TheMichigan Dail
riChigan Meets Picked Team from Athetes Do Stunts in Gymnasium Won Title by Defeating Seniors in Juniors Recommend Allen for Clan=
Chicago in Dual Contest --Sol- for Entertainment of Vistting Close Basketball (iame Yester= aging Editor of the Mich-
diers Promise Hard Fight. Legislative Committee, day-Score I to 0l. iganensian.
Fort hese conti tshis 0 s lo ih si ghIt anin fomttiexhiition of I The.camptt~ioshipt g'imei p~slayd S- hejuir t'ssys'tsrda'sy 'ftrooosn
goan'5 track ta o esti aans al th vr os tiltis acivs11 tities of th tr otoot te un o ttn s"nos a er'csas m- o' s assdl th o-
otisie teamin dual met to ht.fThis huniersit t s '1gi 11nitthe gs itiasititt was0. oe of te si it d osit lioty ai ngcos rCesllut101 iiiion ttaiotsis CBe it
ti it is the ir ist Regioent I t om of for the hbtneit iof ths legislatve coin- con tss1d ti ga mei s ee layd i ar rslIttat iite iii-clsso
Cicago aiod Ilesfat that it i'scoot- tittis s tltoughItthie sitair owasa- o ur 15 '' sits ii Psletjfits, wonthe te itrarI deprtmI t, erey en or
p d partlyii1 of1' oldiuhits erstittit tlus Cr si l 'itoil s ts n otice i wasv r sue- ga ean wIhitth cm ioshicpcfor11t1e1104di day o i r rwits1 11115111 i
lis isup totil he prei iction t ilte iii 151stai d i e e115 slaos pss ed te olge}cr fi I utte w n dte s 'nidirecomet ei r eect i ote il\)llsltcnetd in m nchmlte-t el lae.]) tsoeOfol n o ohn, th or fco to fte odM cl
Of the 'eventls. TIeItaI hiii hsi ise - Read iam itHendry gvs'alleit b~tttitin Tiescitwdstis chitustiitti'ssdtheIlgame'its itslto si iti F' st rsiin'edtoriot
Peictttti orning iiis stti Is it i ttis' 'ttteivIuito ipsitn ts saffair titdithits i sts'w s ne ifthelarge" ssit itid illsst e -sit fr ssci t ditorlist ii L
th Kesi f Condi tt iti'itio. nd it gjti vs fllwt af orty-yardi disit t luist Ilo eve'r gatered'atit Iba setbaliFi ai s ' ecliiss lt tw .
tsgnrly ccdt h ttheimc t i ll s t woItt etis Jote Ilitier Ithft gavs'an' game" nt he A cnisrva''tiec 155 'e Idrile o tain f te
8o to i c ai t iss tilto"meansices-ixlititionis ifchng h utsg. a itts ii't ipacstiei fit bhisattilsss i sx u de .p it itpl t li t i lti i cll i tits slsi it
ta ts thithe ae s oitheiii is iitcit r silhilthsh Itis Itstrixc iseied iiingy Te :s etso Ils 111 ater th i a l ee htis cti lilet, . i law Psit nd fra teityl
1> 'tltt s 'ca lltalk awayi itha ict orys' a s e t i tr witi' s a ihi tttgt f Pr fiseside titAnge5 ll a tuthe o11115 i m n, tlhe uta tutug sitoIlr' tli;t eeti' l ,tt
tgI'air ti ilsi t d11I ' ' s 'is il s'itie.iwith Sch5111ihitseliiieIof t inA ti .llsoriforhthe it iprp 11111 tof sin-p ne e beso telteaydcat
hlllti lincts11e 1 t s iern whsh reit wor acei'i li' s'us tss w re t s Irsniovertheislis'high s tis sthei u ivIls it.shl tutu'hise tillsen5quite' ' pi'it s
'1resentstilt'hiantoit i"s Is thesai as an sow hudes, e audi1 ,ts sConliger, ttus- iThe tsteniorlst wlen t ilts teg meh r -ca piniisohofteopoigcn
la5st'weeksof mets I lusit "sssinca beo tt1i. et ansdi iPo s -jtbe ing te coteis'ans.'sI . xpctng to wilistdeer indioilit t ad iithdrawn.slciti 1 1111 c la
1110 1 lfoil'Ii s osii Dir ic i 1lto itr1s 11115 tttcFs t~tit y nd hsg m team, Cochraneti ht th at ica d te j nos fel o t le ikt t w s fl
licst. potlit gesithe its aot cin itssstl s A11 tinsont, Vsos'll iitp' i ttie t hind ,afoi l yeds tois Cs eepus teir Iuth i tu ieut utn and theit'l ast.cualhu ghs t e 'si t io lit'
qult' lulls' temtl t o preicth tlsI rieIt seltl it])a i t's'hich irtwlfor tt consrt - tiy hssf ugitst s'un tufther s futttle tiht str or s'iatitul hat akn he d sfc
rt5 ran idsom.luc~ taltrtsff n, wh ls ti h t r e n ft he e enf, o - i e rl t i s t acsss Iime had t ot "'5 tsi tti hts ifacit I sthat tilwh ls uhis , in
yearderted busirthS u lte r anduls Ctsthus' 'ever, uigasua tul -j'i itisih lidatc atenu c n o'tilt foriss t ltr insI'to pctt hthe irtueo e s ' 'frteit' mens.' worutil I
Ph the ur d les ind slr itilh us itercelent twoJ apanel s s tu n t sliui itth and 'Il Dattil- b ehui t o r t Tist s eirs s ush rdstlts i th u 'Iu r.u't's. sii ltan' Iisic et w s it
chani e e-t . w itsthi'efet sston it uhPea-uika.s Theuu tss cusisuulsis -ils andre uio ~ hs n tst'us -irs 1s xcele t Iu t w ss' stl t e f ct r w rhy eat ention of theiis. i 's
1100 sian sAlulehtsoni ghiol e ustls teOftlustav us'dsech ofth ie s ite utro 'nse t ous te qualt ofthhseir 1s gsu rsd Iin tts ~the hif'cotrol. A pits tohi ff c
been doisg s-svir fetul or ni s'etcrsin s 'ithuuu. sericgl to ice th euuerfa l sus 'ort, ustseedsits et's t ain i1 v. 'irclt edS iand 'f tiss it's I ussigne ushi
th l e uss ltt il l40psusu huFishls-iCe i e-to fhilc wuld haveo ar al datit itllsorinarykters psing he u n's o rs f r f' itma koing tirh alllrge raiier fthe cla thths
Isp, letite rcitoreu siitptiecksrusait ee Io e sr ftatmo us spas us s lly b th t acs fosr dii T het matter__faclas_ pary_ was_ tak
Yestderayih at i depig t e lsts tipite i Yolug and, su Wh itlrk lidss er. f san thscsyiig u itdigsind lst iice y ik i ts ts'se ua t het a te ,et fNrS :Jprills Ind ic
th01is even. Inrre sforty-yasurdhue shsu wt s PIco nclud Ce w i . elayiac 11te 1pr t t ks a oistwork vr se at tillss ______Te_ 11_ in"_a
lthe if shouldie uhfdN otr e t e te n ti en to kdtusms._The orea pais l i'ss Renis-its ith ad tsl lerIss fi ts l urg sts inte h~ iltsty , tusc hss
Aleto n liPebeCto, ifferefer adus - eust i f onereu,\ Du I'-ie lst e ue rtiI h a i~ssSlh taffird andlas ur-s'hociforss nd tao ed i hes s issus 7liss );1(r6'sufts ltu
C arrels etrill i h rtase N eo reiis ICfes 'ss f leP tik i te an Dis' llbasktPwhenshetil t s hul s hrussil 'Of'he.h'tilofte l sts'd u
hISsif tayt hol u ght thsa~ t h hsi't 5ittgood eC olinde iifsRag foCn fruie g tsth isba lands h enurs h id iihitrtils- R iN W N U N O A
Chne toe f u th iufsruuuius anli-d cltIusuC' irteu i skeilu. 'hs t th row' s w rce's psisertuss -Cht sh. ssittt'tsssueui i hs stiurtu
Cluchi G a e ls shuld ofIi cuw ut i suftteeesshot tI st OFFER. did i 55115 tno ft ut ors p itso ulhersidei. su ihttt ssi 1151 ~1sti t
lit i Dra er fss N otee D a ume, ssdo ert-ot.. st s H y s p a i gslus c n er ls h's u'mos'teiti iin met' i ng thatlshest
wil avutlhavutPrfss' orhisanl Tynesiis receti vef th an se s invas. ~ th rs ibl sutsbtuu ih it huse u06 la cass has eve experience
frlo d s hls uh i-~f ie exsweihtvtheIl iatutu fuu f oris osi 'IlsayC an A m rocnI ' s r f uu sut t uuls i r sus hs u still } wl uu he u i can
Oret esupshistor'51rittelbipitustudentsPhdslticedent ofitiltsoraICr11a
hutht no itherstiltsi n c n-s layC f h iso7 ikills thi 151iss o d tu u lts i Ii s last, Its titu hee iss
luit li' uura ii h uf t~cieg' sthfe ni e siui furomi Pilder li a sihtI til it is tltts l s
ui g rt r b b lt f h s C ume _b t t e a k d t1 o c-i d t a - t n h g ni m ited Is p Iss -
tillha fl e efnitiiIi rec id fby Manar er anit hepssainfsi t de11111 tool s Come worill thus i juns itoths.iiil i or s-uch pla uh fis sutyeussth. i sitsl'
l'a ." cr . f h h elleust sitilliot.phsief the dliscoif eryi andshe unz- w s usoastho Isouthyu i ormshsustuha hustack "'sr1mde u ei e 'nt st
' u *h with tilt ~~~Iranit itogna.' mta Il'.A I
hea 'sh rkhis ftu hsich iRgamteylight. tu non'( hoif lershittttst ipe rrsitto isls to o lulln h i ri cula'sills )atis ands lems nt suit iss' I acSIt It'
'sihtr 't isbeCussh hu' sitsc hc ssih s itiayi i versi5 t or hs C I sif usuhut-it i1i
e a a 5e c hi an sh ulusak t ' IsusuC s sarshullasuofsthe tutu ItohhIs t lsh itsame 55f thuII atlss tt iiii th Itilt
esh i ve us oints 5if use h lfu M rtu-colet tetudes1. us ' urthi g s Ihe itsmati l ikse hts ussi'sius n r t sf l isu B.t C.ush his s h Wais l s olist mi
hil, ite sod stil l f-ms ile rs wl hy asto hitsforItheu eii Ibokc oth e ilsii ussu-ssI i ie sutsg.usrt
~1'se 'fu~~ uscsuils' sluice te sustut all t ht tartu~s touifthe wholet 'shi ih ie t ed 'hhe lustset'' ' f tl is
reported o e n fxcel st o Sitost. satdlivensicidentt leess s efs sti t h .'isf tletem, i lsthe Oem te i t ood_____n__haun____7___ ,
siltoC FCot uiispu' i e sits teshaositet hutstshThs to the h ions ~ si hup. delare electe N, u s'he I '141tfacI'
'olif r se dtri ned to l l I tilt 5 te fer heslaurcivs1,0 sI he frst al fist' iterissi eu madhis
relyIfsut's 14 XX Sit1 r shfo situe'rslui c dit ion515151ha tilsii hefsie s-isC stC ihtthuse "on ir'%s ytil t Ssi th 'Sw ii's-stesIt1theI
Y, ai sssto Iio f te uil teil r a XXhtist ini''lsC ipohi s i nf t Te halfe wit iafsss utuotbsituts o 111 and'15hii'S tae tiel t ersh Slbe sfo te
antigq ik p sss hc'niot a d vr a y1es pttu s stu msit o h eit ett ng is r l sC fsttas1blllyhsh uilus su I ts s ~'lberu tttcuiisg t tic fct't h a'u t - sit'
'ti e m e wlbegX'ul~ s s Pss in 1r Justl suit 'few otsefuls't issuhe btki h u tsit l ft u i d ns t h e i aXXuustia p sit' -llsts
C8t 'lohutfffistspecJllN '51e thicondtion llhe tstund thl thesuluhJ uuuyu
'ilto lyrSui eit'ti e saey of twIty-irusou a dths e 'oish nthic ask t c' Illc1st. Cs P iP R~ C
e officausrie'is foll whStarsercundred lit'. BrisunlitV peusc
XX 111rse, Si W.NHi1l1 d;asistant ufon stituil h'i.stoyitwSlut's. in- unisotsrs, isutIuieenhidsiutu'sorsss th'the uu ssiwlssito1Ieihtftof it ouhtheeels cu 3 secs-uf'ot
fs~t enig Leon' .War'i andOth(raiti-f.P.SluittlitBhlshssjsuiour'shdstil)rs isere siell ThetFebsuaryt s it ituhlu CIf theUn ises-
f'0rudIt. ffCorsuit thus vicltmsouf thus liiusc.rephrlesuntedlhiy'theirutusuineusfriensdls. sit Sichoshlof '1M ss ssuich'stiltsppered
is ct ]iur 'uttintg si--ICw 'Crerest I hibe-h-t' esssolvesi"Thifthe i0 sseri -_this___week.___The_ nasitsof TIiis A e".
easily a 's'servtinhg posut iorud it it iofthe iitegrity' of the Chiness Sims last ytas i o usits iof theis Ii I-
their speeyuechoer y.srs Tseyfuissedlthe esmirse is fur thi s st intsrests o ii-FZs CVRS PON l Gm f ofsues1silDa i llapes t thes
critles. tui ,e stote dosssitIys uao er uittilt." (Cs up dsebate qitestout ) Af- IIIC If JPiII h. iscait is1thus sesitortshial-iae s ri sn u-
oteerture sitdilltse its tormas andtush la ts J.Xfh IshusIstiey J. P.Prey-shuts.
thItirrespiratuion easy. Thue isoundus ors srC.T. Tiredfgold.h Negatiue'J.JK. fiurectour Fitzpatrick, sosrefereedh he ftsePsebruasri. edtitsiof this Resorsd
tip a's'fwellfromtti lshe bttoinsuandoatis ResnnsrI.. HaliS. Bsrnsi. untserschlastisc meet its Detrosit IFridays'i n iry sit coms u p itohitheus g
they we~recul l eeaniyuhe fltshI stis ex- tenteral iuscussionu siltht~esametutples'- nighpt, wais enthsusiastic siter thus' sork stiandard se st fur thus'maaine, w ich
Pehteshtstilt together Ii inuabout a furl- tiounshby this'society. if Pattersonu, the DetriuitPUniversity appuhears fourutinie s s a5yearitn Novembier,
itl gf1 ''ie susrgeonsu at flue hospsuitl hFirsttdrawinitg of ntumbhisrfoir thus'schooilsihightjutips'r. 'Iftie htter ceaereduFfseb russCs, Aphrilh tutuJsiuse. T'fluebh-
irediet thaltth stiudents wi-ll hue re- cuitdetesussast tfis tueeing. -'Soceiety-theusr it Sfeet5 it uiches, jmittus filsu ruasry Rcordh is charansceriz'edh bythis
leasedfromtuconflineet in bout thre treilltinrissuist hue off hy April 7. hfl otinsuultadtof fromiusMitotas is thus vaieity ndusubreezintesa of ias artilse,
Weeks. John Rudits, President. custfom int the mecets luere. Jitemus antd editorials.