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March 04, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-04

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1 1

17J ctjj V*

V or.. III.-No. 11_0.



THE PRINCE OF' DIALECTICIANS.' played for two yearn onz the Detrit
j. Whitom b i gh School team, and~ thoroogitly
JWhtobRiley's First Appear-
aiaoe In University Hall an Enjoy- araiersaoots the art of o rganization.

able Event.
a iowa II hitcornali Ifata st-"eet-
(I y l godsiedAanal aooat appra-
i hay aideneinlI. tastac Ha I ll
last ni-rat ' teontlyIfautth ltat acoul
Bou d Nit th enera itmeti
atural 10nditiinao 1110d1,
a )'.Jlc i-d h l oseliattnto
.fthe oadienace , aatandIoalaaaa an11y
a spaaataaaaeaaaasile andi frequenat
aml a Bei arta' otalaaase IDatachla

class atruagg-lesanl-ager Thiorp ex-
pacria to acrosbhIts 1 ii the 'a,.A.,
of 1 )ata oat taa the rahaaIatd akesa thaa
litshmaaatetiams of I11lta2 ,)livet,
1 n115111 to . c i la am,,alIrae
trangeils wit1110 the lahs ('
ilrStclies rat Mr. wildter, tre15'iaaraaj
WAoaalseyatid Gilman, ad Etc.

The One-fifth Mill Ta GetaThenugh
that Boy, But Minus One-Thir-
tieth Mill.
tOtnaamotitf Seator ttMl atatIt-
lini, the hill for a tax oif otne-fiftht afI
at tmill for taeasupport 01ftoei tniver-
saty teat takean from the Seatie table
Thu arsay of ternoon~tt.
-tentaor M'ai hln-tot' edOt
tat' aeitatc acto aut dttald111thea lot
plonen~ta tsthemat ue a a i' 5h
wat edtvItot kill hat 0_to kilit a
Mice z'at i11aolnai t y- am! tlaa
tile, afterwia cnaorta el ai

lttataiatt tut' es at-tel at OaI larit o
r SI' R IN U Ai

aFalk, it InIOl Sweeateart tt 'aetf lli t~la ie tai a voI~r itf tahe ill as aIhoodl
I lc lta Iraier-aai at'tO e-rs ifa- e at0 tal tax lar 7er thnthit etr needls of tte + 101, 103-135t0to~i II m
te hti atla, a awar, espeia I, l ea' -101 a saaaateda natt l i le acaripptlld ,I taeraitys-reqire. lIe sie ttilt tp£ ' D T30 r1i', - 'ILIIICiA .
andrIina the oi l tctool yarat loct
Rie soiia. Iei aturttal. st, N.V. whch lieatltenaded ol)-i th tolfaatil1intadatof a ota-a, - 1oI h landl Strail jh± Qat.-
lcis 1~uris le isittitm a netic. Isotae ifteeti ye-Irs ago, tro a tce aiirtaofiniC oR.'i~
I a a,~ , Iliee tub a aorta~ isac sloatita~ ie efiftehtlta,tanda i Iitn Ittpp art of isa a - i -a i i-t
cutssofanl i it s e Loltc.iI'hertty altallcorsa r-its 'at shlownstlhee a s '; iC ~ 0 it asael -anaal - , iGtll' ARET-TE tlS.
---it t-i'l ell t oIot sp1111ar ityy qaintisayingatantile lst ie s tatn Iarearattttatiaisl to lit te I ealotta
Ai - lIa te1111'" la n ve 'ke ti c op~aa n~it st t itf u th a, it l i lhalit ta tu el a o'11111 itii ttitnttthe,i triea
a iiiya a5o nc-ixhofamil ta; i caged rtat he oitali id,)
elto alist-tra iteratoy aii ari Iandy ha-ta'rtitng a tt interva11011101 lir ale ta t- ak aelfthe freg ilaoure t i--ttti~ ittttr l -1111 itit er ir t ot-
;t tc i a, c' t alin thti iov , Air, to ret. t-aeo ltoi SttTahira"00ettRitchmn a i gh
-jttahi lt toa titadded t otil rt atdttt 1att TiaeoAtIl'S 501'tts aIl-Iltutlrtarrt h rg t
ila 'lat a ii S uth icIlhase opiveathid firs t in tli t o the seilbytor'aca o -h i ~ ed t fat i llad {eti na aatllat ie lrt e antie iie t he st l
Te sitan- oke,1) hertf.-Salp t .tps ic-rt-ti ned s anittth trt aai or a taldaLoffogao-teiltti of a atail Ihia
atail Ilstlatettslael attietibrtuaaa'loutt.the iusiilol$tIeI000 taotilil
_____as _s 'alatiti nd E- y en is ted b I o cty tOaranacarult nIraitaaally raiseal- oseve hatth
iiiby afIa tilce atidiaatieaskaod taltc aroeendsiaofhi3ae-agrtail la cila-al Seataor ittartl---veryl aacktate
ali fdean11 oke h'aliasaus. ro neChadsttl tno tabearatoaclatsd fora tax roil a tx for ofa, i llti byt
Freshl menutulta at ou ia uesp aa tie l" a rautuge atad icte gisaustao r , ta wula be
Twntysoliiitu cIandaeiitshvl xpeoeion. Sh1 -lays withiequalt(puenaatoalut--hy.ala Iam opsedtI
laoi ttl oth Ste r, ltrian bseal I r inets. onot byill.'rt I -a- - toveavea repolia t pra"dtilt ot"
atl t am ul": tlbl r for ana theu som1 'al e Iaaut an ad anlxiapai tlaioaa h staeol-tr
tie Ilie olaer eattreclfit pst " c-athrill-tnc' atal tiuoulhielt thlaeridnsteautionarea o ot P KI NIJ A
tuttisand beirdt heat , fon'uiy 1a nal 11011 oie o getrn n inteth of ail ta-tls t har no e an
slte ooarotltsecnddi hei~rlat s a si Ag tdultio nta otIfIIt
forairtcsha rt-S awy, e a yr, Tu m R ia t, do ee, e Ho d nex a yTW enest a ay d -s eaths amope deand tr e builld as ameof e
aerryIloveyan reeloradoel, jMpingdwanT.horizntal hdsatyerIwspasdbd oe fa oI
Aaesn uanr n ee. ascainsilpeetIsmesinttte ion oeepenlse loleter-.
'Iateieel, lte cap tl a ndavas thap-wtic efat t oeor next Wdnsday- dyp nD.J .Wo e oe
ta oflstya'sAniro D igtInight. oiin f i w ih Iti o ih.
iehoFeolthsem nhihtoereorylai grTearlliaicl alsohedgenerlcassaemidmystafor ato on-of . J. 'T I N7OQAN ,
thats cae insthbe, ay, ann ep-drillhoing heprgrss l tentashicflaweihedw34 pounstbayean
r ie a c e s e l ,,h e do f ig r e thn e i t d b s , tom n d e t o f S n t r t e eM'hth n e s o , C m er , a d T e eu d g e s o t h e c l a ai n g b eF uta n e s i t h o f a l mt i l l
9fad bostIop, Sweranahr, I-ooll, pleerndtWheead.eve en ng.adDetroitnthe1b[iasmende

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