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October 04, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-04

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( ;

Vf) . IN'.-No. -1.



ATHLETICS IN THE U. OF M. Ieago, establishing himself as a corns- TO APPEAR NEXT FRIDAY.
Prsets Aogthiie-e ntg man. Clsapman also made an ThatIs theDay when the First Num-
ooetsgAloCngidtesLin-ew xelis hwn i h bsle o er of the Inlander will Appear.
FootBal Cadidtes--Tack excllet sowig i th dahesfor It will Contain Many Good
Atheletins Eooming. a nesvconser, and should prove a things, and is lta own best
Th eiealpstol o d dngerous rival of the heattlist corn- Advertisement.
branches of athletics as the U. of AT ig season. Many of the members Thse first comber of thse Inlandler
can thus early in the seasoin ie po-o last year's track team are ois for the college year 1893-4 wtill pos-
noonceil more thais promsingL" athand, anal the rivalry in this branch itively be placed on sale this cons-
year tlicligan carriesi avay the afsathletics slioauldt be extremely is,, Fritday. The editors sartdosan-
e:hassaponship ihonoars of tise No(51 l asely. agers hsave siparedl 1o0 iains to osaka
western lantercoliegiate 'Assosciatsiols The NewstRecitation Ruiding. th isnu'catrtvendne-
in tracts athletics astritesan -- estiag to es-cry stuadesat ian the Uci-
tier baseballansalfootbalaitteamass 1 Te w li fteUiniversaty- lias versaty;sald further,sthic aims s
stere easily the fsrnsast coile-ge teas 1heels so phlaenouentlaithtoie past fesv beena to prelpare a maanse thai
ratlit aes. 'las sasas-liaaoglyegairs tiact tile buaildings at the is- shalt be isn geancral maiake-uap, isa con-
boa iarisiosfaceirasaahy as1of lteRegelots avere foasisatenstssald isoaapearance a credit to
tue U- of Ai. shldllotsa ranksh la lasat yeair to be etirely iiandequaate list University of Michigan.
atiltics aviths listbest of -Asricans to accoissnodlateltesnumber ofalas- 'TeIsnlanisder wsill be Iprinsted or
cleeeatanal aest. Froni tre- alenats rollid. Steps aert at once book tapear of good quality and
sent prospects, great lrogress awill tkn n h ectto ulig egt twl hv e oe
be asa lstsyer lasarllis atais-at lpresetitsnier coasatructioas taothe jprintedl isablasetask ons maize colored
tag of liss latly desired position, souath-west Isortion of thse camsptus is ilser. Its fosrmasn szset sill ha
the result. Thhtbiuilding awhen cons-lt sanme as the '-Century,'' i iff-
Of nil branchses of athletics, foist- tleteal will face the tennis courts, per,'' anall teotlier standard oag-
ball is, of course, most Iprominsent stll a frontage of 550 feel. It still azines.
at lpresent. Yesterday's tactuc cons- b baosoie sga ll ssoe T h''le conmpietecontlents of ltar
tatiscal a fih sattasiltof avcsabeisansalattic,anad aill be comspiosead of Octobser numbaler saillbeltefolloat-
lrcscnt being atone Isert alnsg this brcsiliseaa rc aa i nog:a A series of three sonsnets 0n
Ilic.lasacat~liso o ~stcaatilacatriminligs. There still betwlver classical subjects, by Jesse I. Ilor-
thserteationted, three osore pronm- large recitation tomxo f h cinn- an accounot of list findinag of
ineast candiadates nre txtpectadthliss ----- . a thc slltof Soislaicics. hyCart K.

.>1S. tI r.,s Sole Ageta,5
'a sellta isirtaii" a msasctaid nsil o u ds6,
to-as a's l'asityand-a- eD~ii
meii ),%NOiOE-,
-a- ;rehee ossaas Weacare prpa e taito
isass ls si ~wort t i'siiaaat ota is cate
heeadntci elle~id byasitsCiiv~y T a i ai
o u i.,ads ti icaes o'i n -dbygod or ntSr n$ .t (thity 'sasi toa-y
pice di reds . 1?it5 55 to55 5aioi- cssby
.7 AN. S~dRE'.

e Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST
-Lowney's ghocola~tes,

awcek. They arceiBartell, sonecof
P'rinsceton's lnf-baicks tact year, anda
lto candasaites for centcr rash, isaa
I sivcrs tv.
It is at lpresenst soo early- lasgave
assy adtfinitforecast of this sear's
bseabaltlaprospeacts. Bossever, ass-
tercst isa baseblnl is, as it alwtays tans
bseen, taso stronag to laernit of a alt-
clint isa this banschs of spoirt. Inst
y-ear founal our team witisout suaffi-
cienat really gosoatmatcrial tsaput in
the box. Alrenady it cans be sassrc-
tpetitionsosathlistlast isathat respectl.
Several1proinentalaol~lyers as-lit tatos
hansathlis year, chief anion-is whlom
are Hlollister, sat Williams,iBowver-
rnaan of ltst 1). A. C., ansal llupt, a
promninncnt player fromaa northiern
Froass lrtininctions, last
ycar's splendaid showing in track
athletics will prove but a bcginnsing
to what wiii be done along that line
lis year. Tisere are now three mn
hsere whlo swcre in attendance at the
central championships at Cleveland
and at the national chanspionasips
at Chicago, Keep, Chapman and
LeRoy, all menmbers of thse M. A. A.
Keep won both hsurdles at Cleveland
and also lte 12 hurdle race at Chai-

ons lhestecotiatstory- aill tic aslarge
double rooma, sitablc for lectuares.
'ihrce of the roonmsadoavn stairs Ihave
ssiasll hall roomsa attlachead, wvhicha
avill probably- hc asert bylteisa-
structors as private offices. Altlst
raosasssotactn upots a brosad sallvisas-
ninag tiroughsl tecenter of thaetbuilad-
aug nasost its eantire depitha, a ails-
tanace of 75 fcct. Thl'h tscti metha-
oats stilt be usecd its loating antdstvces-
inating, andalnsoabusndance of light
stilt be seccurea thtrouagh ox-er a isaa-
tredat ndastwes'ntywtindtowss. 'Tla
getneral inmpressions convey-tatisilhait
sit uthlity assistconvenietnce, cashier
tlan beauty- or novelty oif archsitec-
tmrl atcsign.- fTebailaing is to be
finishedat ly' July t.
Lecture by Mrs. Chant.
T'he first regular meetitng of that
Unity Clob will take ilace on M~on-
day, thte 16ith, wthen Mrs. OIrniton
Chant, of L.ondaon, still lectusre oun
"Anserica as SeelsThtroughs an ing-
lists Woman's Eyes.''"lTeopening
social of ltecluthwill occur on M~on-
day evening nset. An enjoyable
progranm may be expected and every-
one, bots stranger sad frienad, is in-

Fiedananssarticle onslteForeign48 S. S'ATE St.
Ilmn ofiatt s Neat York City, by 11.
AV. Webbher, ofthe seior law cdoss; FIRST N4ATIONAL BANK
"Wa~iting" it Creedt's Crossing" '' OisaANN'sAihiaR.
story by'atiss 'Mabel Coltons; ''thl at C.,ti isa ass 00. Surpiat a:td id 555. -c
I-a rios Its I l ,'' a tholasahtfai S - i ias sha cbootistt t55, ~end iisold iat.tr-o
sasy asiaaism sianditdalaisn;a, 5 :1 II Cl, i 5'ia'cS. xv. Cr.ARK-S;p's.Cashier.
sktecshsby1Loais A. Strauss; "Sassf
Sounsts ketlachses oashelir.Atlni
seaboiardl, by- 'aiss .'alctI'.Itolms GRM RS AU
P'oessonl variossthemsi bly J. aOat011syxFOR ass a. as s osrsri is.
Raaleigha Niarlou, 1ils s lr.,arset Classes sn Dancing 55 5 1Satudy
Stoclaitsg, IHenry' 'a\'st, Easgesse I.5Ot. 'tt.fic.1ev, ktzaiaanag H~all, as-, ans lia
(tareltsuitArtssarIt Iottits-griauadafloors,.60Maynard Street.
''WhatThecy Dirt itsVacationTa imes," S'['IY EN
a chronicle oh thec waya that summeisr S1~U E T
vacation avas psassed by' that lrofes-
srs satditnstructors oh the Univer- Isastaciat AIIR'S hahrKs'--saI: anda
ally;I a grouhp of thumnsher verses lay' savesrscaley, A faithlhae af L(oo', Me(di-
various popole, tallest 'Lighter c totred ol L lecrsityJ 1'e~x t-Z~ar.-a
Facies;'' a recaord of the sutmmtier 5,00iliak Bocks acI eacha.
at lte University soilthe Ipronsises
of list year just beguna severalpages Lines laper, tier aoundta25c~.
of interesting noles conceerning Ray lteIoEAx''TAAasax I FaivrA I lia-a
5alum1ni;1book-reviests, exchanges, IBest isa te worla- Every oearanttcseed
Inlatnder notes, and finally a ceiling efo rie years.
of qutips and cranks scattered
through the advertisenments. GEORGE 'W'AHR,
The msagazine wilt make a book
of 64 pages, not including the cot- LEADINhGIBOOKSTORE~S
era. Single copies wilt be sold at UNIVERSITY noogairigE.
15 cents. The subscription price l ouhStatt eStreet.N OIN
for list whole year is otse dollar. 4 DOW TOWNt) asSIasaa


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