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February 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Dailly X'v XVl. ANN ARBO'('R, 1\lf .4 N, Il VRSl)AV.1"1E14tC',\l3'21, t1007, STUDENT COUNCILMEN Coi~il VIic iot fe i (tl llplii WILL BE ELECTED TODAY fo fte<>, r;ecf lcr>ae-~ f~ Junior L~ts, Laws, Engineers and coie',I c tdn ci liain tiedics Will Choose Representa= 1cccIi ti cappr{ in f at1%irn in rete tives-flany Nominations. ii Oefre >1is° (fth >ld V ,t _-- il elc~it tI Y r~ °, 'er i tlci tcil. ATE TAKES STAND N ATHLETIC S...…

February 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

… AM "VIndE r s W s fli H k:~-- - i w A Ie f,= : c ------ I f , A. 0 U W-1 .3= 2 c1. O ---r -. . ,_._. ...... G M y .. --+ . O rt E"' r---- c3 3 lei Co 0 U 0 U O) z §71i H v O tI h 11 ' R a a a N u u m u 0 -,v a bt M C C ,, t bG r CC =" O C y M ,^ O 4 L f M , " "' M tr. v h N n' y y . be o y y y y d d .f '--' J .-. .. .- "v ....... .-+ 'r: l J . i, J -- .-: .--i J J i. /'1 t' ;l d ., 0 2 Q O ) 0$ y' v PCp= PO .te , PC y 0...…

February 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'AGreat Mid=Winter Sale Lasting, for TEN DAYS ONLY SAC SUITS aid OVERCOATS FORK MEN AND Y OUNG MEN We Muzst Dgo This iOrder to Ma~ke Room ! slf.Jfe For Our Spring Stock STAE&BLER (t WUET WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3..50 FOR MEN AND WOMEN- $4.00 SPRING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED v Some very pretty de- signs for men and women in dull kids and calfskins, also a very conmplete line of patent leathers. Come early wvhile the sizes are comp...…

February 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Byour own Beauty Doctor T HERE is but one method of acquiring and retaining a beautiful, clear, delicately tinted complexion. The pores of the skin must flrst he rid of all im- purities, and the circulation gently stimulated to carry nutri- tion to all the tiny cells and tissues. * Pompeian Massage Cream builds up and rounds out the contour of the face and form by cleansing, exercising, and feeding the skin through and thro...…

March 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol- ..XVII. ANNRMil I, 71(IIG[AN. T I MAR\Y tii GARRELS-COE MEET WILL BE CLOSE CONTEST Ramey and Coe Meet in the Half- Alumni Race Fresh Engineers -Seats Are Reserved. Thei Garels-Cac track meet Satrday poietobth cscst idor cn- teto hr sason . Ii pickigthe l team ti oliect ]tas ])(it it baantic thmso cavtnlitthat, o apetatr at last. heeis co dilercc i thec itumbeir af its that Will Sll ito acit tamtt Ery ,uet will futrt...…

March 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…... eau to tCZ 0 rTf I I II II A III I I I- II IMS I r F++) CD c) 0 0 0 f no s r) n rn 0 tJ r rr. v rr v r--1 td .r. (TJ !.n t1: r M 7 " tD v r 74 t C C'" -t (D J= dR (^ t C .u . lti v; w c u 9 c- r s r n u i d O O - ,-..+ .y 0 a . Clem on t~ 4 C)- ~ r: r- A t C: /.. ~f ..'i tt! i' ,...' C. .. ./ . (- _ y, x C Li w ', t f z U N y T, -' .-- - .- '' .- fr - ; s : o ,r ci w CD %^ ' x ! ;-n w x to ry tL' .-. "" s ' .; . vii -o u) ( ...…

March 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…TilIE MiChiGAN DAIL.Y I t¢ .yam ' n . k yt r t : J i9 h V, R d .J y ~f What Style Clothes W10il You Wear Easter Sunday?) to IS ntone too eairiy to dlecid'etnd get wha t iyoxxwdot ntowx Sitall it be a sitarinsack stttt %Vhit itstyIe oxvercoit wiii you xtear? Of course voo will wxaint gamiert.: that are fasbioniably correct int exery tdetailipetret un fit, anti that took as if toilored to yotur special order No mtatter that you fantyy xx can ...…

March 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…TilE I MICHIGAN DIALY EASTER CANDIES Huyler's Lowney's Allegrette's Oiuntther's Easter "Postal Cards E, E. Calkins, Druggist S324 S. State .Street. ID.. Y.. A. A. M~5 J. RAILWAY Sisicil carp to lick 'ii (-;:o ,.Il. 0 t vr ~ t.)h 1 11ii 8:,;o p. l 1ir lo al iivi to 11ai i 0i t a. lto ) t; 1) 3n , hen t :ii' ; . i '1w )ho r b al ji c toii. ,() 7:15 :ii 311 l t" .[ 1 : it . /P. M. A LA RFIC LOC KS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE, Cnapm lan's Jewe!t ry S...…

May 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…_The Mlichigan Dailly, VOL. XVII. ANN bRBtOR, MICHIGA\N, TI.1SDAXV I:\Y 21 1)07. Nou. 168. ........... . ......... . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . ................ . . . ....................... - MICHIGAN DEFEATS p WILL SOON BttFORMEID ARIMOIJR INSTITUTE Anwdaai raiain ekn will soonse Itolexistence. Ihis is Martin Pitches Good Ball-Sulli- the iprophecy imade yesterdlay by mem- van Gets First Home Run of hers of the Coedylyutb, Freseen...…

May 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHI jAN DAILY. MN anaging IEditor-Psi i SCOrTeT0%iwn / ~Business ha in erCia;. F VINST n. Spllg 6. H. Wild Co. 311 South State Street Engraved Cards for Seniors Our work is done by one c the leading metropolitan en- gravers, assuring you' the latest stles as well as care- ful attention to tie smnallest detail, whichn constitutes ele- gance in engraved work. Price per 100 Cards, and Plate: Script . . $1.25 Roman . $2...…

May 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY College re.Lnd Clothes Are smart enuf to make their wearers look smart enuf for the degree of B. S.--Bachelor of Style. Worn IN every college of the land, but 1/ made so well that they're seidom WORN OUT. / Extreme in style, NOT price. ® 4 A ]Fxll Line of Sprin i Vixderwear f Y y- ,Cooper spring needle porosknit garment, iwo- pieced and union. / / .V.D.ahlti tyekeeleghuno cy7>.and two-piece. STAEB 3LISK( WUERTH ..' , " i ...…

May 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOI ALARfI, CLOCKS The Summer - Quarter, 1907 cs ~ta .° f Cnapman's Jewery Store 206 SOTHI MAIN SELET 10rbr aldLA ns> a<,., ' 204 South State Street THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO_______________________ CALENDAR. M IatI21--Soph mare aenginerardtancatli It's a Barbinrgmnaitutm. FOIVNES Ps ~ d:litatigtitvs.. SNrt'lama That's all you need to know Aly2 asspi h at aterary fid, about a aa 55u W i mar, ity J. GLOVE P...…

November 21, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANN AIRBOR, 'illCTIIGAN. TOJLRSD AYNOVEMBER 21, 1907. N o . VOL. XVIII. No. 5 ! . ... . ....... . EDUCATE BODY AND MIND TOGETHER Brig. Gen. J. H. Smith Thinks That the Interest in Athletics at Michigan Is a Fine Thing. Prominet nmen bare from time to time criticized thte present-day activity of colleges itn athletics. Criticism, bow- cever, is far fromt bring the attitiude of 'it least one of Michigan's promnitent support...…

November 21, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…- - t'WZ ICW!OAW I!AMV - -" - G. II.'Wild Comfpally Thes Largst Stok nuthetCsy of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentleme n's Wear 1rrirIsi rsequ ire or Suits, Overcoats,iFancy NVesting,-,and 'l' sot se;, sand of sigb class fahlo-' sonipecia styt0les"" Foll Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wgild Colipally 3tt South State Street our New V ofM Souvenir Cal en dar fot 5 N sotonosw rast andsswe fetcofidentt tht if1yoittlook it tver vlwill ,tgtee it...…

November 21, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…rTZ MITCi!I1AW DlAMPO Before and after the game LO K O DR VV SFORM SUFPRAGIP @1.1.8 RINKS.INK buyiie U. OF MV. ORCHESTRA A nei,,hsbe called t To load ah LI E A inME equaity or he oganzatin o a "ol-ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own lc eequa sufrag leaue Tesetank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all there andaniMuticians re adc od -leagesav al sfradygeeTn e Theauei coge is to it! No dropper-non mess-no bother. Do it r...…

November 21, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HO0TDRIK Hot, Chocolate with whipped dream Hot Coffee Hot Vigoral Hot Beef Bouillon Hot Chicken Broth l C Hot Clamn Broth ' Hot Lemonade Hot Malted Milk Hot Tomato Bouillon Hot Egg Malted Milk Hot Egg Lem-onadeI Hot Egg Chocolate15 Hot Egg Phosphite ' 11am Sandwich 5c Chicken Sandwich ioc Friedeakes served with Coffee \Wafers with all other Drinks Ei. E. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 Soath State Street. AMU5EMENTS CAtF,,NIDA).\....…

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