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March 27, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-27

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The Michigan Daily


ANN AIdBiiI. 11)11 IGAN. \vlFi)NlI 1l.AY, NiNCAllI27. 010.

Z 1 t t0{.

INTERCASS' MEET WILL cnntconceivvivehw sc iecnC
COM~E OFF SATURDAY tlnditowalily lvi cihiltioil cdicl s11
ci clii. NdCt som d i l,, am
Finals of RelayRaces, (ym Team chiilrni will hiv equal ight Sii is M
Competition aril Fencing Tour- itolthecexercis (Iftheiv Iisc
namontwill be Features. -Contrariy to Il l pinil ions. ifindI thatI
- alost I viivk herec thelablinhg CI-i
Theii iterlc iic i et Sturdaitniglt li lvei isu lor, lnot becuse Il% re it-ii
will w tidill) t ii cito r I ca n of 10(7. duletili but 11iiillilii u ic lc i n
iitvv llcik'c aii i beelv plaic(in itheli loni eCnii removail.iii haIke i foundiiiilhe
Th e twill gii toiithe 1clas coriingi hugI i ans rsiciSo i;ll icthe b
Near iandicore clgif c t hi l-iciihlc las ta wi, tep nd at n'hifts,'day a light, «
Xi is o n ick Iciiateigilaicchill lien. iivi iil iilhiicc lit
Anyiiii ii igiiiic i iiciib h hsn tade iic sihoiul noii i nferredi I i however, i
his "S[ irr;;,tccik.tiokt i tubsebal t iacthee iar ino g od it iiiens. ft ti
iand ii t ci pavcrs w oi wart h e car.. i iiV vcl iiiiiand i te i ti e w oe r
cuss. Thg ieiildiiipiiicv new tack i s til s v i v eiiiiiisidv andi enI or1e1,111
asp11 igts adcc iretovu zaic iiilig iti.Iairyad e lu cntet hv
topiiv to viscoveir limate iiiria, ' i'i et bil nc onsii tiructedliv1i iicall ac111111 li
lii ct byvil ciii(liiit i tra c coaclfr 1 The ts I vvgiiol sel icli ing in i
premisinicmtil wiii maylhvidi veloped stilll greater i ui nhersi thisiisiinevitable.ii
Reids the vire lula icir tino e t, edt o ii icc cil'ae sitall aio h
o nte mpeil ii'g cuci i. inlclass htouse iiillneed Ieat liihri fiaredi.ti
gIneariiiil everrunc If che iin lshiap liltllil, l vi rglar gam. o ba. I
adter oftigt heivvv, teai m revi ign111inlliit. wlb l acXdigc vi I ati S tit irovi
pre vcnt iiiod cndctionv, alnewvfcl l ap i l d, c ci t il ic illhe ill ii Im t ice
re l it c iloalyj i le ad.ihe [rn uclinligi ls Thiis iti i firstcli
______contest ill both the fencing tour__ - a ii'11ser i iieslIfIcme thee ci rgctiigc-
In p iyearcvthv iinoo si eul a- Xi( . 1but a lo ito hidve ilic lof hei llii-ii
waviicc cti liii oneiuorlmorcliii limt Ilea lilnc lto,h w iihlilit.c lll
o tich unseviled conitioni ahleic ~iii fTwDiyi re r er
affcivis, Ni ducal l iinst hv ei mpsic bl e, iivthlikiay,11theyviii allow 1111 1111 lii
O gd d ct iloba vib licititoiithe ci ic I gc v h ln -p If thi neii liibe
t livervlt ciiu vc hu sut ci fcci ttevicI i t... cucvw i e ilal l iii i. o ii vc. iii
meeti ci by cinn i u il iacrta i Iti, vi mors cltvr c Viewito4 :theii IIlihii
oiivtha osiicta epitviwmllliteci.flthicteug il cl e iobtained haft vi
he nre il l grci itvc cc thdivided. i , gaIme-1 Iyhet cch lr adicc sItaviies
_c4 nretvhteavtiicyithei ii vv pvg iiichisafi s l iv c sviroinget
i tic uiuiSOCIii GISiTicthanvv haui ii v iv cv tlv ppoised.r vitz Iis ini
iug ctit C Tcii iitt Og ic tuuuci g pl endi iccid or ,an u t vfli ittil mor
civ gglcg wePremiwv s whe sub- lcvc i d in tei st uclss Ml iulnvv one
jes o:vilfromcthye celv rcin t hecc i fthy eiviici wlui vaccsiy iiicrit,, has heii
Ia civil ' ron ona, ndrth painigilivt iihvandtc ill lici lv cvcl
cilois . He dickysedtheigliuihi s c l iv iierbfoeanu i t h i-ii v1 iti l ctilli
iii ccylthe eitaicvvc i c N k illty o teemenvincihemas vvtiI,m]c oficcil cc e
ho ~uln g ia ] he nocic c isby w ic tat-gkl w uiii lvyeficit.iiiiv g ltcc
leatt yig ltdegrvdaton may hcv liiiuc inelgi-le squad ofers so ml_
vibseraino h sa o othe toifuc ivthevui I cc g ifftiiid tc in iiglthecVvars iit liiighu

irtingcthe city. facutyto iigvlntthemivati hortiu Favi erv
}fIt is a precariousi existvnce thct is vcatlioni. AXpittinivcviing 1.775 ig-
led N h cih lilvrn eiredviilhhwiithl- ntuirvschicceenipcin ithyeIhccdis of
tathe advactages of light or air. I hPrsienc Jaynes.-

fay lasue Call For Spring Pratice
Is Pleased With Football
fghtl an i<ii h icmahuh ii
ou~c I~i ::te' illI c idlini11
nii~ l ii Iim it) ;ill he ii ii l oo
hi gh I , c lvI ll till ;III 1 111 ll c id
itirl p ing rali c
civ11i gl H llah , l a c i ct
o hiils \1111i :\ilirIc i [ il', Ii i
1a Lot ligcl N% alui 111Im1 ai li
il c fii' iii aiiiIcisdid o t
te h m ti. ol ''le I li% liil id i tcIi
;liii ii h lt% clihcr nd he w I v I"tclii
(iii i 'm liil I l iiofi cliic- et
iis XII c IX lcdil Xl I 11111 tll
P,1 l1l~ iia Ii Ll. 'h O m cl
:1,11 O l, 1;u aI XX ill km1 ;t, hI I
Ic of the ld bociiami iuii ia
,,l*nc li il n sh o nd ci;hc i
('CllIVI/ ,tea encif\i hicc
Iab le a dc i tk paci( II I " w
Sce~l nci11cnc icl11111 h el f
I loii X tcii l u Xhimcti iil i i of dw
i li 1l ol iivlIhic 5'111 'Iepl
,l l I ii , I :;)oli ocl ock IIca
lu:11orai Ie.cliiliriiihlc rof. I ;.ci \
.I lliolih ii I W li .1i d c v
Iiill I1e I itc iIp
P, (iu '- Iieiciu D iguc ii ivII iliS.P cilo
I~iNljcc ll Paiivcck. ili l i
l'.11 iilli f n t l . \\icil
IIiiin iiiiviuluyii ii IigiSuui

Irofi S. I).Nlcgcvrs
Iic i on .i Profcc. W.ulF,. 11111 la
Xith llcs ini Plant iPhusiolcgyc l1ighta
a Foriiniimiv ullil, IccD. NAlvi
lD iichoi i.

ide Xiuuiu 1,ic Xciiiuv I cii huANNOUNCE TICKETS

}tcli Ii clr~ii
ii fI(I

,° I rt K {I~1 It
I: X ii

lihirr.tit ! I:ill
i. X

11 1w 11ihiiclil II i ll
l~~y~,iii X(tliciuutfii
lv.,1Ii. X. hi

I I ; 1

Nomination:; will be Mari Saturday
--itarris; and F reybuorger Are
Out tor Presidency.
raic. Xirrii n *xcri Iiall, 1
(oiii huta cit I i0w h iIl
11)( i t l illli c tiiituiiiuuI lw vi in
M _'J hi. n l ti i Hall Tliii
,ni Ilrri tiko I, , A Iiis: lI
\I i c , ' i, Ii c in i i , ') .
tilA II. il Xr,1 4 :Irt t " . .1.I Iii
W 01cn 11XInX Xh II iiAl 110-
tai1 lnt 'im r, 1'. l 1 , ,( kc, I (l .A

N I t lil t lt l1crttt
t r '' il t l t I I hi Ct i
ii ili o t- lc I' 'I l
liv Xvltuii liit~j. I

XI l t, t cctl
il r hitt tl I
"iiri Il tc

ill/ //is!orit'di1 01nI
Ir. 11, l>c tr .it.
t ,n <I I + x rt rs1
c c lit f' i) lic t ti+j
A, I,


7t'ts ' ii
Nilcutl I


T h i irl ti lt lii ht' i lt i Il nd r
cdily 1>, "r'oge I iii I lt+ it, i. C m
tl n t Ap el- till'i tut i It ii i
,I th i lc art li ii it hiuttl ii i l d e
whilI i ni he I Ii ~ rthtiii idI toiih
w No riirli - fv% NoIhii th ii tw
e l* Il iiij~ ,d t n lt~ l" b t i

itti i
Xcltcul,: aN

I I K "l;,tr
IIi'1')IY ill
14 P
;ic lii;, it
i<!- Ilis lt
,""1t l'14 l't l't' I (
1 1 \ t t i
1 i{ rn r u 1
11 nnf+,r l.
(>i, t, >i err.

1 1

Xli ( + I il l\ i I , I
M - IA l il h ll
I t . t ItutI ii I',lIi I
I K rr i , th f i i
Myt Xvlii XNi N Mar


I )ct r

I ,Vt' l fXX I i

I tr ll tI <tli i

rcl PI i il
tt , utt, i hit r
"iii u ill i.

1: iO l l l t~
;1ic X w tci l
ii t ll l I " s r

l1)itiitii il l I)('l I il l i
l , It l pupl Ii.ltll
)til.rt i v- thl}i lli iii li
il w t ill, (+tilt lan a
i ill t il ItU 1lC i
.. A . A W . x i

IIi 11 t"ti I ht
lit1 Ilit li1114
t; I il,1VcI ,

cI"(-t1t ' ill I h
d t l I t I ) l)t

l ccl i


itG «Inlciti;vIt illr

ilt 1 ilulihi.
in Iandltv
li i-, ?*I flir

ittcv cuhitOnthti. i l iijtti' I ti fonly
til I ill or t ohv r I(- blls r i
-W ilt lullnig t iar y rq
lmr Iiitutu5 i'h i lit lii crofinhilt I
-< l f v ip iiihrc ie i iml to h i
MI hli men I iii uullfv u c icil liiM -

of tIw .1ti, ' I't I :l i thui takeh
',p I

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