Page 7)
Blaine ..
W. S. T. C.'
. Matulio
Richardson ...:.LG...... Williams=
Morgan (Capt)...........Welbes
Grinnell .......RG....... Smalley]
Decker .........RT ......... BatesI
Widman ......QB....... Frendt
Berkowitz .....LH........ Seborg!
Wills ........... RH......... Moore]
Miller .........FB...... .Barnhill
Score By Quarters.
Michigan.........13 0 00-13
W. S. T. C. ........ 0 0 7 0-7
Touchdowns - Michigaif, Wills
and Berkowitz; W. S. T. C., Moore.
Substitutions-Michigan, Brown
s 1
A. Real
Home Co
.The one placc where you
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Delicious Salads i
Serving Sunday 12 to 10 p. m
at ready me
Particular Alterin
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