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March 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDail \\\ \RIIU, i NI111 8 \r:\, -L\11 I)\N NI R(I . I1 Moi- X. vIi. FRESH-SOPH MEET - STATE LEGISLATORS TAKES PLACE TONIGHT INSPECTED UNIVERSITY Promises to be West Interesting ofN Indoor Season -Senior Engineers ecs sily Sof LargerttAppropriaio Will Try for New R lay Record. tamned by President Angeli. Wha jlt111 t, ~ctit'I1()t tel L1,10hIlist' idL ilaei LLLLL*llilt'I,it I 'LI'V LLI LI i L'LtILLL '' l ti~i il 11t~~i1' ilc tt 11...…

March 02, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…The M"ichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, \IICA IC} \N FRID \Y, NI \R('fI 2,190 JOf'. XVI. No.. 00. CLASS BATTLE RAGING MINUS IHAIR=CUTTING Action of 'Os Lits Ends Ancient "-11"'it 11()It nnt 111as1 I- toff op0o~ff010res ;ere sftiliO'i 'and fl-ele- in danfger for Custon---Copy of Freshman "'110 111 day. Ti lfo'timtne 'infcidenti 'Toast Captured by Sophomores.111a1;1a il- Iil ll yt tecui Ill Silt' '111 1111 'lfli I '-'ll refopecd ilak dtheiufill t l a...…

March 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…beU of9 VOL. . ANN ARBOR, )MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 21900. No. 114. Sprtn FRESH. VERSUS SOPH. ooooer-HI. B. Potter; Clerk of Course FARMER'S INSTITUTE. -J. F. McLean; Assistant Clerks of Corse-Teetzel, Sipp, aTalcott, Rich- Under Classes to Compete Indoor ardon; Track Jdges-Hayes Wood A Ver Interesting Address b Ex. A n o n e e tTonight. Brookfield; Field Jdges-Armstrong, Goernor Luce. Dvorak, Cook; Scorers-Lancashire, At yesterday tmorning's neet...…

March 02, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…Wbe Of ; i i . VOL. XI. ANN AIBOR, MICH., SATURDJAY, MARCH 2, 11201. No. 114 ....our Special Line of.... (CHANGES IN CONSTITUTION OF THE ATH-' Foreign and Domestic LETIC ASSOCIATION FABRICS PROPOSED BY A NUMBER OF STUDENTS PROMINENT INATHLETICS') FOR SPRING ------__- President Verdier Petitioned to Call a Special Meeting to has arrived and is ar- Consider the Adoption of These Changes. ranged for inspection....- We have the largest as...…

March 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VO.XZ. tNTRIES CLOSE TODAY. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THUXRSDAY, MARC'i 2. 190. THE COUNTY FAIR. All Eitriesfor Vars.ity Met Must be Committee Appointed to Arrange for rlied T oday --iarrels Put Sthot Big tavent-Michigian Un iionl and 42 feet"2rIches. oman'sL eague in MNove l Iti l i le ;iIIi ,r i i n e tI 1t .IX i c li f'oft e ) "I- +f }I-t t 1 d -iy' i't tl t, ilt I lel 1 n ill tin nim i Ihr11«ei c~ ~ ~~~~~~~li iilir ii iiiiteic<i...…

March 02, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARIBOR, ITCH., SUNDA~Y, MARCH -,V42 VON OPPORTUNITIES SOPHOMORES h thl i= Na. 1< ... t ,"; T t 51tt O T l }~tt t''-ki 33I lit'(iiil 11a ll aaaaaaaaaaa -1 t t - 1° ': i a' la11 1 " T ai 1 a a1 , S alw ' 1 a rT e e r . '\a laa l1 t1 11'1aa t 0a1!, si l a! ,1,'1sn aa aaaa T aaa a d w , tlli4' :a111 Thati~ at'tw atltaaa l a aa4i't' alaa' aaaI'tahea ya . Naa a a"I v't ~te e 1 a a a atttIlt'iiit~iit,:ilsil ', lI ''" 1'Sit ' n d 'a l l Ta aItt a ...…

March 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…TheMchigan Daily VOL. XIV, ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904 No. 10 'VARSITY ME[[T. CLOS[ [lGHT. PROFEiSSORS UPHE!LD. CHIICAGO L[TT[R.. Many Entries for Saturday Night Con- Result of Election of Managing Editor) Figures Submitted by Professors Ad- Washington's Birthday Prom. a Great test - Fitzpatrick well Pleased of Next Year's Michiganensian ams and Cooley on Railroad Pro- Social Success-First Prom. to be With Showing Made by Men Mu...…

March 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…Th..e Mic igwan Daily ANN R)I.\ IC'l I ( .\\ . 1 ( -F\> . ; V~)Y, Nt\R('l 1 000~t. .to. N ox.. xiX. , z d6. TRACK PROSPECTS PLEASE DIRECTOR Showing of Underclass Athletes Gives Fitzpatrick Hopes--Oe- feat at . S. U. Accounted For. Dirctor I. cn xxFitzpatirick i xarn a Yosit ilicthesei days.kit(ndit i ceasy to gussthe- reaxon. prvideld xii iat- tnddthtii rc-k cph cit-ituxtr la igt'Tie criat traieriiint hapyr beaue hefri-sthen c xxiee %cl b...…

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