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October 27, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily o0l.. XVIII. ANN -ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY, OCTOBER.i 27, 1907. No. 30. MIn2rCHIGAN C ONQIJERS OHIO IN GREAT GAME Ohio State Falls Victim to Michigan's Stars Before 10,000 Spectators=..Michigan Held in First Half, Scores 22 to Opponents 0. Dtpitintg her tperformatnce a gaitt blehers were the parltisants of tihe honte Wabash last week. Michigant tefeatedt crush . STe rootitg dtuel, frienttly Ohio State yestertday itt a g...…

September 27, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…V1 VI.ANN ARBOR, M[CICxAN, FRIAY, SFPTEIl IlLR2 27. 1907. No. 4. A$ TYY~n1ETTT1e I Iifullibak. Coach Po-it anutmee WASMUND STARS IN -latnight that he au ht give the twoWIL E A E IT StiamAs115othtler shot scrimmnage tda FIRTbSRIhIMAE ut inafootalltog"t - ito coarse NORTHWESTERN ______rI iltg ast oHaeSrnetTa Varsity Scores Four Touchdowns Dretoieived a itletter e- ast oHveSrnetTa in Fifteen Minutes-Glraham terdayfom ioiDlartnmouth asking for a...…

April 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN\ I E I C-N , NIS. l yl I nnn ,l( RI)\N Nii1()0 7. VOL.. XVII. on. 148,. ART IN COLLEGES [ 11 11[.1; ?~)l HAS NOT THRIVE D 1h' ri li~ itwl ue W. M. R. French 'Talks on Art iniinin iinml it~ 1)',tofitscl~~t 13 't21 4ttii a ilI the University and Gives ILast o l lathu it ii mltii ni 'Tihe linc S. L. A. Lecture. u ol)t tin ninnin\rImmcirn Xii Ili;iSquirei liii r idin ouriiii. . . .ie . iN i n ,* I D n.1 , Mi i llnmii nnnn...…

March 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN AIdBiiI. 11)11 IGAN. \vlFi)NlI 1l.AY, NiNCAllI27. 010. Z 1 t t0{. INTERCASS' MEET WILL cnntconceivvivehw sc iecnC COM~E OFF SATURDAY tlnditowalily lvi cihiltioil cdicl s11 ci clii. NdCt som d i l,, am Finals of RelayRaces, (ym Team chiilrni will hiv equal ight Sii is M Competition aril Fencing Tour- itolthecexercis (Iftheiv Iisc namontwill be Features. -Contrariy to Il l pinil ions. ifindI thatI - alost I...…

February 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDal ANN ARBOR, \lk'H I( \\ \\ I il)i nilAV, ii[ ii \N 27,tjO VOL. XV II. kit _._ I . FRESH-SOPH MEET OCCURS SATURDAY Freshmen Are Counting on Victory -Class Rooting at Meet wl be a Feature ll c n xtS t urday i gh lud tiit met a d i theilt ii rc d n t tnh vill I-it, i l% e ii - io . 'I'l(, o tr\ l~rn . fo til rcg~111111 I~rco i~rtiii ii oflwc. iThen- irc l~ o ii iiiia tt 0 o i'clock. l Iirt o t ii l i t ill hate pieliiii it n ...…

January 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol.. XVII. ANN ARBOR, MR111GA' ANN ARBOR, hlR'fRN;\27, 11)()). . w i . s, . GREET PLAYERS GAVE FIVE-HOUR HAMLET The Second Folio Version of Shakes- peare's flasterpiece Enthusias- ticaly Receied. In the i&;il iiof hearing Sha8kespearein ati('giatlpoutu-selfIment iit, ther in si rialit ion ofthisidai such as 1%ais ini Uivertcsity Ihall i 1rg -iitniuco t'tic. "halt," t i mastrs sitesr-- picw sistgdi thei liza~ sM111cr a...…

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