January 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 1
…Llfjc jKI, of ~n. WaiIjj. \CV '--N0 d U. OF M. BASE-BALL. Noe nthe Coming Base-Balt Teamn. UNIViEli ITY OF MICIGAN, W, casional gause somte day lTuring the week. It swouldl certainly seem that such p~ermissions would do imucth to- It ibsnug I . c ha ah ati. aris stakling the Ctimtolasilsr ntte tat the lU. of i,.,iillitCSI)((- a inrh ratb d f su e t o0n at its sareofois siipportmui colie di t verattsmooth s trustsstiso a1ar etltati0o teI a lsti...…