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March 28, 1905 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1905-03-28

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Th Mchigan Daily
brector, itipa rick Issues l irs4till De~partment Conferences to be HelId Ne-s' York Paper Accuses Michigan Rocky Mountain Club HIas a Wild
for Stre.nuous outdo or Duingf.Meeting of Sc'hoolmas- DIirector of Advocating Pro- Night -Peace and Quiet Restored
I rainiottorsi on Thursa'y. fessiona lism. with Difficulty.
,,irataiti 4 attach
III all att o j)hcrc hhle with Pc7\i dor
I11 > i;' and 1't' t7lt;till wish ",1*()11K \\"M'
,tr ". >>111 « -r>>>i a-} r ?' : tit.' l: e l:ti
fort . t i t ttl, ']
Iltk( I3G I l c t r'
I(tat tt)Scc ttti l t
tif;tt .3. 1 tc r
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lut ruc. t lit 13 t
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d Act till 3
;ii l I l c , M R N
ICIf 13I h ~l
:11 ,. A IIIltiill r Of pri>lllill 1 < "r l
allci t lll atc>1S will be prey l'-tic tl-;tl*ll,,
flit IIIeCtIII I II IIIIII)er UI fi uJlltli>I
IifvrcIIct'S 11"ill I)c I1c"]cl, I -arllii
: OC) a tit":
tr tlr:t ilii sriiliigr and eii(IIII
. i aari tli< t
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1 C° t1 ik 1*,' ICC Which will lte , we el t } c
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:tr to, he
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ltr ",
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,(111fe altac ll l ti
n I IHH T ul~ta p :'1hit i ti
;iiW~ii HOY ald \';IM. I i lgB.Iii ti-
wn? Wman I, itati f lii
thend~'t m o theI till wi ft ItitofM it
Wa tRic l S catin att .'ar. fCyff.K
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t NIATigan NSA e1
n al.r t1t - all-ne t
t" b c w nth Si soo
vcrv glum yeas{III (I
W ma "I kn"w" it
i-"Ill allmtitl will
'talelllcIn. loll it iti
Nlwhig,1tt' Illtlktic
:;ellcral 1, tdl ,.i
1'IIi11:1T1"Il'li tntil:t'
nwn "Aw Will k1ml
the lIeW - Itld . Th,
! l al ai >1> allllity to he "111 IKWI
c '
1 ' ~< llic'1; t11c Gait
lu titlic'c't'c1 <111 IN t
111 rt'1)il to t117
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l)()i"tllii, I,,(Iit,,r Nl
ltl a recceIIt 2111111
j)III) hshe(I the ("IIcl
c'Olltaill" a cr
Fitzpatrick, (liFCCt"
((f li uvigan L lull
Fclllt a11 atl1l('tlc t
F Ilt' 4tatc't11c Ilt Ili:
llatriclc to which ill
l-xcettioll i:r t .Ipp
i-all Daily, tll(. oftic
University of 4l is
to c('picd 1,t 111,111
the c(mutrt: I A
-tatellleltt tit"as Illa(
aml I wr(,te I& ar
ill the MV, all(I t
i i( (i hl atill illy
inkruprrelli it Nth;
It i4 true that I
IIIalltl fl>r cI I i ;Ill
('1 a 11(I (Ittl'illiy tll
e;1rr tIIrrc has hc(
(IeIIIaII(I f( )r te.lche
;irltcti('11 ill "yllltla
athinic van K. 'Fl
tea(°h T, alwa s ex
Now A is a fa,
who an- pl-cparill
(T, 'a' <i "Icllcl'al I-11
Ilitlc tr 111) lllterl'.,,
s()rt all(I ctlll(I 11,
et E itptrilit ftt-'Iltal lood-tcurdi lig ifla t tlila' fthg
iat ;n tht cat i b fre ftill firtntesofifi heaa till
i, .ad to he woth tta'fiiignahiiciiiirio ft iti 'if n
't tlt i ii i.'tf Thi iiiy- fad iM lt'sa ulh egniottakift
tiglilt' 111111 itllnithe ecoue aco pnela h it'
nt ri g te at taifatfipartners It
ind tr g'i t f tc Fitillll tilliti to l liitt'frm aloit'
bu perhaps' it as ndMtfaatalop'tthir l lh l
I>m tic we the "iIn il ow ' iii i wii theivtint witttl''tile,
tinlutti~hot ti r els al teii fo
'tiht t i orhfC ltradolandi shrt] I iIl, i're
a' foge ftte titi openetht tic uh sag t~i
%fthiftlig t he liM ich-1 1 a dIf daho. tt il i
receii t i ft t i ' tat: f Iherelit fulla tenev nng, i,,
tll til ti ht I w11111 huh I itincu e l ue ii.111 i r ti Iii t,
rp1111 haihell te-' l tiiiiaililli I fit i'.:tll ofIll '
'it f'l studIk, s l t 111 ii'etup a i ' C ll a 'I'llt
itton ill, flitrIaiili Driied 'Iu'11 'kill , I :lci fe I t
a1m the n r o I 11111 ' liv:i n : ttt1r1 l i~ t t
c t f ind rp t oIgief- tloi :,ie'' ' -' t 'it'~rIl, f
'Till fitivtities pint' "ll tkll
ar ilt he i 11''i te i st thl'lT octr a letfi I ltt
tbc ofthe SmrYou' tat he isa i ava, t~ tt ilttt,I11i til
I- I arita titice h heleadtai tof 1111111 <,l ed if-
111111 ofMr.Kee fiLat lrnihIt i e iii11111 11111 1 l tailed iht
r 1111heL a tidrittahisail 111bndIofickdgeh-,t I h f
illn andt Hierof colrd I ,111 111a;oh . illa 1 a titwth \ l afa ite
,ail,. v lla 8of at iih 't I tt theilog illooIrfi
ade 3, I'' till'ti a'twdtheillia i ta t o l n rd "i
i scfanii if 111e111 111 tilltvlil i ngIi that11 tlt lilath a
liii' gin the il IIt ti, titI' helilil l cud11 oftilt ailia
coli'i newsp per ftll tilt .11lfta t il: la ! t pie t v'iduiig ti .211 i clt
h". . Mi dfitrnn iiIk telointoi at 111111 ilA IMalini
trco izarc ' ill it ii 111111 eotiiii l 111 1 ai-1 1111
at ~t ve entire] thosI e at11 tiltd werta it i n by hi nei pt
ti ' ]7r}1 f1 ''111 tit ' ,i rl '
it<r . lr f m l iitttap
,caa I t ui~va1( 1 iiftft I- i c.
l'lug iii c s it n iH 1;:
111111 vi5ii ci!rJtiallcac
I~til 1 r111 llc1 ili1'1, fr It .
'i ie tta k f ton k , .~c ~a t(l
l tIf Ill i t i ca ltt -ld. flepB. rl ta
I } ci ~t " 11 1 1 -A "i t 1lrtcg
i111 11 1 i s a} A fcafi t i)c ifo dti.t
ANii a11 ti I'lli ureyfY,±
per,11 t t~a lllL w h cl as
a Ietal w t l c r atA w o -F i
]lit ill+ t1 11111 C Tt :
J i1111; wt' t+lzl
clc't'tl ,:t31L;ll:t't
os' Pttlytiot. lutat
W. 1 f.taiti Ititla flit' o
:111 1ll 1:1.11a t'1 cr l
f 1 i dlt
Prii i 1 111ml 111-d
r I
11121aI-ik ~ i1
f1. fc t ' I 1111 )(1illI
I I titt ill1i1 ll
<1Iii ccII-Ii tcI IIIthte
I t'e tEI'I, tthrlftor Me
'111 l otfl t 1 it'er ll i it t'o lilIilil"l
2, 'lif lait<t S i i'tt'f ll' t ll ilC ftollege. I i f ,,Il itt1'' ilt
.. N(it looks. T . J. WAson, Adrian, carefully, I think you Nvwdd t'utd that During, all intermission f.yndott v <ts
Qtaantit"ItIve Determination of the ; no nnzvrrsjIv M the. cnitntrY takcs mare 0)rrced into taking a picturc: of the
r ~ tl f an Acid by Means of a I precaiitianw tO avol(l evcrythiltg that ln«tlN gatherng and the -,c:concl expos-
(Continued on page tour.) (Continued on page three.) (Continued on page two.)

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