ORGAIZED1880 INORRORTED 886 Adelphi Literary Program. f
3 E'N HoJI 5-1,ECt IENT. The Adelphi Literary Society has
51 So. I!T ST. tnirecor anod Vaan.r.
EXC- L .0 U arranged the followsing program for
Good.I E°] tttl rslt. Fridlay bnigint: Introductniry remarks,
GodXri, Giiaraneedi. nt'salled foCr F. C. trwin; ctosisg address, Witson
so dmo-ni. F (VRT Po K linger, ttse rctirisg presidest; renm--A ' EC T1
'Iee iniscences, R. C. Camphett; (ehate,'
Resolved, "Thoat douht is a greaterf
22 Years h& i te isana~' incentive to exertion than faith."
CITY LAUNDRY, Aft., S. R. Cook, neg., . 1.V. New-
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. ton; general dehate; critic's report,t
sencotots ACVit or WIH THE W. J. Galhraith. Tis meeting will
+$TATC AVIPG$13A1 b hemldiint Room 4, soiuth wisg. All
Co. a, iin sndl hnlallonStren ii.
A.L t;0~i',co Presionil i' rnPs i'.f, r n''r. mermhers of stse society as welt as
The . & . Priq ~oreothers interested in literary work
Thein i13.55ins& o M oon, lieto e ~are isvited to he present.
GO 'TO The Suit.and its Double. t
Pt.3 zJOLLY Co.'s ( iec-i t 0(iosin
Ahen.he nrnnant ofiea 1-nitsina Gonet
(( ". Si nnioinnnn' le ene 'io .n. 4r fT' ies i" l , - aniong the ceditors ofthsie ('ornell
thitN . DaiiilyIl'pa n Stn caused.byadite over
LADIES' alcrd JEtT S' IU NGE oseana.I
R. E. Jolly & Co., 2'. S. Etate S. tine electiinofo a binessn'n ranager,
__________Cornell i-hasno ISunn eins tineplace
DANCING and DELSARTE noi on \ tiinviitninnniie tine fort
MR S, A itWARD FO TUftohnt oln.Of1 the tno rival dailieo has
6IS. slate . Oreet copyrinntod tine ni tie andtconteints,r
'5,11 tell 55 5 .d.0nn n I t.wfo t i n. . n thner stinlli Coni : nines tee Shinei
an nell.1 t.) 1 'I -( z neIl snn. t. I. ndnner tine sanine (mliiin ailing anndl as
t lI{ te!' ( , I" u. tor nenws, itcnnotnn le neachnent by
n1~iellinbC 11 i nen' tine opponanits' nnopyrighlt. Ivery
Anu Arbor Sowings Bank otne inlterested Inn conllege jounaliss
Ani l1.1.Oi-I. InIll' . I 'Inn- 111 wtitlfmollnnnvtis contest with ununuansa
orvt ize nde ntlI (t1enet i tn u.nyI,
ofi is 51.11t., SKettv, crr: < iiy n iill an ot is It is somaebting elntirety $
toned Slatle,. flle~nlie 11. IIi nlnelr nl e in Iltinefilelnd o.1 college journal- 5
idn iniinntion 1 Sn. i-tn de )lan It;1-
(r I tI I t tl 1 Iiti I n Mll 51.I 'n-n-: \IC D.1 Iin.
11r nn n e r 1: Inns . MIt t C -, 01. .Freiz A. ,hir I lnsimpobablnle that botnSns
will continue tong to stomeand011 cast
The newo Yerkas telescope for the
Chicago University attracts consid-
erahle attestion in tieomanfactire
and liheral arts huintinng at the
world's fair.
Cornell opened thea foot al sea-
son lst Wednesday in a one-iled
game wills Syracuse Univrsty,
winning hy 50 to o. arr, Warner,
and Young are the orly old nen
that are playing with Cornell tis
Thne report that Chicago univer
sity was in straits for money to meet
current expenses to den iedl by
Charles L.. H-utchinson, the treasurer
of that institution, hbut he oaldnit
that tion fInancial ndepressonnohao
eniharrassend the financial affairs of
tine university to a certain extent.
The students of Anert are mak-
ing a ig ifght for tie abolishing o
compusory chapel. 'lineottge
enate recently nnanmnonsy adopt-
ed a resoution asking tie faculty ton
ao net'i acopnlsory oorship. Tie
resi !I insenveetoedt by th pens-
dcni P rot. Bates.
Cnn . ct -n ...- nIuyColwne.ll, N.-
berry all, N1). m
li l
tx., . n-otm 15'. nof si1"1)SiI. i. ii
dr-Noeni Oinnl nall.'noni
RmIirinmn- I wisht to se aSlit
lents woo'have 'noreml ed nicon-
littoies in Rhetoric (Conuse I, r,
nd 2.Ci- 'onsunltationnhionns r
)nlislnc inil. iiAnnocenment.
F. N. Siiii-r.
(7R\\'D OPiERA\. liftiSEl
On onf-m till'eti eS. ilni l. nO s r
isl eilli thiscetly ws pIre'se'nted byl
1t oiliygiht 0m. T tinn 'l-'i rtof5 Ithel
11l goonewn's, mand sNvli nnone. T'eIlayi
5 "i115fro he litofthnat clr ylllilg
ntlinr, G(OI. 1. mnrict, smtind Piuen'
ith sittter lin~es inilfunnssies'sitla-
tinii has inever'btenis preet'dhes.
t is s. great r'lief toi sale itlenlyin
rpreilnI hy 1it liopanly ofcameiansmii
lit kinssw'thi'r hisiness awonoI. lt st
is tf they weren'cavngwo-onS. 'Too
nucs praise ca5 nt Sbe gseiiMasager
lersritt for aSrronding is stars with
els people. Eac nseid11everynmemoer
fthe l'ompaniyistoalartist, an their
ismedy biibiles foith iure and ntiisni
ike lnnglter fr(ons children satplaly.
Csay anything shsit :Muirransid
InsewonnulSb' libleSas it is ie seeng
soe Worll's Fats. YenuCcant tke it all
1 iin is5w'e'kbut jidginsgfromsstlie Oway
se aietlnce laulghed, they were the
siniest gentlemlen eser seens at our
ieatre. In na worid, '"F.innigani's Sll"
s nassured success, aisoain'sg it,anil
woorke of iunquiestionlsie merit. At
ie (Granid (perms 1ouse1, Satsrdaly,
101.1~ 1 rtnin ix I ni ann. i
(im I i m e 1, o 'n 3inn maIt
in, t) m kA nicl
A t lintn navcent allIortn'insi
nt itc n - leni t n-iber Shp,i steit
mnnt~s ai'r esin inndinshamiincl.i
'tnte St. Miiai Store-Wilsey.
Lost onuTVi nonny evening'nmennS. State
street. hetoweaen Alnroe tid .Madison
streets, a goilsowathim othinfot. Fisd-
er please retuirn to D. K. E. house.
$5.00 reward.
L.EARsn T) D.,En-G-rnangr's Acad-
eimy is noswaopen lar the receptiosn of
pupiiils. Oinehtlockwst ft'nives rity
Yai sninin Groit Iflor. i1-
1111.11 used inn ilthel"dlpar-in'n-ntofii
In,'em'nsirs in til'e'nStude'nt' lunat
Store, Mateast-e't n n died 1rices.
i iion C''u s i e iio l, ilt
ani I inerlln' natte - t8IsAmn . des
a ie a ;lt in o'est 1 Iltd o it
in l tiio ., : r -7 n 1!i -tt h
1it o"it.'Mcn, irt H us
SeIner OlimSCen.
Su'ibscriefor tinlt 1ailnter. -O eean.
Koc &n-tn .d flriFniturmimi
( ialr e n, -I tinn inn it f' seailtes
ill i-uinlriitnii mmiiUphonilsteriy, 5V ,s
mntiGo . Mainsteet 7
It Yous oe'sids'esinseylbiy yoii
isw, mnie Iianeil t Soa itSies-
t-nii .w I t etailnunint5
~'in I-' sin 1 -7 nn
ill nl~' lli- ( ,I .
ToP - ar I i nf i~ttm
rininl, ite. han to of csopuis
( iiatiktmini 1aenu tI4cSi
On'il Tle InnmoiniimningOt 5, weI
placed n sa liecdz. tn'naNi'kesarn
-noe vileiI~ oswr- thl'nl ii snslm0oi-
miii 9.01 e do1z.ili'' aii-tInnheoll'. Till
lI n~, ss ^ . e i lcii. t; iiehl(
nutehi'm im I inhstore -3- ltilo
Maol t lo etss'.''hi iii
r-ni miiien hi. l- 1 iis-gi
Get, totint iiyh e ven it1 Sttifi
i-.inouiw non i".n... liiiFalI'll-
Inrinse nowi'riin r'- o p tisenoinrg
stay, (Oet. -). 6 alimlt7. C(ni n drionguti
you mnies indns. IUthepiiMillitery tPar
ons. 57 S.Maintre-t.l, 45
stno li ti-iIl-owssys Ielns-ntlt'l. Genl-
1limnily mtin'diti.
ASsnArmor11 1)1' e iiWorks t 3XW'to
II iriis strielt' Speianl mtteniltinigiven
to c-leil eni nut t'n'artng aitt. lis-
ynours-light stits ndyed'n. 1-7
81S11mse'ispe imrntino n stmie street
Mussic Sore. Wilsey.
Ars. Anmnie' WaidPtenor's dancingr
clmsss. 't'iris: -liesin'sd111gentle-.
men, $51111fnn 12 les-ios;chlmiden'
clas,$11101 Cor 12 tissiiis; Delare.
$3.01tr 12 lessnsn. Lassnsmwsil oil-
mnei 'Tursaly, O(t. at 1511Sntsrday
Oet. 7. It
State St. Misaim Shr.-Witlsy
Fra fist-iclass naal cll lt (iltis's
tlestaisrail. Nto. 2 ,IL.srtn tsi tc17
Ness Laundrliy. Try usiotir the lest
woork ytti ever sass-, Wsrkc dmne is
eiglthSiisrs nun ext rmS clirge. tOtice, it)
T. Huintreset. Works 4751I 11'.
Hurin, s.Telephsone 8:3.
VASTI I V 1', "T
F'. 'E. -5. A.n- I M.
N. m.iii innniI li iite9.. 6,- N. i i is nn.. ICC94
N.V 5. 5i mi it I 11 in.i.. i9 i 45 lns .li . I
AtN.n., i spins iiin s, G.Ill, S-S lnl .. 6 t
1. N. Fx rs...(O
SG. I,. 5spiess. iii I
105.IG. Sim sa, Hii , HS I;:,
Gl. '.&, r. Alt it.d -o. At.. Aim Ariion'.
PRINTING and,.-_
Student Work a Specialty-
Bes ti,nrmen andnLSowes-t 1'iein ishie iy
lSs9'ie''5lNS 55155
sR Cmile I'n Ns AST-.
$2.50 per year.
threir henign anid retfulgentl rays over
the learieditatmostiherenit Cnornelli
lhe Uivoersitiy of Wistconsvinihuas
a newo gymnasium.n
Yamle plays hter first gamne.wth
A'ucsleyane onl (lt. 7.
'thnre asre fifty canitaes for ihie
Itrar fr-in reshma n leven.
Thera re isabsout I50 junisiors isind
75 sesniors ill thsa"ale lawsochtool.
'The Recordt repoirtsltsaelenroll-
msent net the ('hilcago tUniversity as
'Thie freshmns classes of Corell,
Hlarvarnd, Vale annd Princetnnhave
'The Vale facisty are nmaking a
stering effort to raise the standard oit
niglishs in the university.
'The Chicago University is agaisn
in lusck, hnaving receivedl $243,000
in caste fromnltsa Ogden hequest.
Bly a recent decision of the tUnited
States Circuit Court whserehy ltsa
tease of Wisconsiin Cesntral road
to line N orthern Pacific swas ahrogated
the hosnds hald hy the uiversity of
Chicago, donated hy AMr. Rockfller,
deoreciated nearly $rpooo,ooo.