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December 04, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…tt* 'Of InL VoL. IV.-No. 59.t DEDICATED TO MUSIC. --I The School of Music Opened.-Ap- propriately Called Frieze Memorial Hail. The new building of the School of Music, hereafter to be known as Frieze Memorial hall, was dedicated Tuesday evening. Prof. Kelsey, president of the school opened the meeting with words of welcome after which Rev. Tatlock offered the invocation. The first address of the evening was A. L. Noble, president of the bui...…

November 04, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-No. 31. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THEY CAME LAST NIGHT. Hers of first, second, and third HAPPY CO-EDS. rruWEnVE GoeMw45 Their Captain Thinks he has a Points were officially kept. But in - A OPO Walk-over, But we Doubt I some events, first and second win- tedy Upesm rlsCRoalsntr it--Several Changes. ers were thrown out, by which the Cae obytedsUpperI ClassANO The University of Wisconsin, or...…

October 04, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…eel ( ; ^ Vf) . IN'.-No. -1. LT vIVEIISITY OF MIICilIGAK, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1893. PRETEECNS PRICE, THREE CENTS. ATHLETICS IN THE U. OF M. Ieago, establishing himself as a corns- TO APPEAR NEXT FRIDAY. Prsets Aogthiie-e ntg man. Clsapman also made an ThatIs theDay when the First Num- ooetsgAloCngidtesLin-ew xelis hwn i h bsle o er of the Inlander will Appear. FootBal Cadidtes--Tack excllet sowig i th dahesfor It will Contain Many Good...…

October 04, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…i .p > "i a r ;_ ; r -a - s ' M. L7, ' Elf -- oL. TV.-No. r V-s. V.-i~. 5. NIVERfSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1893. IRCTREC~o PRICE, THREE CENTS. U-5SF 10. vs. D. A. C. be about tbe same widtb, a little First Footbali Game ofthti Sea-{ longer, witb a wbite cover and a de- son-Let Everyone Turn Out. I sign on tbe front worked in four or five colors, making a very bandisonme Tbe firs footbali gamse of tbe volume. seasoit, wich w...…

May 04, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…fel p ,, F - G ¢ any, { p 4- VOL. III.---No. 1:52. 3Ni yI F 1TY 01'i C1,1I NAK, T .L SZa 1y, MA.Y 4y 11)3. TaasCets PltlOF, Tl--' 4, CIENTS. A FINE DISPLAY. J r1-xhits a'tshe orstCc ul'l I ' xposistsion-itIt s Ii o c # i t t.s -v aSTI~lItvo h:U s1al Wtorkin dis tlas sS Tara OUR15INC OMPARAB'LECLUS Ti the inetonscets "asasst Givi se}, HCoe. ;-te to5II, ls t ,, lt o)I l: t1 b lastter h l'. 11. SIsal 13 a tutu5 t dco'eproximty to the 3'Ag...…

April 04, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…-- r f row All F , . F 7 ! its FYII F ,1(.NO. Cin UNIX EIISSITY (if iI(JGAN, TUESDAY, APIIL 4, VIP. ilaoF" Taiie] : Ciai-s. THE SOUTHERN TRIP. Seven Attractive Games Rave Sec Arranged--Full Schedule of the Trip. favorabsle snetices free Euroupean critics;. Aperopoes to1 Iii' . c1 et 0111111 5' eeeing, s' sl 11,1nt facts will hie of interest: VARSIT'Y FIELD EVENTS. fden Wanted to Train for Field Day,j Msay 20, and tor thle Chicago 'rack...…

March 04, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…1 1 17J ctjj V* V or.. III.-No. 11_0. Tot. hf-No, HP. UNIVETRSITY 01? MICHIIGANh, SATI'1RDAY, MARICHI4, l89 2). RC TEEENS yYRIGE, Tmi EF; CENTS. THE PRINCE OF' DIALECTICIANS.' played for two yearn onz the Detrit j. Whitom b i gh School team, and~ thoroogitly JWhtobRiley's First Appear- aiaoe In University Hall an Enjoy- araiersaoots the art of o rganization. able Event. a iowa II hitcornali Ifata st-"eet- (I y l godsiedAanal aooat appra-...…

February 04, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…Adh tt* of, 0 VOL. III.- \o. SF. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIG'AN, SATURDAY, fOEBRIUARY 4, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THIRTY-ONE CONTESTANTS. The Names of Lontestants for Ora- torical Prizes Have Soon Handed In. Thirty-1ic0candidaisfr h oa toia ontestsil07000ilndcdin 10thir~ Rale o Pres. Oilol hl1~ l c l' 111 o lt, op s t'l 1117 e00 7 l10 ° i 12 '1)11 ,7 1j his 0 ;til'0 oil 1p 7 11000z? <ito gh t a li 0i7:-1111( 05i17i01i and?. tihree _%)101117001...…

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