November 16, 1976

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November 16, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…SO. AMERICAN TEACH-IN See Editorial Page I S ir 43UU~ :4Ia ity MIMSY High-43* Low-30* See Today for Details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 59 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 16, 1976 Ten Cents Eight Pages ,: a.romu .,. ... ~_ __ _. _ ., . a : k . ~W arrrrrrrrerr Shoot me, you swine You've heard all about the fears of a swine flu epidemic and the mass immunization pro- gram designed to counter it; now's your ...…

November 16, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…Poge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, November 16; 1916 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY fuesday, November 1 ~, 19 1~ There IS a differencef: Prof. bla - MCAT '+LSAT *"DAT By GWEN BARR t GMAT " CPAT " VAT " GRE " OCAT " SAT A University law professor1 . NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS specializing in women's legal rights said yesterday that sex-' E GFlexibePrgasrole stereotyping and the re- Ovr 8 eas fFlexible Programs and Hours pression and shelte...…

November 16, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…Tuesday, November 16 11976 eparatists sweep THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Council scraps waste study a elections i yuebec By MIKE NORTON guage of the present proposal BUT IN ENSUING discus- A proposed study of Ann Ar- conveyed a less enthusiastic sions over the content of the bor's waste disposal alterna- attitude about the idea. proposed committee, Kenworthy (Continued from Page 1) has campaigned against the six- tives was scrapped at las...…

November 16, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

… Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Ford's uninvited dinner guests Tuesday, November 16, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan ChecK out the Teach -in IT was more than a decade ago that that this campus was the site of the first teach-in on the Viet Nam war. It was a seminal event in the history of the anti-war movement- a first step toward educatin...…

November 16, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 59) • Page Image 5

…EntertainmTHE MICHIGAN DAILY Arts & netim nt 1 uesday, Novembr1 6, 1 976 Page Five w ,. Eagles rock 'em at Cridler Arena Haitink conducts superbly By JIM SHAHIN WVHAT THE Beach Boys prim- ed, the Eagles ijiced. The newer wave of popular Pacific rock is everything the earlier generation was, only more so. More melody, more vocals. See, the masses never tire of a good song. While indi- vidual musicianship makes a good crust, it's singability...…

November 16, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 59) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, November 16, 1976 Page SixTHE MICHGAN DAIL Tuesda,..mbr6,1 4 -* . a SUBLET ROOM FOR LEASE in W. Quad for winter term. Good location, sink in room. Call Jim at 764-6708 for terms. 80U1120 TWO LEASES for sale, winter term. Bi-level apartment, own bedroom. Great location. 668-6470. 29U1117 MISCELLANEOUS . PETS AND SUPPLIES ASTROLOGICAL CHARTS, interpre- FOR SALE: Two 30-gallon Dell tations, and counselin...…

November 16, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 59) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, November 16, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Tuesday, November 16, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Time no damper on Blue-Buckeye rivalry By BRIAN MILLER History, as any devotee oft that subject can tell you, tends to repeat itself. If this is true, the 1976 Michigan football team should hope to duplicate the events of the 1964 season. y To date, the similarities between the two seasons area remarkable. WON'T COMMIT HIMSELF: Big g...…

November 16, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 59) • Page Image 8

…f / Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, November 16, 1976 -5- CHRI1STMA. ,SPECIALSJ NEW YORE $90 PADtLINE. NEWA K 490 oNov. ma S NF RAN (:15t12 25 A(, 281Av E LO S ANGcELES ,2-L 763-2147 PHI LAELPWAV A OPFNM-f~ BOSTON 4joo 10-. Prices include service charge of $3 to $7) Bo airs c ?Ut/ THE SECRET IS OUT. Bo Schembechler leaked to the press, at his weekly luncheon yesterday, that in order to sur- prise Ohio State Saturday, he's jun...…

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