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October 04, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-04

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-- oL. TV.-No. r



U-5SF 10. vs. D. A. C. be about tbe same widtb, a little
First Footbali Game ofthti Sea-{ longer, witb a wbite cover and a de-
son-Let Everyone Turn Out. I sign on tbe front worked in four or
five colors, making a very bandisonme
Tbe firs footbali gamse of tbe volume.
seasoit, wich wilt be played 055 tbe All memsbers of the class are again
atiletic grounds Saturday afternoon invited to contribute anytbing of in-
between te U. of \i. andI 1. A. C. terest in tbe tway of sketcbes, grinds
teams, promises to tie a very close ansI aosthing b-smorous.
sad exciting contest. Tbe D. A. ---
CI has a very strong teanstiumber- Fi--st Faculty Concert.
inlg aniong its nembers such meni as 1i.ft-iO oftelio-roil
Frazer , Sandersono, titigee, anid oilier j lolo i ii ise t i tin
first-class players of experiencee. On cxi t this seasons in N ewberry- Hall
tbcir recent trip to Chicago th~ey this ccciii to. The prograt-esitu n-
playeid a very clioe;aine utbstditteclces sscitnestutbers, anid is as
strong teaa lite Chicago Athletic follows:
Association, a scern svicbinclisded . osc-i i i o r, oPn8 o ' 0, th-tn
some of tbe best old-time players of clie ccci i i insAdeio eut: ciie
sthe eastern colleges. Thte nmake-upti Oit is . ArichSia ot- Ait erm-cc.
of tbe U. of 11t. teanm is not yet AZeile,
definitely decided usposs, but every i-reti-ii ti"
effort still be nmade to put tsp a teasts Si-. Silas tR. Slila
II. chiezo,13B:fla iict (iii l1__--lcoiu
tbat will give tbe D. A. C. mns a Ois- Jesille at. Lcii
close rub. Let everyone turn out IV. a "Summer conlcise;.
and encoisrage te boys by giving -- ---iii-t-i s--op 26,-A.cit oti
them a good send nff. Tihey are (e11-L~etove ste--------- iaiekoiv
Si-s AlitecBly,
dltg everytihingintheisir toswer tu V.F~it-,i ia.-Appsio astaip >:,,-i
fiirtber the interests of atitletics ----- --------- iixels
Itere, and sisccess tbis season tde- V1 " - .tatiSte.Oii A.ALt.Nor
psensiuepoin she hearty antitoy-al (W~ith ViolinOi,esto.)
sipport of tine great body- of Stus ii - hAice bailety-:t~. O, tc
ieitts. Sir. J..Er i, ch :c ol.
A meoetinig of Ilhe football caiodi-
A New Wrinkle.
tates wcas held in rootmt g of te ___
nmain building last evening at 7 A btusiness mseetinog of the Wrinkle
o'clock. B arbour expolainecd differ- board wsas held last nights at whlichs
etnt metbods of play to te sen by officers for te seniester were electeil.
te ise of thse blackeboard, introditc- Wns.. Blleis was electeid nanag-
ing newe features of team swork. ing editor and StatltH. Sntitht, bas-
ness mntager. P~lasns for sloe paper
The Oracle wilt be Issued. swere discussed anid an abusndansce of
siaterial seas fotund to be alreadty at
Thte Nicely--six Oracle bonaril helcd handi. Tihe boardI It.s sitcceecdecd
its firtctietin-a last ni--ht atnd nt- ,itn otic ite tervices of the test

The U. of Mi. Chapter ofS. A. E. Has
One-A Model of Comfort
and Elegance.

,45t550 .5100 emosiusif 4,.. I '


hsouse is to be ready- for occupancy Q I
ont October so, ant il-ttbe probably 1st . Sls5., sc c- 5ei..
woithotsntansy-recetonVi ies eelciteestlusemsoicaltand nil cur faith
wiettihout ites i toiQulityanti:It-f eealin it-"
andi nmost nodsertomnse ownted by s icie t- 1r.
atoy U. of Alt. frrntity-,aticdt e Stin PIit tN0i,-3i e
maist cottveieintly- arratngeci for the
pupotassfor st-iletsit is tintteed. 'N 0 Ti E, i--
tt-oe iiher tooitt-~y. te sre pre-ited to
it is cnstssoal'y- large,ihatntdosmse anidgtoe acxi-s otior-iotithe I iraie OuThtis ity
utiequaled 1i noutl .i ioiioseevrctedi
elegant, andi is completely- trovidted hereand tviiii x - i ii byny Cit- Tai oicei
sitb every' possible inmprove-entest, Cd iij iti ti;.itty ;ltiior. ttic
botis-for consfort and tpieasure. og
Thirteen suites atnd tswo single rooms lt
will acconmnodate ttventy-eigbt men- oY. ;ANN S TREET.
bers, st-ile te apartmnents for the
hsousckecper, conk and otiser sect--
anso are int tine basemnlt. .
The reception roonms, parlors, and
othser roonis on te first floor are
so arranged that tbey- cans all be Artistic Photographtcr, f6 E. HURON ST
throsvn togethecr, and sill nmake one
of tbe finest dancing halls its Ann HOT LUNCHES,
Arbor. Thse bouse ho to by beated Lowney'$ qhocolatte,,
sth sstatocndlighsted by electric -__
ity. Thecre are basis roosms in te TUJTTLES
basenmcnt, atnd also in sloe second "4 48 S. STATE St.
antI third stortes.I
Thse lost-r part of teblisliding iso FIR:ST NATIONAL BANK
of ste and the ulpper alt artistic- OiF'A5N5AOR.
ally shinigled,Itresetnttig a tine at-- Caipit ,u 50,CO. Surpluanio- titai, cii iiitP
cisisctitral applearanoce. lThe itnsieei0-i-tuiicx-iieou.cicandilsol. Leter cf
!credit i-ttoiuii rttc ,eiet--aoa, ,
is so be soost elaborately- finished, rs. mCcii.Pt-i-.. s. t- cc.SoxC-a-liter.
anti fotrnishoediintshle sost lutxurioutsI
style. floe grotusds surrotsnding O H T ~ Z
te house are iluite sptaciotus, anod CLASSES IN DANCING Nvill xu-et as
folow:so,-Genteein, cSlinisay tnocetoi-t to
te meusbers stittlitocitlgeinlthsle lUX tsx- dTiiiisiiay eve-urn u.s -,:30: LdIstx. iStrday
ury- of several teninis coutrts in tiseir cottnciii--.ssTuecst-ay.evenins.cd-iioticl
fou, .3ttiiiard itt-oi. Tiiitit. cne terns,
oswn grousnds. It'velve -got-i)-u$i. Popils reeivedt ittn
Thte local chsapter of Siguta Altpia
Epsilon stas granted a cbarter its STU D - NE TS !
18S9, anti deserses a great deal of cei o h tnigi a t rd tRA3' O TR- n
tainted for so yousng a fraternity, and
tbe msemsbers are to be hseartily con- 5ti ioiy ills fLiMd

withstandinsgsloe hard tinscandi thot
difficulty ini obtainitng atdvertise-
nents, thet-e0its noiutnow 005 st-i
ever oi its publbication.
Tiloeboardolidtoth s~ilng itsregard
so she vacancy canoed by thse resig-
natiotn of Mr.tParsons teytontd ty--
ing the matter on the table until use
next nmeeting. ,Ic. Parsons seas a
Delta U. and Iis fraternity tbinks
that his successor should be a Delta
U. The logic in thsis reasoning is
not remarkably clear, hot thse va-
cancy will be filled by the best man
available, whatever fraternity lie be-
longs to.
The board decided to isublish the
annual in form a little different
than the one of ninety-five. fIt still

artists andtist-iters in te University,
tnii are to lie congratulated upon
}heir foresight in printing teipaper
ulpont a sotuni financial basis. It
st-s deciilecdhI call in all tunpaid
subscriittions 011 stock anldi lhus
start swiths a fulhl treasury. Alutans
st-rc also taken to secure dealt room
and establishs a dosvn lost-I office-
Thse first nunober still be issued Fri-
day, Oct. 03.
The Graduate Adivisory Conmt-5
tee at Princeton, htas offered a cup
wehich will be awarded to the man
securinog the best average distance
made in five pants, and also sloe
best average score for goats from
tile field.

gratulatetd on the elegasnt nest-homse
of whicis they are abootitio take
4For sloe first time in nmany years
Harvard, Yale, and Princeton lint-
fthis year chosen their captains front
tile linteomen. Hinkey and Trench-
ard will unldoubtedly remain in their
old positions, but Waters still prob-
ably play at half-back, where he
still be better able to watch the play
of his meto.

5,soo latnt-; Books at dnc eth.
inens Paper, peritossnd f25c.
Busysthe IELnsT\Vxe-ioxPot-FoAlstPEN.
Blest isnItse otorl-Every sne yoiavanteed
foe teee yeats.
2i0 SouthliState Street.
4 N. Miti . oili. 1-tt House.

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