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November 16, 1976 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1976-11-16

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Tuesday, November 16 11976
eparatists sweep


Page Three

Council scraps waste study a

elections i yuebec By MIKE NORTON guage of the present proposal BUT IN ENSUING discus-
A proposed study of Ann Ar- conveyed a less enthusiastic sions over the content of the
bor's waste disposal alterna- attitude about the idea. proposed committee, Kenworthy
(Continued from Page 1) has campaigned against the six- tives was scrapped at last The proposal instructed its and Bertoia presented two
butrecently near extinction, cut year-old government of Bour- ,night's City Council meeting af- committee to be "aware that completely different approach-
nto the Liberal vote in a num- assa rather than for separation. ter a long and harsh discus- the City would prefer a dispos- es to the waste disposal prob-
ber of areas allowing the Parti- ABOUT four million people sion. al system which allows energy lem. Since the energy recovery
Quebecois to move ahead. were eligible to vote out of a recovery. However, the com- concept would require partici-
Levesque had waged an ef- population of about six million. The proposal, sponsored by revey rever thercorn- coneytoud requipaid
fective campaign against the The election was being close- Mayor Pro Tem LouishBelcher ads of disposal for recommen- University waste systems, en-
six-year-old Bourassa govern- ly watched all across Canada. (R-Fifth Ward), would have se dtion including continuation of worthy advocated large repre-
ment. Liberal Prime Minister Pierre up a five-member committee a landfill site." sentation by such communities
He attacked the government's Trudeau has avoided involve- to review existing studies of on the committee. Bertoia how-
record of high "unemployment, ment but was expected to make the waste disposal problemand "I SENSE a bureaucratic re- ever, said he was concerned
high taxes, and constant trou- a statement on the outcome. report its finding to Council by luctance to embark on a pro- with Ann Arbor problems, not
bles on the labor front, saying A former minister in his cabi- next March. gram of energy recovery," said those of other governmental
the Bour'assa administration net, Bryce Mackasey, is run- Kenworthy
was corrupt and ineffective,. fing in the provincial elections IT E lotimdit,.'ois
LEVESQUE, has said that if and has been one of the stars of opposition from Council Demo- Belcher, who was absent, was Several attempts were made
elected he will open talks with 'the Liberal Drive to stop the crats, however, who claimed it defended by Republican mem- to amend the motion and to'
the federal government in Ot- Parti Quebecois. was a step backward from pre- ber Roger Bertoia (R-ThirdJ table discussion of it until a lat-.
tawa on the independence is- "They are breaking up the vious Council committments Ward.)Bertoia told Council that er meeting, but it was ultimate-
sue and will hold a referendum country," he cried out in tele- to an energy recovery disposal the purpose of the proposal was ly put to a vote and defeated-
sue widely system. Such a system would to collect information for Coun- curiously enough, by a Demo-
in Quebec in' about two years vision advertisementswieyclsueadrpsntdoh-rtcmjrty iceBlhr
to decide the question. broadcast during the campaign. use the city's solid waste to cii's use, and represented noth- cratic majority since -Belcher
a l produce fuel which could be ing more or less than that. and fellow Republican Robert
Only if a majority of Que- Trudeau himsel is lagging Hrouc fulR-Thchcord e
bec's people vote for indepen- behind the opposition Progres- sold by the city. "I don't think this Council both absent. Ward) were
dence will he act to take the sive Conservatives in the pub- Council member Jamie Ken- has made any firm commit- Simiarosti
province out of Canada. lic opinion polls. He came to worthy (D-Fourth Ward) ob- ments one way or the other," Similar opposition on the part
The same polls that show the power in 1968, partly on the jected that Council had made said Bertoia. "This is just a of Council Democrats forced
separatist party ahead also strength of his firm stand in serious commitments to the first step . . . it sets up a spar- tabling of another Belcher pro-
show that most Quebecers op- favor of keeping Quebec within energy recovery concept sever- tan committee that's able to posal, a resolution which would
pose independence. Levesque; Canada. al years ago, and that the Ian- get places in a hurry." have established a City Beau-
tification Committee. Second
= Ward Democrats Carol Jones
Agamd ftand Earl Greene were skeptical
A lgdwrcu inalsf ght d /7a' rcrmn(tepar tat*n
Ci l ll it s7 lmittee, and a decision was post-
noned to Council's next meet-
By The Associated Press though court proceedings are' nent residence. None became a 1 to postpone proceedings' against ing.
Three Eastern Europeans who expected to focus on their al- citizen. him but took under advisement
have lived quietly in the United leged atrocities. one calling for the defense to
States for years went to court IN NEW YORK'yesterday, the study all government evidence.
yesterday to fight federal ef- THE THREE ACCUSED are: case of Maikovskis was delayed He ordered defense and prose- artistic writin?
forts to deport them as alleged ._- Boleslav Maikoskis, 72, a two weeks with a judge's order cution to confer on a date for if you are interest.
collaborators in the mass mur- retired Mineola. N.Y. carpen- that the government refine, al- the next hearing. ! ea in reviewim



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ders of Jews at the hands of
the Nazis in World War II.
But courtroom proceedings in'
the three hearings put off for
weeps or months any testimony,:
which is expected to include
Jews recalling the horrors of
life under the Nazis in war-
torn Europe.
gan what will be, in effect, the
first trials in this country for
deportation of alleged war crim-
inals. Officials have said they
are investigating up to 80 per-
sons who may be accused of
atrocities and deported or strip-
ped of naturalized citizenship.
Three years ago the federal
courts took away the citizenship
of a German-born New York
housewife, opening the way for
her trial on atrocity charges in
Germany, and plans have been
announced for similar moves
against four other naturalized
citizens whose names have not
been released.
Yesterday, the three aging im-
migants appeared at hearings
in New York, Baltimore and
Waterbury, Conn. They are ac-
cused of lying about their pasts
on immigration papers,, al-

1 L G Y11GMC, i , v v
ter. He was a membor of the
I Latvian Police Force and is ac-
cused of selecting Jewish chil-
dren for execution during 1941
and 1943.
-- Karlis Detlavs, 65, and also
a Latvian. A retired factory
worker who lost a leg to can-
cer three years ago, he is ac-
cused of shooting Jews as a
member of the Latvian Legion
at the Riga Ghetto in October
1941 and of selecting Jews for
-- BRONIUS "Bruno Kamin-
skas, 74, a retired janitor who
lives in a $20-a-week room in
Hartford, Conn. He allegedly
shot about 60 children near Lith-
uania's Medziolkalnis Woods in
1941, took part in shooting 200
Jews in a Lithuanian forest and
chose some 400 others for exe-
All three have denied taking
part in war atrocities, and Mai-
kovskis and Detlavs have blam-
ed accusations against them on
Communist plots.
Kaminskas came to the Unit-
ed States in 1947, Detlavs in
1950 and Maikovskis in 1951.
All three arrived in New York
and were admitted for perma-

legations against him. The de-
fense was given until Jan. 10
to prepare motions.
The hearing in Waterbury was
postponed until Jan. 25 to allow
defense and prosecution more
time to prepare for Kaminskas'I
In Baltimore, Detlavs denied
he lied ab'out his past. A hear-
ing officer rejected a motion

According to Immigration and
Naturalization Service spokes-
man Verne Jervis, about 20
Jews who escaped the Nazi per-
secution and now live in Israel
will be brought to this country
to testify in the three cases.
A prosecution official in Con-
necticut said more may come
if cooperation can -be gained
from Soviet officials.

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b o u t the
ance, film
ntact Arts
cto The
Dailj .



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The Daily Official Bulletin Is aii
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of
the day preceding publication and
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and
Sunday. Items appear once only.
Student organization notices are1
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.
Tuesday, November 16, 1976
Ext. Serv.: 1976 Senior High Fall
Student Leadership Conf.; Chrysler
Ctr., 8:30 a.m.
WUOM: Hon. Thomas C. Reed
(Sec. of Air Force) "The Business
of National Defense: 'An Air Force
View," 10 a.mn.
Music School: "Music at Midday,"
Pendleton Rm., 2nd fl., Union, noon.
Latin American Teach-In on Ter-
ror: "No Time for Tears, Campa-
mento, Campanero," tMultipurpose
Rm., UGLI, continuous showing,
noon-5 p.m.
Ecumenical Ctr.: Lunch discus-
sion, A. K. Stevens, "The History
of the Thanksgiving Celebration in
the U.S.A.," 921 Church, noon.
Ctr. Cont. Educa. for Women:
Claudia Scheck - Kselman "Family
Lajv in France Under the Third Re-
public," 328 Thompson, noon.
Geography: Robert J. Stimson
(Flinders Univ., Australia) "Theo-
retical Explanation of the Location
of*Medical Services," 4040 LSA, noon.
Behav. Set.: Warren Miller "Po-
litical Behavior," 231 Angell, 1 p.m.
Ctr. Human Growth, Develop: Ar-
thur Parmelee "Selection of Devel-
opmental Assessment Techniques for
Infants at Risk," E. Cont. Rm.,
Rackham, 3 p.m.
Georgraphy/Gamma Theta Upsi-
lon: Geography open house, 4051
LSA; 3 p.m.
Microbiol: Sankar Adhya (Labora-
tory of Molecular Biology, NIH)
"Role of RHO Protein in E colt,"
S Lec. Hall, Meo. Sci. I, 4 p.m.
Yeats Ensemble/Museum of Art:
"The Cuchulain Saga & Celtic
Mythology," Pendleton Rm., Union,
7:30 p.m.
Latin American Teach-In: Isabel
Letelier "Political Repression in La-
tin America," films - Brazel a Re-
port on Torture; Interview with Al-
lende, Aud. 3 MLB, 7:30; "The
Church in Latin America," Wesley
Art :

Foundation, 1st Methodist Church,
NW corner, Huron & State, 8 p.m.
Musical Society: Elly Ameling, so-
prano, Rackham Aud., 8:30 p.m.
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 59
Tuesday, November 16, 1976
is edited and managed by Students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published d a il y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at,420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann'
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6:50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann
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_ U_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



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