The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN AIdBiiI. 11)11 IGAN. \vlFi)NlI 1l.AY, NiNCAllI27. 010. Z 1 t t0{. INTERCASS' MEET WILL cnntconceivvivehw sc iecnC COM~E OFF SATURDAY tlnditowalily lvi cihiltioil cdicl s11 ci clii. NdCt som d i l,, am Finals of RelayRaces, (ym Team chiilrni will hiv equal ight Sii is M Competition aril Fencing Tour- itolthecexercis (Iftheiv Iisc namontwill be Features. -Contrariy to Il l pinil ions. ifindI thatI - alost I viivk herec thelablinhg CI-i Theii iterlc iic i et Sturdaitniglt li lvei isu lor, lnot becuse Il% re it-ii will w tidill) t ii cito r I ca n of 10(7. duletili but 11iiillilii u ic lc i n iitvv llcik'c aii i beelv plaic(in itheli loni eCnii removail.iii haIke i foundiiiilhe Th e twill gii toiithe 1clas coriingi hugI i ans rsiciSo i;ll icthe b Near iandicore clgif c t hi l-iciihlc las ta wi, tep nd at n'hifts,'day a light, « Xi is o n ick Iciiateigilaicchill lien. iivi iil iilhiicc lit Anyiiii ii igiiiic i iiciib h hsn tade iic sihoiul noii i nferredi I i however, i his "S[ irr;;,tccik.tiokt i tubsebal t iacthee iar ino g od it iiiens. ft ti iand ii t ci pavcrs w oi wart h e car.. i iiV vcl iiiiiand i te i ti e w oe r cuss. Thg ieiildiiipiiicv new tack i s til s v i v eiiiiiisidv andi enI or1e1,111 asp11 igts adcc iretovu zaic iiilig iti.Iairyad e lu cntet hv topiiv to viscoveir limate iiiria, ' i'i et bil nc onsii tiructedliv1i iicall ac111111 li lii ct byvil ciii(liiit i tra c coaclfr 1 The ts I vvgiiol sel icli ing in i premisinicmtil wiii maylhvidi veloped stilll greater i ui nhersi thisiisiinevitable.ii Reids the vire lula icir tino e t, edt o ii icc cil'ae sitall aio h o nte mpeil ii'g cuci i. inlclass htouse iiillneed Ieat liihri fiaredi.ti gIneariiiil everrunc If che iin lshiap liltllil, l vi rglar gam. o ba. I adter oftigt heivvv, teai m revi ign111inlliit. wlb l acXdigc vi I ati S tit irovi pre vcnt iiiod cndctionv, alnewvfcl l ap i l d, c ci t il ic illhe ill ii Im t ice re l it c iloalyj i le ad.ihe [rn uclinligi ls Thiis iti i firstcli ______contest ill both the fencing tour__ - a ii'11ser i iieslIfIcme thee ci rgctiigc- In p iyearcvthv iinoo si eul a- Xi( . 1but a lo ito hidve ilic lof hei llii-ii waviicc cti liii oneiuorlmorcliii limt Ilea lilnc lto,h w iihlilit.c lll o tich unseviled conitioni ahleic ~iii fTwDiyi re r er affcivis, Ni ducal l iinst hv ei mpsic bl e, iivthlikiay,11theyviii allow 1111 1111 lii O gd d ct iloba vib licititoiithe ci ic I gc v h ln -p If thi neii liibe t livervlt ciiu vc hu sut ci fcci ttevicI i t... cucvw i e ilal l iii i. o ii vc. iii meeti ci by cinn i u il iacrta i Iti, vi mors cltvr c Viewito4 :theii IIlihii oiivtha osiicta epitviwmllliteci.flthicteug il cl e iobtained haft vi he nre il l grci itvc cc thdivided. i , gaIme-1 Iyhet cch lr adicc sItaviies _c4 nretvhteavtiicyithei ii vv pvg iiichisafi s l iv c sviroinget i tic uiuiSOCIii GISiTicthanvv haui ii v iv cv tlv ppoised.r vitz Iis ini iug ctit C Tcii iitt Og ic tuuuci g pl endi iccid or ,an u t vfli ittil mor civ gglcg wePremiwv s whe sub- lcvc i d in tei st uclss Ml iulnvv one jes o:vilfromcthye celv rcin t hecc i fthy eiviici wlui vaccsiy iiicrit,, has heii Ia civil ' ron ona, ndrth painigilivt iihvandtc ill lici lv cvcl cilois . He dickysedtheigliuihi s c l iv iierbfoeanu i t h i-ii v1 iti l ctilli iii ccylthe eitaicvvc i c N k illty o teemenvincihemas vvtiI,m]c oficcil cc e ho ~uln g ia ] he nocic c isby w ic tat-gkl w uiii lvyeficit.iiiiv g ltcc leatt yig ltdegrvdaton may hcv liiiuc inelgi-le squad ofers so ml_ vibseraino h sa o othe toifuc ivthevui I cc g ifftiiid tc in iiglthecVvars iit liiighu irtingcthe city. facutyto iigvlntthemivati hortiu Favi erv }fIt is a precariousi existvnce thct is vcatlioni. AXpittinivcviing 1.775 ig- led N h cih lilvrn eiredviilhhwiithl- ntuirvschicceenipcin ithyeIhccdis of tathe advactages of light or air. I hPrsienc Jaynes.- OACH YOST ARRIVED IN TOWN LAST NIGHT fay lasue Call For Spring Pratice Is Pleased With Football outlook. fghtl an ic tr .it. t ,n , "r'oge I iii I lt+ it, i. C m tl n t Ap el- till'i tut i It ii i ,I th i lc art li ii it hiuttl ii i l d e whilI i ni he I Ii ~ rthtiii idI toiih w No riirli - fv% NoIhii th ii tw e l* Il iiij~ ,d t n lt~ l" b t i itti i Xcltcul,: aN I I K "l;,tr IIi'1')IY ill 14 P ;ic lii;, it ii, t, >i err. t+ll' 1 1 lil Ill w Xli ( + I il l\ i I , I M - IA l il h ll I t . t ItutI ii I',lIi I I K rr i , th f i i Myt Xvlii XNi N Mar ti i I )ct r I ,Vt' l fXX I i I tr ll tI