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October 04, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-04

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_____________THE LI. OF M. DAILY.

IC. of ' fir. 3Jviv.
eu;ihe Oct tx ot setceted) drng
thei~oee yea, by~
Sahaaetpiot pice ieats pee ea, invaiahy
in adeaatee "htape opie3 entts. Subcrip
tions m a eit at the oeteo fthe DittY,
at Seaflete, sthay ofthe ditts at
Cotamunieations hatItreact the otfice
7 e'cloceh. . ift they te ta appaar the ext
lay. Adrtets ttl matte tteded ftat sie-
tou ta the Maagig Editr. Altbasiaes
comuaateattaa shuadttt hetatotathe IBusi-
Ann Abor, Uta.
. A. ttattx GLi '4. stseiscttt
- tletcEdittto.
S. W. Ceets 5 .0G Lt.tt tausiesttttter.
lst A ttttt a Lit ' si slm
s. . ___' i.
W. N. a u; t D~Awe
I,.. P.Caaet 51'04
board reninds is of tie condition of
our lecture assoieatito. It eem to
us that in setca cases it is not beowe
te digntity of eitier party to yield
a little an effect a cotnpronise in
the interest of the associatiotn. The
inevitable result of stcla a condition
of affairs is always bad. Students
are atxosty awaitittg an annoince-
ment of whlat tiey tay expect tis
year from thee lecture association
anti we trust that such annoine-
ment will not be teayed long.
'iteegree of stccess to swtich
thse U. of l . shall1 attain intackti
athlietics euringth ie coaing t on
depends ettirely tpotn the at ount
of itterest that te track mtttthiem-
setees shalttanifest perotaly anti
as a whloe. Last year's tsccessful
field-mseet poptlarized tiis brancht of
sport to stts an extent as tot justify
great htopes for good work te com-
ing season. A nesv maager of track
athletics wilt probably be selected
within a week. No time should then
be lost in making atl prelartion for
a stuccessful fall field-meet.
Tisso Wrinkle Board is to be con-
gratulated ttpons its selection for tlhe
important positions of managing ed-
itor and business manager. These
twvo places are the mot inportant
on any paper anti demantdhat thoe
who fill them should be nmen of con-
siderable experiene. Mr. Bolles,
who has been selected managing
editor, occupied the same place on
the '95 Oracle, and has also served

as assistatumattaging editor of the A School of Journatts.a
DaittY.. t\Ir. Smith, the business
manager also fitted this place on the Th uettyo la niesiyo
95 rat, astltogthe thse seoPennsylvania have recently decided US E S
geetleisas atecetiel tt salingth to establishs a course of journalistic
sophtomsore antnual of last year tile training. Thae cottrse wiii be one of
utst Suctctressfuslthtat has eeer been the brunettes of thse Wharton zachoot A
pttblihtt: . Both are captable andofFncead ctony whe
htustlittg nespapaer nmen, atnd tlaere purpose hsas been to give those in- Ist the LEADING SCHOOL OP BUSINESS
tetsding to engae natwb tinss SHORTHAND. aiictaetit hbulttg;tntne
is nto doti t that sith thsenmat the e aaei ae utesIttetk ellsac lidneat~aditgetttm; ttiypilectttres,
Or Josurnalism a thorotigit knowledge Saudyeeig eetos pn h nieYa
head of titis neswjournalistic enter- alteeptiattal faeititietseeforito tg tuenctsin ipest-
of the principles underlying success- ttons-sthnd raduaates gatateed thett. tivitt
prisetite Wrinkle sill be a pro- cxpenses to$275tper aeek ta pttvatetatailies.
nousee an dcidd scces. ful civil government. An taper- hatrINe catalogue, addries
f_______ enced newspaper mtan, Joseph PB.CER, Pts
THuE entergy shosvn by the editors French Johnson, has been placed at
of thse differenst college puiblications, the isead of this nesv course. Its- TOLEDO
in tihe face of the discouragements structions will consist of lectures, NA
incident to getting advertising at thse Iwritten exercises and practical newes- a%______
present, ih commendable. So far as ptaper swoik. Each student is I\toR H MG"tEA
see are able to judge, the Intiander considereti on thae staff of aa ntma-s 'e bt L'NA' L
andI Writnlle wvhich appear sootn, are inary newspaper,'' to be contdtctedi
maeetting sitihtse stuccess whiichtahley on lte aime trinaciles asth at of Ims
iterit. Ttte tiitg about te iptblica- atty of ttte larger daifies. Sttisalso -
tiotts at thte U. oftM, sahicha is most bolted tht arrangeenlts ntay t Alpena
commnend able, is tite fact that eachs madee by whlicht stuttets saay bte,/
occupies a seitarate fielti anti enters, tentiorarily attached tos thete ff of rN oo~ro
itowsaty, itt conaletitiona siths the the Pihiladelpthia papcre swiltt te 'At I t,
otlher ittblicatiotts. Tihis is a it undterstattting thtat thtey shaull in ito 1 e c tI
sitottlti be andi notes an ativascemtent wise itnterfere weitha the regttlar wv-ge ,~ ~ I
in titis regard at thte U. of Mt. St earners. Ptarticuttar attentioni Io ta, y.- ShY CITY'
lice not been niany years, Z since fac- be given to proof reading, anti to UsKEGOst 5tasaw
tional fightis antong thte rival publica- the mintor detaits of a daily itapter. a atca ops C
t 'r~t's g S ions gave rise to great tdissatisfac- In order that a stutient mtay have a
tiont. Stseas as a resailt of this definite idea of the various mechain-e. OWELL, 5,
disturbed contditiotn that thte I)~ii~v ical dettarttents of the ttaper,' eataesa
was fotunded. printing office will probabty be es Dn 117
St is inmpossile at an institution tablialten in the college. Tise course % 1 ". _ t itatJe /
like the U. of 1I., to comabine cur- weill also include the btusittess d~e- jTt
rent newes matter anni literary nmatter ltartime t ttf tls Italtersticla astlte 'itiit a tnV ss It it . Ii 41%it
m to sof anivertising anti increas- aislita tt.ant -ti tt 'i,,tt t
us nelitblcaton fo ecisnittat-intg thse circnilatiois of the pajter. tn- 'tttttitt
nteitt suffers to a certain extent from struction in bsothi Amterican andE- aa -1 6 4 t.t
the association. It seas not tuntil roipean istory, itolitical scietceand i1. il. a1.i,
the DALi iwvas founeth lat the tiif- its all financial Iluestions of tteclay :-ti , 'i (I a YtTt aiJn, ttit
feesito vsoai etcsfnlyis to lie given. It hsas not yet en o l'Suo t tiecitmi."ux: ~".nTh-it--It
annouincedl sehen tie various courses 1I e .ttcirles it a othi. it title ftiefo
reutdintheetbihmn fte fisrcionaet eoee. ta t tt nth-s ttit
resileil th etabiameit f he f nsttttits reto seotettti ' tttns tttt tttt i:fi??At1o n 'l
Intlantder, outr literary mtothtly. o_____________y_______
[t. S. ,lii 'w()01).ttil Ctttt, IMt A it.
The Wrintkle, the last journatlistic NV.11.i illNNEt'rIi 5l' 'I I e
venture is an outgroawth of a desire
to hsave an orgatn in aehichi to act Ia IDO E~I 9OS
-Yfrhthe .rnnlirnlati m i e ,_ 10 "I l 2. a

'Teother ittiblicatiotnswhichasee
htoteel to lautnch fortlt up~on thse
jouritalistic sea thtis fitl1 was itse
Atuat-si IEeee, buttwhiichs seeare
unable to do at ptresenst, owing to
thse difficulty in getting adlvertise-
menats for it. WVe are obliged to
defer thse tublicationt of use eVmrtitv
but it is tquite probable that publica-
tion itay be begun later in the year.
St swill atppear, thsens, that the
journalistic field at the University
of Meichigan is pretty swell covered
by the several altleso psiblications.
Studentn should remember that
they owe their sutipport to the
journalistic, as well as oilier enter-
psrises, of the university.
Subscribe for the DAILY
now and get a complete file
for the College year.

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Is the mocst effective ,,ndlagree-
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Dr. W. W. Gardner, Stpringfieldl,
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Deiscriptte-ptanpblttfree ottappltceatiotoi
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ety. Flotral designestmade uitnishrtinettie.
No.ltObser'vatiovystreeet, -'pp. cemtetery gate.

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