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November 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vot.. XVI. ANN' ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 8511CANVt O V C1 ~R 2ji oo5. No. 33. OBERLIN TODAY IN LAST H-OME GAME Varsity Will Appear in Last' Home Game of Season Today- Substitute Backs will be Used. 'oa, for thr fifth and( latsttime dihr, yea, icig n il lines Il) aganst foallstil rntfromts (hio. This tnei is the 01berlinitrtteandthe itoiii v it- Ioranc o f todiay'sgaims is that it is igat tottihineioni Fer iersld. iTiheOhio te...…

November 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…tP IdICHIGAN t AiL _ co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. Gw. H. Wild Co. 311 S. ytate St. Mottoes and Passepartout Pictures We have just received a fine lot of mottoes handsomely printed in colors and mounted on glass. In additin there are several water colors, Gibson and Chrity heads and bits of scenery, mounted ...…

November 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…-~ SPA[DIfNG'S oFFICIA' AHLEITIC ALMANAC FOR 1906 diltef by JAMES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A. t}. SIALDING C&BROS. see lYork ClitloO Phladelphia Ia ,.vr. itotao Cicinnat i Ivu ao~s City Qant Francisco tO 00 ittolorg Wastimgto l~ otMotrel. Cn. Lodoti, Eg. "dn m ilir c t free to a n y a d d re ss. TOBACCOS i tUSTON BROTHERS zsosto A .W. REED, 312 S. Stt CTE SAVINGS BANK ioh Jtm V. Sheehan N"Modd Dr. V.~ C. Vaugha * t. 'I ado 1E F. Milo ..1. Ky...…

November 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…TrI-INMICHIGAN fDAfLY Hockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVlE' You will fired Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on NightI Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lorobos S. B. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. z I -- . - MWA / -N Magnets that attract PATRONAGE ARE Quality and Price The quality of our Suits arnd Overcoats is, we think, well enough known to require no comment...…

October 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily No. 26. Vol,. XVI. PROSPECT OF AGREE- MENT IS SLIGHT, Little Likelihood of Union and Memorial Committee Com- ing to Terms--More Faculty Opinions. it an ostce n thta s- ice. W ie lu ots uld slut ()f ally rat>i ni e Nvollld it ccll ALBION COLLEGE IN LAST MID-WEEK GAME MhI odist School Conies Today to Oppose Varsity Albion Strong Among State Colleges. Tllc la st lidwselgste )ftl 1w arn 11 ts All i m tcois-s. 's. in. Uit...…

October 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY G.H. Wild Co. M VECHAN~T TAILORS * ' The lrgest stock in th ityof exlusive- styles in Wooelens for iGentlemen wear. Ofi high- lass fabris and 6 5 siecial style 'for sui- denti.i yhi 0aC. H. Wild Co. 0 G,9 hi 0i 311 S. ytate t. 0i F? EARN THE M1ICHIGAN SONG1S in that when the crowd it the sine stats "The Yellow and Bl1r you can sing it through correcty inted of singing the Ii fr ine oa so and guesing at the reit. Gt acopyof...…

October 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…[or Art and Skill in Tailoring Call 01% SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURON STREET TFill' TCiIIGAN DAILY MON[Y LOANUD W. J. LOVRIM Busness Strictly Confidential MEN'S AND LADIES' Neckwear and Furnishings All the Newest Novelties in Fullest Representation may be Seen Here Now MACK (Q CO. . S PAL DING' AHLETIC LIBRARY No. li2 HOW TO SPRINT By ARTHUR J. DUFFEY Pe'iia. 10 ~e-to The best boat ont...…

October 25, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…s3I C IoJ I it 1to U T2I: ( WRIEOS AR' SlsTOREs Only the Best French (ilas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. THEl MICHIGAN DAILY --BUY- JePE il 3 POINXTS' ~"U E ITY 'iu_ yThe distinction that comes from __ '~being a correctly dressed man is yours ---by asking for my mark. And that rriE ~ does not mean being extravagant-my TH EMcreations are reasonably Priced. 1 SPEARHEAD INK RETAINER - SOMETHING NEW 11IL-K CHOCOLATE SWISSmETTS L PRJY/ENT5 LEAKING...…

May 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…VO.The Mlichigan Dail y VO.XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 2,5. 1905. No. 169 A HITTING EXHIBITION. I GREAT ACTORS HERE. UNION MASS MEETING.! ORDER OF EVENTS. "Melly" We.ndell the Stelar.-At Leadintc Roles in Shakesneare Plavs Michizan Union MeetinZ to be Held Interscholastic Friday Afternoon and traction in a Father Loose to be Assumed by Stars- Eliza= Glame of Ping-Pong. bethan Scenery Used. 'Ilemla etll dan il e- N i nirl iie C awly iw i...…

May 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…*- THE MICHIGAN DAILY, fHO" +os + +I TE1ICHIGAN I)AILY.! S pr nglis3'hed6 daiy ( : '.:da ecete)3urngth 1 ai o in Mangig Editor, . STANLEY ALEY. i BsnsMageCA EA.T MPUN 11 4 Athletiii'. ('1--------- . n L j N'.'.'..'... '-----RTR . A POU NDi 4 Fehoges. . .J osep..h Y. Kerr Wo en.............. .Ida M~. rw igg . lu I. t. l i s\\ Elitll its ;I , i THE NEW SPRING WOOLENS ARE ' READY EDIITORIAL, STA FF: 3i3rl A.M, Graver larry H. Andrew! 1. wasite Ja...…

May 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAl .. HART, SCHIAFFNEBR & Sils, Raincoats, Top Coats and Trousers fot spring of 1905 now ready for yonr inspection. MARX Trunks and Sit Cases Yon'll need ott or the otiter. perhaps b oth before leaving town. XYou'il find tihe kintd yon want inl tile Lour, Atedinnm Priced, and thte hest cotistrtucted inth ie ntarket in futll representatiotn itere nit. MACK C(. CO. L UTZ The Clothier, 217 So. Maini St. II «t+f ...Money Loaned... IO...…

May 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…1'? '.ICHIGAN DAILY. 1 / I ANDALL PHOTOGRAPHER I I s yyt" [ y, j w. , .. ' * C 11 r , Study with a Good Light hr i o tter light than THlE WEL.SBACH LEADING LAMP~ N[-W AIRRIVEDI tI' H AlIND.'HAX CAf Wing r~ips10or PlainITes, Miliaryhelors anyd on the lO r u _ vu;yystrxs:'s>tsi i ir iiit lis~sr~s~ca' TIhe Ann Arbort Gas Company. OXF D A. G. Spalding & Bros. woirldTio Ilial .AthleicsSu plv ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLO...…

April 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…I 6 r l a ; I 4 Co) t VON" 0 W~ ti r 'Y .. _ %t f + .. . : .-. . "J. J r .. l nj y -" i ; ~ i ! i f ; . 2 , t ' \ J +;.--"? Q- -- o tz ^. . M. f'r f'. ". . G Li ,:_j Wit M 0 r ___J' - ,___: .=' _ __ _ _ __ _ ____ _ __! ___f' _ O __ t * - * - H,. i j, is y S = -/),r Q C2f c _r_ _ w CI ~ d r- - --- -- _ -_ _ zzZ 43)t J J N G b4 J w ~ "N w f =J. . _ V J I . J I f _ .J ti ! y J J 0 v f J _ zt w O " r . tc s G " w L v C u Xs. 3 . H ,t …

April 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…T IlE h, I I IIG A NDAILY. .. . ...f .of.... THEL 71ClI(AN DAILY. Spring 'aaaa l;.. " " ;Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEV. ' Buiness Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. I4 xhne ......... aaJoseph x.;Y.aKrr KTHE NEW SPRING Atar1 a".'a rrA, aaa.Aa rao WOOLENS ARE .. ASN)1'aA1",S alAga; I f A . a neer la-o d a.'. wrat And the Styles are BU'SINESSaSTAFF) W. Iax arts Ea. N. 'aua..y a1. E etzer A. 1.i us unusually Handsome. - S?- a-ar ---- Ia'taa . Office...…

April 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL HART, SCUAFFNIBR &MARX + MACI & COtS. TEA 1ROOm SoilsRain>coats ITop C.oats and ''rouers lor sparink of tgoA now FOI L.UINC [I L 1N ready for your inspection.F 'E 1 LUTZ The Cohe . Table I'#Iote and rtpan Plan 217 So. Ma'IrxSt. Everything First-Class 2nd Floor ..++I+++++.....+++++# T "'TT 'i.1.f+.5.+++ I. . .. IriO1 F. Y.. r-4Y rli- -.~---N--' - - -- 1i.+.++-++++I.+-+++ + 3 S...-Money Loaned... On Watches.,1Diamionds, J ewclc...…

April 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I ANDALLI PHOTOGKA PH ER 1 K ci: M..-c>tc. K> .' K, a ~" _ 1\ ~Study with a Ther ino ebet THlE WELSBACH ALL STYLES A The Ann Arbor A. G. SPalding &Bros.I Latrest hlotfactts In'tItttte ttril ,f ittll Athetic' Sntlirx ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. G. SPALI)ING & BROS. NEW YORK CHICl(AGO) Made to OrdersandRente :up;dr ul CL : LNd t a I'c;lACKhs & CO ll"t-1ti. SGoo...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…k It 0 I E s ( E , I ; I I ,, iC! ',,, i, -y a ',, o v W ' v 3 W T 1W +I 3 r J G, n . ''. c3 . .., U > w ' .v ' ./ . J /'1 : .- -. f. 1. fi f. f. J J f - .. . .- f .,r + ) /. /' i- I Y~ l '_" J " ... . . _ .' J l J _f, J N J j J r J - r j, s - >, O O r C -77 i. s L Q v^ G b O 4 w rG7 3 0 0 O a C{0 t70 C j 01 I~~f . . .' ' I Y t: t^ r . - { ^ . ; N ( ,- "f a ' ': N r y _ : : . .. r .-. ".-. J. . . , :J *- zn .- C. r 1, . f: h f H . ',, ' 4 - L ...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…1 H NI CIIGAN DAILY * " +4e~* 4 4 + + THE 1-IIC I G- AN DAILY. aal dan e a IiI :I~'.tteAT : .Maaginr- Editora. 71 AilX BY tAililY r Tailoing RIF Mu -~r + A aaa t os __ __ __ __ __ -._. __f .Y k I. D E j New' _ _-- --- -- a-- a.__ L all aC.' OUN f Exc-an 4........- .0OAaaaaa Y . Herr f Waaaaa ............... Ia N1. 1r niia' eaaa-a aI ll aml>, ai mw f al ea twaaa ea aal"a001 aaalarasaaIt i aaaala jalao ,1t ihchacla &a aaaa aaaraa he -a \aaa \r;t...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…TtE hMICHIGAN DAILY ~ [ART SIIAFNdR M RX ~MACK &CEYS, TEARO X "u l s iltlttti pj Coatasnd L4 r1? The Clothier, TbeDRe dfu pen la 217 So.Maiti St. $: Everything First-Class 2nd Floor K+#+++ +++++44 f++ +4.I+++4++ +++ +i+++.t+++ t*++++++++++ + "" "a 4 . e + ++" + w .1 -. r+r 1ie"r"_++". .-. 6- . I...Money Loaned.. W. J. LOURIM ,1. + S Business Stric t.v Confidenitial tNOCH uIL C101L" kabaianc Calls atten ldd d?,-iorcii, t. loffleel it itLw d I A...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…1'2 1 MICHIAN DAIL'Y. ITKAN IAL IPHOTOG(LAPIEHk; WALK- THE WALK- OVER SHOE CO. yStudy with a Good Light t~THE WEL.SBACH READING LAMPI ALL STYLES AT' ALL PICEtiS. 's The Ann Arbor Oias C'tompatN. x$3.50 For Men and Women $4.00 A. G. SIaldio & Bros. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTVS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS C A. 0. SPALDIN(J & BROS. NE1 Y lli5 5I4A PRESIDENT Suspenders* un it' C. 5l. t' srntii ta Mut t 5tttttt".1...…

February 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…Dal VOL. N. FRE1SH IAN-SOPtHOMOI F MEET TONIGHT Battle of Classes lBe ins at S O'clock -- xpert 1figures Contest wilt he \Very Close. ANNARBOR, IC [J-1"IAYFIlthi'ARY 25, 190- NO. rot CHESS AND CHECKER TOURNAMENT Open M~eeting Brought Forth a Show of Interest-~Plans and Aims of the Organization. 1 lt +l~'ll Til-ct~lt; )f ti e > aisi tl) l~c rpr 1, ip l~ il lllii of Os ,) 1a v a l iti M 1 I1llti l slsit l Iiil 1 k 11)il, I \115 l o 11 SENIOR LIT...…

February 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…I ? MIH GAN DA'ILY. ~ ' li 11H lAN 1 A' LV *4 - C 9 * 3 Idail. ,111:.1'.1 11 1~i usns , 3 ill. Iac\.SI; rdN(S*., 1Tlephon 401 * :r 9- , i 3 X 1.I 31 I :1i ill' , NCN a11 1 S W~ateniat ical and 4.ait nsrnet 4 %'drl . t rmdI I s I71r5 i jdill Pens m 1evO4r$t i)Pe 'LI I N I SII[[II1AN O .ter iIYBOkII~i Editor Today-J. EARL.. OGLE. JR. CALENDAR. 'hi IIIld hel (Ca 1 1, Y i Profesor H. L.N 141 I Gpiiicl ) 115 's1 ha : Nv~' Cellular Cx Harr"IngtOn1S'...…

February 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…v.,. . s S. f THE MICH IGAN DAILY. 4. 4+.. +.+4+4.+4-1 . $22.00 OVERCOATSno $16.50 $2.0OVERCOATS ."ow n'$15.00 $1.0OVERCOATS "ow n'$12.00 $-.00)aOVERCOATS Mow$1125 $12Z.00 OVERCOATS r.ow~ $9.00 217 So. Ma i n St. *14 -r TTVT A 7 1 TheCity'sLargst Assortnt r. $.0 pt$20 $1.65 = $2.00() )(0Ll o$20 tSteamer Trunks, Dressing Truinks, Wall Trunks + 4;t~C.1t_'B Nix 0' s -..SONEYi S $1.50 iTO $13.00. - - 1- 1-1 Z, I I + +++++-+ + ++++-+++++++++++it t ...…

February 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…h lOANDAL KroANDALLI P O T O G AP E Study with aGoodLih lTee ino bettiler light llana THE WXEL.SBACH IREADIN i LAMP ALL. S1YLESSAl All PRCES. The Ann Arbor Gas Comnpany. i Wall MAEN __ _ _ _ ___ta t tVtiti otc clii i } t Ritlt~- lii tta ai u ; trQitiiiti Kd-\\sQ y iiki hticr Jfor., Nf1EN A. U. S~aldin & Bros. AlTHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STIRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOOtDS andy MadeTh to rde an Rnte t t11,ICalwl c ...…

January 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…mmo w 0 -t 00 'Jv f 1" f' r f r '" 'I ^ .... .f f --' / - 'J -r. .=. ' u f, '_" "'' i f' , r ' % a f. ,. J . .' y y 'r. lr r ri A .-+ 7=, ;r,' r "- i. rf J- r I. r % t. r t r 27- - "1. . ..: "_._ . , n r u 1. ,, , " (^ ._.. fi r t "f. J1 .._. ;, ,. r r. r "'' r r f .-_ !. r r J. . . . 1' r. 'r. r /. f __, l r, ! f. ti f re'_ H , ' Q 1 _' l r r . Y ._.. r _ 1 ' ; r- 1- r 7 . 1 J. '. r ' f r r. _ .. r r " r r: .., '1. tz O, 0. C), )Ii ,0 )r) 0 :...…

January 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIUiAN DAILY T11F IlCH lO AN DAILY. E ~ E WOULD HAVE Entered assecond-cl,'ass.mateatlthe Ant. YOU T O KNOW :.-+17_Vhi--e' *l3W1ld Phon1 S92:5 nv Pone76. *. That we are doing business at : Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. i Busines nger, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. : OUR NEW STORE 1171) ITUI~S 311I South State Street *Athletics - ------------ Cisee L. Inew * 7News--------------ARTHUR 10.POUeN O Exchanges 5...........os1phV. Herr11 A$ 6 W men ....…

January 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…: Hi MICHIGAN DAILY II +«+I+ +++OI I++* ++InP 4-q 4 a o44 x.5>pg. 3 4i irh fTra de You the inc We always ens. We ll and can se inkS's-per] field's Fine Tailoring G uaran tees... ost skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. carry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ate the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, ; owv you a large, beautiful and exclusve line of shirt- feet fitting Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. H...…

January 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…THIS MICHIGAN DAILY / A'S' ®®' " '1 ' ®'1f* ' . '''' * ' ' '"fM 41'^ ' ,. .'".*.**. " °.i" *..+°*°' -i**;-.t*' '"j'' 'j4. 'i* ' w" Mackintosh'~s lofftee lOc CAIJ(INS 324 So. State January Slaughter Sl :BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! In Men's, Boys' and Children's i Winter Clothinga1 Underwear ,*CUTTING, REYE 'l& GU ®109=11 1 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR WAS HTENAW LIGHT & 13OWER CO 200 11. WA'4ItNcON SI. Collegemen findu grateful degree of I com...…

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