April 13, 1993

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April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…The University should investigate whether or not Sociology Prof. David Goldberg's teaching tactics prevented students from learning. If you are trying to find something to do besides study for exams, check out the film "Strictly Ballroom." Alison Levy reviews this Australian film. The Michigan baseball team started to break out of its year-long slump yesterday as the Wolverines swept a doubleheader at Penn State, 8-0, 16-7. Today Sunny; Hig...…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…*1 Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, April 13, 1993 E - The grass is always greener in the SilverdomeO World Cup Michigan President Roger Faulkner stands on grass that will be used for the World Cup playoffs in June 1994. The first of seven trucks carrying 15,000 square feet of sod arrived at the Silverdome yesterday. The grass will be used for a soccer match between Germany and England. I I I - , II Pocket Mon0 Look for it in the Cl...…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 13,1993- Page 3 Sales tax Sproposal language finalized LANSING (AP)-The battle of the bumper stickers can start now. That's because the plan to revamp school funding and cut property taxes with a50percentsales tax increase now fias its official name, Proposal A. So soon motorists will be seeing slogans such as: "Proposal A Is A+ For Schools" or "Flunk Proposal A, Vote The Board of StateCanvassers gave the com...…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…4-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, April13, 1993 bE Ahdir n aig 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 r .. 11 JOSH Dul3ow Editor in Chief Ed b Univ liitnA AnA mhn-%t gA reaI a1 managedi ERIN LIZA EINHoRN y students at theO n OpnionEditor versity of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. 4A - *...…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 5

…0 a a r theMcia Daily Locad fin by Michael Thompson Fade in.Asmoky, somewhat preten- tious bar in the midst of angst-ridden Ann Arbor. Two guys. Chain smokers. The Seattle look. Yes, they are filmmak- ers. Deal with it. e Welcome Steve Chbosky and Mark Wilson both founding members of American Platypus, Ltd. The movie, described by one of the writer's friends as "aroad movie in one town," is called Ibe Four Corners of Nowhere." And they are sho...…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 6

… 0 :: 1980 240 VOLVO DL excellent cond. $2400 Call 769-2039.1 2 YR. OLD COUCH W/PULL-OUT BED. Still brand new. $200 or best offer. Call Mike at 741-8663. BICYCLES: All speeds, men/womens. $25- $50 good cond. Also parts. 475-3238. MAGNAVOX STEREO SYSTEM- In- cludes cabinet & speakers. Call Angie 741- 1972. MAZDA 626 GT TURBO '87. Black 5- speed custom wheels, stereo, all power, 67k miles. $3900. Call Sammy 665-6870. SINGL. FUTON + FRAME barel...…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 7

… . ° _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . .}., TOWER PLAZA efficiencies & 1 bdrms. HERITAGE HOUSE, 829 TAPPAN, Huge TIOS SELLS MICHIGAN'S FINEST avail. for 8 12 mo. leases. Summer rates 2 bdrm. apts. Loaded. New furniture, irge. Mexican style food and the world's hottest ava l.66 -530bac Lndrv Pm knrge. t l/mof r, un sauces. 333 E. Huron, 761-6650. .. ... . . . . . . . . . ...! . . . .._ .. . . ..,...' :,.. ._. .. . . . . .. .... .. .. . ._r r w.r . ....…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 8

…0 Page 8-The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 13,1993 Azerbaijani refugees flee Armenian attack I DASHKESAN, Azerbaijan (AP) - A new refugee tragedy may be unfold- ing in the snowy mountain ranges of this former Soviet republic. Relief officials and refugees fear that more than 1,000 Azerbaijani civil- ians fleeing Armenian attacks may have been trapped in bitter winter conditions. Already, some survivors have spo- ken of leaving behind scor...…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, April 13, 1993 - Page 9 Willard shows that magic is only relative by Jody Frank "Magic is only relative to people's experiences," Nancy Willard said after I pointed out that other people speak of a kind of magic that happens in her books. "I never thought of it as magic, just events." Willard is an essayist, novelist, poet and writer of children's stories, she also teaches English at Vassar College. While attendin...…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 10

… Softball vs. Michigan State (DH) Today, 3 p.m. Alumni Field SPORTS Baseball vs. Siena Heights (DH) Tomorrow, 1 p.m. Fisher Stadium K- TeMc ia Dily Tesda, Apri 13193Pge1 Three in a row Wolverine hitters sweep doubleheader at Penn State 'Iq .;J r by Michael Rosenberg Daily Baseball Writer Back in 79 A.D., when Mt. Vesu- vius erupted in Pompeii and killed 10,000 people, nobody really ex- pected it. The same could be said for the Michigan...…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, April 13,1993 - Page 11 ThE1SPORINGVIEWS East vs.West is only playoff that really counts by Jesse Brouhard Daily Sports Writer It's playoff time in the NHL and NBA soon ... yawn. For the next two weeks I will suffer through con- stant bouts of extreme ennui while waiting for the trivial 32 rounds of preliminary playoffs to finish before the East vs. the West is finally reached. It's all about dollars. I'm not sur...…

April 13, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 116) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, April 13, 1993 1' r° I SPORTING UIEWS Olajuwon should top list of NBA awards by Chad A. Safran Daily Sports Writer Although most teams in the NBA still have eight games or so remain- ing before they make plans for the first round of the playoffs or make plans for that first golf outing of the offseason, the time for postseason awards is just around the corner. Here are the recipients of this year's to...…

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