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November 17, 1929 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-17

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____.. __ _ _.._r_ , _ _-__ .._. __ _.. _ __ _ _ ,__..._ _ ..

Hawa' ' l li Cram next !Monday eveniling atthe School of Mufie Aui toium on t:
1:", izuil rdt l.; at 8:15a o~'clock1: sf'i: !re ludeand hi gllii ! h . inr
I 'fae i ;i d 31 AMillSe "TS ia Ii E c in iioi ;thiwid-sie~ec:~"iaii ~onalia In D; B&ethcwen: SolLataCp. 96; Chopiln: t ( ulc Vj
cxanilnations in 8peeeh 31 and 32 will he held on Thursday, Novem-' minor, Noctulrne C sharp minor, Wall f A Flat, E'tutde C sharp mfinor:za
leer 21, at 4:00 p. m. a s follows: ;liero: Prelude E S at minor; Ea~ichnaninoff: Etude aeu11mnr
Spech 31: Students from 'A to L1,Inclns l e will report at fdoom ,,iI Goosens: The Marionette Show; Alk an-IMcDowell: Perpetual 1 Motion.-1
Angell hall. Studrents from Mv to l inc hisive will report at R~oomn 102;.,('h~rle~ A. i .
.,;Pech ::2": All stident~; will repor. t aL Rcoai I1025, Aglir° 1 a11.

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IeiCi' 1". A ie f tun.;:u

No. 4:

At_ ' All Engineering Students: Under the joint auspices of the Elec-
To the Presidents of All Classes and Student Oraiallonstudnti tric al Enginern Deatetandi the Student Branch A. I. E. F.,
tninscaldto teruling oftheUivrsOyrqig atios:t-udernnDeprten
trgnztionstalle wi te eComteo neSturentquirg lstof'Mr. N. W. Storer, Consulting Railway Engineer, Westinghouse, will
orgaizaionsto ile ith Comitte onStudnt ffais lst peak in Natural Science Auditorium at 8:15 on, Monday, November
their officers. f1e c is fof-18, on "Pioneer ri- Railway Electrificatlons."!
The president of each organization should fl uhals for
cers for the year 1929-30 with the Deain of Students, Room 2 Unlver- Alltrde~tl(5 are invited. The Electrical Department expects all
mien who will graduate iii 1930 to attend.
city Hall, on or before Wednesday, Novtmber 20. Mr. A. mv. Dul ley, Engineering Supervisor of Dev l: ;nent, will ini
troct -e ,the si~eaker. Mr. D idl. y will sitay over on the 19th to talk to
Organ Recital: Palmer Christianr, University organist, will gie all seniiorsintteresatre in worm with Westinghouse or withI siiilav c u-
thre following program Wednesday afternoon, November 20, at 4:15;atj:K
o'clock. The general public is invited. 'I'e program is as follows: S.N.Znntntn .1M.F
H1an!Y: Choral Prelude on "A ltlighty Fortress is our God", Bach: A. U. iore, E. E, . 1pt V
Sinfonia from the Cantata -God's tithe s~ best"; Arkadelt: Ave Maria; £I.Moe .E et
Woistrenholme: Sonata i the style of Handal; Gils'on: Prelude on an
ancint Femis Theme; Hoe.: MA rehe. (Thartietre Held: Cradle Song; Mechanical 1Entineers: All seniors ,are urged to attend the lec-
anient FinleiSymphny' ture by Mr. N. W. Storer' Consu~elting Railway Engineer, Westinghouse, l.
Virn: inle(Smpon (i A . Sin~k in Natural &.iLace Auditorium ia' 8: 15 p.tiM., Mofndady, Novembfer 13.-
; Mhr. A. M. Dud:tley of thiis coru'pany will stay over on the 19th to
interview S~iOP i erested in worL with tLhis or similari-companies.
University Bureau of Appointinents anbd Octbpational Irmorniation:I
At the meeting of prospective teachers last Saturday morning, tein- -------
poiary enrollmnent blaril~s and appointmi-ent slipx; were given out to Cheieal t i ineering Seminar: Professor W. P. Wood will be the
those in attendian e. All who were una:ble to a tendl the meetingy or speaker at the Seminar on Monday, November 18, at 4 o'clock in room
secure an appointirlent slip should call at the ofllce Monday, 201.; 3201 East Engineering :Building.' His subject is, "Recent investigations
Mason hall.} of the Iron -Carbon Equilibrium Diagram".
After Friday, N4ovemnber 22, w fee will be charged for late en-1
roihr en t.

"Fie Monday Everting Drama Section will meet on Monday. Nov., ilZan3,00,00 ton f hppn ls
13, at 7:45 p. m. at Vie Women's League Building. yiear.


Lucille. Uroulks, Assistant to Lhe Director.
Attention Seniors: Anyone intere stedl in domestic and foreign
banking will have an opportunity to talk to a representative of the
National City Dank of Newv York on Friday, Novemnber 22, in the office
of the' Unlver ty Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Infor-I
mation, In Room 201, Ntason Hall. Those interested will please comeI
to the office sometime before Thursday noon t ,jrnakeJ, arrange.
Jean Greenshields a
Sophomore M~en: Sophomnorec men in undergraduate departments
who have not done so this year. are advised to report at their earlya
convenience for a recheck on their health. Report to your class medi-
cal advisor, Dr. Brace, at the IHealth Service.
Wa.rren L. Forsythe, Director
A Special Class In Aviaton is to be-formed for faculty members.1
The course will Include dual and solo flying, and courses in meteorolgyj
and navigation. One or mlore macines wilt he reserved for faculty use{
only. Members intereset echon-ld phone the undlersignted1 (Univ. 527)
prior to November 20.
It. C. Carver
eon will bo fheld Ui the Michigan. Leag ue Building at 13:15 o'clock onj
November 13.
Geology 31:. Thenhid sem r.er e xamination will be given Monday,
November 18, at. ,1 o'clock. : i 1ets with surnames A throtugh L
please go to Rtoom 205_'Maso n 1 all; T,,-. ' in 231 A.. I1.,, the regular
lecture room.

! Geological 'and Geographical .Journal Club: There will be a meet-
ing in Room 2054 N. S. at 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, November
20. Please note that this meeting comes on Wednesday instead of the
usual day, Thursday. Mr. R. B. Ball will speak on "Some Land Sys-
estems in Japan." The lecture will be illustrated. All interested are
cordially invited to attend.
Prescott Club: Dinner meeting at the Michigan League Building
Tuesday evening, November 19,, at 0:15. Mr. F. F. Ingram, Jr., General
Manager of the Florian Company, Detroit, will discuss the present ten-
dency on the part of retail; wholesale, and manufacturing pharma-
cists to combine their operations under consolidated management, hts
topic being "Merge, Submerge, or Emerge".
Pharmacy students are urged to secure their tickets for the dinner
not later than Monday noon.
Acolytes: There will be a meeting of the Acolytes on Monday,
iNov. 18, at 7:30 p. m. in Room 202 S. W.
{ Professor Sellfars will read a ,pa per on "In What San se 1:s C ern-
+ -ciolisne s, in the Brain."
T"-u Bletat Pi initiation rfTuesday, November 19, it 5:00 o'clock in the
j ookshelf and Stage Section of Faculty Women's Club will meet
Tuesday afternoon, November 19, at 2:45 at the home of Mrs. R. D. T.
Hollister, 397 S. State St. Road. Mrs. F. Gustafson is assistant hostess.
Mu ie Sectian Faculty 'Women's Club: Mrs. Konold's section of
the Music Club will meet at 3:30 Monday afternoon at her home.


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Enduring Old Colonial Charm
In a Natural Setting of Oaks and .Hickorys
Of special interest is the interior arrangement, thef
la r g e c e n te r h a ll w ith d in in g , liv i nig a n d ; on r o o m s a ll tj i n i o f e s a t tt c i v v s a f u d o i y n th c r -pe
fully planned home. Many features such as staircase
and mantlepieces are exact copies of the well-known f
Brown House on Long Island
The ten rooms, five of which are bedrooms, are of i
good sire. They are located sci as to get te advantage
of the best lighting and exposures. A hoine. that has
been skillfully designed and is as complete ats the most
c xactiig horme owner could wish
For further infor'mation call
Telephone 22541
Real Estate Department

Faculty, School of JEducation: The N ovembher Faculty mieeting; Willt]EVENTS TODAY
be held in the' Pysies Lecture loom (urst; floor of the Universilty 1i h. fr hmeln elwi Rlgo tDrmuhClee
Scoo Bilin) n ~tz l~rNovember 13, at 4:10 o'clock. ?wil speak on the topic "What Shall We Do With Ourt Parents?" at
~coo Bilig)onMod',th~e .Sumday morning Convocation at 11:30 a. m.- in Dill Audtittitum.
: Mr. T'heodorae Harrison will sing. This is the last collVO(sctioii of the fallt
Military Science 35: There' will be a blue book at a o'clock T'uCs- scs.i


- ________Ann Arbor Ar Asoiaio:..Th SveLhAuI AnAro-A
PcolIomics :51: Hour jexaminatlon, Monday, November 18, 0-10 1 is Exhibition is open every afternoon in the galleries and corridors
M.: }0o' Alumni Memorial Hall through Friday, November twenty-ninth.
Sec. 1. TuTh g Mr. Horton. Bluebook in 101 Ec.
Sec. 2. TuTh 9 Mr. Engle. Bluebook in 5 E c. 5-1101) Comynittee Meeting at the Michigan Union at 3:15 1). in.
Sec. 3a. TuTh 10, Mr. Engle. Bluebook in 203 Ec.--
Sec. 3b. TuTh 10, Mr. Horton. Bluebook in 101 Ec. Sc Alp ard l . de Members meets in the Union at 2:30 p. in.
Sec. 4. TuTh 1'1, Mr. Horton., Bluebook in 101 Ec.
Sec. 5. WV' 9, Mr. Engle,.'Bluebook in 207 Ec. COMING EVENTS
Sec, G. Wri 9, Mr. Ellis. Bluebook in 101 Bec. j ~hooi o edutcation Luncheon: The regular Monday staff lunch-
Sec. '7. WF 9, Mr. Horton. Bluebook in 101 Ec.. 1aculty Concert: Donna Esselstyn will give the following pro-

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