Tve MihignDail
braee lia l~yrcentSoldiers
int,. eot i nc
t>F']; GAME1)1>1 1.*T SET01 ED
1'h 11(1 opc 1 'mi ieof thebase tbn all:,''ile r I lii ii e il ide ls 1tle(
'1 ic r l~ti )roure nt latons forI in iols a d , omet, ilcuh i a lto t
mi a ir 'tl ltii1'"li' lI plns or a000
tl; Iii1 l Iii li 'li e'r 011 11111T lliii'irto ii eplyed betweellti' ti lie
i t1 It t lel 1111eelpIr eet at thattile h e a e a
t1 'c , I
( ayc 1, tn ma e y rh e nnir 0 put off ' lter lim lt dte111 . 11 1 lie
{ l I'ii i s a s 1' sl~, a! a e 1 11to1 1be ip l td . t y tgre .~tle,
Ic1l li i tti n '11e1 u 11
s l{) c i)rllysto ~lth h)wt~rIItI oritlthat 111tlere> III(ib
1 ~l t! 'i e illolI re 1 X)T? }14) ( I i'i 1'4as 1111 th e f late ittof1 all
r 11s1 IiII~o illInterle1ju1ors.ft e }lt<I
No. It
Constantine Stephanoc e xvill,
to Studets at Necu berry1 bailt
Sunday aft.ernon.
t ) t:#tO - 1 ;Iiti'011 >f il,
e11ii l litt' i, ei itt't'i , 1 c )lt
It a s h Iilne f re
,I)lia hel ei asIine olliilt
,ld i ll I,,; e trdYil ll~ riy
Mur i t11 ttin\i it \"e ii' h v a
11.1 '111t- a Ilt~11 1 l 11 a -re'
lailt' ti llnd itthe , -, il l l!
ay p id al 11' e 1)itti le it
l "- n I, c O it ei l I I i tiirti iic
Irri1;L fteroon t 5 'c ick.
\l clrCiii 1l i t ttltc of Lkttveer-
Irl, c tilllgat 8 o'clock.
111 111111 ~ U iers ittndtile Na-
S'ititil imoring at i9 o'iclo.
i I ic ciite.ISlt.ti11. iti
l hutri.
lc Stti l''l ofMosic Qutartet.
iii iielig'cit Secottelce
II liii itac e:n. ea O ' lsay (,i lin larcih 30.
It't'l t''t 't 1 ~t'I~ l1. l~1' ° 11t' l\ Ii (ilt s'st f the c ccs
1, I _ t'.'' ntli It:I! ;m m diii ii lnu e colit r enceXsi'
th1;t il tlts i'Ir~ilt: n ~ iii IMm C itiltitr Halieof thell ivicersity
iniSarir ICaswlell Atngell
Ilt ,ilat;,tt. c 1>% \\1t 1 c i~li, a 5 ,)'lo k, itatnd iw it tile Acaid-
li ,,t t, t lle 1 rs . r ii New Hypohese lof terltheOiegtr
1it ;).il .all Ilit t r '1r l ilii [; n ip it t tl D i 1
Itk'I :szl 11;1 _ ll t a c itil ITh i ce liiirs oft he l ub ii are cc fol-
1+>w, : )resdeit. J L. nyd r, ire's
i't l~idl\ t() i, rillt d b t t at dtn f ll( M . A . .; ice pres-
ltn. 1;Iric L. 'Ta lor cy City
II ""t" t that ii ti t1''lt1 l~mils 1'.Jocelyn, AnnliArbor;
tl'cII~l1' 1o 11 P 1w~er ttiPottic.
"1 lt' cutl e ommitee c it, cof
I'l I' llt)1' tNl~it IIF IY ll", )iii ce I andXX ini ofdd ict, cP ofi
h'F 1'l . xce~r 11111 , ofthePUiersfter n d
St'icill1 . 1 i.tNari , f' Kalpart. ot.
'111,11 1111 liotiltottic ttrottticel-.tAU tlti'
iiSntil illoIci tt it iii no ilswe kte ionclc the cuiqtetoatit
ilef 1:r ;:1tl 1, 1re:ltr iPeLNii itroetlee etoil ,t l r111 vtall n il l (3
itt~~~~~~~~ a1eit f crtl,'NrNoter illt go ttoiii ilul totll 1i11111 0fcw
Bteforeli tie rellac'rbe bailetliatice dyioi h plp eo nt~ctn s
estteli Iiafternon thielti fri i ndu111 tled de t ioosevlt ll tret NI It .
it ills Iroltcirof tie cc ic 11111.'11111" 1
IllIt iii aof Isrb"ore kinu llmbe, ll
wh c i ttl e e r'Ie cel 11i t 11111 'r t iba iedclrs s
1 ld h atter adtinielter we l o teym etoIlsoiionrilll
reire itii ito tie lcl out i te fomtwhich e frn ttedoeVad ill o hia
iat o workit1 tlis'waycoeistel It atI fimti
Ii~~to lheren(,)Iti hisiwgayelistc ted tttlil ill 1111
Iiii ctiii iihi 'wa eat l et war s i igy cell t
cl1icetottttrdiisplyt is'. oe I sein chtleel e rc t ill 1mad1 fr1h1111nr
of1the inCe eitgpro l ittsteid s g tilg < te h n v p y is i>>I ,i t ill a
rhnc oilanditil te lc.'ttteope't«i ctrts snlleeil illcr111t
fouystrdai't prtie t o achr 'Mc1 tle cr, h l iii iii rc of l 1 nis1
- tt itctciStart'itleeisiie hu 1 ii ic i l atd>ltill 11111 I liii
lister gav a liltllspecialertintrolill
tie le1 r 1lee, al e ci IiTa ttherleatdieg ect
candilid tes frlie itt neitial sce -atiterI eiiil '11 t lI T
Nvotlld hi the baleto'theifigt btheman
s is r s itl ftie la rw oudepa thnentshotc i i ist-rui vet rsit111011)ttI i i ci c ilCe
iteet etondittt l it otieretts caerill tme- grtil o b1 ite tit ticd rilt,. tivt~i t to
1 tt. te tt i t d trw.ed e tc e tl s, 1010 T is istil' t, ieiiiiiit vtist ofwill
I(ttB ri ifd e o Krgee llye cciinew mottit -tilclaiv01 itel n i t t ilc''h i sit Cis of1
who hfar tile tiefetse rpis. inlte ee ll t i iteres t tothe elsttilent l l ititita
Iyl nil oturingii setotd Soaee.trftlr
ililfy Vail Dyke-Tollight-Postpolled