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See Today for Details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No. 59
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 16, 1976
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
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Shoot me, you swine
You've heard all about the fears of a swine
flu epidemic and the mass immunization pro-
gram designed to counter it; now's your chance
to get innoculated. The Washtenaw County Health
Department is offering free and (relatively) pain-
less shots at four campus locations today and to-
morrow. The schedule is as follows: Today, from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., innoculations are available at
the Union, the Central Campus Recreation Bldg.
and at North Campus Commons. Tomorrow, you
can get your shot in the arm at the Union, the
Central Campus Recreation Bldg. and the IM Bldg.,
again from 9 to 5.
Happenings ...
are of a scholarly sort today. Claudia Sheck-
Kselman addresses a brown bag lunch at the Cen-
ter for Continuing Education of Women at noon;
her subject is "Family Law in France Under The
Third Republic" ... The Ecumenical Campus Cen-
ter, at 921 Church, competes with a noon brown-
bagger on "The History of the Thanksgiving Cele-
bration in the U.S."; the speaker is A. K. Stevens
... Geography concentrators and Gamma Theta
Upsilon are sponsoring a geography department
"open house" from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. ... The Go
Club meets at 7 p.m. in the usual place, 2050
Frieze ... Isabel Letelier, widow of slain ambassa-
dor to, the U.S. from Chile Orlando Letelier, speaks
on "Political Repression in Latin America" at
7:30 p.m., MLB Aud. 3 ... and the Gay Libera-
tion Front meets at 8 p.m. at 3410 in the Union.
The university has no campus, no degree stu-
dents, no courses of study, and isn't looking for
any. But, on its first birthday, the United Na-
tions University is already having financial trou-
bles, not to mention an identity crisis. "We are
still in a time of difficult financial condition,"
said James Hester, the American rector of what
was formally created as a world problem-solving
agency. He said the cash flow of coni"butions
from nations hasn't gone far beyond Japan's pledge
of $100 million and a possible $10 million from the
U'S Hester also said at a news conference yes-
terday that use of the word "university" is con-
fusing some people. The U's purpose is not to
teach but to examine international problems from
a scholarly, nonpolitical viewpoint, coordinating the
work of worldwide, specialized institutes. In oth-
er words, no tuition, either.
Santa Claus unmasked
If an Owensboro, Ky. ordinance is enforced
to the letter this Christmas, sidewalk Santas may.
be swept from the streets on charges of con-
cealing their identities. City Atty. Larry Harring-
ton said he is asking the city commission to re-
vise the 1924 statute, enacted with the Ku Klux
Klan in 'mind, which bans any "assemblage of
persons" to gather or march in public "with
masks over their faces or other covering device."
Harrington fears the most recent invocation of the
law - when two young persons dressed as Mar-
tians were hauled into court - may have set
a precedent that will bar Santas, trick-or-treaters
or even characters in a parade. Christmas without
Santa? Poor little Virginia would have a fit.
Can't fight City Hall
The windows at the Auburn, Wash., City Hall
don't get opened much nowadays, because they
tend to fall out onto the sidewalks. Council mem-
bers avoid the second floor because its ceiling
beam is held up by a chain. An emergency door
is +permanently locked because it would take a
sledgehammer to open it. Now the 96 employes
who earn their living in the 53-year-old brick build-
ing are trying to scrape up the estimated $3.8 mil-
lion needed for a new structure, having failed in
a bond issue in the Nov. .2 election. The council
planned to consider alternative fund-raising ap-
proaches (sell Tootsie Rolls, maybe?) yesterday,
but only a few dozen spactators are allowed in
the meeting chamber - it's partitioned to pro-
vide a permanent office for the building inspec-
Fruit of the future
It is a drab, even ugly fruit, covered with hair
and a thin brown skin. But the emerald green
pulp underneath the kiwifruit has a tangy, straw-
berry-like taste, and even the pinhead-sized black
seeds can be eaten. "It's the fruit of the future,"
says Ted Shurtleff, who is distributing the kiwi
from his 20 acres in San Luis Obispo County in
California. "It's delicious, can be stored for weeks
in home refrigerators and makes a spectacular
jam." Growers say they expect production to sky-
rocket in the next few years. as the twisting
vines, which first took root in the United States
40 years ago, finally come of age. Most plant-
ings are small, and there's a four-year wait for
the first crop, but the kiwifruit pays off at up
to $5,000 a ton.
On * the iside...
- Karen Paul reviews the Sunday performance
of Bernard Haitink's London Philharmonic for
Arts Page ... Jon Pansius treads that fine line
Carter may use
boost eco
PLAINS, Ga. (AP) - Presi-
dent-elect Jimmy Carter said
yesterday that tax rebates and
increased government spending
may be needed to spur the na-
tion's economy, and he discount-
ed the likelihood of wage and
price controls.
Carter said at a news confer-
ence that he believes that un-
employment can be reduced to
between 4 per cent and 4.5 per
cent over a long period of time,
which he sail\would be equiva-
lent to 3 per cent of all adults
over 20 in the jobless ranks. He
said this would take two to four
Currently unemployment is
7.9 per cent.
so repeated his belief that in-
flation can be held down by tar-
geting federal programs to
areas of highest unemployment
rather than through a uniform
national program.
Carter said he cannot at this
point be specific on details of
his plans to decrease uneniploy-
ment or the possibility that he
might call for a general tax re-
duction or one-time tax rebate.
But he said that his posibili-
ties for increasing the money
supply include "tax rebates and
CARTER HELD- his second
news conference since his elec-
tion in the auditorium of an
agricultural experiment station
here and announced he will fly
to Washington next week to
meet with Federal Reserve
Chairman Arthur Burns and
some of President Ford's Cab-
inet members, possibly includ-
Cease-fire begins as
Syrans enter Bei'rut
BEIRUT, Lebanon (A) - Syrian tanks and troops silenced the
guns of Beirut yesterday in a massive occupation that handed
Lebanon its first real chance for peace in 19 months of civil war.
Joyful Moslems slaughtered sheep in a traditional Arab ges-
ture of welcome. Women sent up Arab cries of joy and dowsed
Syrian soldiers with rose water and rice as columns of T62 and
T54 tanks swept over the city from three directions.
"Allah is great," shouted bystanders as the camouflage paint-
ed tanks clanked by. "Arabs will be victorious."
THE WELCOME was subdued in Christian quarters, where
rightiest militiamen ordered civilians to stay off the streets. Chris-
tian leaders seemed to feel more strongly the sting of Beirut's first
foreign occupation since U. S. Marines landed to stop an earlier
war in 1958.
Only a few instances of resistance were reported as the 6,000
troops and 400 tanks took over, all in Moslem and Palestinian-
controlled areas. The Syrians fired only a half dozen grenades and
a few rounds of submachine gun fire in a six-hour sweep that
began with the first light of dawn.
By nightfall, they had established control over Beirut's battle
zones, Palestinian refugee camps, radio stations, government build-
ings, the airport and key intersections. The sound of gunfire died
away for the first time since an earlier cease-fire more than nine
months ago.
"That's it, the war is over," exulted a Moslem Lebanese after
driving the length of the front-line where thousands of his coun-
try's people have been killed.
See SYRIAN, Page 2
ing Secretary of State Henry
Carter announced also that
Jody Powell, his press secretary
as governor of Georgia and dur-
ing his presidential campaign,
will be White House press sec-
retary as well.
In a three-minute statement
preceding the question-and-an-
swer period Carter said his se-
lection of Cabinet members and
other top govermnent officials
"The selection of cab-
inet members will be
slow, careful, cautious
and deliberate.'
Jimmy Cartel-
will be 'slow, careful, cautious
and deliberate' and that he per-
sonally will interview top con-
tenders for each choice.
HE SAID THOSE who are not
selected for Cabinet rank may
well be in line for other top
government positions including
ambassadorships abroad.
"I have not made adecision
up to this point on any one of
the appointments," Carter said.
He warned against specula-
tion, saying that he will remain
tight-mouthed and that "no one
on my staff or in my family
is authorized to speakfor me."
HE NOTED that he plans a
meeting soon with leading mem-
bers of Congress and business
and labor leaders in which he
expects to discuss jobs and tax-
es among other subjects.
In response to a question, the
President-elect said that only
some sort of economic disaster
would prompt him to call for
wage and price controls.
See CARTER, Page 2
AP Photo
Klan smen, protest
Bill Wilkinson, right, Imperial Wizard of the K'i Klux Klan tells the crowd outside the Plains
Baptist Church Sunday of his disapproval of the church's decision to open its doors to all races.
Wilkinson is from Denham Springs, La., as is Klansman Jim Morris, left. The church, where
president-elect Jimmy Carter is a member, is in the background.
Supr eme Court, balIks
fornia medical school won a
temporary stay from the Su-
preme Court yesterday against
enforcement of a 'ourt order
striking down an admissions
policy giving preference to ra-
cial minorities.
The justices granted a request
by regents of the University of
California - Davis Medical
School to delay enforcement of
the order, which said the policy
was discriminatory.
- In a one-paragraph decision,
the court granted a 30-day de-
lay in enforcement, adding that
if the regents filled an. appeal to
the Supreme Court within 30
days the injunctive relief would
remain in effect pending that
Court last month upheld a low-
er court's ruling that the medi-
cal school's admission policies
discriminate against whites. It
ordered the schools to include
Allen Bakke in its next enter-
ing class.
Bakke, a 36-year-old white
civil engineer from Sunnyvale,
Calif., sued the university's re-
gents after his application for
admission was turned down.
He charged that 16 lower-rated
minority applicants were ac-
cepted over him, denying him
equal protection under the law.
The state court agreed that
Bakke had been a victim of a
kind of reverse discrimination,
and ordered the medical school
to dismantle its affirmative ac-
tion program which admits
"special students" each year.
The California court said that
a special admissions program
for the disadvantaged might be
permissible if it included poor
whites and was not based on
IN SEEKING Supreme Court
relief, the regents said, "These
actions threaten to bring about
the admission of virtually all-
white entering-classes to the
graduate and professional
schools of the University of
Californiaafor the next aca-
demic year."
The regents indicated that
they interpreted the state
court's order to be binding on
all professional and graduate
See HIGH, Page 2
Separatist party wins
majority in Quebec'
ruled out
as Postill
fIre cause
Fire Department officials yes-
terday ruled out arson as the
cause of the fire that destroyed
Washtenaw County Sheriff Fred-
rick Postill's home early Satur-
day evening.
Fire Chief Fred Schmid said
the department had determined
the cause of the fire was eith-
er a lamp that tipped over and
ignited a sofa or a cigarette
dropped accidentally on a
Bob Tomson, spokesman for
the family and Postill's cam-
paign manager this fall, said
See FIRE, Page 2
MONTREAL, (Reuter) - The
Parti Quebecois, which wants
independence from Canada for
Quebec, won a staggering elec-
tion victory last night and even
province premier Robert Bour-
assa lost his seat.
Three hours after the polls
closed in the election for the
Quebec National Assembly -
viewed as crucial for the future
of Canada - the separatist
party had won 56 of the 110
seats and will be able to form
a majority government. It was
leading in 14 other constituen-
B O U R A S S A' S Liberal
Party, which went into the elec-
tion with 96 seats, won only 20
yesterday and was leading in
eight' other constituencies.
A third party, the Union Na-
tionale, won seven seats and
was leading in three. Two other
seats went to candidates of mi-
nor parties.
Bourassa, had warned during
the campaign that a separatists
victory would threaten the sta-
bility of both Quebec and Can-
TN THE LAST election, in
1973, Premier Bourassa made
a strong pitch to the voters to
reiect the pro-independence
partv, playing on fears of what
wouild happen if Qiuebec split
awav from the rest of the coun-
trv. His appeal worked well.'
This time, however, he has
had trouble deflecting the focus
of the campaign from his gov-
ernment's unpopular record and
bringing it to bear squarely on
the independence issue.
It was an amazing triumph
for Parti Quebecois leader Rene
Levesque. Although opinion.
polls had shown him in the lead
before the vote, many politicl
observers hesitated to predit
that he would do well enough
to unseat the government.
Last night's victory was ac-
complished with only some 39
per cent of the popular vote.
This was just nine points bet-
ter than the party's perform-
ance during the last provincial
Parti Quebecois carpe second
in 32 seats. This time the
stronger presence of the Union
Nationale made the diffef ence
by draining votes away from
the Liberals.
At the headquarters of the
Parti Quebecois here, people
hugged each other, shouted and
wept as the trend developed
early in the evening.
Three members of Bourassa's
cabinet were trailing opposition
ANALYSIS of the early re-
sults showed that the resurgent
Union Nationale, once almost
omnipotent in Quebec politics
Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
SHERIFF FRED POSTILL's home stands gutted following a Saturday night fire. Fire of-
ficials speculate that the blaze began when a lamp overturned in the living room.
Letters say AlIAs work in
MOUNT CLEMENS (UPI) - A local newspaper yesterday
quoted letters from an American engineer working in South-
east Asia who said he knows of 250-300 Americans listed as
missing in action who are working in Vietnam.
The revelation in a copyrighted Macomb Daily story was
based on letters from the unidentified engineer to Nelson Ams-
lies in Vietnam," the newspaper quoted. one letter as saying.
"What I'm trying to say is that most of the MIAs aren't miss-
ing. They are working in and around Hanoi and other cities
close to the Chinese border."
That revelation in the letter to Amsdill backed a similar
claim made before a House committee last September by Mike
Committee on Missing Persons in Southeast Asia, said in Wash-
ington that the panel placed "absolutely no credence" in the
report. "We got a letter but no names no details and when we
wrote back, there still were no names or details," he said.
MacDonald said that inirestigations so far indicate that all
Americans listed as missing in action are in fact dead although