June 01, 1998

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June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…abz Mihidganki g One hundred sreven yen~ of ed turin! freedom News: 76-DAILY Display: 764-0554 Monday *MSA student regent quest moves to Secretary of State By Susan T. Port Daily News Editor After months of extensive plan- ning and meetings, the Michigan Student Assembly's fight for a stu- dent regent may have a few more *bstacles ahead. In this past semester's elections, University students approved a $4 increase for MSA to begin collecti...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…2 -- The Michigan Daily -- Monday, June 1, 1998 SYMPOSIM Continued from Page 1 tecchiologixesxwillgo hcvovd xmiie deliv- Cir' ofiifoiiiiationi. "The Internet weire tilking iboxut in the futcure ... ill support humixain collah- oraion '\aix liouxxeiing x aid. He gaxe the extimple of "coihxhboraioriex$' xxhicih w ould a0lxx eerch sex scentists xxho are thousx xidxof ml,, ipan to xxork togethx- er n cxpercieixixt. Spe2ak 's atithe s~iixunxsires ...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…Monday, June 1,;1998 - The Michigan Daily - 3 nnmy awars $. ilingant By Amit Pandya Da)ly Stil aff Rporter Theite S. Artiy has itiodcd the Uniiversity (ollette of Ettiineerin n 5aS 1, mtillioti grint to develop an attliii a~. The ;rant, which gointoeffctc tnlay, will land the nititidinciplin itt project lthat itivolves he cfloiri, o researclt centters acruis lie coutt.I 5lii priiet plats to focus onctt itL "lyh wire that wtill detect 'lit in ...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigar Daily - Monday; June 1,1998 Edited and managed by CHRIs FARAH DAVID WALLACE students at the 4 4 Editor in Chief Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan i/i 0111'n noftd 1 n iliips d/iioia n'1.1 e s/ h ;i niii 420 M aynard Street iiioboi/iv 0//il1)11/il silo ol P0)1/. iii ut/i ori .1l !i /o ' Ann Arbor, MI 48109 """"llo i) "'"nrcus-li is //. '/ic (oiion of i/e t/ic/iian 1)a1/.. A nn Arbor's marijuana-possession law is u...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 5

…NOTABLE QUOTABLE *'The fact that my biggest class has 30 people helps a lot." -LSA sophomnotve Utharul Jtel, explaining tlie adlvantages Wf'aking classes during Spring andi Snuner terms. 3 3 SbITO --r- Silence *iot me( consenl TO THE DAILY: s eas read.in. artcles' coinz the ("Student to beI naiseondue~lt") at Sexuall aIssault.V %atIS tot Sit 1t1Lt L alleed incid L in whlich it in the legal systt Nadel's lawyers because the won explicitty say...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 6

…computers F0 TI EXTENSA 515 with 6X external CD ROM. Pentium 100; 8MG RAM. Microsoft Word & Windows '95 plus more. $700 or best. 668-1142. for rent !!Grad Student Alert!!! Fall 98 2 Bdrm, Old West Side, Fumished. 668-6906. !!!TOP CAMPUS LOCATION!!! Washington Manor, Studio & 1 Bdrm. *1/2 block from MLB *1/2 block from Frieze *2 blks N. Campus bus. Varsity Mgt 668-1100. 1 BEDROOM APTS. for Fall 1998. Great selection, furnished, laundry, parking...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 7

… Monday, June 1, 1998 - The Michigan Daily - It's not just DPS who looks out for 'U' By Adam Cohen Daily Staff Reporte r While the University's Department of Public Safety is first to arrive at most on-campus crime scenes, the Ann Arbor Police Department still serves and protects. the I niversity comnunity. The AAPD's duties include enforcing local, state and federal laws fbr the city of Ann Arbor. Any 911 call made from an off-campus phone -...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 8

… P dHHrmam, for all the laughs. H-artman died tragically last Thursday. His work includ- ed outstanding roles such as Bill McNeill on "NewsRadio," voices on "The Simpsons," and his many years on "Saturday Night Live." ART S Carrey carries 'Truman' By Matthew Barrett Daily Arts Writer No need for ID, the man is legit. Previously known for his elastic face and crazy on-screen antics. Jim Carrey shines in his first real attempt at a seri- ous ...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 10

…_ 10 --- The Michigan Daily - Monday, June 1, 1998 10 T vMcignDiy-Mody.ue. ,19 " Russo to read from novel 'Straight Man' BY Elizabeth Lucas Daily Arts Writer "Inm not a great fan of academic nov- els," said Maine writer Rictsard Russo. "They're often very bitter, score-set- tling, t'lt-get-even-witth-yosu exercises thsat don't appeat to me msuch." Fair enougts. So Isow did Russo hap- pen to write oise of the best acadensic novels to come a...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 11

….No monkey business for 'M' track at .nationals By Rick Freeman tialy Sports Editor Even if they don't win any titles, they still might get to see some gorillas. It's happened before. Like at Big Tens, when a large chunk of the Michigan track team was sitting in a restaurant in Columbus. On the TV above them was a nature show - possibly. They couldn't tell without the sound on. All they could tell was that it was some show involving several go...…

June 01, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 123) • Page Image 12

…Michigan football recruit Drew Henson could be drafted in tomorrow's Major League Baseball Amateur Draft. Read The Daily next week for detail. SPORTS Monday :Y.? 39 " , .' ., y' 'S ? : fi'A.f./f+ '35>' 'id 'r r w . ..... .,cuti r «-. ,: r:r ..- ;,.. ;" . y, s. _. , ,:. :. t tis,',: r . >7.. 3.. ., «. ,: ... ;z ! ... : .. -..,, S ,.,.::.., ;,t.: ara r % n, hYhyvl.. , , .. Townsend final piece of puzzle By T.J. Berka Daily Sports Editor Mich...…

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