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April 13, 1993 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-04-13

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The University should investigate whether or not
Sociology Prof. David Goldberg's teaching tactics
prevented students from learning.

If you are trying to find something to do besides
study for exams, check out the film "Strictly
Ballroom." Alison Levy reviews this Australian

The Michigan baseball team started to break out
of its year-long slump yesterday as the
Wolverines swept a doubleheader at Penn State,
8-0, 16-7.

High 54, Low 34
Increasingly cloudy; High 52, Low 38


One hundred two years of editorial freedom


Vol C * *No 16 nnArbr icia -Tesa, Apil 3,993©193 he*iciga Dily

over PPfIH
by Sarah Kiino
Daily Staff Reporter
Enraged students and faculty mem-
bers had the opportunity yesterday to
voice their objections to the proposed
closure of the School of Public Health's
Departmentof Population Planning and
International Health (PPIH) - an op-
portunity almost denied to them.
Under the procedureoutlinedin Sec-
tion 601.2 of the University's Standard
Practice Guide, a public forum to hear
comments from students, staff, faculty,
and the general public must be held
prior to the dismantling of a depart-
However, disregarding standardpro-
cedure, Dean June Osborn of the School
of Public Health made the initial deci-.
sion to eliminate PPIH without holding
a public hearing.
"(The decision) has been devastat-
ing to students andhasbeen devastating
to faculty who have helped build up the
program," said Elizabeth Barlow, from
the Center for Near Eastern and North
African Studies, whose department has
a joint program with PPIH.
She also said her department had
already accepted students into the joint
program for next year when the deci-
sion was made to close PPIH.
Faculty from the department cited
both the death and ensuing retirement
of many faculty members as reasons for
Osborn's action.
However, vehement objections by
students and faculty - and pressure
from the University Board of Regents
- prompted the provost to appoint a
committee to review theclosureofPPIH.
If PPIH is abolished, the subjects
normally covered by the department
will be absorbed by other departments
within the University..
See PPIH, Page 2

U.N. begins
to enforce
no-fly zone,

The newly elected Ann Arbor City Councilmembers are sworn in at last night's council meeting.
CiyCclnew members, mayor

Operation Deny
Flight sends a
message to Serbs
stressing U.N. resolve
to end Bosnia's civil
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina
(AP) - NATO warplanes patrolled
above an overcast Bosnia yesterday to
begin enforcing a U.N. no-fly zone in
the first flexing of the alliance's military
muscle outside its territory.
Among the planes was a French
Mirage 2000 that went down in the
Adriatic Sea, Pentagon sources said.
The USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier
launched a search mission for the pilot,
said sources, speaking on condition of
The flights were meant to impress
Bosnian Serbs of new resolve to en-
force U.N. resolutions meant to end
Bosnia's civil war.
Operation Deny Flight had more
political than military significance. The
year-long warhas primarily been fought
with artillery, tanks and infantry. NATO,
pilots were under strict orders to shoot
only as a last resort.
Bosnian Serbs bombarded the be-
sieged eastern town of Srebrenica with
renewed ferocity yesterday. U.N. offi-
cials said at least 56 people died in an
hour-long barrage.
Allied planes are policing Bosnia
from bases in Italy across the Adriatic.
Two U.S. Air Force F-15 jet fighters,

twoFrench Mirage 2000s and twoDutch
F-16s flew the first mission.
NATO officials declined to discuss
specifically how violators would bedealt
with. They said previously that NATO
pilots would try to order violators back
home or force them to land. Shooting
down violators would be the last resort.
There were no reports of the NATO
planes confronting any aircraft yester-
One of the Pentagon sources said the
French plane went down about 15 miles
off the coast of former Yugoslavia and
another said "there was no hostile ac-
tion involved." The French Defense
Ministry in Paris had no immediate
The show of international will to
end the war took a step back yesterday
when the U.N. Security Council de-
cided to postpone a vote on tightening
economic sanctions on Serb-dominated
The sanctions are to be tightened to
force Serbia to pressure its Bosnian
Serb allies to accept a peace plan al-
ready signed by theirMuslim and Croat
Russian Foreign Minister Andrei
Kozyrev said the delay would give the
Serbs a "last chance" to agree to peace.
He also said that if the two-week-old
Bosnian cease-fire did not generally
hold, the Security Council would have
to resort to "most decisive measures."
John McMillan, a U.N. spokesper-
son in Sarajevo, said the death toll in
Srebrenica would likely rise as a result
See BOSNIA, Page 2

by Jonathan Berndt
Daily City Reporter
Friends ofIngrid brought the cook-
ies and punch, but she still brought te
The mood was festive last night,
complete with a pink tablecloth and
fruit punch, as more than 100 specta-
tors packed the Council Chambers in
City Hall to witness the swearing in of
Ingrid Sheldon as Ann Arbor's new
"I am very excited to be the mayor
of Ann Arbor," Sheldon said during
the mayoral communications section
late in the meeting. She said she is
looking forward to working with the
city staff and loosening up Monday
nights. "If we can't have fun,

something's wrong," she said.
Sheldon also announced that joint
caucus meetings, started under her pre-
decessor Liz Brater, would continue
and said the first one would be at least
half "goal setting."
The low-point of the meeting came
early when Sheldon, citing the bet
Brater madeon the NCAAChampion-
ship game, donned a University of
North Carolina sweatshirt.
"I really feel I need to honor that
request," she said. After sighs and ap-
plause from the audience, she added,
"We have to live up to our promises,
don't we."
Four new councilmembers - Re-
publicans Jane Lumm (2nd Ward) and
Julie Creal (4th Ward) and Democrats

Ulrich Stoll (3rd Ward) and David
Stead (5th Ward) - were also initi-
ated to council during the quick half-
hour meeting, mostly devoted to say-
ing "hi" and gearing up for the next
six months of arguing and compro-
mising.The fifth chair was tobe filled
by Tobi Hanna-Davies (D-1st Ward),
who was recovering from recent sur-
gery, which she postponed until after
the election.
. Despite the festivities, actual de-
cisions were made last night.
Councilmember Thais Peterson (D-
5th Ward) was elected Mayor Pro
Tem, which includes chairing the
meetings when the mayor is away.
She was the only nominee after Larry

*MSA taps in to enthusiasm of new members
Regents to visit assembly meeting tonight; representatives to elect committee, commission heads


by Jennifer Tianen
Daily MSA Reporter
Likea train, the Michigan StudentAssem-
bly is rushing full steam ahead toward mak-
ing progress in the University community by
taking advantage of the fresh enthusiasm and.
dedication of its new members.
Early in their terms representatives and
leaders alike are pushing for action by utiliz-
ing the power that MSA holds.
Tonight's agenda boasts a full roster of
activities, including a visit from Regents
Laurence Deitch (D-Bloomfield Hills) and
Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann Arbor). Topics
to be discussed include the Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities, the Diag
policy and tuition hikes.
Wne want to know where (the regents)
stand (on the statement), but we also want to

let them know where we stand and what we
think they should do," said Craig Greenberg,
MSA president. "Hopefully we can start a
good working relationship with them."
Another pressing item on the schedule is
the election of committee and commission
chairs. The assembly's five committees and
eight commissions are responsible for the
internal affairs of MSA, as well as the exter-
nal communication between students and
"Hopefully we'll get very good chairs
elected because chairs are the key to the
future success of the assembly," Greenberg
Only an MSA member can be a commit-
tee chair, but any student can be elected as a
commission chair.
Greenberg said, "Commission chairs need

to be nominated by an assembly member,
give a short speech, answer a few questions,
and then we'll vote."
Newly elected representatives have dem-
onstrated a continued ebullience and devo-
tion to MSA.
"The fact that we have so many new faces
on MSA this semester without party lines has
turned it into more of a conglomeration of
cooperating individuals instead of the two-
party mock senate that had allegedly run
rampant in the assembly, thereby hindering
its output for the general good of the stu-
dents," said David Pava, a first-year LSA
Other recent additions to MSA agreed.
"Personally, I'd like to change things,"
said sophomore School of Art Rep. Michael
Jefferson. "I'm definitely still enthusiastic,

and I'm totally into all this work."
Noah Hall, first-year School of Natural
Resources and Environment representative,
expressed his optimism and concerns.
'With all the negative things I heard
about the assembly, I don't think it's that
bad," hesaid. "Ijusthope that the new people
on the assembly will remember that they're
there to serve the students and not for their
political practices."
Student General Counsel Brian Clune
said, "The enthusiasm is definitely there, and
people want to get things done."
Experienced Rackham Rep. Jon Van
Camp cautioned against judging the new
assembly too quickly.
"It's going to be a long process to get
students really involved and working for
student empowerment," he said.

ALA leader Sagady calls for environmental action

by Greg Hoey
Daily Staff Reporter
Alex Sagady - director of Environmen-
tal and Occupational Health for the American
Lung Association (ALA) - spoke yesterday
about the detrimental effects of air pollution
in the Ann Arbor community.
Sagady - a University graduate who has
fought for environmental issues for the past
20 years - delivered a slide show lecture
presentation which was sponsored by student
group Environmental Action (ENACT).
ENACT member and event organizer
Brent Plater said ENACT was pleased to

'The state of Michigan has the weakest possible air
pollution law in the United States. There are no criminal
- Alex Sagady
director of Environmental and Occupational Health for ALA

he calls "environmental streetfighting."
"You don'tneed lawyers to do things that
citizens do. All you need is the will, determi-
nation and the persistence to fight these
issues," he said.
He also added, "The environmental move-
ment is primarily run by women. Most of the
leaders in the movement are women."
Reaction to the lecture was positive.
Ann Arbor resident Eunice Hendricks
said, "It was an excellent presentation -
well documented and researched. It is a
tragedy that Michigan is so far behind in the

situated throughout the city of Detroit and
across the entire state.
Automobiles were also one of Sagady's
targets. He said, "Filling gas tanks in the
seven-county area surrounding Detroit gives
nf 1 Cre «f_AC varr ntinn.. d,"

leadership on the matter."
Fielding questions, Sagady said, "We are
experiencing environmental racism. These
hazardous plants and sites are predominately
located in poor and minority communities."
He aid the AT A tries to educate nlant


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