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March 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The ichgan Dail VOL. X! ANN ARBOR, MICR.,1FRIDAY MARCH1 31, 1905 No. 130 THlE UNION PRACTICAL. ENTRIES FOR MEET. WOODROW WILSON. TIE GAME YESTERDAY. Atijcle by R. R. irk on Real Value Athletes Who Wiill Represent AA. President of Prineton University Scrubs Played Varsity a Nineinning of Student organiation and i 11.S and 1998 Saturday -lass Speaks Tonight Under Auspies Tie (ame-Score Was Seveis Cb House. ely earn Drawings.of S. L.A and Schoolm...…

March 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…THE, MICHIGAN DAILY. a*ro.o. .... .. r s+' T IlE 11C11H(I A N DAILY.! fn in pug' Antt oi. SPRING FEVETRI 4I S pring ietihi as r., -i,,-al. it' t 'iX 1r I*l; 1 i P ecl- SOS 1ananggEiltnor, J. STANLEY BIALEY. Tailessringgr, CADEA. HMSN 1XI , t,..... .Indan M. Iiiainrigg I THE NEW SPRING A.Min:r1ver Iharli. Ani riw WOOLENS ARE ASSOC4i~iIATES' i jn Geore A.I sor I.Artur T. Bugs;n And the Styles'are':sil<, i. htaii ogle. .1r. READ Y luiA. it ;. r E...…

March 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. -B uch field's Fine T ail cring Trade Guarantees... You t 04 .444o+t skillful and atiticrn. . o to })e' /had1a nw er. iadinlibio~iahiorn~.o.:-- lot+, ine seaoa4/ewol- ens. t l ai t!;1-44 I .for40 il0( 'iiot~Oi l iji'ts.. t~o'jn~o itltii74 4-~rfo-.. r . r . -. ., s o-. n ow fe-- . - ...+s a ... r - . 4 HOAG'SSUPPLYTORE SHOESTRINGiS, KNIVEIS,. SCISSORS, AND) COLLAR BUTTONS.! I~~~~~~~Cre X4ucnaiaoaoi 441ll om Main and Washigto...…

March 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. e e ::. , ' P a e e .. e Y f e , '.. V / eefeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefee CUTTING, PEYER & CO. , $50 R$3A.50 a"aat d aaef I f3 f! d 1 SOLE ACiEN'IS for the IMPERIAL HAT 109 & 111 E. Washington St. Entirely N. 'EW SPRING STOCK NXill Arrive '[his Week CALL AND) S.lLTHE' n.... PAUL MEYER 611u-B.'WILLIAMS ST. ,aOPickwick <J B3OWLING .ALLEi.Y sts-ictly vp-to.-daute. S. KOTT132NST101;N, P.-o. 707 M. Vr.Iv. Av.. ' Visit WENTSCHLER'S NEW bGR...…

March 30, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOX N LAST TRY-OUT YESTERDAY ANN ARBOR, MICH.. THUIRSDAY, IMARCH 30, 1905 No. 1 29 CROSS COUNTRY CLUB. DEBATERS OFF. DANIEL WEBSTER. Al-Fresh Track Team Practically Bturkey and Pearce Both Oio to Mtad- Senater Champ Clark Delivers Elo- Club Out in Full Force-Novicc Race Decided Upon for Next Satur- ison-Former is Still Unable to quent :address on (ireat States- This Spring-Easy Runs day Night's Met. Speak -Prospects D~ark.,n...…

March 30, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…*@@ @O @*OO*OM----@NO@@ I m 0 0 ao o oc ~ xZL =a Col) i I m r C z 2 n m. A r4f a M rs c, C 0 -=c (1J CI e r * I f- t+ + 2-t+ 4 ....... . s s ::.+- a .fr+, e+i+ i: a ,4sa..t. s + . ++a. ~a r~ fa"trsa f~s .t~ +±r+*r':aa: :ic m Im MO - - ------- *f; C , , rll . -. .. r i .-., 'I' s ,,,, . Xi rl. .f 1 ,T;, "-S /^' ._.. h-- .-. . J= ^ ° r - = .f z _r. . ° a JS "" j !°n ... J a . "'y " y' _ w 'f v c :ate c m ' r A '. tC .Z. C C Cw ... 3. ' ............…

March 30, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…TH% 'J IC1-iGAN DAILY, lIART, SCHAFFNEIR & MAR~X +i04 MACK & COTS. TEA ROOM « 4 RS an coats I up Cats and + Truesfo iig oft 9o no404+ 0 F1Kfor our IspTti"rI-uLtENT ______________r, I Table D'floteandEuropean IPlan 217 So.M io- + S t Everything First-Cass 2nd Flo r 217 . St ..Money Loaned.. ' Cn 4 Rt lie, ) .4m4n.444V Q40 4.144+i and al Hill Gl0as C4140 I l +1 and t 14ilt 44r.1 :rani44444. + }a W. J. LOURIM. it T o 4h v t O. Y r~i 4< ' 4 444II ...…

March 30, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…ITlE MICHIGAN DAILY. I RNDALL IP HOTOG K A P II K I I' R.a: IIIVI Stdwiha Good Light Teeinobetter light than THE WEL SBACH READING LAMP ALL STYLES AT ALL PEKECS. The Ann Arbor Gas Comipany. $3.5 0 For Men anc To loie Well Dressed SWalk-Over Shoes *t> ad i al a tot )fcm Sevn' ndsul'r. WALK-OVER SHOP III S. MrsIzs St. A. G. Spalding & Bros, Larv tltta tt a tr llIm ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BSASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES I STRIKING BAGS GYMN...…

March 29, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…z cs c u: v, C6 ate. ' d ++ y C V O L y -A, Lam,) " "' +' rf ,J 7Cy ' G - - u v _ P, J r _. .. _. --__ _ _.. -r._... ....___ I - 4 I i J. ._.._.. J .-+ ..-. ... -' J l - . ,,.. r .. , . . - / S-. / i ....i s.. r .-- J .' =i J rr. : r ... ._, .... , n J ^ ric b +- .-..e f... S-. -+ N , 'yy .+' .-. , J. J ( jam ..J .... V _ - _ v :j .- ^ - ry r s G4 tk Its ^i _,.., ;; 't . °. :J _ :i y., ..= .=: . -+ ^' " ~' ,.,,.; ;r ' ate' ,r J v ct u f; tt-t ...…

March 29, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…ilsMICHIGAN DAILY. t4 fr1 + I O 4N iNN TE 7110C- IGAN DAILY. 1 5c~ir cliii dlate 1it *April 8 Iiiterclass irac " f l u ltred s eoidt- i ntoratthe Ani trlt. i tI nrino'___ i i f PJUIUU P Iticcii d da ictititi cicceptid duinttghe c- Ic yt tr tIt it Washigton t ret-et" Api i 2--t., iiciitoit W Maaginto g Editor ..STANLYBALEt. it. cli } littit al .nur nn uines Manger, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. .e irc 4QI U I I ttiti jil ii c iC it i * ~ ~ ~ ~ :I OiRiCtN...…

March 29, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…TH4E MICHIGAN DAILY. . . ... 1+. ' . . 54 ~ +4t54++~4++++ ., Iiurclifield's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You therml-t skillful and artiAi.:srvie o . be .hadAanywere W,': alca as arn ~a: ai -'AArl olmplet lne of seeAAAAlabAe wool- AUA. t,, hv. AlmA L,_gr xfor 1(ah & l.No Si'a ICAutWanShirts, ',L" io-ho,,A LO: at,. boa tifal and exclusi i ne o f l '.UrL i- 's -prfect l ALLAng 4' *4 + Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 F. Huron .1- tf -...…

March 29, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…T\l1MCHIGAN DAILY.-,. .................... .. # '<Nu CUTTING, IREYER &CO. RSHO $h3a5O'50 RE AL ..,Are....ntrl SOEA ~ S N"EW SPRING STOCK fo he Will Arrive This Week : CALL AND)SEE IIIL:4t.... IMPERIAL HAT PU EE 109 & 111 E. Washington St. " 1 .WLIM T sr ia oilasaF.aaWILLIAMS id" iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiii"e feeoefeeeeeeeseeese""" a0Pickwick ~ BOWLING ALLEYj S. R.O'ITENSTEIN4, Proi. 707NM.vrx;,v.Aves. PIONEER 718 Market It ,USPENDER CO. Philad...…

March 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…Th Mchigan Daily A\NJ ARBOR. MICH., TEIAMA RCH 28, 1905 No.I hAMMER, THROWERS OUT THUIRSDJAY CONFERENCES. SUN ATTACKS FIIZ. THE TOWN PAINTED RED brector, itipa rick Issues l irs4till De~partment Conferences to be HelId Ne-s' York Paper Accuses Michigan Rocky Mountain Club HIas a Wild for Stre.nuous outdo or Duingf.Meeting of Sc'hoolmas- DIirector of Advocating Pro- Night -Peace and Quiet Restored I rainiottorsi on Thursa'y. fessiona lism. with...…

March 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…>1>1K I4ICH3IGAN DAILY. SSpring xi STailoring : uiesMaaeClA 4 i hiui't A, 1VN 1 I THlE NEW SPRING WOOLENS ARE READY And the Styles are unusually Handsome. 6. Us WILD CO, 311 S. State St. I I I A.M5,iGaveri 1. Wilte.1 ASST ir ixixi A liii. xxxir . (lxwi Ai A. II. uni it r 11 lixig i lrix Choxt. XE. WAx ea. J WV. It. Hansxi .I.F. Fize ht. ul> S $'. o erix iir p. mo. daily. Adtdress:xxCLAUDE IA. t j oetogger, 331 tPacxkard Eaitor Toilay--L~o t; ,...…

March 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

…TllMCHLGASI DAILY. [HART, Sd. t FN 1 &MARX Top + * MACK & CO7S. TEA ROOM ~ + r~ytliw:i tl5 ''l; h .i}(ylt)s # FOR LUNCI-EONS LUTZ ~~Te sClothier,.: l .'fut n uoei 217 So. M nrx t« ' Everything First-Class 211d Floor . ..Money Loarsd$.. + W. J.LOLRIM. ± S Business St'ri, C u tiii. i. &mbula c alls ttell id1 ori hi. S INGOPENING iio) S ltABLERttS t &?t WUER 11'!i~ tl1 tHittt l _a. 615.3 f6 1 EACH 2 FOR 5 CENTb CUETT. F EAt3©UY & CtJ AKER$ OF CIU...…

March 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…MD.AIIVAILY. I!5ANDALLI IPHOTOGKA P H E lt WALK- THE WALK:,- OVER SHOE CO. Study with a Good Lightt $3hre I.a atr nn i$.5 0 For Men and Women $4.00 THE WELSBACH READINGi[LAMV'P ALL STYLES Al ALL tRIC LS. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. A. G. SPalig & Bros. Larget N:tat urrsin }f Woarld -f Ocal Atle tics Supplihi ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS j GYMNASIUM GOODS A. Gi. SPALDINUI & BROS. PERFECT BALANCE Susp...…

March 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Da~iy ANN ARBOR. MICH., SUN lAVMAR1CH11261, 19(Y WISCONSIN OUTCLASSED 4iehiganis Great Track Team Trounces Badgers 44 to 22 - Ramey and Garrels Break Records in Quarter and Hatt-Mite -Wisconsin Won the Relay Race. 1{l 111, ; u tirlc 1 t~ SIo1i1 il ll111,"vt I 1 1 1 at1 p at t al14 :11 utr1 111 t1, "11;; ;lr, ,lt 11 itl t 1Q al 1 s , i il,1t1t th1 lur1 --11}1i1. ,; it11x t 11 1111c , r1 c4 1 i ei, 1 1 ,tt 1 11 1111 I "9 1111i1 1 cl...…

March 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…THllE MIICH11IGAN DAILY. 4W f f 9 Fi tee* st1l(T a h tnS i sin, ttr tifsct * _ i X} I l 1tr,.Lh (111(1St , jin of Ar Tailoriing Managig Editor, J. '0 SNI iFe IIAi1isl'. Biessi ,Mnage, Ci Xi. CA. IOMPSO N. A tli1< i 5 __ _ _ X's - - - - - - wxhile ,THE NEW SPRING AM, Grve f WOOLENS ARE GreA so RE AT Y A I. A~ n And the Styles are j fAX ti unusually handsome. I p. in. ily.c 6.n.usWILD CO. dress: drrs 311 S. State St. ~College ..I Text= Books ! X...…

March 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…i 1 f THE )ICHIiGAN 0DAILY. +Burelifield's Fne Tailor ing .4 Trade Guaran tees... it t' IkVlt n.t r .t L Z1 mi t'III - 'L-t in e oIt-a-iahle tmnn At i l ,i )t ) A t ' iii - i tI1. t+ ti - I . itl ttf stiI., +x Ilurchfijels Ifine TailoingIrade, 106 L .Huron64 "j.j.' , ';* 'j'.'. +...{.p . r' #"- - ; .}*j;' p *' k-;e++ .- + +++-,- ++++++ ++++* S5I.IIJS1-IFS, CoMES, KNIAS, SCCSR, kNI) COLLAR BUTTONS. You Cala l i taY,t vei)bl t fomn 4... IFIOAGi'...…

March 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…1I HIIGA N DAILY. * i~Al>l CO. 4 I R-EGAL .n NEW SRING . x.. STOCK Will Arrive This Week CAELL AMN) :S E: I'lI -- .... PAULfMIIYE3R 611 E. WILLIAMS ST. OWL.N, A elk Cvt0311 Flt .. .. Vi ENT;SCHLIER'S i Itd.1 319ti East Huron St. opposite Ladies'ILibirary t _ s.IIwes to Seriiors insi l Departments NOTICE. iltt 3?t"i ' lt: 'tnt' Reading notices, except to Unicer- soty organizations, one cent a word per issue, payable strictly in advance to the B...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…k It 0 I E s ( E , I ; I I ,, iC! ',,, i, -y a ',, o v W ' v 3 W T 1W +I 3 r J G, n . ''. c3 . .., U > w ' .v ' ./ . J /'1 : .- -. f. 1. fi f. f. J J f - .. . .- f .,r + ) /. /' i- I Y~ l '_" J " ... . . _ .' J l J _f, J N J j J r J - r j, s - >, O O r C -77 i. s L Q v^ G b O 4 w rG7 3 0 0 O a C{0 t70 C j 01 I~~f . . .' ' I Y t: t^ r . - { ^ . ; N ( ,- "f a ' ': N r y _ : : . .. r .-. ".-. J. . . , :J *- zn .- C. r 1, . f: h f H . ',, ' 4 - L ...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…1 H NI CIIGAN DAILY * " +4e~* 4 4 + + THE 1-IIC I G- AN DAILY. aal dan e a IiI :I~'.tteAT : .Maaginr- Editora. 71 AilX BY tAililY r Tailoing RIF Mu -~r + A aaa t os __ __ __ __ __ -._. __f .Y k I. D E j New' _ _-- --- -- a-- a.__ L all aC.' OUN f Exc-an 4........- .0OAaaaaa Y . Herr f Waaaaa ............... Ia N1. 1r niia' eaaa-a aI ll aml>, ai mw f al ea twaaa ea aal"a001 aaalarasaaIt i aaaala jalao ,1t ihchacla &a aaaa aaaraa he -a \aaa \r;t...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…TtE hMICHIGAN DAILY ~ [ART SIIAFNdR M RX ~MACK &CEYS, TEARO X "u l s iltlttti pj Coatasnd L4 r1? The Clothier, TbeDRe dfu pen la 217 So.Maiti St. $: Everything First-Class 2nd Floor K+#+++ +++++44 f++ +4.I+++4++ +++ +i+++.t+++ t*++++++++++ + "" "a 4 . e + ++" + w .1 -. r+r 1ie"r"_++". .-. 6- . I...Money Loaned.. W. J. LOURIM ,1. + S Business Stric t.v Confidenitial tNOCH uIL C101L" kabaianc Calls atten ldd d?,-iorcii, t. loffleel it itLw d I A...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…1'2 1 MICHIAN DAIL'Y. ITKAN IAL IPHOTOG(LAPIEHk; WALK- THE WALK- OVER SHOE CO. yStudy with a Good Light t~THE WEL.SBACH READING LAMPI ALL STYLES AT' ALL PICEtiS. 's The Ann Arbor Oias C'tompatN. x$3.50 For Men and Women $4.00 A. G. SIaldio & Bros. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTVS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS C A. 0. SPALDIN(J & BROS. NE1 Y lli5 5I4A PRESIDENT Suspenders* un it' C. 5l. t' srntii ta Mut t 5tttttt".1...…

March 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…. . . . ..................... ........... O 0 r0 Co .;: x r: t=-. v t r 0 J ,. r * ,t- 07 't r. _ J r r r r f 1 .! f 'u i+ ram '_ rN--+ .-'' ~ . + + --.. r .- - 4 _. _ ._ . ,..+ f , f r I _ /r _ !. V , ,., 'r, ,r . ~ "t f, J; _ "S Jv IV . = ' ^z , _ ti y _. _ ; T i J "1 ^-t r .f , r.. J , i, ,' ' ~% _ ; :. r, r - ry ! I. ^_ l _ - - r . H . -w H r r-I ... ' - - 7; :, j: *-,:, " ;2 - ::1- -1 7'. ' _ _ ' _-. v r J= M f 1 Ln r- tv r n , i r. "t ,-...…

March 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…Till: 'MICHIIGAN DAILY. Ii STailoringll:;iat ltf,, T a l r n "v an g ng E d t rJ.pT N 5: B A '. lat "' Ll pi WOOLENS ARE ----- -__ - N)k-7 1)P A.New rs pp "liy It, iti("iii'~m READY ~ e . p h ii Kerr )l ('hi'n. ... . .tn Idia \i. ariai'l i 1,1'tIA' . Si't ' 1i ' i.i '.p unusually Hand! SomeG . M rv r Bry11 nrw 6.1.WLD Waiiia 25teay3i n "a0 hl7 , Geore ..(isAt lil th uri '.ION u'.Inn i cr la iit'. P3lls i . rd as.. nl.iesse 'ShI. ColltegSyeae B...…

March 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…TiI NMICHIGAN ODll Y. 10.. + '0o'c+'i'O~~e6'++i"E*'ef0N-N ' ' C"f'j ( xl I ST S R N G A N U N E E T s[ine' Iaihointo Trade , 106 L uron ";in oaL- 1 i o P,;i"'u i- , £.* :° -- *x--:"+'+i"..* '"T"".+4++++s+++e-- .* N ew SY pring Sl)L TREFurnishings " ' (iWWin_ f("atat~ i r, "f) i CISORN THE NEW FIRM N z IAWFIiegel Coriir n nd Wshin ta 2(K) and 202 MAIN Coriir ain nd ~ae~ingon, AL L THE LATEST SPRING HATS Wc have: thi n for the swagger ;rung ris ...…

March 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…I'OIE MI CHI-1GAN *iiid'iiid~iidi 9ii~diiddedd d'+ CUTTING, REYER & CO. SOLE A0 ENT1S . IMPERIAL HAT S 109 & 111 E3. Washington St. , . = .. . i 3 CLND ST. ~Pickwick s BOWLING ALLEY S. ROTTENSTEIN. Prop. 707 N. V"Iv. Av. Collegemen find grateful degree of comfort and servicc in the Brightor. Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near= ly two million men. %.. i'1 ~ c;.14'E11 t" 'Ni>:2 11t . , Visit RENiTS CHLI Z NIEW illOlND) 1111f S~TUIlO. 319 Last l...…

March 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…C,' * - - .-. * - *M- £n GN c, w ., f _ ,.. '} ^° __ .J t .- .) r " ' ~ 1 ..... n , (. I. a J ' .-.. vs (, .f J .- . _ - ^/ f ,,. ....-. . _ .. ..- 'J. . ... !. N/, '.J y f .--. , rr .J + .. /. _ w- Qua r. L F.LQ4 t v C F - J, J .1 J _ ,J J ^ r J f . (, J ._ .-+ ^ J J i-. J r f J n"-r ++ f f r =: "'' 'r k tr. ^ X t _ rY j rt, r H -je - 7a 7= o r . v .-. 1-. x,: . ./' r J .J ! ^_ J .!. . _ . J " '_' ..r rte. ...-. , y ^' ^ fi/,-"y , . J J: 'l. ...…

March 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…11 N ,MICHIIGA N DAILY. Xnrno it s in ~* Mana~ging Eitor, J. sTAN~'B1lY / a tofogBusinssMange, (LAUDE A. TOPSN * * At Ecilia cil (saa f I~~~~* . ii~le ........ . A a seph .aca 0 om n ............. . .I a a N I. ow r !+ EDITORiaIAL STIAIFF: *THE NEW SPRING f A N. r ar harry I. Andirewa I..IWaitea .ayac WOOLENS ARE *A:+ . 2 IaiiAihT l G og A.t.lshrn A r ur . l g !A. If. (r yar kidneiy hI1. ''tl READY lugh Allesn VIWi . S rnf..rd Cha. W. Abrs eis...…

March 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…TlH E MICHIGAN V/ A 11. HARTIS, IIAFFNI3R & MARX: MAK&C&.T R i1 + StlasRaincoa ts, TopCoats and ready for -our fu'spct1. n yf05+0 4i T'he Clothier, al )100'~( ~IJCI J 217 So. Ma iri St. +: Everythinga First-Clasu 2ndFlo +14 L**Money Loaned.. + 4niVetufetf ian s, tJew(-11-y + untt ttt-ia hi It. + W+ J. LOURIM. + ' it 4th so u a,- a aY.M. '. A. 4 tet~rjaio u ft hf te 1 t.t;t A~43;+ 4 Business Strictly Conidentil. ENOCH DDJDTE:RL Ceebafutec test ...…

March 23, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…RANDALL P HOTOG K A Pitup, . $3.50 For eIn and Wornen $4.00a S tuldy with a Good Light Ther s nasbetterighttthan THE WELSBACHI REAI)ING LAMP ALL STYLLS AT ALL Pt)ICE:S. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. A. .SPalditng&Bros. ATIHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STFRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. 0I. SPALDINU & BIROS. ENV Yvli1 t'l,. ) Ilde atid. (i , OWN SL-. Madeto rdran ene r ALO .EW RO sT TOKA"M ?' TRAINS EVERY HOUR To ALBION...…

March 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…-- _ - ~ -" - r - G W --. A - A..f .-. -f F ArA -- A- Af AN A_ "- l ' 'l , - r - _ -"tWA1 7 A ... A A A T Af - r- -- A Aw o m n - v z 0 -" Vi 0f . n . -- :. f. = r r 1, r I , ; "' r 1. 'l: wig 77 y r ./ t;; rj f AML u 1 (A ' …

March 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…1- R MICITiGAN DRAIL Taloring ! *i THE NEW SPRING * WOOLENS ARE t READY *And the Styles are *unusually Handsome. 311l S. State St. .Coille Text= Books*-. ALL l dlAllflNl ; Nrew and Second hand :111dit h i 01eaihem forin VI-. 4h - -s . v "-q- a . r T HE 7NlCH1GA-N DAILY. tI a t-- ii n ti l ici r l n t'I1. trainl cat-at aliiiicr i a I I'S,;lt(ttad to iitacit itt i <C faii iit i t 0 11..vii, i ii rl- -<a% It a good - i n Managing lEditor,.!, STIA...…

March 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…T1: MICHIGAN DATLV. Burch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You the nost skiilful ad artisticserice o inbeihad anywhere. We nalwaysrcar ry aaor ge-arid 'orplentnline of seanaleliwool-i Gueel. «7e rain iii agoirifor iBeachir& Newel 's 'irtomr ilres, anid can shrow you alarge, irnautifal and nrmclusiveninn iif shirt 6 irigs- -efini fritliting. Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 1. Huron I I I II *+4H~+++l++++++.H. + FIRST SPRING ANO...…

March 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

…to. MIVNWAN DAILY. One INight O t to .. Big Four Route ."* , °,From Detroit and Toledo - (NION DEPOTIIN B OI-'H Toledo and Cincnnatt No disagreeable Transfers : Wite ir Four Agents for Informa- or Visit K.] L. W. L A N D MAN, NEW GROUND FLOORt STUDIO. "#"Genral Agt. tOLEDO, O0" Special Rae.tes to CUTlING, RI3Y[R & CO. ..Are.,. SOLE AGENT'S for the IMPERIAL HAT 109 & 111 13. Washington SI. 4 I 1id4i fiiii44iiii i ioifi 4* ENTSCIHLER'S 319 list ...…

March 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…1Vv I Z'(}l 'II4I '1 . 1 I AYE %I>''1 'V l'>N . CRICAGO CL ONOS RI1R L-FRES.H T!RIALS. IANO RLTA L. Miss Anne [Huber Holder of 1 003 4 Scolarsh,p loprtd Sudai at Newberry Ha ll th-isAlm1 ~ 11i i e, ( 110111 'n~n~t c (1111, it~rl ~ 111a01 tn la - it r; ~ r. I t 1roy ' '.1111 cutI i 11 i 1" at tltr , me1a0t'for 1 1the 111hull. l i s 1Tah, < ,lx11 , :" ,ltilcI 11I (1111 ide l t1 1or11 11, 1.1at~n:lr ~~ 11111n III~ ~IInth,~ r 'mll .tt! , wc l if 1...…

March 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…['IfGAN DAILY. \ 1)A1LY a> a TH NI NI ,\V XAN i t-IL iATL. ,t lavwod asrecetved fromrn S R[C[IAfDf 'ita Dvk(t that he would appear ont tud(itt Letutre as-oci-ation- course t~nt0of Xlprtl 2E). Hit- daughter, A Big Consignmenit of olctited ii tot opital, O U A , N V L it-oig ndhr contdition xwili P PUAlN L peit D Xatt Jyke to il It ottoMatey trinlg April, j at I ± \VOO :LLN s k titi 00 -i i iii 0. Iii 1;IIP ON. ttot.ttatrigg Adt'-tC.ItltA Andi l...…

March 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…somomp-, /S i 'i 0 t { .y s ' S r j 3 4 4 t t "yE a " r wc 4w c 0 - - ' r 4. 4. 4. -V to. 0 n - C ~2~ . Q t r <u a r. ; 4 s . " + O~aZt o l . 7o ~ 0.0~. .- z"P - ' p «0 U !7 *tO aI 0 - v Col a 3 o0 0 - f, + --* CL0 W /: 0 C r MC ^c L ^+ _ 0 r I. ~ s° " C j '" .. . . M ! 't. u J .''; tt . ; , r. cn t ' ': . r = v ' -' ' ' fi r h f, C. : n O t. Jy ,.. f a ° ;., fi a . ,a N .-r rv. rt i .. r .., .. .., Lz. r- r, 0- 0 . ! .b tS 0 " 2 c ; o +, .. 4...…

March 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…. . FATLY. $3.50 For Men THE OVE R 4 SHOE i V .,-:ht T HE,\ To Be Well Dressed Walk=Over Shoes S RwH U it ei t i t lwarit ow h a Lstan WstSHOP V at ~TVE REEK 111 S. Mg~.mSt. and Women $4.001 I . I 111. lIJ ast Ituron St., opposite Ladles' Library a""-;csto se ri ors In c allDepartmnents 3zI, 'lI INTlNG-Meyer', 215 Main ,~leiiN Try somie of Cushing's Fine Chioco- iates. tf. Latest niovelties in snitings at Fuil- er & O'Conni~ors, 619 E. William...…

March 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

….. U; M _-. ; , F"; +; f '- I f f -" _. _.. !' .. , S u _ v III _ M' E. t _ -_ . . - f J. /mil a r . .-- _, _, _ . - _, r_ . - ...... - .-. -- - ._ -' -_ ..y .. -':: -- r ,. -.., - :.: ._ '° .M ice' _ _ ?tee f} _ i 1v .s . F " ._... pt 4 r .._. ~ J _ _ _. bsf4 ,J. .. r . .. .- .. .. _. ,.. - J, l_ I. J !. _ J r - _ - j. - 1. r t'C . ' r« _ ^. r f - = ti= t .: r . c ^' {f3 } L.i J .. ^s [: J. l..,/ o rj 7; ice. y ._. n. , t.± "'' rr. . v , 1 ;r...…

March 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…fIIMICh-IGAN DAMIP. +* ~w~~~r r r a r rN *pin THE 11ICHIGAN DAILY. Ented aa s sodlass matteratthe An fLab, :it ails5:onday exceptedt duigte r t ii;b.Washigiost reet, ManagingEditor, J. STANLEY BLEY . BusnessMnger, CLAUDE A. 1THOMPSON. tTailoring 4I " -Athietiskt --CIIE Lo . DEW Newr-------------ARTU Rt o C.PO N : i t t .... ..... Joseiph Y e r y r T DITORIAL STAFF: THE E NEW T P IG A. M rI e Hy11,ylAndrt 1. Watte.Jayn WOOLENS ARE Uig . ASS OCI...…

March 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…T~dE MICHIGAN DAiLY liuchfeh's ineTalorngFIRST SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT Trade Gutarazitees... O Rule, Conlin &Fic ci Burchfil d's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 L. Huron Ianr°)t rI ot 1 N(l y New Spring IIUSAGS, CO11GM 13 ISUP1Lt TOHFuNishIgs SHlOiiSiRINOid KNIVES, .SCd.SO RS,1e~,Cni ANI) COLiAR BUTTONS.Reeonn YOU canii iii sai.vt, ii v ii I 1iieg e UOA(iS Corner Main and Washington 200 and 202 MAIN r t , . « r " t t " a" i ' T j F j 1" T Money Loaned l...…

March 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SOne Night Out to FLORIDA + ____VIA D ig Four Route ?From Detroit and Toledo ( UNION DEPOT IN BOTH I Toledo and ± Cincinnati '' No disagreeable Transfers write Bi For Aent for Inorma- +L. W. LANDMAN, General Ag. TOLEDO, . j Collegemen find a grateful degree of comfort and service in the Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near= ly two milbl.,1mere. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. 326 N. Fifth Ae. N, w P oot457 H...…

March 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Dail VOL. XV ANN ARBOR, MICH.. SATURDAY. MARCH S, 195 No. 119 c FIRST REGIMENT TONIGHT.( ATHLETIC EXHIBITION. JUNIORS ARE CHAM~PIONS. CANDIDATES ENDORSED. riChigan Meets Picked Team from Athetes Do Stunts in Gymnasium Won Title by Defeating Seniors in Juniors Recommend Allen for Clan= Chicago in Dual Contest --Sol- for Entertainment of Vistting Close Basketball (iame Yester= aging Editor of the Mich- diers Promise Hard Fight. Legis...…

March 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…TIT1 MICHIGAN DAILY. s!!!!!!!!!!!!!.+!.e*THE 1[111UGA N DAILY.1 j Tarilorig I**ii i} t 'titi_ ; I it i}i l t i lt THMNWnPRNG gingt''t I lior t.STLEY ABALEY. THE:E S RI G . FItt . rvriar1. Anrw 1.F Wit e Javi' .it t t !* f W OOH A/LENS niARA t (' u }7 Ht A 'I IIII't, tstttt 3d1tSe Stsae IISt.:ShSTF an as i N. I :e .i I' I ctre AIt , IE~t 1 ' wit i>> it JIJSJ R[_JVF. IOIULARNO L at 50C I(,,1- t i t i I'1 :s tI .l.k College ' Text= Books ALL...…

March 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. a. H1ART, SHAFENER & MARX Snits, Rao ats, To 1 p ICoatsand re or or iiipeol' . n LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. Ma..i n St. MACK & CO'S. TEA ROOM sFORLUCEN Table 1D' Rote and Eu ropean Pan Everything First-Class 2nd Floor ...Money Loaned,,, a + S W J LOURIM. + t4, t.,4 ',4.7 A. in,. k1blnceCl'. attended 0?,'or night. IMa1ckintosh's adl Q 'ar'y's 4®' h ~ot LtinmchY 2 At Tutte. s 338 S. State 6 * eW Brunswick Tables EID t ILL IAR...…

March 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 119) • Page Image 4


March 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…Tve MihignDail FIR~ST EGIMENTMEET. braee lia l~yrcentSoldiers int,. eot i nc ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY.,oMARCH 17, 1905 t>F']; GAME1)1>1 1.*T SET01 ED 1'h 11(1 opc 1 'mi ieof thebase tbn all:,''ile r I lii ii e il ide ls 1tle( '1 ic r l~ti )roure nt latons forI in iols a d , omet, ilcuh i a lto t mi a ir 'tl ltii1'"li' lI plns or a000 tl; Iii1 l Iii li 'li e'r 011 11111T lliii'irto ii eplyed betweellti' ti lie i t1 It t lel 1111eelpIr eet at th...…

March 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…3 3 1 N TG A Nt DATTVV ®!tttt!!t!!sl~s~ITH F 1 CHIGlAN DAILY.! V t f ala*I t"I' ..l ' ; *Spr~~Uin «' " al ra.gng Editor, J. ST1ANLYL EY ' O fEU I FI I 1usis.Mnagr, CLAUDEWA. I UISN \v'iI ! ? 11, tAN. ------. N.i1kP, ~~ ! * . . ... 1' , ',' .... Id . III- li \I1.1 I Aidt!Sye r N''I' P 4 is 1 1LNE1r1 .tde INO IA l ~~ ~yf..: N< n'- I t .)).N < .k~II ' , . I CollegeS. CLENAR All. Ipc A rl3Aln 1r~ I r1 Il NIL1 t 1 N1111Ni IM11.. 1 a1,,o I Jr ! A 3 ...…

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